Ejemplo n.º 1
static cairo_status_t
twin_scaled_font_init (cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
		       cairo_t              *cr,
		       cairo_font_extents_t *metrics)
  metrics->ascent  = FY (50);
  metrics->descent = FY (14);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Vector3<Real> ImplicitSurface<Real>::GetGradient (const Vector3<Real>& rkP)
    Real fFX = FX(rkP);
    Real fFY = FY(rkP);
    Real fFZ = FZ(rkP);
    return Vector3<Real>(fFX,fFY,fFZ);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Vector3<Real> ImplicitSurface<Real>::GetGradient (const Vector3<Real>& pos)
    Real fx = FX(pos);
    Real fy = FY(pos);
    Real fz = FZ(pos);
    return Vector3<Real>(fx, fy, fz);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool ImplicitSurface<Real>::ComputePrincipalCurvatureInfo (
    const Vector3<Real>& rkP, Real& rfCurv0, Real& rfCurv1,
    Vector3<Real>& rkDir0, Vector3<Real>& rkDir1)
    // Principal curvatures and directions for implicitly defined surfaces
    // F(x,y,z) = 0.
    // DF = (Fx,Fy,Fz), L = Length(DF)
    // D^2 F = +-           -+
    //         | Fxx Fxy Fxz |
    //         | Fxy Fyy Fyz |
    //         | Fxz Fyz Fzz |
    //         +-           -+
    // adj(D^2 F) = +-                                                 -+
    //              | Fyy*Fzz-Fyz*Fyz  Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz  Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy |
    //              | Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz  Fxx*Fzz-Fxz*Fxz  Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz |
    //              | Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy  Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz  Fxx*Fyy-Fxy*Fxy |
    //              +-                                                 -+
    // Gaussian curvature = [DF^t adj(D^2 F) DF]/L^4
    // Mean curvature = 0.5*[trace(D^2 F)/L - (DF^t D^2 F DF)/L^3]

    // first derivatives
    Real fFX = FX(rkP);
    Real fFY = FY(rkP);
    Real fFZ = FZ(rkP);
    Real fL = Math<Real>::Sqrt(fFX*fFX + fFY*fFY + fFZ*fFZ);
    if (fL <= Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE)
        return false;

    Real fFXFX = fFX*fFX;
    Real fFXFY = fFX*fFY;
    Real fFXFZ = fFX*fFZ;
    Real fFYFY = fFY*fFY;
    Real fFYFZ = fFY*fFZ;
    Real fFZFZ = fFZ*fFZ;

    Real fInvL = ((Real)1.0)/fL;
    Real fInvL2 = fInvL*fInvL;
    Real fInvL3 = fInvL*fInvL2;
    Real fInvL4 = fInvL2*fInvL2;

    // second derivatives
    Real fFXX = FXX(rkP);
    Real fFXY = FXY(rkP);
    Real fFXZ = FXZ(rkP);
    Real fFYY = FYY(rkP);
    Real fFYZ = FYZ(rkP);
    Real fFZZ = FZZ(rkP);

    // mean curvature
    Real fMCurv = ((Real)0.5)*fInvL3*(fFXX*(fFYFY+fFZFZ) + fFYY*(fFXFX+fFZFZ)
        + fFZZ*(fFXFX+fFYFY)
        - ((Real)2.0)*(fFXY*fFXFY+fFXZ*fFXFZ+fFYZ*fFYFZ));

    // Gaussian curvature
    Real fGCurv = fInvL4*(fFXFX*(fFYY*fFZZ-fFYZ*fFYZ)
        + fFYFY*(fFXX*fFZZ-fFXZ*fFXZ) + fFZFZ*(fFXX*fFYY-fFXY*fFXY)
        + ((Real)2.0)*(fFXFY*(fFXZ*fFYZ-fFXY*fFZZ)
        + fFXFZ*(fFXY*fFYZ-fFXZ*fFYY)
        + fFYFZ*(fFXY*fFXZ-fFXX*fFYZ)));

    // solve for principal curvatures
    Real fDiscr = Math<Real>::Sqrt(Math<Real>::FAbs(fMCurv*fMCurv-fGCurv));
    rfCurv0 = fMCurv - fDiscr;
    rfCurv1 = fMCurv + fDiscr;

