Ejemplo n.º 1
	virtual void ProcessMediaSample(void* SampleBuffer, uint32 SampleSize, FTimespan SampleDuration, FTimespan SampleTime)
		if (SampleSize > 0 && SampleBuffer != nullptr)
			int8 * buffer = (int8*)SampleBuffer;
			int32 test_sample
				= (buffer[SampleSize / 4] << 16)
				+ (buffer[SampleSize / 2] << 8)
				+ buffer[SampleSize * 3 / 4];
			static int32 previous_sample = 0;
			if (previous_sample != test_sample)
				FPlatformMisc::LowLevelOutputDebugStringf(TEXT("FJavaAndroidMediaMediaPlayer::ProcessMediaSample: sample test = %d"), test_sample);
				previous_sample = test_sample;
		for (IMediaSinkWeakPtr& SinkPtr : Sinks)
			IMediaSinkPtr Sink = SinkPtr.Pin();

			if (Sink.IsValid())
				Sink->ProcessMediaSample(SampleBuffer, SampleSize, FTimespan(SampleDuration), FTimespan(SampleTime));
void UBasicVolumeComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	if (m_octree.IsValid())
		// Traverse all the nodes and see if they need to be updated,
		// if so we queue a task.
		m_octree->Traverse([=](FSparseOctreeNode* node) -> ETraverseOptions
			if (node->m_hasChildren)
				return ETraverseOptions::Continue;

			if (!node->IsUpToDate() && !node->IsSceduled() && !node->IsTaskRunning())
				node->m_lastSceduledForUpdate = FTimespan(0, 0, FPlatformTime::Seconds());
				node->m_bTaskRunning = true;

				FVoreealExtractorOptions Options(TWeakPtr<FSparseOctree>(m_octree), node->m_selfId, node->m_bounds, 0);

				if (bOverrideExtractor)
					Options.bOverrideExtractor = true;
					Options.ExtractorType = ExtractorType;


				AddTask(GetVolume(), Options);

			return ETraverseOptions::Continue;

		// Get Finished Tasks
		TSharedPtr<FVoreealMesh> Task;
		while (FindFinishedTask(Task))
			if (Task.IsValid())
				FVoreealMesh* Mesh = Task.Get();

				Mesh->CreateSection(MeshComponent, true);

				FSparseOctreeNode* Node = m_octree->GetNodeAt(Mesh->GetOptions().Identifier);
				Node->m_meshLastChanged = FTimespan(0, 0, FPlatformTime::Seconds());
				Node->m_bTaskRunning = false;

Ejemplo n.º 3
FTimespan TimeHandler::TimeElapsed(TimeCanal canal)
	if (isRunning(canal))
		return FDateTime::Now() - startTime[(int)canal];
		return FTimespan(0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ATimeManager::IncrementTime(float deltaTime)
    if (!bIsCalendarInitialized)

    double increment = deltaTime * TimeScaleMultiplier;
    double millisec = FMath::Frac(increment) * 1000;
    double microsec = FMath::Frac(millisec) * 1000;

    InternalTime = InternalTime + FTimespan(0, 0, 0, FPlatformMath::FloorToInt(increment),
                                            FPlatformMath::FloorToInt(millisec), FPlatformMath::FloorToInt(microsec));

    if (CurrentLocalTime.Day != InternalTime.GetDay())
        int32 leapDays = IsLeapYear(InternalTime.GetYear());
        DayOfYear = InternalTime.GetDayOfYear();

        if (DayOfYear >= (79 + leapDays) && DayOfYear < (265 + leapDays))
            bDaylightSavingsActive = true;
    CurrentLocalTime = ConvertToTimeDate(InternalTime);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ATimeManager::InitializeCalendar(FTimeDate time)
    time = ValidateTimeDate(time);

    InternalTime = ConvertToDateTime(time);
    OffsetUTC = FMath::Clamp(OffsetUTC, -12, 12);

    DayOfYear = InternalTime.GetDayOfYear();
    int32 leapDays = IsLeapYear(time.Year);

    if (DayOfYear >= (79 + leapDays) && DayOfYear < (265 + leapDays))
        bDaylightSavingsActive = true;

