Ejemplo n.º 1
// LOCATION: same as above
// PATH: opening, saves, writing, extracting, etc
// Remember the FS function that makes directories?  The one that automatically
// splits up multiple paths and whatnot?  Normally this one looks for the
// slashes and calls 'makedir' accordingly, but now all that is needed--thanks
// my brilliant planning ahead--is to call it once.
void COM_CreatePath(char * path) {

   //Actually, minor concern--did I remember to NOT create the file name itself?
   //Or does boost take care of that?  Well, it'll be obvious one way or the
   FS_CreateDirHierarchy(path, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// LOCATION: NOT the info_write thing that's in common.c
// PATH:
// We make a file and write to it.  The target is the game directory.
// Until I rework the various systems and better know how HL should
// signify which dir to write to, we use this cheap trick:
// The first dir on the list should be the game dir (unless another was aded).
// So just open the file regularly and it'll be in the right place.
void COM_WriteFile(char *filename, void *filedata, int length) {

   hl_file_t *fp;
   char * c;
   c = strrchr(filename, '/');

   if(c != NULL) {

      *c = '\0';
      FS_CreateDirHierarchy(filename, NULL);
      *c = '/';

   fp = FS_Open(filename, "wb");
   if (!fp) {
      Sys_Warning("COM_WriteFile: Couldn't open some file %s.\n", filename);
   else {
      if(FS_Write(filedata, 1, length, fp) != length) {
         Sys_Warning("COM_WriteFile: Didn't manage to write all of file %s.\n", filename);
Ejemplo n.º 3
qboolean Netchan_CopyFileFragments(netchan_t *chan)
	fragbuf_t *p;
	int nsize;
	unsigned char *buffer;
	int pos;
	signed int cursize;
	char filename[MAX_PATH];
	char compressor[32];
	fragbuf_s *n;
	qboolean bCompressed;
	unsigned int uncompressedSize;

	if (!chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM])
		return FALSE;

	p = chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM];
	if (!p)
		Con_Printf("%s:  Called with no fragments readied\n", __func__);
		chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = FALSE;
		return FALSE;

	bCompressed = FALSE;
	SZ_Write(&net_message, p->frag_message.data, p->frag_message.cursize);
	Q_strncpy(filename, MSG_ReadString(), sizeof(filename) - 1);
	filename[sizeof(filename) - 1] = 0;

	Q_strncpy(compressor, MSG_ReadString(), sizeof(compressor) - 1);
	compressor[sizeof(compressor) - 1] = 0;
	if (!Q_stricmp(compressor, "bz2"))
		bCompressed = TRUE;

	uncompressedSize = (unsigned int)MSG_ReadLong();

	// TODO: this condition is invalid for server->client
	// TODO: add console message for client
	// TODO: add client name to message
	if (uncompressedSize > 1024 * 64) {
		Con_Printf("Received too large file (size=%u)\nFlushing input queue\n", uncompressedSize);
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	if (Q_strlen(filename) <= 0)
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with no filename\nFlushing input queue\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	if (Q_strstr(filename, ".."))
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with relative path, ignoring\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	if (filename[0] != '!' && !IsSafeFileToDownload(filename))
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with bad path, ignoring\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;
	// This prohibits to write files to FS on server
	if (g_pcls.state == ca_dedicated && filename[0] != '!')
		Con_Printf("File fragment received with bad path, ignoring (2)\n");
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	Q_strncpy(chan->incomingfilename, filename, MAX_PATH - 1);
	chan->incomingfilename[MAX_PATH - 1] = 0;

	if (filename[0] != '!' && FS_FileExists(filename))
		Con_Printf("Can't download %s, already exists\n", filename);
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return TRUE;

	nsize = 0;
	while (p)
		nsize += p->frag_message.cursize;
		if (p == chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM])
			nsize -= msg_readcount;
		p = p->next;

	buffer = (unsigned char*)Mem_ZeroMalloc(nsize + 1);
	if (!buffer)
		Con_Printf("Buffer allocation failed on %i bytes\n", nsize + 1);
		Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);
		return FALSE;

	p = chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM];
	pos = 0;
	while (p)
		n = p->next;

		cursize = p->frag_message.cursize;
		// First message has the file name, don't write that into the data stream, just write the rest of the actual data
		if (p == chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM])
			// Copy it in
			cursize -= msg_readcount;
			Q_memcpy(&buffer[pos], &p->frag_message.data[msg_readcount], cursize);
			p->frag_message.cursize = cursize;
			Q_memcpy(&buffer[pos], p->frag_message.data, cursize);
		pos += p->frag_message.cursize;
		p = n;


	if (bCompressed)
		unsigned char* uncompressedBuffer = (unsigned char*)Mem_Malloc(uncompressedSize);
		Con_DPrintf("Decompressing file %s (%d -> %d)\n", filename, nsize, uncompressedSize);
		BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char*)uncompressedBuffer, &uncompressedSize, (char*)buffer, nsize, 1, 0);
		pos = uncompressedSize;
		buffer = uncompressedBuffer;

	if (filename[0] == '!')
		if (chan->tempbuffer)
			Con_DPrintf("Netchan_CopyFragments:  Freeing holdover tempbuffer\n");
		chan->tempbuffer = buffer;
		chan->tempbuffersize = pos;
		char filedir[MAX_PATH];
		char *pszFileName;
		FileHandle_t handle;

		Q_strncpy(filedir, filename, sizeof(filedir) - 1);
		filedir[sizeof(filedir) - 1] = 0;
		Q_strncpy(filedir, filename, sizeof(filedir));
		pszFileName = Q_strrchr(filedir, '\\');
		if (pszFileName)
			*pszFileName = 0;

			FS_CreateDirHierarchy(filedir, "GAMEDOWNLOAD");

		FS_CreateDirHierarchy(filedir, "GAMEDOWNLOAD");
		handle = FS_OpenPathID(filename, "wb", "GAMEDOWNLOAD");
		if (!handle)
			Con_Printf("File open failed %s\n", filename);
			Netchan_FlushIncoming(chan, 1);

			return FALSE;

		Sys_Printf("COM_WriteFile: %s\n", filename);
		FS_Write(buffer, pos, 1, handle);

	chan->incomingbufs[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = nullptr;
	chan->incomingready[FRAG_FILE_STREAM] = FALSE;
	msg_readcount = 0;
	return TRUE;