Ejemplo n.º 1
static void ioSuppTempOpen(             // OPEN TEMPORARY FILE
    void )
    auto char   fname[_MAX_PATH];

    for(;;) {
        tempFname( fname );
#if defined(__DOS__)
            tiny_ret_t  rc;

            rc = TinyCreateNew( fname, 0 );
            if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
                temphandle = -1;
            } else {
                temphandle = TINY_INFO( rc );
                __SetIOMode( temphandle, _READ | _WRITE | _BINARY );
        temphandle = open( fname, AMODE, PMODE_RW );
        if( temphandle != -1 ) break;
        if( workFile[5] == 'Z' ) {
            temphandle = -1;
        switch( workFile[5] ) {
        case '9':
            workFile[5] = 'A';
        case 'I':
            workFile[5] = 'J';  /* file-system may be EBCDIC */
        case 'R':
            workFile[5] = 'S';  /* file-system may be EBCDIC */
#if defined(__UNIX__)
    /* Under POSIX it's legal to remove a file that's open. The file
       space will be reclaimed when the handle is closed. This makes
       sure that the work file always gets removed. */
    remove( fname );
    tempname = NULL;
    tempname = FNameAdd( fname );
    if( temphandle == -1 ) {
        ioSuppError( ERR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_WORK_FILE );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void scanInputFile(       // PROCESS NAME OF INPUT FILE
    void )
    char filename[ _MAX_PATH ]; // - scanned file name
    size_t len;                 // - length of file name
    char const *fnm;            // - file name in command line

    len = CmdScanFilename( &fnm );
    if( CompInfo.compfile_max == CompInfo.compfile_cur ) {
        if( WholeFName == NULL ) {
            stvcpy( filename, fnm, len );
            StripQuotes( filename );
            WholeFName = FNameAdd( filename );
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
static boolean openSrcPath(     // ATTEMPT TO OPEN FILE (PATH TO BE PREPENDED)
    char *path,                 // - path
    char **exts,                // - file extensions
    struct path_descr *fd,      // - file descriptor
    enum file_type typ )        // - type of file being opened
    boolean retn;               // - return: TRUE ==> opened
    struct path_descr pd;       // - path descriptor
    char dir[ _MAX_PATH*2 ];    // - new path
    char *pp;                   // - pointer into path
    char *ext;                  // - extension opened

    splitFileName( path, &pd );
    if( fd->drv[0] == '\0' ) {
        pp = stpcpy( dir, path );
    } else if( pd.drv[0] == '\0' ) {
        pp = stpcpy( dir, fd->drv );
        pp = stpcpy( pp, path );
    } else {
        pp = NULL;
    if( pp == NULL ) {
        retn = FALSE;
    } else {
        pp = concSep( pp, dir );
        makeDirName( pp, fd );
        splitFileName( dir, &pd );
        ext = openSrcExts( exts, &pd, typ );
        if( ext == NULL ) {
            retn = FALSE;
        } else {
            if( ( typ == FT_SRC ) && ( ext != fd->ext ) ) {
                _makepath( dir, fd->drv, fd->dir, fd->fnm, ext );
                WholeFName = FNameAdd( dir );
            retn = TRUE;
    return retn;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void ioSuppTempOpen(             // OPEN TEMPORARY FILE
    void )
    int         mode;
    auto char   fname[ _MAX_PATH ];

