int main(void) { puts("Input a"); scanf("%hd", &a); puts("Input b"); scanf("%hd", &b); puts("Input c"); scanf("%hd", &c); F_C(); F_ASM(); return 0; }
static std::string program_name() { return viennacl::ocl::type_to_string<NumericT>::apply() + "_matrix_prod_" + detail::type_to_string(F_A()) + detail::type_to_string(F_B()) + detail::type_to_string(F_C()); }
int main(void) { int rule = 0; temptype temp = 0; char cont[4]; memset(cont, '\0', 4); printf("Welcome to tempconvert!\n\n"); start: // first of all, show all the menu and shit printf( "Please choose the scale of your current datum.\n" "1)Kelvin\n" "2)Celsius\n" "3)Fahrenheit\n" "4)Rankine\n\n" ); printf( "Please choose the scale you want to convert it to.\n" "5)Kelvin\n" "6)Celsius\n" "7)Fahrenheit\n" "8)Rankine\n\n" ); printf("To exit type \"0\".\n\n"); printf("Now type both selections in order (least to greatest) and press ENTER.\n"); // get the selection scanf("%d", &rule); // check the selection switch(rule) { case 0: return 0; break; case 16: // K to C temp = ask_temp(); // insert here any way to check for the temp entered printf("%.2f K in C is %.2f\n", temp, K_C(temp)); break; case 17: // K to F temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f K in F is %.2f\n", temp, K_F(temp)); break; case 18: // K to R temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f K in R is %.2f\n", temp, K_R(temp)); break; case 25: // C to K temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f C in K is %.2f\n", temp, C_K(temp)); break; case 27: // C to F temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f C in ºF is %.2f\n", temp, C_F(temp)); break; case 28: // C to R temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f C in R is %.2f\n", temp, C_R(temp)); break; case 35: // F to K temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f F in K is %.2f\n", temp, F_K(temp)); break; case 36: // F to C temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f F in C is %.2f\n", temp, F_C(temp)); break; case 38: // F to R temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f F in R is %.2f\n", temp, F_R(temp)); break; case 45: // R to K temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f R in K is %.2f\n", temp, R_K(temp)); break; case 46: // R to C temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f R in C is %.2f\n", temp, R_C(temp)); break; case 47: // R to F temp = ask_temp(); printf("%.2f R in F is %.2f\n", temp, R_F(temp)); break; default: // not valid printf("Not a valid option. Bye.\n"); break; } printf("Convert something else? (Y/N): "); scanf("%3s", &cont); if(cont[0] == 'y' || cont[0] == 'Y') { rule = temp = 0; memset(cont, '\0', 4); putchar('\n'); goto start; } return 0; }