    OffsetDST = bAllowDaylightSavings && bDaylightSavingsActive ? 1 : 0;

    // Local Standard Time Meridian (degrees) = 15 * Hour Offset from UTC
    LSTM = 15 * OffsetUTC;

    SpanUTC = FTimespan((FMath::Abs(OffsetUTC) + OffsetDST), 0, 0);

    Latitude = FMath::Clamp(Latitude, -90.0f, 90.0f);
    Longitude = FMath::Clamp(Longitude, -180.0f, 180.0f);

    CurrentLocalTime = time;
    bIsCalendarInitialized = true;
static void ParseFilesResults(const FP4RecordSet& InRecords, TArray< TSharedRef<ISourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> >& OutRevisions, const FString& InClientRoot)
	// Iterate over each record found as a result of the command, parsing it for relevant information
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < InRecords.Num(); ++Index)
		const FP4Record& ClientRecord = InRecords[Index];
		FString DepotFile = ClientRecord(TEXT("depotFile"));
		FString RevisionNumber = ClientRecord(TEXT("rev"));
		FString Date = ClientRecord(TEXT("time"));
		FString ChangelistNumber = ClientRecord(TEXT("change"));
		FString Action = ClientRecord(TEXT("action"));
		check(RevisionNumber.Len() != 0);

		// @todo: this revision is incomplete, but is sufficient for now given the usage of labels to get files, rather
		// than review revision histories.
		TSharedRef<FPerforceSourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> Revision = MakeShareable( new FPerforceSourceControlRevision() );
		Revision->FileName = DepotFile;
		Revision->RevisionNumber = FCString::Atoi(*RevisionNumber);
		Revision->ChangelistNumber = FCString::Atoi(*ChangelistNumber);
		Revision->Action = Action;
		Revision->Date = FDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) + FTimespan(0, 0, FCString::Atoi(*Date));

FProfilerSession::FProfilerSession( const FString& InDataFilepath )
: bRequestStatMetadataUpdate( false )
, bLastPacket( false )
, StatMetaDataSize( 0 )
, OnTick( FTickerDelegate::CreateRaw( this, &FProfilerSession::HandleTicker ) )
, DataProvider( MakeShareable( new FArrayDataProvider() ) )
, StatMetaData( MakeShareable( new FProfilerStatMetaData() ) )
, EventGraphDataTotal( MakeShareable( new FEventGraphData() ) )
, EventGraphDataMaximum( MakeShareable( new FEventGraphData() ) )
, EventGraphDataCurrent( nullptr )
, CreationTime( FDateTime::Now() )
, SessionType( EProfilerSessionTypes::StatsFile )
, SessionInstanceInfo( nullptr )
, SessionInstanceID( FGuid::NewGuid() )
, DataFilepath( InDataFilepath.Replace( *FStatConstants::StatsFileExtension, TEXT( "" ) ) )
, NumFrames( 0 )
, NumFramesProcessed( 0 )
, bDataPreviewing( false )
, bDataCapturing( false )
, bHasAllProfilerData( false )

, FPSAnalyzer( MakeShareable( new FFPSAnalyzer( 5, 0, 90 ) ) )
	// Randomize creation time to test loading profiler captures with different creation time and different amount of data.
	CreationTime = FDateTime::Now() += FTimespan( 0, 0, FMath::RandRange( 2, 8 ) );
	OnTickHandle = FTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker( OnTick );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void FIOSTargetPlatform::HandleDeviceConnected(const FIOSLaunchDaemonPong& Message)
	FTargetDeviceId DeviceId;
	FTargetDeviceId::Parse(Message.DeviceID, DeviceId);
	FIOSTargetDevicePtr& Device = Devices.FindOrAdd(DeviceId);
	if (!Device.IsValid())
		Device = MakeShareable(new FIOSTargetDevice(*this));
		Device->SetFeature(ETargetDeviceFeatures::Reboot, Message.bCanReboot);
		Device->SetFeature(ETargetDeviceFeatures::PowerOn, Message.bCanPowerOn);
		Device->SetFeature(ETargetDeviceFeatures::PowerOff, Message.bCanPowerOff);
	// Add a very long time period to prevent the devices from getting disconnected due to a lack of pong messages
	Device->LastPinged = FDateTime::UtcNow() + FTimespan(100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool FTimespanTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// constructors must create equal objects
	FTimespan ts1_1 = FTimespan(3, 2, 1);
	FTimespan ts1_2 = FTimespan(0, 3, 2, 1);
	FTimespan ts1_3 = FTimespan(0, 3, 2, 1, 0);

