Ejemplo n.º 1
    // See if the current block is exhausted.
    while (mRecvBytesLeftInBlock == 0) {
        if (!RecvNextBlock(PR_TRUE))
            return 0;

    // Next, see if we need to receive more bytes from the socket.
    if (mRecvIn == mRecvOut) {
        mRecvIn = 0;
        if (mFD == INVALID_SOCKET)
            return 0;

    g_recv.LogContents(mRecvBuf + mRecvOut, 1);
    return mRecvBuf[mRecvOut++];
Ejemplo n.º 2
int DirectSoundDrv_PCM_BeginPlayback(char *BufferStart, int BufferSize,
						int NumDivisions, void ( *CallBackFunc )( void ) )
    HRESULT err;
    if (!Initialised) {
        ErrorCode = DSErr_Uninitialised;
        return DSErr_Error;
	MixBuffer = BufferStart;
	MixBufferSize = BufferSize;
	MixBufferCount = NumDivisions;
	MixBufferCurrent = 0;
	MixBufferUsed = 0;
	MixCallBack = CallBackFunc;

	// prime the buffer
	mixThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, fillDataThread, 0, 0, 0);
	if (!mixThread) {
        ErrorCode = DSErr_CreateThread;
        return DSErr_Error;

    SetThreadPriority(mixThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
    err = IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(lpdsbsec, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);
    if (FAILED( err )) {
        ErrorCode = DSErr_PlaySecondary;
        return DSErr_Error;
    Playing = 1;
	return DSErr_Ok;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Given:   DataFile    A text file stream already opened for input.
            FileName    The name of this text file (as a char array string).
   Task:    To copy data from this file stream into sorted files (runs).
   Return:  DataFile    The modified file stream is trivially modified by reading from it.
            In the function name the number of runs is returned.
            The sorted runs themselves are created and stored under the file names:
            ExtSortTemp.0, ExtSortTemp.1, etc.
int MakeSortedRuns(fstream & DataFile, PathType FileName)
   fstream OutFile;
   StringType Word, Extension;
   PathType OutFileName;
   int NumWords, k, NumFiles = 0;
   BufType Buffer;
   bool MoreData;

   // Repeatedly fill one buffer and quicksort it, writing the buffer out to a temp file.
   DataFile.getline(Word, MaxString);
   if (DataFile.fail())
      MoreData = false;
      MoreData = true;

   while (MoreData)
      // Fill one buffer.
      NumWords = FillBuffer(DataFile, Buffer, MoreData, Word);
      QuickSort(Buffer, 0, NumWords - 1);

      // Construct the temp file name.
      strcpy(OutFileName, "ExtSortTemp.");
      _itoa(NumFiles, Extension, 10);   // Convert the int in NumFiles to a char array string.
      strcat(OutFileName, Extension);

      OutFile.open(OutFileName, ios::out);
      if (OutFile.fail())
         Error("Could not open the file named ", OutFileName);

      for (k = 0; k < NumWords; k++)
         OutFile << Buffer[k] << endl;


   return NumFiles;
int BC_Example_Bridge(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
	int err = -EFAULT;
	int command = _IOC_NR(cmd);
	BC_Example_ioctl_package sBridge;

	if (copy_from_user(&sBridge, (void *)arg, sizeof(sBridge)) != 0)
		return err;

		case _IOC_NR(BC_Example_ioctl_fill_buffer):
			if(FillBuffer(sBridge.inputparam) == -1)
				return err;
		case _IOC_NR(BC_Example_ioctl_get_buffer_count):
			if(GetBufferCount(&sBridge.outputparam) == -1)
				return err;
			return err;

	if (copy_to_user((void *)arg, &sBridge, sizeof(sBridge)) != 0)
		return err;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
HRESULT D3D9RenderImpl::Display(BYTE* pYplane, BYTE* pVplane, BYTE* pUplane)
        return E_POINTER;

    if(m_format == D3DFMT_NV12 && !pVplane)
        return E_POINTER;

    if(m_format == D3DFMT_YV12 && (!pVplane || !pUplane))
        return E_POINTER;

    HR(FillBuffer(pYplane, pVplane, pUplane));
    return Present();
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool CWinGlkOGGSound::Play(int iRepeat, int iVolume, bool PauseState)
  m_pReadPtr = m_pData;
  if (m_pReadPtr == NULL)
    return false;

  // Open the stream
  ov_callbacks VorbisCBs;
  VorbisCBs.read_func = VorbisRead;
  VorbisCBs.close_func = VorbisClose;
  VorbisCBs.seek_func = VorbisSeek;
  VorbisCBs.tell_func = VorbisTell;
  if (ov_open_callbacks(this,&m_Stream,NULL,0,VorbisCBs) < 0)
    return false;
  m_StreamOpen = true;
  vorbis_info* Info = ov_info(&m_Stream,-1);

  // Create a buffer
  if (CreateBuffer(Info->channels,Info->rate,16) == false)
    return false;

  // Set the duration of the sample
  if (iRepeat > 0)
    m_Duration = (DWORD)ceil(1000.0 * iRepeat * ov_time_total(&m_Stream,-1));
    m_Duration = -1;

  // Fill the buffer with sample data
  m_iRepeat = (iRepeat < 0) ? -1 : iRepeat - 1;
  if (FillBuffer(GetBufferSize()) == false)
    return false;

  // Set the volume for the buffer

  // Start the buffer playing
  return PlayBuffer(PauseState);
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool DART::Play ()
  Stopped = WaitStreamEnd = false;
  BytesPlayed = 0;
  int buffcount;
  for (buffcount = 0; buffcount < BufferCount; buffcount++)
    if (!FillBuffer (&MixBuffers [buffcount]))

  if (buffcount == 0)
    Stopped = WaitStreamEnd = true;
    APIRET rc = MixSetupParms.pmixWrite (MixSetupParms.ulMixHandle,
      &MixBuffers [0], buffcount);
    if (rc)
      mciGetErrorString (rc, (PSZ) ErrorCode, sizeof (ErrorCode));
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
/// @brief Play 
/// @param start 
/// @param count 
void DirectSoundPlayer::Play(int64_t start,int64_t count) {
	// Make sure that it's stopped
	// The thread is now guaranteed dead


	// We sure better have a buffer

	// Set variables
	startPos = start;
	endPos = start+count;
	playPos = start;
	offset = 0;