    Real fM00 = ((-(Real)1.0 + fFXFX*fInvL2)*fFXX)*fInvL + (fFXFY*fFXY)*fInvL3
        + (fFXFZ*fFXZ)*fInvL3;
    Real fM01 = ((-(Real)1.0 + fFXFX*fInvL2)*fFXY)*fInvL + (fFXFY*fFYY)*fInvL3
        + (fFXFZ*fFYZ)*fInvL3;
    Real fM02 = ((-(Real)1.0 + fFXFX*fInvL2)*fFXZ)*fInvL + (fFXFY*fFYZ)*fInvL3
        + (fFXFZ*fFZZ)*fInvL3;
    Real fM10 = (fFXFY*fFXX)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFYFY*fInvL2)*fFXY)*fInvL
        + (fFYFZ*fFXZ)*fInvL3;
    Real fM11 = (fFXFY*fFXY)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFYFY*fInvL2)*fFYY)*fInvL
        + (fFYFZ*fFYZ)*fInvL3;
    Real fM12 = (fFXFY*fFXZ)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFYFY*fInvL2)*fFYZ)*fInvL
        + (fFYFZ*fFZZ)*fInvL3;
    Real fM20 = (fFXFZ*fFXX)*fInvL3 + (fFYFZ*fFXY)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0
        + fFZFZ*fInvL2)*fFXZ)*fInvL;
    Real fM21 = (fFXFZ*fFXY)*fInvL3 + (fFYFZ*fFYY)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0
        + fFZFZ*fInvL2)*fFYZ)*fInvL;
    Real fM22 = (fFXFZ*fFXZ)*fInvL3 + (fFYFZ*fFYZ)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0
        + fFZFZ*fInvL2)*fFZZ)*fInvL;

    // solve for principal directions
    Real fTmp1 = fM00 + rfCurv0;
    Real fTmp2 = fM11 + rfCurv0;
    Real fTmp3 = fM22 + rfCurv0;

    Vector3<Real> akU[3];
    Real afLength[3];

    akU[0].X() = fM01*fM12-fM02*fTmp2;
    akU[0].Y() = fM02*fM10-fM12*fTmp1;
    akU[0].Z() = fTmp1*fTmp2-fM01*fM10;
    afLength[0] = akU[0].Length();

    akU[1].X() = fM01*fTmp3-fM02*fM21;
    akU[1].Y() = fM02*fM20-fTmp1*fTmp3;
    akU[1].Z() = fTmp1*fM21-fM01*fM20;
    afLength[1] = akU[1].Length();

    akU[2].X() = fTmp2*fTmp3-fM12*fM21;
    akU[2].Y() = fM12*fM20-fM10*fTmp3;
    akU[2].Z() = fM10*fM21-fM20*fTmp2;
    afLength[2] = akU[2].Length();

    int iMaxIndex = 0;
    Real fMax = afLength[0];
    if (afLength[1] > fMax)
        iMaxIndex = 1;
        fMax = afLength[1];
    if (afLength[2] > fMax)
        iMaxIndex = 2;

    Real fInvLength = ((Real)1.0)/afLength[iMaxIndex];
    akU[iMaxIndex] *= fInvLength;

    rkDir1 = akU[iMaxIndex];
    rkDir0 = rkDir1.UnitCross(Vector3<Real>(fFX,fFY,fFZ));

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool ImplicitSurface<Real>::ComputePrincipalCurvatureInfo (
    const Vector3<Real>& pos, Real& curv0, Real& curv1, Vector3<Real>& dir0,
    Vector3<Real>& dir1)
    // Principal curvatures and directions for implicitly defined surfaces
    // F(x,y,z) = 0.
    // DF = (Fx,Fy,Fz), L = Length(DF)
    // D^2 F = +-           -+
    //         | Fxx Fxy Fxz |
    //         | Fxy Fyy Fyz |
    //         | Fxz Fyz Fzz |
    //         +-           -+
    // adj(D^2 F) = +-                                                 -+
    //              | Fyy*Fzz-Fyz*Fyz  Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz  Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy |
    //              | Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz  Fxx*Fzz-Fxz*Fxz  Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz |
    //              | Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy  Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz  Fxx*Fyy-Fxy*Fxy |
    //              +-                                                 -+
    // Gaussian curvature = [DF^t adj(D^2 F) DF]/L^4
    // Mean curvature = 0.5*[trace(D^2 F)/L - (DF^t D^2 F DF)/L^3]