	TestEqual(TEXT("Constructors must create equal objects (Hours/Minutes/Seconds vs. Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds)"), ts1_1, ts1_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Constructors must create equal objects (Hours/Minutes/Seconds vs. Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Milliseconds)"), ts1_1, ts1_3);

	// component getters must return correct values
	FTimespan ts2_1 = FTimespan(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

	TestEqual(TEXT("Component getters must return correct values (Days)"), ts2_1.GetDays(), 1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Component getters must return correct values (Hours)"), ts2_1.GetHours(), 2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Component getters must return correct values (Minutes)"), ts2_1.GetMinutes(), 3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Component getters must return correct values (Seconds)"), ts2_1.GetSeconds(), 4);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Component getters must return correct values (Milliseconds)"), ts2_1.GetMilliseconds(), 5);

	// durations of positive and negative time spans must match
	FTimespan ts3_1 = FTimespan(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
	FTimespan ts3_2 = FTimespan(-1, -2, -3, -4, -5);

	TestEqual(TEXT("Durations of positive and negative time spans must match"), ts3_1.GetDuration(), ts3_2.GetDuration());

	// static constructors must create correct values
	TestEqual(TEXT("Static constructors must create correct values (FromDays)"), FTimespan::FromDays(123).GetTotalDays(), 123.0);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Static constructors must create correct values (FromHours)"), FTimespan::FromHours(123).GetTotalHours(), 123.0);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Static constructors must create correct values (FromMinutes)"), FTimespan::FromMinutes(123).GetTotalMinutes(), 123.0);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Static constructors must create correct values (FromSeconds)"), FTimespan::FromSeconds(123).GetTotalSeconds(), 123.0);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Static constructors must create correct values (FromMilliseconds)"), FTimespan::FromMilliseconds(123).GetTotalMilliseconds(), 123.0);

	// string conversions must return correct strings
	FTimespan ts5_1 = FTimespan(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (Default)"), ts5_1.ToString(), TEXT("1.02:03:04.005"));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (%n%d.%h:%m:%s.%f)"), ts5_1.ToString(TEXT("%n%d.%h:%m:%s.%f")), TEXT("1.02:03:04.005"));

	// parsing valid strings must succeed
	FTimespan ts6_1 = FTimespan(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
	FTimespan ts6_2;

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (1.02:03:04.005)"), FTimespan::Parse(TEXT("1.02:03:04.005"), ts6_2));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must result in correct values (1.02:03:04.005)"), ts6_2, ts6_1);

	// parsing invalid strings must fail
	FTimespan ts7_1;

	//TestFalse(TEXT("Parsing invalid strings must fail (1,02:03:04.005)"), FTimespan::Parse(TEXT("1,02:03:04.005"), ts7_1));
	//TestFalse(TEXT("Parsing invalid strings must fail (1.1.02:03:04:005)"), FTimespan::Parse(TEXT("1.1.02:03:04:005"), ts7_1));
	//TestFalse(TEXT("Parsing invalid strings must fail (04:005)"), FTimespan::Parse(TEXT("04:005"), ts7_1));

	return true;
int32 FContentDirectoryMonitor::StartProcessing()
	// We only process things that haven't changed for a given threshold
	auto& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
	const FDateTime Threshold = FDateTime::UtcNow() - FTimespan(0, 0, GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>()->AutoReimportThreshold);