	// Fill whole buffer

	DWORD play_flag = 0;
	if (count*provider->GetBytesPerSample() > bufSize) {
		// Start thread
		thread = new DirectSoundPlayerThread(this);
		play_flag = DSBPLAY_LOOPING;

	// Play
	res = buffer->Play(0,0,play_flag);
	if (SUCCEEDED(res)) playing = true;
	startTime = GetTickCount();

	// Update timer
	if (displayTimer && !displayTimer->IsRunning()) displayTimer->Start(15);
int CAudioRenderer::OutputAudio(BYTE* pData, UINT nDataByteSize)
    CAutoLock cObjectLock(this);
    if (GetState() & STATE_WAITFORRESOURCES) {
        memset(pData, 0, nDataByteSize);
        return S_OK;
    //Log("nDataByteSize = %d\n", nDataByteSize);
    if (!(GetState() & STATE_EXECUTE)) {
        memset(pData, 0, nDataByteSize);
        //Log("audio 1\n");
        return E_FAIL;
    if (m_vecInObjs[0]->IsEOS() && m_PcmPool.GetSize() < nDataByteSize) {
        memset(pData, 0, nDataByteSize);
        //Log("audio 2\n");
        return E_FAIL;
    FillBuffer(pData, nDataByteSize);
    while (!m_pRefClock->IsStarted()) {
        if (m_bFlush || m_bClose || m_bInterrupt) break;
    if (m_bInterrupt) {
        memset(pData, 0, nDataByteSize);

    //Log("audio 3\n");
    return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int GetBufferSceMp3(short* buf,int length,float amp,int channel)
	int byteLength = length<<2,i=0;
	if (streamsSceMp3[channel].paused || !streamsSceMp3[channel].initialized) 
		short* decodeBuf;
		int bytesDecoded=sceMp3Decode(streamsSceMp3[channel].handle,&decodeBuf);
        if (bytesDecoded <= 0) break; 
    unsigned char byte1, byte2;
    int how_many = (streamsSceMp3[channel].bufSize > byteLength ? byteLength : streamsSceMp3[channel].bufSize);
	for (i=0;i<2*length;i++)
        byte1 = (2*i >= how_many) ? 0 : streamsSceMp3[channel].buf[2*i];
        byte2 = (2*i+1 >= how_many) ? 0 : streamsSceMp3[channel].buf[2*i+1];

		buf[i]=((short)(byte1 | byte2<<8))*amp;

Ejemplo n.º 11
static DWORD WINAPI fillDataThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
    DWORD waitret, waitret2;
    HANDLE handles[] = { handles[0] = notifyPositions[0].hEventNotify, 
                         handles[1] = notifyPositions[1].hEventNotify,
                         handles[2] = notifyPositions[2].hEventNotify };

	do {
        waitret = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, handles, FALSE, INFINITE); 
        switch (waitret) {
            case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
            case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1:
                waitret2 = WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE);
                if (waitret2 == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
                    FillBuffer(WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 - waitret);
                } else {
                    if (MV_Printf)
                        MV_Printf( "DirectSound fillDataThread: wfso err %d\n", (int32_t) waitret2);
            case WAIT_OBJECT_0+2:
//                initprintf( "DirectSound fillDataThread: exiting\n");
                if (MV_Printf)
                    MV_Printf( "DirectSound fillDataThread: wfmo err %d\n", (int32_t) waitret);
	} while (1);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 *  Consume characters until you find the terminal char
 *  @update  gess 3/25/98
 *  @param   aString receives new data from stream
 *  @param   addTerminal tells us whether to append terminal to aString
 *  @return  error code
nsresult nsScanner::ReadWhitespace(nsScannerSharedSubstring& aString,
                                   PRInt32& aNewlinesSkipped,
                                   PRBool& aHaveCR) {

  aHaveCR = PR_FALSE;

  if (!mSlidingBuffer) {
    return kEOF;

  PRUnichar theChar = 0;
  nsresult  result = Peek(theChar);
  if (NS_FAILED(result)) {
    return result;
  nsScannerIterator origin, current, end;
  PRBool done = PR_FALSE;  

  origin = mCurrentPosition;
  current = origin;
  end = mEndPosition;

  PRBool haveCR = PR_FALSE;

  while(!done && current != end) {
    switch(theChar) {
      case '\n':
      case '\r':
          PRUnichar thePrevChar = theChar;
          theChar = (++current != end) ? *current : '\0';
          if ((thePrevChar == '\r' && theChar == '\n') ||
              (thePrevChar == '\n' && theChar == '\r')) {
            theChar = (++current != end) ? *current : '\0'; // CRLF == LFCR => LF
            haveCR = PR_TRUE;
          } else if (thePrevChar == '\r') {
            // Lone CR becomes CRLF; callers should know to remove extra CRs
            AppendUnicodeTo(origin, current, aString);
            origin = current;
            haveCR = PR_TRUE;
      case ' ' :
      case '\t':
        theChar = (++current != end) ? *current : '\0';
        done = PR_TRUE;
        AppendUnicodeTo(origin, current, aString);

  if (current == end) {
    AppendUnicodeTo(origin, current, aString);
    result = FillBuffer();

  aHaveCR = haveCR;
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
/// parses input stream
bool LVRtfParser::Parse()
    //m_conv_table = GetCharsetByte2UnicodeTable( L"cp1251" );

    bool errorFlag = false;

    // make fb2 document structure
    m_callback->OnTagOpen( NULL, L"?xml" );
    m_callback->OnAttribute( NULL, L"version", L"1.0" );
    m_callback->OnAttribute( NULL, L"encoding", L"utf-8" );
    //m_callback->OnEncoding( GetEncodingName().c_str(), GetCharsetTable( ) );
    m_callback->OnTagClose( NULL, L"?xml" );
    m_callback->OnTagOpenNoAttr( NULL, L"FictionBook" );
      m_callback->OnTagOpenNoAttr( NULL, L"description" );
        m_callback->OnTagOpenNoAttr( NULL, L"title-info" );
            lString16 bookTitle = LVExtractFilenameWithoutExtension( getFileName() ); //m_stream->GetName();
            m_callback->OnTagOpenNoAttr( NULL, L"book-title" );
                if ( !bookTitle.empty() )
                    m_callback->OnText( bookTitle.c_str(), bookTitle.length(), 0 );
          //queue.DetectBookDescription( m_callback );
        m_callback->OnTagOpenNoAttr( NULL, L"title-info" );
      m_callback->OnTagClose( NULL, L"description" );
      // BODY
      m_callback->OnTagOpenNoAttr( NULL, L"body" );
        //m_callback->OnTagOpen( NULL, L"section" );
          // process text
          //queue.DoTextImport( m_callback );
        //m_callback->OnTagClose( NULL, L"section" );