    // first derivatives
    Real fx = FX(pos);
    Real fy = FY(pos);
    Real fz = FZ(pos);
    Real fLength = Math<Real>::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz);
    if (fLength <= Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE)
        return false;

    Real fxfx = fx*fx;
    Real fxfy = fx*fy;
    Real fxfz = fx*fz;
    Real fyfy = fy*fy;
    Real fyfz = fy*fz;
    Real fzfz = fz*fz;

    Real invLength = ((Real)1)/fLength;
    Real invLength2 = invLength*invLength;
    Real invLength3 = invLength*invLength2;
    Real invLength4 = invLength2*invLength2;

    // second derivatives
    Real fxx = FXX(pos);
    Real fxy = FXY(pos);
    Real fxz = FXZ(pos);
    Real fyy = FYY(pos);
    Real fyz = FYZ(pos);
    Real fzz = FZZ(pos);

    // mean curvature
    Real meanCurv = ((Real)0.5)*invLength3*(fxx*(fyfy + fzfz) +
        fyy*(fxfx + fzfz) + fzz*(fxfx + fyfy) - ((Real)2)*(fxy*fxfy + fxz*fxfz +

    // Gaussian curvature
    Real gaussCurv = invLength4*(fxfx*(fyy*fzz - fyz*fyz)
        + fyfy*(fxx*fzz - fxz*fxz) + fzfz*(fxx*fyy - fxy*fxy)
        + ((Real)2)*(fxfy*(fxz*fyz - fxy*fzz) + fxfz*(fxy*fyz - fxz*fyy)
        + fyfz*(fxy*fxz - fxx*fyz)));

    // solve for principal curvatures
    Real discr = Math<Real>::Sqrt(Math<Real>::FAbs(meanCurv*meanCurv-gaussCurv));
    curv0 = meanCurv - discr;
    curv1 = meanCurv + discr;

    Real m00 = ((-(Real)1 + fxfx*invLength2)*fxx)*invLength +
        (fxfy*fxy)*invLength3 + (fxfz*fxz)*invLength3;
    Real m01 = ((-(Real)1 + fxfx*invLength2)*fxy)*invLength +
        (fxfy*fyy)*invLength3 + (fxfz*fyz)*invLength3;
    Real m02 = ((-(Real)1 + fxfx*invLength2)*fxz)*invLength +
        (fxfy*fyz)*invLength3 + (fxfz*fzz)*invLength3;
    Real m10 = (fxfy*fxx)*invLength3 +
        ((-(Real)1 + fyfy*invLength2)*fxy)*invLength + (fyfz*fxz)*invLength3;
    Real m11 = (fxfy*fxy)*invLength3 +
        ((-(Real)1 + fyfy*invLength2)*fyy)*invLength + (fyfz*fyz)*invLength3;
    Real m12 = (fxfy*fxz)*invLength3 +
        ((-(Real)1 + fyfy*invLength2)*fyz)*invLength + (fyfz*fzz)*invLength3;
    Real m20 = (fxfz*fxx)*invLength3 + (fyfz*fxy)*invLength3 +
        ((-(Real)1 + fzfz*invLength2)*fxz)*invLength;
    Real m21 = (fxfz*fxy)*invLength3 + (fyfz*fyy)*invLength3 +
        ((-(Real)1 + fzfz*invLength2)*fyz)*invLength;
    Real m22 = (fxfz*fxz)*invLength3 + (fyfz*fyz)*invLength3 +
        ((-(Real)1 + fzfz*invLength2)*fzz)*invLength;

    // solve for principal directions
    Real tmp1 = m00 + curv0;
    Real tmp2 = m11 + curv0;
    Real tmp3 = m22 + curv0;

    Vector3<Real> U[3];
    Real lengths[3];

    U[0].X() = m01*m12-m02*tmp2;
    U[0].Y() = m02*m10-m12*tmp1;
    U[0].Z() = tmp1*tmp2-m01*m10;
    lengths[0] = U[0].Length();