    mode = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL;
#ifdef __UNIX__
  #ifndef O_TEMP
    #define O_TEMP 0    /* Not a standard flag */
    // Unix files are always binary
    mode |= O_TEMP;
    mode |= O_BINARY;
    for(;;) {
        tempFname( fname );
        #if defined(__DOS__)
        {   tiny_ret_t  rc;
            rc = TinyCreateNew( fname, 0 );
            if( TINY_ERROR( rc ) ) {
                temphandle = -1;
            } else {
                temphandle = TINY_INFO( rc );
                __SetIOMode( temphandle, _READ | _WRITE | _BINARY );
            temphandle = open( fname, mode, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR );
        if( temphandle != -1 ) break;
        if( workFile[5] == 'Z' ) {
            temphandle = -1;
        switch( workFile[5] ) {
        case '9':
            workFile[5] = 'A';
        case 'I':
            workFile[5] = 'J';  /* file-system may be EBCDIC */
        case 'R':
            workFile[5] = 'S';  /* file-system may be EBCDIC */
    #if defined(__UNIX__)
        /* Under POSIX it's legal to remove a file that's open. The file
           space will be reclaimed when the handle is closed. This makes
           sure that the work file always gets removed. */
        remove( fname );
        tempname = NULL;
        tempname = FNameAdd( fname );
    if( temphandle == -1 ) {
        ioSuppError( ERR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_WORK_FILE );
Ejemplo n.º 5
static boolean doIoSuppOpenSrc(  // OPEN A SOURCE FILE (PRIMARY,HEADER)
    struct path_descr *fd,      // - descriptor for file name
    enum file_type typ )        // - type of search path to use
    char **paths;               // - optional paths to prepend
    char **exts;                // - optional extensions to append
    boolean retn;               // - return: TRUE ==> opened
    char *path;                 // - next path
    char bufpth[ _MAX_PATH ];   // - buffer for next path
    SRCFILE curr;               // - current included file
    SRCFILE stdin_srcfile;      // - srcfile for stdin
    struct path_descr idescr;   // - descriptor for included file
    LINE_NO dummy;              // - dummy line number holder
    char prevpth[ _MAX_PATH ];  // - buffer for previous path

    switch( typ ) {
    case FT_SRC:
        if( fd->fnm[0] == '\0' && fd->ext[0] == '.' && fd->ext[1] == '\0' ) {
            if( ErrCount != 0 ) {
                // command line errors may result in "." as the input name
                // so the user thinks that the compiler is hung!
                return( FALSE );
            WholeFName = FNameAdd( "stdin" );
            stdin_srcfile = SrcFileOpen( stdin, WholeFName );
            SrcFileNotAFile( stdin_srcfile );
            goto file_was_found;
        paths = pathSrc;
        exts = extsSrc;
    case FT_HEADER:
    case FT_LIBRARY:
        if( !CompFlags.ignore_current_dir ) {
            paths = pathHdr;
        } else {
            paths = NULL;
        exts = extsHdr;
    case FT_CMD:
        paths = pathCmd;
        exts = extsCmd;
    switch( typ ) {
    case FT_LIBRARY:
        if( fd->drv[0] != '\0' || IS_DIR_SEP( fd->dir[0] ) ) {
            retn = openSrcPath( "", exts, fd, typ );
            if( retn ) goto file_was_found;
    case FT_HEADER:
        // even if ignoreing current dir, have to look for absolute paths
        if( !CompFlags.ignore_current_dir || fd->drv[0] != '\0' ) {
             // look in current directory
            retn = openSrcPath( "", exts, fd, typ );
            if( retn ) goto file_was_found;
        /* check directories of currently included files */
        if( !IS_PATH_SEP( fd->dir[0] ) ) {
            prevpth[0] = '\xff'; /* to make it not compare with anything else */
            prevpth[1] = '\0';
            curr = SrcFileCurrent();
            for( ;; ) {
                if( curr == NULL ) break;
                splitFileName( SrcFileName( curr ), &idescr );
                _makepath( bufpth, idescr.drv, idescr.dir, NULL, NULL );
                /*optimization: don't try and open if in previously checked dir*/
                if( strcmp( bufpth, prevpth ) != 0 ) {
                    retn = openSrcPath( bufpth, exts, fd, FT_HEADER );
                    if( retn ) goto file_was_found;
                curr = SrcFileIncluded( curr, &dummy );
                strcpy( prevpth, bufpth );
    case FT_SRC:
    case FT_CMD:
        retn = openSrcPath( "", exts, fd, typ );
        if( retn ) goto file_was_found;
    switch( typ ) {
    case FT_HEADER:
    case FT_LIBRARY:
        for( ; ; ) {
            HFileListNext( bufpth );
            if( *bufpth == '\0' ) break;
            retn = openSrcPath( bufpth, exts, fd, typ );
            if( retn ) goto file_was_found;
    switch( typ ) {
    case FT_HEADER:
    case FT_CMD:
    case FT_SRC:
        if( IS_PATH_SEP( fd->dir[0] ) ) {
            // absolute path
        if( paths != NULL ) {
            for( ; ; ) {
                path = *paths++;
                if( path == NULL ) break;
                retn = openSrcPath( path, exts, fd, typ );
                if( retn ) goto file_was_found;
    return FALSE;
    switch( typ ) {
    case FT_CMD:
    case FT_LIBRARY:
    return TRUE;