    txtbuf = new lChar16[ MAX_TXT_SIZE+1 ];
    txtpos = 0;
    txtfstart = 0;
    char cwname[33];
    while ( !Eof() && !errorFlag && !m_stopped ) {
        // load next portion of data if necessary
        if ( m_buf_len - m_buf_pos < MIN_BUF_DATA_SIZE ) {
            if ( !FillBuffer( MIN_BUF_DATA_SIZE*2 ) ) {
                errorFlag = true;
        int len = (int)m_buf_len - (int)m_buf_pos;
        // check end of file
        if ( len <=0 )
            break; //EOF
        const lUInt8 * p = m_buf + m_buf_pos;
        lUInt8 ch = *p++;
        if ( ch=='{' ) {
        } else if ( ch=='}' ) {
        lUInt8 ch2 = *p;
        if ( ch=='\\' && *p!='\'' ) {
            // control
            bool asteriskFlag = false;
            if ( ch2=='*' ) {
                ch = *(++p);
                ch2 = *(++p);
                asteriskFlag = true;
            if ( (ch2>='A' && ch2<='Z') || (ch2>='a' && ch2<='z') ) {
                // control word
                int cwi = 0;
                do {
                    cwname[cwi++] = ch2;
                    ch2 = *++p;
                } while ( ( (ch2>='A' && ch2<='Z') || (ch2>='a' && ch2<='z') ) && cwi<32 );
                cwname[cwi] = 0;
                int param = PARAM_VALUE_NONE;
                if ( ch2==' ' ) {
                } else {
                    if ( ch2 == '-' ) {
                        param = 0;
                        for ( ;; ) {
                            ch2 = *++p;
                            if ( ch2<'0' || ch2>'9' )
                            param = param * 10 + (ch2-'0');
                        param = -param;
                    } else if ( ch2>='0' && ch2<='9' ) {
                        param = 0;
                        while ( ch2>='0' && ch2<='9' ) {
                            param = param * 10 + (ch2-'0');
                            ch2 = *++p;
                    if ( *p == ' ' )
                // \uN -- unicode character
                if ( cwi==1 && cwname[0]=='u' ) {
                    AddChar( (lChar16) (param & 0xFFFF) );
//                    if ( m_stack.getInt( pi_skip_ch_count )==0 )
//                        m_stack.set( pi_skip_ch_count, 1 );
                } else {
                    // usual control word
                    OnControlWord( cwname, param, asteriskFlag );
            } else {
                // control char
                cwname[0] = ch2;
                cwname[1] = 0;
                OnControlWord( cwname, PARAM_VALUE_NONE, asteriskFlag );
            m_buf_pos += p - (m_buf + m_buf_pos);
        } else {
            //lChar16 txtch = 0;
            if ( ch=='\\' ) {
                int digit1 = charToHex( p[0] );
                int digit2 = charToHex( p[1] );
                if ( digit1>=0 && digit2>=0 ) {
                    AddChar8( (lChar8)((digit1 << 4) | digit2) );
                } else {
            } else {
                if ( ch>=' ' ) {

                    AddChar8( ch );
                } else {
                    // wrong char
            m_buf_pos += p - (m_buf + m_buf_pos);
    delete[] txtbuf;
    txtbuf = NULL;


      m_callback->OnTagClose( NULL, L"body" );
    m_callback->OnTagClose( NULL, L"FictionBook" );

    return !errorFlag;
Ejemplo n.º 14
size_t SysRead( b_file *io, char *b, size_t len )
    size_t      bytes_read;
    size_t      amt;
    size_t      offs_in_b;
    size_t      max_valid;

    if( io->attrs & BUFFERED ) {
        // determine the maximum valid position in the buffer
        max_valid = io->read_len;
        if( max_valid < io->high_water ) {
            max_valid = io->high_water;
        // if we're beyond that position then we must fill the buffer
        if( io->b_curs >= max_valid ) {
            if( FillBuffer( io ) < 0 )
                return( READ_ERROR );
            max_valid = io->read_len;
        amt = max_valid - io->b_curs;
        if( amt > len ) {
            amt = len;
        memcpy( b, &io->buffer[io->b_curs], amt );
        offs_in_b = amt;
        io->b_curs += amt;
        len -= amt;
        if( len ) {
            // flush the buffer
            if( FlushBuffer( io ) < 0 )
                return( READ_ERROR );
            if( len > io->buff_size ) {
                // read a multiple of io->buff_size bytes
                amt = len - len % io->buff_size;
                bytes_read = readbytes( io, b + offs_in_b, amt );
                if( bytes_read == READ_ERROR )
                    return( READ_ERROR );
                offs_in_b += bytes_read;
                if( bytes_read < amt )
                    return( offs_in_b );
                len -= amt;
            if( len ) {
                // first fill the buffer
                bytes_read = readbytes( io, io->buffer, io->buff_size );
                if( bytes_read == READ_ERROR )
                    return( READ_ERROR );
                io->attrs |= READ_AHEAD;
                io->read_len = bytes_read;
                // then grab our bytes from it
                if( len > bytes_read ) {
                    len = bytes_read;
                memcpy( b + offs_in_b, io->buffer, len );
                io->b_curs = len;
                offs_in_b += len;
        return( offs_in_b );
    } else {
        return( readbytes( io, b, len ) );
Ejemplo n.º 15
static size_t GetTextRec( b_file *io, char *b, size_t len )
// Get a record from a TEXT file.
    char        ch;
    size_t      read;
    char        rs[2];

    if( io->attrs & SEEK ) { // direct access
        if( SysRead( io, b, len ) == READ_ERROR )
            return( 0 );
        if( SysRead( io, rs, sizeof( char ) ) == READ_ERROR )
            return( 0 );
        if( rs[0] == LF )
            return( len );
#if ! defined( __UNIX__ )
        if( rs[0] == CR ) {
            if( SysRead( io, &rs[1], sizeof( char ) ) == READ_ERROR ) {
                return( 0 );
            if( rs[1] == LF )
                return( len );
            if( ( io->attrs & CARRIAGE_CONTROL ) && ( rs[1] == FF ) ) {
                return( len );
        FSetErr( IO_BAD_RECORD, io );
        return( 0 );
    } else if( io->attrs & BUFFERED ) {
        char            *ptr;
        char            *stop;
        bool            seen_cr;
        bool            trunc;
        size_t          max_valid;