    U[1].X() = m01*tmp3-m02*m21;
    U[1].Y() = m02*m20-tmp1*tmp3;
    U[1].Z() = tmp1*m21-m01*m20;
    lengths[1] = U[1].Length();

    U[2].X() = tmp2*tmp3-m12*m21;
    U[2].Y() = m12*m20-m10*tmp3;
    U[2].Z() = m10*m21-m20*tmp2;
    lengths[2] = U[2].Length();

    int maxIndex = 0;
    Real maxValue = lengths[0];
    if (lengths[1] > maxValue)
        maxIndex = 1;
        maxValue = lengths[1];
    if (lengths[2] > maxValue)
        maxIndex = 2;

    invLength = ((Real)1)/lengths[maxIndex];
    U[maxIndex] *= invLength;

    dir1 = U[maxIndex];
    dir0 = dir1.UnitCross(Vector3<Real>(fx, fy, fz));

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List fitData(Rcpp::DataFrame ds) {

    const size_t ncoeffs = NCOEFFS;
    const size_t nbreak = NBREAK;

    const size_t n = N;
    size_t i, j;

    Rcpp::DataFrame D(ds);    		// construct the data.frame object
    RcppGSL::vector<double> y = D["y"];	// access columns by name, 
    RcppGSL::vector<double> x = D["x"];	// assigning to GSL vectors
    RcppGSL::vector<double> w = D["w"];

    gsl_bspline_workspace *bw;
    gsl_vector *B;
    gsl_vector *c; 
    gsl_matrix *X, *cov;
    gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *mw;
    double chisq, Rsq, dof, tss;

    bw = gsl_bspline_alloc(4, nbreak);	    // allocate a cubic bspline workspace (k = 4)
    B = gsl_vector_alloc(ncoeffs);

    X = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, ncoeffs);
    c = gsl_vector_alloc(ncoeffs);
    cov = gsl_matrix_alloc(ncoeffs, ncoeffs);
    mw = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc(n, ncoeffs);

    gsl_bspline_knots_uniform(0.0, 15.0, bw);	// use uniform breakpoints on [0, 15] 

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {			// construct the fit matrix X 
        double xi = gsl_vector_get(x, i);

        gsl_bspline_eval(xi, B, bw);		// compute B_j(xi) for all j 

        for (j = 0; j < ncoeffs; ++j) {		// fill in row i of X 
            double Bj = gsl_vector_get(B, j);
            gsl_matrix_set(X, i, j, Bj);

    gsl_multifit_wlinear(X, w, y, c, cov, &chisq, mw);  // do the fit 
    dof = n - ncoeffs;
    tss = gsl_stats_wtss(w->data, 1, y->data, 1, y->size);
    Rsq = 1.0 - chisq / tss;
    Rcpp::NumericVector FX(151), FY(151);	// output the smoothed curve 
    double xi, yi, yerr;
    for (xi = 0.0, i=0; xi < 15.0; xi += 0.1, i++) {
        gsl_bspline_eval(xi, B, bw);
        gsl_multifit_linear_est(B, c, cov, &yi, &yerr);
        FX[i] = xi;
        FY[i] = yi;