	// Get all the changes that have happend beyond our import threshold
	auto OutstandingChanges = Cache.FilterOutstandingChanges([=](const DirectoryWatcher::FUpdateCacheTransaction& Transaction, const FDateTime& TimeOfChange){
		return TimeOfChange <= Threshold && ShouldConsiderChange(Transaction);

	if (OutstandingChanges.Num() == 0)
		return 0;

	const auto* Settings = GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>();
	for (auto& Transaction : OutstandingChanges)
			case DirectoryWatcher::EFileAction::Added:
				if (Settings->bAutoCreateAssets && !MountedContentPath.IsEmpty())

			case DirectoryWatcher::EFileAction::Moved:
			case DirectoryWatcher::EFileAction::Modified:

			case DirectoryWatcher::EFileAction::Removed:
				if (Settings->bAutoDeleteAssets && !MountedContentPath.IsEmpty())

	return AddedFiles.Num() + ModifiedFiles.Num() + DeletedFiles.Num();
Ejemplo n.º 11
void PlayFabApiTest_GetUserData::CheckTimestamp(const FDateTime& updateTime)
    FDateTime utcNow = FDateTime::UtcNow();
    FTimespan delta = FTimespan(0, 5, 0);
    FDateTime minTest = utcNow - delta;
    FDateTime maxTest = utcNow + delta;

    if (minTest <= updateTime && updateTime <= maxTest)
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("GetUserData: LastUpdated timestamp parsed as expected"));
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("GetUserData: LastUpdated timestamp was not parsed correctly"));
int32 FContentDirectoryMonitor::GetNumUnprocessedChanges() const
	const FDateTime Threshold = FDateTime::UtcNow() - FTimespan(0, 0, GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>()->AutoReimportThreshold);

	int32 Total = 0;

	// Get all the changes that have happend beyond our import threshold
	Cache.IterateOutstandingChanges([=, &Total](const DirectoryWatcher::FUpdateCacheTransaction& Transaction, const FDateTime& TimeOfChange){
		if (TimeOfChange <= Threshold && ShouldConsiderChange(Transaction))
		return true;

	return Total;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void AEscapeBallGameMode::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	// Add time to the total Time
	totalGameTime += DeltaSeconds;

	FTimespan timeFormatter = FTimespan(0, 0, 0, FMath::Floor(totalGameTime), FMath::Floor(FMath::Fmod(totalGameTime, 1.0f)*1000.0f));
	totalGameTimeString = timeFormatter.ToString();

	// Check if player has touched the goal.

	UWorld* worldRef = GetWorld();

	//ADestinationGoal* goalRef = Cast<ADestinationGoal>(goal);

	if (goal && goal->isTriggered())
		//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 0.1f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("Reached Goal"));

		UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GWorld, "LevelEditorQuickStartGuide", false, "");

void FContentDirectoryMonitor::Tick()

	// Immediately resolve any changes that we should not consider
	const FDateTime Threshold = FDateTime::UtcNow() - FTimespan(0, 0, GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>()->AutoReimportThreshold);

	TArray<DirectoryWatcher::FUpdateCacheTransaction> InsignificantTransactions = Cache.FilterOutstandingChanges([=](const DirectoryWatcher::FUpdateCacheTransaction& Transaction, const FDateTime& TimeOfChange){
		return TimeOfChange <= Threshold && !ShouldConsiderChange(Transaction);

	for (DirectoryWatcher::FUpdateCacheTransaction& Transaction : InsignificantTransactions)

	const double Now = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	if (Now - LastSaveTime > ResaveIntervalS)
		LastSaveTime = Now;
bool FTcpMessageTransportConnection::BlockingSend(const uint8* Data, int32 BytesToSend)
	int32 TotalBytes = BytesToSend;
	while (BytesToSend > 0)
		while (!Socket->Wait(ESocketWaitConditions::WaitForWrite, FTimespan(0, 0, 1)))
			if (Socket->GetConnectionState() == SCS_ConnectionError)
				return false;

		int32 BytesSent = 0;
		if (!Socket->Send(Data, BytesToSend, BytesSent))
			return false;
		BytesToSend -= BytesSent;
		Data += BytesSent;
	return true;
FDateTime FDateTimeStructCustomization::ConvertTime(const FDateTime& InDate, int32 InTimezone, int32 OutTimezone)
	if (InTimezone == OutTimezone)
		return InDate;

	// Timezone Hour ranges go from -12 to +14 from UTC
	// Convert from whole-hour to the full-format HHMM (-5 -> -0500, 0 -> +0000, etc)
	InTimezone = ConvertShortTimezone(InTimezone);
	OutTimezone = ConvertShortTimezone(OutTimezone);