        // determine maximum valid position in the buffer
        max_valid = io->read_len;
        if( max_valid < io->high_water ) {
            max_valid = io->high_water;
        stop = io->buffer + max_valid;
        ptr = io->buffer + io->b_curs;
        read = 0;
        seen_cr = false;
        trunc = false;
        for( ;; ) {
            if( ptr >= stop ) {
                io->b_curs = ptr - io->buffer;
                if( FillBuffer( io ) < 0 ) {
                    // we have to do this so that io->b_curs is set properly
                    // on end of file
                    ptr = io->buffer + io->b_curs;
                    if( read > 0 && io->stat == IO_EOF ) {
                        IOOk( io );
                stop = io->buffer + io->read_len;
                ptr = io->buffer + io->b_curs;
            ch = *ptr;
            if( ch == LF )
            if( !seen_cr ) {
                if( ch == CTRL_Z ) {
                    --ptr; // give back char so we don't read past EOF
                    if( read == 0 )
                        FSetEof( io );
                if( ch == CR ) {
                    seen_cr = true;
                } else if( read < len ) {
                    b[read] = ch;
                } else {
                    trunc = true;
            } else {
                if( ch == FF && (io->attrs & CARRIAGE_CONTROL) )
                --ptr;  // give back the char
                seen_cr = false;
                if( read < len ) {
                    b[read] = CR;
                } else {
                    trunc = true;
        io->b_curs = ptr - io->buffer;
        if( trunc ) {
            FSetTrunc( io );
        return( read );
    } else {    // device (CON)
        read = 0;
        len = readbytes( io, b, len );
        if( len == READ_ERROR )
            return( 0 );
        for( ;; ) {
            if( read == len )
#if defined( __UNIX__ ) || defined( __NETWARE__ )
            if( *b == LF )
                return( read );
            if( *b == CR ) {
                if( read == len - 1 )
                if( *b == LF )
                    return( read );
            } else if( *b == CTRL_Z ) {
                FSetEof( io );
                return( read );
        FSetTrunc( io );
        return( read );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void PSIR_FileWriter::ParseFileResources ( LFA_FileRef fileRef, XMP_Uns32 length )
	bool ok;

	this->fileParsed = true;
	if ( length == 0 ) return;

	// Parse the image resource block.

	IOBuffer ioBuf;
	ioBuf.filePos = LFA_Seek ( fileRef, 0, SEEK_CUR );

	XMP_Int64 psirOrigin = ioBuf.filePos;	// Need this to determine the resource data offsets.
	XMP_Int64 fileEnd = ioBuf.filePos + length;

	std::string rsrcPName;

	while ( (ioBuf.filePos + (ioBuf.ptr - ioBuf.data)) < fileEnd ) {

		ok = CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 12 );	// The minimal image resource takes 12 bytes.
		if ( ! ok ) break;	// Bad image resource. Throw instead?

		XMP_Int64 thisRsrcPos = ioBuf.filePos + (ioBuf.ptr - ioBuf.data);

		XMP_Uns32 type = GetUns32BE(ioBuf.ptr);
		XMP_Uns16 id   = GetUns16BE(ioBuf.ptr+4);
		ioBuf.ptr += 6;	// Advance to the resource name.

		XMP_Uns16 nameLen = ioBuf.ptr[0];	// ! The length for the Pascal string.
		XMP_Uns16 paddedLen = (nameLen + 2) & 0xFFFE;	// ! Round up to an even total. Yes, +2!
		ok = CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, paddedLen+4 );	// Get the name text and the data length.
		if ( ! ok ) break;	// Bad image resource. Throw instead?

		if ( nameLen > 0 ) rsrcPName.assign ( (char*)(ioBuf.ptr), paddedLen );	// ! Include the length byte and pad.

		ioBuf.ptr += paddedLen;	// Move to the data length.
		XMP_Uns32 dataLen   = GetUns32BE(ioBuf.ptr);
		XMP_Uns32 dataTotal = ((dataLen + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFEUL);	// Round up to an even total.
		ioBuf.ptr += 4;	// Advance to the resource data.

		XMP_Int64 thisDataPos = ioBuf.filePos + (ioBuf.ptr - ioBuf.data);
		XMP_Int64 nextRsrcPos = thisDataPos + dataTotal;

		if ( type != k8BIM ) {
			XMP_Uns32 fullRsrcLen = (XMP_Uns32) (nextRsrcPos - thisRsrcPos);
			this->otherRsrcs.push_back ( OtherRsrcInfo ( (XMP_Uns32)thisRsrcPos, fullRsrcLen ) );
			MoveToOffset ( fileRef, nextRsrcPos, &ioBuf );

		InternalRsrcMap::value_type mapValue ( id, InternalRsrcInfo ( id, dataLen, kIsFileBased ) );
		InternalRsrcMap::iterator newRsrc = this->imgRsrcs.insert ( this->imgRsrcs.end(), mapValue );
		InternalRsrcInfo* rsrcPtr = &newRsrc->second;

		rsrcPtr->origOffset = (XMP_Uns32)thisDataPos;

		if ( nameLen > 0 ) {
			rsrcPtr->rsrcName = (XMP_Uns8*) malloc ( paddedLen );
			if ( rsrcPtr->rsrcName == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Out of memory", kXMPErr_NoMemory );
			memcpy ( (void*)rsrcPtr->rsrcName, rsrcPName.c_str(), paddedLen );	// AUDIT: Safe, allocated enough bytes above.