    Rcpp::List res =


Ejemplo n.º 7
void AdvectionManager::advance(double dt, const TimeLevelIndex<2> &newTimeIdx,
                               const VelocityField &velocity) {
    TimeLevelIndex<2> oldTimeIdx = newTimeIdx-1;
    TimeLevelIndex<2> halfTimeIdx = newTimeIdx-0.5;
    const double eps = 1.0e-80;
    const double R = domain->getRadius();
    for (int s = 0; s < Q.size(); ++s) {
        ScalarField &q = *Q[s];
        double dQ;
        int J;
//#define ONLY_UPWIND
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Lax-Wendroff pass
        for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, HALF); ++i) {
                double f1 = dt/(R*dlon[i]);
                double f2 = f1/cosLatFull[j];
                double u = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i, j);
                double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i,   j);
                double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j);
                FX(i, j) = 0.5*f1*(u*(q2+q1)-u*u*f2*(q2-q1));
        for (int j = 0; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, HALF); ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
                double f1 = dt/(R*dlat[j]);
                double f2 = f1/cosLatHalf[j];
                double v = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j)*cosLatHalf[j];
                double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j  );
                double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1);
                FY(i, j) = 0.5*f1*(v*(q2+q1)-v*v*f2*(q2-q1));
#if (!defined ONLY_LAX_WENDROFF && !defined ONLY_UPWIND)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // calculate intermediate Qstar
        for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
                double fx1 = dt/(R*dlon[i]*cosLatFull[i]); // TODO: Should we support irregular lon grids?
                double fx2 = dt/(R*dlon[i]*cosLatFull[i]);
                double fy1 = dt/(R*dlat[j-1]*cosLatHalf[j-1]);
                double fy2 = dt/(R*dlat[j  ]*cosLatHalf[j  ]);
                double u1 = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i-1, j);
                double u2 = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i,   j);
                double v1 = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j-1);
                double v2 = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j  );
                double tmp1 = fabs(u1*fx1)*(1-fabs(u1*fx1));
                double tmp2 = fabs(u2*fx2)*(1-fabs(u2*fx2));
                double tmp3 = fabs(v1*fy1)*(1-fabs(v1*fy1));
                double tmp4 = fabs(v2*fy2)*(1-fabs(v2*fy2));
                double gamma = fmax(fmax(tmp1, tmp2), fmax(tmp3, tmp4));
                B(i, j) = 2/(2-2*gamma);
        for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
                Qstar(i, j) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j)-B(i, j)/cosLatFull[j]*
                    (FX(i, j)-FX(i-1, j)+FY(i, j)-FY(i, j-1));
        // handle poles
        // south pole
        dQ = 0; J = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            dQ += B(i, J+1)*FY(i, J);
        dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            Qstar(i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)-dQ;
        // north pole
        dQ = 0; J = mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1;
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            dQ += B(i, J-1)*FY(i, J-1);
        dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J-1];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            Qstar(i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)+dQ;
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // shape-preserving rule (A <= 0 is good)
        for (int j = 0; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL); ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
                double Qmin =  1.0e+15;
                double Qmax = -1.0e+15;
                if (j == 0) {
                    Qmin = fmin(fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1)), Qmin);
                    Qmax = fmax(fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1)), Qmax);
                } else if (j == mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1) {
                    Qmin = fmin(fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1)), Qmin);
                    Qmax = fmax(fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1)), Qmax);
                } else {
                    Qmin = fmin(fmin(fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i-1, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j)),
                                     fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1))),
                                fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), Qmin));
                    Qmax = fmax(fmax(fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i-1, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j)),
                                     fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1))),
                                fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), Qmax));
                A(i, j) = (Qstar(i, j)-Qmax)*(Qstar(i, j)-Qmin);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // upwind pass
        for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, HALF); ++i) {
                double tmp1 = (fabs(A(i,   j))+A(i,   j))/(fabs(A(i,   j))+eps);
                double tmp2 = (fabs(A(i+1, j))+A(i+1, j))/(fabs(A(i+1, j))+eps);
                double tmp3 = (fabs(A(i+1, j))+A(i+1, j))*(fabs(A(i, j))+A(i, j));
                double tmp4 = fabs(A(i, j))*fabs(A(i+1, j))+eps;
                double cxstar = 0.5*(tmp1+tmp2)-0.25*tmp3/tmp4;
                double cxstar = 1;
                double f = dt/(R*dlon[i]);
                double u = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i, j);
                double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i,   j);
                double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j);
                double cx = cxstar+(1-cxstar)*fabs(u*f/cosLatFull[j]);
                FX(i, j) = 0.5*f*(u*(q2+q1)-fabs(cx*u)*(q2-q1));
        for (int j = 0; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, HALF); ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
                double tmp1 = (fabs(A(i, j  ))+A(i, j  ))/(fabs(A(i, j  ))+eps);
                double tmp2 = (fabs(A(i, j+1))+A(i, j+1))/(fabs(A(i, j+1))+eps);
                double tmp3 = (fabs(A(i, j+1))+A(i, j+1))*(fabs(A(i, j))+A(i, j));
                double tmp4 = fabs(A(i, j))*fabs(A(i, j+1))+eps;
                double cystar = 0.5*(tmp1+tmp2)-0.25*tmp3/tmp4;
                double cystar = 1;
                double f = dt/(R*dlat[j]);
                double v = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j)*cosLatHalf[j];
                double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j  );
                double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1);
                double cy = cystar+(1-cystar)*fabs(v*f/cosLatHalf[j]);
                FY(i, j) = 0.5*f*(v*(q2+q1)-fabs(cy*v)*(q2-q1));
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        // calculate final Q
        for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
                q(newTimeIdx, i, j) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j)-
                    (FX(i, j)-FX(i-1, j)+FY(i, j)-FY(i, j-1))/cosLatFull[j];
        // handle poles
        // south pole
        dQ = 0; J = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            dQ += FY(i, J);
        dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            q(newTimeIdx, i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)-dQ;
        // north pole
        dQ = 0; J = mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1;
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            dQ += FY(i, J-1);
        dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J-1];
        for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) {
            q(newTimeIdx, i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)+dQ;