	// Extract timezone minutes
	const int32 InTimezoneMinutes = (FMath::Abs(InTimezone) % 100);
	const int32 OutTimezoneMinutes = (FMath::Abs(OutTimezone) % 100);

	// Calculate our Minutes difference
	const int32 MinutesDifference =	OutTimezoneMinutes - InTimezoneMinutes;

	// Calculate our Hours difference
	const int64 HoursDifference = (OutTimezone / 100) - (InTimezone / 100);

	return FDateTime(InDate + FTimespan(HoursDifference, MinutesDifference, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 17
FTimespan FTimespan::FromMilliseconds( double Milliseconds )
	check((Milliseconds >= MinValue().GetTotalMilliseconds()) && (Milliseconds <= MaxValue().GetTotalMilliseconds()));

	return FTimespan(Milliseconds * ETimespan::TicksPerMillisecond);
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool FDateTime::ParseIso8601( const TCHAR* DateTimeString, FDateTime& OutDateTime )
	// DateOnly: YYYY-MM-DD
	// DateTime: YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS(.ssss)(Z|+th:tm|-th:tm)

	const TCHAR* Ptr = DateTimeString;
	TCHAR* Next = nullptr;

	int32 Year = 0, Month = 0, Day = 0;
	int32 Hour = 0, Minute = 0, Second = 0, Millisecond = 0;
	int32 TzHour = 0, TzMinute = 0;

	// get date
	Year = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

	if ((Next <= Ptr) || (*Next == TCHAR('\0')))
		return false;

	Ptr = Next + 1; // skip separator
	Month = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

	if ((Next <= Ptr) || (*Next == TCHAR('\0')))
		return false;

	Ptr = Next + 1; // skip separator
	Day = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

	if (Next <= Ptr)
		return false;

	// see if this is date+time
	if (*Next == TCHAR('T'))
		Ptr = Next + 1;

		// parse time
		Hour = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

		if ((Next <= Ptr) || (*Next == TCHAR('\0')))
			return false;

		Ptr = Next + 1; // skip separator
		Minute = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

		if ((Next <= Ptr) || (*Next == TCHAR('\0')))
			return false;

		Ptr = Next + 1; // skip separator
		Second = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

		if (Next <= Ptr)
			return false;

		// check for milliseconds
		if (*Next == TCHAR('.'))
			Ptr = Next + 1;
			Millisecond = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

			// should be no more than 3 digits
			if ((Next <= Ptr) || (Next > Ptr + 3))
				return false;

			for (int32 Digits = Next - Ptr; Digits < 3; ++Digits)
				Millisecond *= 10;

		// see if the timezone offset is included
		if (*Next == TCHAR('+') || *Next == TCHAR('-'))
			// include the separator since it's + or -
			Ptr = Next;

			// parse the timezone offset
			TzHour = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

			if ((Next <= Ptr) || (*Next == TCHAR('\0')))
				return false;

			Ptr = Next + 1; // skip separator
			TzMinute = FCString::Strtoi(Ptr, &Next, 10);

			if (Next <= Ptr)
				return false;
		else if ((*Next != TCHAR('\0')) && (*Next != TCHAR('Z')))
			return false;
	else if (*Next != TCHAR('\0'))
		return false;

	FDateTime Final(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond);

	// adjust for the timezone (bringing the DateTime into UTC)
	int32 TzOffsetMinutes = (TzHour < 0) ? TzHour * 60 - TzMinute : TzHour * 60 + TzMinute;
	Final -= FTimespan(0, TzOffsetMinutes, 0);
	OutDateTime = Final;

	return true;
void UPagedVolumeComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	// Check what chunks should be loaded.