		if ( ! IsMetadataImgRsrc ( id ) ) {
			MoveToOffset ( fileRef, nextRsrcPos, &ioBuf );

		rsrcPtr->dataPtr = malloc ( dataLen );	// ! Allocate after the IsMetadataImgRsrc check.
		if ( rsrcPtr->dataPtr == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Out of memory", kXMPErr_NoMemory );

		if ( dataTotal <= kIOBufferSize ) {
			// The image resource data fits within the I/O buffer.
			ok = CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, dataTotal );
			if ( ! ok ) break;	// Bad image resource. Throw instead?
			memcpy ( (void*)rsrcPtr->dataPtr, ioBuf.ptr, dataLen );	// AUDIT: Safe, malloc'ed dataLen bytes above.
			ioBuf.ptr += dataTotal;	// ! Add the rounded length.
		} else {
			// The image resource data is bigger than the I/O buffer.
			LFA_Seek ( fileRef, (ioBuf.filePos + (ioBuf.ptr - ioBuf.data)), SEEK_SET );
			LFA_Read ( fileRef, (void*)rsrcPtr->dataPtr, dataLen );
			FillBuffer ( fileRef, nextRsrcPos, &ioBuf );


	#if 0
		printf ( "\nPSIR_FileWriter::ParseFileResources, count = %d\n", this->imgRsrcs.size() );
		InternalRsrcMap::iterator irPos = this->imgRsrcs.begin();
		InternalRsrcMap::iterator irEnd = this->imgRsrcs.end();
		for ( ; irPos != irEnd; ++irPos ) {
			InternalRsrcInfo& thisRsrc = irPos->second;
			printf ( "  #%d, dataLen %d, origOffset %d (0x%X)%s\n",
					 thisRsrc.id, thisRsrc.dataLen, thisRsrc.origOffset, thisRsrc.origOffset,
					 (thisRsrc.changed ? ", changed" : "") );

}	// PSIR_FileWriter::ParseFileResources
Ejemplo n.º 17
// the loop executed while running
HRESULT FCapturePin::DoBufferProcessingLoop(void) 
	Command com;

	int32 LastFrame = -1;

		while (!CheckRequest(&com)) 
			// Wait for the next frame from the game thread 
			if ( !GCaptureSyncEvent->Wait(1000) )
				FPlatformProcess::Sleep( 0.01f );
				continue;	// Reevaluate request

			IMediaSample *pSample;
			int32 FrameNumber = FAVIWriter::GetInstance()->GetFrameNumber();
			if (FrameNumber > LastFrame)
				UE_LOG(LogMovieCapture, Log, TEXT(" FrameNumber > LastFrame = %d > %d"), FrameNumber, LastFrame);
				HRESULT hr = GetDeliveryBuffer(&pSample,NULL,NULL,0);
				if (FAILED(hr)) 
					if (pSample)
					LastFrame = FrameNumber;
					hr = FillBuffer(pSample);

					if (hr == S_OK) 
						hr = Deliver(pSample);
						// downstream filter returns S_FALSE if it wants us to
						// stop or an error if it's reporting an error.
						if(hr != S_OK)
							UE_LOG(LogMovieCapture, Log, TEXT("Deliver() returned %08x; stopping"), hr);
							return S_OK;
			// Allow the game thread read more data

		// For all commands sent to us there must be a Reply call!
		if (com == CMD_RUN || com == CMD_PAUSE) 
		else if (com != CMD_STOP) 
			Reply((uint32) E_UNEXPECTED);
	} while (com != CMD_STOP);

	return S_FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
uint8_t *FMultiPatchTexture::MakeTexture (FRenderStyle style)
	// Add a little extra space at the end if the texture's height is not
	// a power of 2, in case somebody accidentally makes it repeat vertically.
	int numpix = Width * Height + (1 << HeightBits) - Height;
	uint8_t blendwork[256];
	bool buildrgb = bComplex;

	auto Pixels = new uint8_t[numpix];
	memset (Pixels, 0, numpix);

	if (style.Flags & STYLEF_RedIsAlpha)
		buildrgb = !UseBasePalette();
		// For regular textures we can use paletted compositing if all patches are just being copied because they all can create a paletted buffer.
		if (!buildrgb) for (int i = 0; i < NumParts; ++i)
			if (Parts[i].op != OP_COPY)
				buildrgb = true;

	if (!buildrgb)
		for (int i = 0; i < NumParts; ++i)
			if (Parts[i].Texture->bHasCanvas) continue;	// cannot use camera textures as patch.
			uint8_t *trans = Parts[i].Translation? Parts[i].Translation->Remap : nullptr;
				if (Parts[i].Blend != 0)
					trans = GetBlendMap(Parts[i].Blend, blendwork);
				Parts[i].Texture->CopyToBlock (Pixels, Width, Height, Parts[i].OriginX, Parts[i].OriginY, Parts[i].Rotate, trans, style);
		// In case there are translucent patches let's do the composition in
		// True color to keep as much precision as possible before downconverting to the palette.
		uint8_t *buffer = new uint8_t[Width * Height * 4];
		memset(buffer, 0, Width * Height * 4);
		FillBuffer(buffer, Width * 4, Height, TEX_RGB);
		for(int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
			uint8_t *in = buffer + Width * y * 4;
			uint8_t *out = Pixels + y;
			for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
				if (*out == 0 && in[3] != 0)
					*out = RGBToPalette(style, in[2], in[1], in[0]);
				out += Height;
				in += 4;
		delete [] buffer;
	return Pixels;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void Microphone( void *pvParameters )
    long lRetVal = -1;

    //Wait for Network Connection

#endif //MULTICAST

        while(g_ucMicStartFlag || g_loopback)
            int iBufferFilled = 0;
            iBufferFilled = GetBufferSize(pRecordBuffer);
            if(iBufferFilled >= (2*PACKET_SIZE))

#ifndef MULTICAST          
                    lRetVal = sendto(g_UdpSock.iSockDesc, \
                                       0,(struct sockaddr*)&(g_UdpSock.Client),\
                    if(lRetVal < 0)
                        UART_PRINT("Unable to send data\n\r");

                    lRetVal = SendMulticastPacket();
                    if(lRetVal < 0)
                        UART_PRINT("Unable to send data\n\r");