Ejemplo n.º 8
static cairo_status_t
twin_scaled_font_render_glyph (cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
			       unsigned long         glyph,
			       cairo_t              *cr,
			       cairo_text_extents_t *metrics)
    double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
    const int8_t *b = _cairo_twin_outlines +
		      _cairo_twin_charmap[glyph >= ARRAY_LENGTH (_cairo_twin_charmap) ? 0 : glyph];
    const int8_t *g = twin_glyph_draw(b);

    struct {
      cairo_bool_t snap;
      int snap_x;
      int snap_y;
      int n_snap_x;
      int n_snap_y;
    } info = {FALSE};

    cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.06);
    cairo_set_line_join (cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
    cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);

    for (;;) {
	switch (*g++) {
	case 'M':
	    cairo_close_path (cr);
	    /* fall through */
	case 'm':
	    x1 = FX(*g++);
	    y1 = FY(*g++);
	    if (info.snap)
		x1 = SNAPX (x1);
		y1 = SNAPY (y1);
	    cairo_move_to (cr, x1, y1);
	case 'L':
	    cairo_close_path (cr);
	    /* fall through */
	case 'l':
	    x1 = FX(*g++);
	    y1 = FY(*g++);
	    if (info.snap)
		x1 = SNAPX (x1);
		y1 = SNAPY (y1);
	    cairo_line_to (cr, x1, y1);
	case 'C':
	    cairo_close_path (cr);
	    /* fall through */
	case 'c':
	    x1 = FX(*g++);
	    y1 = FY(*g++);
	    x2 = FX(*g++);
	    y2 = FY(*g++);
	    x3 = FX(*g++);
	    y3 = FY(*g++);
	    if (info.snap)
		x1 = SNAPX (x1);
		y1 = SNAPY (y1);
		x2 = SNAPX (x2);
		y2 = SNAPY (y2);
		x3 = SNAPX (x3);
		y3 = SNAPY (y3);
	    cairo_curve_to (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
	case 'E':
	    cairo_close_path (cr);
	    /* fall through */
	case 'e':
	    cairo_stroke (cr);
	case 'X':
	    /* filler */

    metrics->x_advance = FX(twin_glyph_right(b)) + cairo_get_line_width (cr);
    metrics->x_advance +=  cairo_get_line_width (cr)/* XXX 2*x.margin */;
    if (info.snap)
	metrics->x_advance = SNAPI (SNAPX (metrics->x_advance));

Ejemplo n.º 9
static void flowgrad(float *y, float *flow, int w, int h)
	float (*gradient)[w][4] = (void*)y;
	getsample_operator p = getsample_1;
#define FX(i,j) p(flow,w,h,2,(i),(j),0)
#define FY(i,j) p(flow,w,h,2,(i),(j),1)
	for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
	for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
		// sobel
		float ux = -FX(i-1,j-1)-2*FX(i-1,j)-FX(i-1,j+1)
		float uy = -FX(i-1,j-1)-2*FX(i,j-1)-FX(i+1,j-1)
		float vx = -FY(i-1,j-1)-2*FY(i-1,j)-FY(i-1,j+1)
		float vy = -FY(i-1,j-1)-2*FY(i,j-1)-FY(i+1,j-1)
		gradient[j][i][0] = ux;
		gradient[j][i][1] = uy;
		gradient[j][i][2] = vx;
		gradient[j][i][3] = vy;
#undef FX
#undef FY