	// TODO: 

	// Loop and create new tasks if required.
	for (TSharedPtr<FPagedVolumeChunk> Chunk : ArrayChunks)
		if (Chunk->m_octree.IsValid())
			// Traverse all the nodes and see if they need to be updated,
			// if so we queue a task.
			Chunk->m_octree->Traverse([=](FSparseOctreeNode* Node) -> ETraverseOptions
				if (Node->m_hasChildren)
					return ETraverseOptions::Continue;

				if (!Node->IsUpToDate() && !Node->IsSceduled() && !Node->IsTaskRunning())
					Node->m_lastSceduledForUpdate = FTimespan(0, 0, FPlatformTime::Seconds());
					Node->m_bTaskRunning = true;

					FVoreealExtractorOptions Options(Chunk->m_octree, Node->m_selfId, Node->m_bounds, 0);


					AddTask(Volume, Options);

				return ETraverseOptions::Continue;

	// Get Finished Tasks
	TSharedPtr<FVoreealMesh> Task;
	while (FindFinishedTask(Task))
		if (Task.IsValid())
			// Get the task result
			FVoreealMesh* Mesh = Task.Get();
			FVoreealExtractorOptions Options = Mesh->GetOptions();

			const uint32 LocationHash = MortonHash(Options.PagedIdentifier.X, Options.PagedIdentifier.Y, Options.PagedIdentifier.Z);

			// Get the procedural mesh component 
			UProceduralMeshComponent* MComponent = nullptr;
			if (ProceduralMeshComponents.Contains(LocationHash))
				MComponent = ProceduralMeshComponents[LocationHash];

			if (MComponent == nullptr)
				MComponent = NewObject<UProceduralMeshComponent>();
				MComponent->AttachToComponent(this, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepWorldTransform);
				ProceduralMeshComponents.Add(LocationHash, MComponent);

			// Update the mesh node
			Mesh->CreateSection(MComponent, true);

			// this shouldn't be needed, but lets have it here in case.
			if (Options.Octree.IsValid())
				TSharedPtr<FSparseOctree> Octree = Options.Octree.Pin();
				FSparseOctreeNode* Node = Octree->GetNodeAt(Options.Identifier);
				Node->m_meshLastChanged = FTimespan(0, 0, FPlatformTime::Seconds());
				Node->m_bTaskRunning = false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
FTimespan FTimespan::FromMinutes( double Minutes )
	check((Minutes >= MinValue().GetTotalMinutes()) && (Minutes <= MaxValue().GetTotalMinutes()));

	return FTimespan(Minutes * ETimespan::TicksPerMinute);
Ejemplo n.º 21
FTimespan FTimespan::FromDays( double Days )
	check((Days >= MinValue().GetTotalDays()) && (Days <= MaxValue().GetTotalDays()));

	return FTimespan(Days * ETimespan::TicksPerDay);
Ejemplo n.º 22
FTimespan UKismetMathLibrary::MakeTimespan(int32 Days, int32 Hours, int32 Minutes, int32 Seconds, int32 Milliseconds)
	return FTimespan(Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds);
Ejemplo n.º 23
FTimespan FTimespan::FromSeconds( double Seconds )
	check((Seconds >= MinValue().GetTotalSeconds()) && (Seconds <= MaxValue().GetTotalSeconds()));

	return FTimespan(Seconds * ETimespan::TicksPerSecond);
static void ParseHistoryResults(const FP4RecordSet& InRecords, const TArray<FPerforceSourceControlState>& InStates, FPerforceUpdateStatusWorker::FHistoryMap& OutHistory)
	if (InRecords.Num() > 0)
		// Iterate over each record, extracting the relevant information for each
		for (int32 RecordIndex = 0; RecordIndex < InRecords.Num(); ++RecordIndex)
			const FP4Record& ClientRecord = InRecords[RecordIndex];

			// Extract the file name 
			FString DepotFileName = ClientRecord(TEXT("depotFile"));
			FString LocalFileName = FindWorkspaceFile(InStates, DepotFileName);

			TArray< TSharedRef<FPerforceSourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> > Revisions;
			int32 RevisionNumbers = 0;
			for (;;)
				// Extract the revision number
				FString VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("rev%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				if (!ClientRecord.Contains(*VarName))
					// No more revisions
				FString RevisionNumber = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				// Extract the user name
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("user%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				FString UserName = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				// Extract the date
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("time%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				FString Date = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				// Extract the changelist number
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("change%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				FString ChangelistNumber = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				// Extract the description
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("desc%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				FString Description = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				// Extract the action
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("action%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				FString Action = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				FString FileSize(TEXT("0"));