#endif     //MULTICAST      
                    lRetVal = FillBuffer(pPlayBuffer,\
                                          (unsigned char*)(pRecordBuffer->pucReadPtr), \
                    if(lRetVal < 0)
                        UART_PRINT("Unable to fill buffer\n\r");
                UpdateReadPtr(pRecordBuffer, PACKET_SIZE);
Ejemplo n.º 20
int ApplyBSDiffPatchMem(const unsigned char* old_data, ssize_t old_size,
                        const Value* patch, ssize_t patch_offset,
                        unsigned char** new_data, ssize_t* new_size) {
    // Patch data format:
    //   0       8       "BSDIFF40"
    //   8       8       X
    //   16      8       Y
    //   24      8       sizeof(newfile)
    //   32      X       bzip2(control block)
    //   32+X    Y       bzip2(diff block)
    //   32+X+Y  ???     bzip2(extra block)
    // with control block a set of triples (x,y,z) meaning "add x bytes
    // from oldfile to x bytes from the diff block; copy y bytes from the
    // extra block; seek forwards in oldfile by z bytes".

    unsigned char* header = (unsigned char*) patch->data + patch_offset;
    if (memcmp(header, "BSDIFF40", 8) != 0) {
        printf("corrupt bsdiff patch file header (magic number)\n");
        return 1;

    ssize_t ctrl_len, data_len;
    ctrl_len = offtin(header+8);
    data_len = offtin(header+16);
    *new_size = offtin(header+24);

    if (ctrl_len < 0 || data_len < 0 || *new_size < 0) {
        printf("corrupt patch file header (data lengths)\n");
        return 1;

    int bzerr;

    bz_stream cstream;
    cstream.next_in = patch->data + patch_offset + 32;
    cstream.avail_in = ctrl_len;
    cstream.bzalloc = NULL;
    cstream.bzfree = NULL;
    cstream.opaque = NULL;
    if ((bzerr = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&cstream, 0, 0)) != BZ_OK) {
        printf("failed to bzinit control stream (%d)\n", bzerr);

    bz_stream dstream;
    dstream.next_in = patch->data + patch_offset + 32 + ctrl_len;
    dstream.avail_in = data_len;
    dstream.bzalloc = NULL;
    dstream.bzfree = NULL;
    dstream.opaque = NULL;
    if ((bzerr = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&dstream, 0, 0)) != BZ_OK) {
        printf("failed to bzinit diff stream (%d)\n", bzerr);

    bz_stream estream;
    estream.next_in = patch->data + patch_offset + 32 + ctrl_len + data_len;
    estream.avail_in = patch->size - (patch_offset + 32 + ctrl_len + data_len);
    estream.bzalloc = NULL;
    estream.bzfree = NULL;
    estream.opaque = NULL;
    if ((bzerr = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&estream, 0, 0)) != BZ_OK) {
        printf("failed to bzinit extra stream (%d)\n", bzerr);

    *new_data = malloc(*new_size);
    if (*new_data == NULL) {
        printf("failed to allocate %ld bytes of memory for output file\n",
        return 1;

    off_t oldpos = 0, newpos = 0;
    off_t ctrl[3];
    off_t len_read;
    int i;
    unsigned char buf[24];
    while (newpos < *new_size) {
        // Read control data
        if (FillBuffer(buf, 24, &cstream) != 0) {
            printf("error while reading control stream\n");
            return 1;
        ctrl[0] = offtin(buf);
        ctrl[1] = offtin(buf+8);
        ctrl[2] = offtin(buf+16);

        if (ctrl[0] < 0 || ctrl[1] < 0) {
            printf("corrupt patch (negative byte counts)\n");
            return 1;

        // Sanity check
        if (newpos + ctrl[0] > *new_size) {
            printf("corrupt patch (new file overrun)\n");
            return 1;

        // Read diff string
        if (FillBuffer(*new_data + newpos, ctrl[0], &dstream) != 0) {
            printf("error while reading diff stream\n");
            return 1;

        // Add old data to diff string
        for (i = 0; i < ctrl[0]; ++i) {
            if ((oldpos+i >= 0) && (oldpos+i < old_size)) {
                (*new_data)[newpos+i] += old_data[oldpos+i];

        // Adjust pointers
        newpos += ctrl[0];
        oldpos += ctrl[0];

        // Sanity check
        if (newpos + ctrl[1] > *new_size) {
            printf("corrupt patch (new file overrun)\n");
            return 1;

        // Read extra string
        if (FillBuffer(*new_data + newpos, ctrl[1], &estream) != 0) {
            printf("error while reading extra stream\n");
            return 1;

        // Adjust pointers
        newpos += ctrl[1];
        oldpos += ctrl[2];

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
inline unsigned long LowFirstBitReader::PeekBits(unsigned int length)
    bool result = FillBuffer(length);
    return m_buffer & (((unsigned long)1 << length) - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 22
int main()
	// Set up Camera VDMA

	// Set up Compositor
	unsigned int threshold = 0x0CCC0FFF;
	CompositorInit(FrameBuffer, DrawBuffer, DisplayBuffer, threshold);

	// Initialize Buffers
	FillBuffer(FrameBuffer,0x00ff0000); //black
	FillBuffer(DrawBuffer,0x0); //black
	FillBuffer(DisplayBuffer,0x0); //black

	// Turn on Display

	 *           MAIN LOOP

	// Capture a Frame
	// -We are guaranteed a single frame because Microblaze is faster than
	//  30Hz, so as long as we don't sleep to early, we are guaranteed
	//  VDMA will write a single frame and stop, decreasing the sleep
	//  value more will not make a difference, may cause no frame to be written
	// -If there is a compositor/VMDA race condition, use VDMAStopAndWait()

	// Run Compositor
	// -Super slow, need to accelerate

	// LED Detection & Draw on Drawing Buffer
	// -Currently this appears to give very large unchanging values
	//unsigned int x = CompositorGetXPos();
	//unsigned int y = CompositorGetYPos();

	// find the white blobs
	Vector blobList;
	// search region: 80 pix box at the center
	OnePass(&blobList, (char*) FrameBuffer, 640/2, 480/2, 240);

	// draw the found blobs
	int i, avg_x, avg_y, radius;
	struct Blob blob;
	for (i = 0; i < blobList.size; i ++){

		blob = vector_get(&blobList, i);
		avg_x = blob.total_x/blob.count;
		avg_y = blob.total_y/blob.count;
		radius = sqrt(blob.count)/2;

		//DrawSqure(avg_x, avg_y, radius, 2, (char*) DrawBuffer, 15, 15, 15);
		FillColor(avg_x-radius, avg_y-radius, avg_x+radius, avg_y+radius, (char*) DrawBuffer, 0, 0, 15);

Ejemplo n.º 23
HRESULT CAudioPin::DoBufferProcessingLoop(void)
  if (!m_bConnected) 
    return S_OK;
    m_bThreadRunning = false;
  Command com;
  m_bThreadRunning = true;
  SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);

    while (!CheckRequest(&com)) 
      IMediaSample *pSample;
      HRESULT hr = GetDeliveryBuffer(&pSample,NULL,NULL,0);
      if (FAILED(hr)) 
        continue;	// go round again. Perhaps the error will go away
        // or the allocator is decommited & we will be asked to
        // exit soon.

      // Virtual function user will override.
      hr = FillBuffer(pSample);

      if (hr == S_OK) 
        // Some decoders seem to crash when we provide empty samples 
        if ((pSample->GetActualDataLength() > 0) && !m_pTsReaderFilter->IsStopping() && m_bConnected)
          hr = Deliver(pSample); 
          m_sampleCount++ ;
          m_bDiscontinuity = true;

        // downstream filter returns S_FALSE if it wants us to
        // stop or an error if it's reporting an error.
        if(hr != S_OK)
          DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("Deliver() returned %08x; stopping"), hr));
          m_bThreadRunning = false;
          return S_OK;
      else if (hr == S_FALSE) 
        // derived class wants us to stop pushing data
        m_bThreadRunning = false;
        return S_OK;
        // derived class encountered an error
        DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("Error %08lX from FillBuffer!!!"), hr));
        m_pFilter->NotifyEvent(EC_ERRORABORT, hr, 0);
        m_bThreadRunning = false;
        return hr;
     // all paths release the sample
    // For all commands sent to us there must be a Reply call!
	  if (com == CMD_RUN || com == CMD_PAUSE) 
    else if (com != CMD_STOP) 
      Reply((DWORD) E_UNEXPECTED);
      DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("Unexpected command!!!")));
  } while (com != CMD_STOP);

  m_bThreadRunning = false;  
  return S_FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 24
BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
     static BOOL         bShutOff, bClosing ;
     static HWAVEOUT     hWaveOut ;
     static HWND         hwndScroll ;
     static int          iFreq = FREQ_INIT ;
     static PBYTE        pBuffer1, pBuffer2 ;
     static PWAVEHDR     pWaveHdr1, pWaveHdr2 ;
     static WAVEFORMATEX waveformat ;
     int                 iDummy ;
     switch (message)
     case WM_INITDIALOG:
          hwndScroll = GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_SCROLL) ;
          SetScrollRange (hwndScroll, SB_CTL, FREQ_MIN, FREQ_MAX, FALSE) ;
          SetScrollPos   (hwndScroll, SB_CTL, FREQ_INIT, TRUE) ;
          SetDlgItemInt  (hwnd, IDC_TEXT, FREQ_INIT, FALSE) ;
          return TRUE ;
     case WM_HSCROLL:
          switch (LOWORD (wParam))
          case SB_LINELEFT:   iFreq -=  1 ;  break ;
          case SB_LINERIGHT:  iFreq +=  1 ;  break ;
          case SB_PAGELEFT:   iFreq /=  2 ;  break ;
          case SB_PAGERIGHT:  iFreq *=  2 ;  break ;
          case SB_THUMBTRACK:
               iFreq = HIWORD (wParam) ;
               break ;
          case SB_TOP:
               GetScrollRange (hwndScroll, SB_CTL, &iFreq, &iDummy) ;
               break ;
          case SB_BOTTOM:
               GetScrollRange (hwndScroll, SB_CTL, &iDummy, &iFreq) ;
               break ;
          iFreq = max (FREQ_MIN, min (FREQ_MAX, iFreq)) ;
          SetScrollPos (hwndScroll, SB_CTL, iFreq, TRUE) ;
          SetDlgItemInt (hwnd, IDC_TEXT, iFreq, FALSE) ;
          return TRUE ;
     case WM_COMMAND:
          switch (LOWORD (wParam))
          case IDC_ONOFF:
                    // If turning on waveform, hWaveOut is NULL
               if (hWaveOut == NULL)
                         // Allocate memory for 2 headers and 2 buffers

                    pWaveHdr1 = malloc (sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
                    pWaveHdr2 = malloc (sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
                    pBuffer1  = malloc (OUT_BUFFER_SIZE) ;
                    pBuffer2  = malloc (OUT_BUFFER_SIZE) ;

                    if (!pWaveHdr1 || !pWaveHdr2 || !pBuffer1 || !pBuffer2)
                         if (!pWaveHdr1) free (pWaveHdr1) ;
                         if (!pWaveHdr2) free (pWaveHdr2) ;
                         if (!pBuffer1)  free (pBuffer1) ;
                         if (!pBuffer2)  free (pBuffer2) ;

                         MessageBeep (MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ;
                         MessageBox (hwnd, TEXT ("Error allocating memory!"),
                                     szAppName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK) ;
                         return TRUE ;

                         // Variable to indicate Off button pressed

                    bShutOff = FALSE ;
                         // Open waveform audio for output
                    waveformat.wFormatTag      = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ;
                    waveformat.nChannels       = 1 ;
                    waveformat.nSamplesPerSec  = SAMPLE_RATE ;
                    waveformat.nAvgBytesPerSec = SAMPLE_RATE ;
                    waveformat.nBlockAlign     = 1 ;
                    waveformat.wBitsPerSample  = 8 ;
                    waveformat.cbSize          = 0 ;
                    if (waveOutOpen (&hWaveOut, WAVE_MAPPER, &waveformat,
                                     (DWORD) hwnd, 0, CALLBACK_WINDOW)
                              != MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
                         free (pWaveHdr1) ;
                         free (pWaveHdr2) ;
                         free (pBuffer1) ;
                         free (pBuffer2) ;

                         hWaveOut = NULL ;
                         MessageBeep (MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) ;
                         MessageBox (hwnd, 
                              TEXT ("Error opening waveform audio device!"),
                              szAppName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK) ;
                         return TRUE ;