				// Extract the file size
				if(Action.ToLower() != TEXT("delete") && Action.ToLower() != TEXT("move/delete")) //delete actions don't have a fileSize from PV4
					VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("fileSize%d"), RevisionNumbers);
					FileSize = ClientRecord(*VarName);
				// Extract the clientspec/workspace
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("client%d"), RevisionNumbers);
				FString ClientSpec = ClientRecord(*VarName);

				// check for branch
				TSharedPtr<FPerforceSourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> BranchSource;
				VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("how%d,0"), RevisionNumbers);
					BranchSource = MakeShareable( new FPerforceSourceControlRevision() );

					VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("file%d,0"), RevisionNumbers);
					FString BranchSourceFileName = ClientRecord(*VarName);
					BranchSource->FileName = FindWorkspaceFile(InStates, BranchSourceFileName);

					VarName = FString::Printf(TEXT("erev%d,0"), RevisionNumbers);
					FString BranchSourceRevision = ClientRecord(*VarName);
					BranchSource->RevisionNumber = FCString::Atoi(*BranchSourceRevision);

				TSharedRef<FPerforceSourceControlRevision, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> Revision = MakeShareable( new FPerforceSourceControlRevision() );
				Revision->FileName = LocalFileName;
				Revision->RevisionNumber = FCString::Atoi(*RevisionNumber);
				Revision->Revision = RevisionNumber;
				Revision->ChangelistNumber = FCString::Atoi(*ChangelistNumber);
				Revision->Description = Description;
				Revision->UserName = UserName;
				Revision->ClientSpec = ClientSpec;
				Revision->Action = Action;
				Revision->BranchSource = BranchSource;
				Revision->Date = FDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) + FTimespan(0, 0, FCString::Atoi(*Date));
				Revision->FileSize = FCString::Atoi(*FileSize);



			if(Revisions.Num() > 0)
				OutHistory.Add(LocalFileName, Revisions);
Ejemplo n.º 25
FTimespan FTimespan::FromHours( double Hours )
	check((Hours >= MinValue().GetTotalHours()) && (Hours <= MaxValue().GetTotalHours()));

	return FTimespan(Hours * ETimespan::TicksPerHour);
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool FWmfMediaPlayer::InitializeMediaSession( IUnknown* SourceObject, const FString& SourceUrl )

	if (SourceObject == nullptr)
		return false;

	UE_LOG(LogWmfMedia, Verbose, TEXT("Initializing media session for %s"), *SourceUrl);

	// create presentation descriptor
	TComPtr<IMFMediaSource> MediaSource;

	if (FAILED(SourceObject->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&MediaSource))))
		UE_LOG(LogWmfMedia, Error, TEXT("Failed to query media source"));

		return false;

	TComPtr<IMFPresentationDescriptor> PresentationDescriptor;
	if (FAILED(MediaSource->CreatePresentationDescriptor(&PresentationDescriptor)))
		UE_LOG(LogWmfMedia, Error, TEXT("Failed to create presentation descriptor"));

		return false;
	// create playback topology
	DWORD StreamCount = 0;

	if (FAILED(PresentationDescriptor->GetStreamDescriptorCount(&StreamCount)))
		UE_LOG(LogWmfMedia, Error, TEXT("Failed to get stream count"));

		return false;

	TComPtr<IMFTopology> Topology;

	if (FAILED(::MFCreateTopology(&Topology)))
		UE_LOG(LogWmfMedia, Error, TEXT("Failed to create playback topology"));

		return false;

	for (uint32 StreamIndex = 0; StreamIndex < StreamCount; ++StreamIndex)
		AddStreamToTopology(StreamIndex, Topology, PresentationDescriptor, MediaSource);

	UE_LOG(LogWmfMedia, Verbose, TEXT("Added a total of %i tracks"), Tracks.Num());

	UINT64 PresentationDuration = 0;
	PresentationDescriptor->GetUINT64(MF_PD_DURATION, &PresentationDuration);
	Duration = FTimespan(PresentationDuration);

	// create session
	MediaSession = new FWmfMediaSession(Duration, Topology);
	MediaUrl = SourceUrl;


	return (MediaSession->GetState() != EMediaStates::Error);