                         // Set up headers and prepare them

                    pWaveHdr1->lpData          = pBuffer1 ;
                    pWaveHdr1->dwBufferLength  = OUT_BUFFER_SIZE ;
                    pWaveHdr1->dwBytesRecorded = 0 ;
                    pWaveHdr1->dwUser          = 0 ;
                    pWaveHdr1->dwFlags         = 0 ;
                    pWaveHdr1->dwLoops         = 1 ;
                    pWaveHdr1->lpNext          = NULL ;
                    pWaveHdr1->reserved        = 0 ;
                    waveOutPrepareHeader (hWaveOut, pWaveHdr1, 
                                          sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;

                    pWaveHdr2->lpData          = pBuffer2 ;
                    pWaveHdr2->dwBufferLength  = OUT_BUFFER_SIZE ;
                    pWaveHdr2->dwBytesRecorded = 0 ;
                    pWaveHdr2->dwUser          = 0 ;
                    pWaveHdr2->dwFlags         = 0 ;
                    pWaveHdr2->dwLoops         = 1 ;
                    pWaveHdr2->lpNext          = NULL ;
                    pWaveHdr2->reserved        = 0 ;
                    waveOutPrepareHeader (hWaveOut, pWaveHdr2,
                                          sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
                    // If turning off waveform, reset waveform audio
                    bShutOff = TRUE ;
                    waveOutReset (hWaveOut) ;
               return TRUE ;
          break ;

               // Message generated from waveOutOpen call
     case MM_WOM_OPEN:
          SetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDC_ONOFF, TEXT ("Turn Off")) ;

               // Send two buffers to waveform output device
          FillBuffer (pBuffer1, iFreq) ;
          waveOutWrite (hWaveOut, pWaveHdr1, sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
          FillBuffer (pBuffer2, iFreq) ;
          waveOutWrite (hWaveOut, pWaveHdr2, sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
          return TRUE ;

               // Message generated when a buffer is finished
     case MM_WOM_DONE:
          if (bShutOff)
               waveOutClose (hWaveOut) ;
               return TRUE ;

               // Fill and send out a new buffer

          FillBuffer (((PWAVEHDR) lParam)->lpData, iFreq) ;
          waveOutWrite (hWaveOut, (PWAVEHDR) lParam, sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
          return TRUE ;
     case MM_WOM_CLOSE:
          waveOutUnprepareHeader (hWaveOut, pWaveHdr1, sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;
          waveOutUnprepareHeader (hWaveOut, pWaveHdr2, sizeof (WAVEHDR)) ;

          free (pWaveHdr1) ;
          free (pWaveHdr2) ;
          free (pBuffer1) ;
          free (pBuffer2) ;

          hWaveOut = NULL ;
          SetDlgItemText (hwnd, IDC_ONOFF, TEXT ("Turn On")) ;
          if (bClosing)
               EndDialog (hwnd, 0) ;
          return TRUE ;
     case WM_SYSCOMMAND:
          switch (wParam)
          case SC_CLOSE:
               if (hWaveOut != NULL)
                    bShutOff = TRUE ;
                    bClosing = TRUE ;
                    waveOutReset (hWaveOut) ;
                    EndDialog (hwnd, 0) ;
               return TRUE ;
          break ;
     return FALSE ;
OMX_ERRORTYPE EncoderFileSource::ThreadRun(OMX_PTR pThreadData) {

    OMX_ERRORTYPE result = OMX_ErrorNone;
    BufferInfo *pBuffer = NULL;
    OMX_S32 nFrameBytes = m_nFrameWidth * m_nFrameHeight * 3 / 2;
    OMX_TICKS nTimeStamp = 0;

    for (OMX_S32 i = 1; i <= m_nFrames && !m_bThreadStop; i++) {
        // Since frame rate can change at any time, let's make sure that we use
        // the same frame rate for the duration of this loop iteration
        OMX_S32 nFramerate = m_nFramerate;

        // If in live mode we deliver frames in a real-time fashion
        if (m_bIsProfileMode) {
            VTEST_MSG_LOW("delaying frame %u ms", (unsigned int)(1000 / nFramerate));
            Sleeper::Sleep(1000 / nFramerate);

        result = m_pBufferQueue->Pop(&pBuffer, sizeof(BufferInfo**), 0);
        VTEST_MSG_LOW("queue pop %u of %u...", (unsigned int)i, (unsigned int)m_nFrames);

        if ((pBuffer == NULL) || (result != OMX_ErrorNone)) {
            /* Can only happen if stop is called or someone else ran into an
             * error */
            VTEST_MSG_HIGH("Stopping thread");
            result = OMX_ErrorNone;

        pHeader = pBuffer->pHeaderOut;
        pHeader->nOffset = 0;
        pHeader->nTimeStamp = 0;
        pHeader->nFlags = 0;
        pHeader->nFilledLen = 0;

        result = FillBuffer(pHeader, nFrameBytes);
        if (result != OMX_ErrorNone) {
            pHeader->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
            m_pSink->SetBuffer(pBuffer, this);

        // set the EOS flag if this is the last frame
        if (i >= m_nFrames) {
            pHeader->nFlags = OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
            VTEST_MSG_HIGH("enable OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS on frame %u", (unsigned int)i);
            m_bThreadStop = OMX_TRUE;

        pHeader->nFilledLen = nFrameBytes;
        if (m_bIsProfileMode) {
            nTimeStamp = (OMX_TICKS)Time::GetTimeMicrosec();
        } else {
            nTimeStamp = nTimeStamp + (OMX_TICKS)(1000000 / nFramerate);
        pHeader->nTimeStamp = nTimeStamp;

        VTEST_MSG_MEDIUM("delivering frame %u", (unsigned int)i);
        pHeader->nOffset = ((m_nFrameWidth * m_nDVSYOffset) + m_nDVSXOffset) * 3 / 2;
        m_pSink->SetBuffer(pBuffer, this);
    } // end for-loop

    //clean up
    while(m_pBufferQueue->GetSize() > 0) {
        VTEST_MSG_LOW("cleanup: q-wait (qsize %u)", (unsigned int)m_pBufferQueue->GetSize());
        m_pBufferQueue->Pop(&pBuffer, sizeof(BufferInfo **), 0);
        m_pSink->SetBuffer(pBuffer, this);

    VTEST_MSG_HIGH("thread exiting...");
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 26
NS_IMETHODIMP nsBufferDecoderSupport::Convert(const char * aSrc,
                                              PRInt32 * aSrcLength,
                                              PRUnichar * aDest,
                                              PRInt32 * aDestLength)
  // we do all operations using pointers internally
  const char * src = aSrc;
  const char * srcEnd = aSrc + *aSrcLength;
  PRUnichar * dest = aDest;
  PRUnichar * destEnd = aDest + *aDestLength;

  PRInt32 bcr, bcw; // byte counts for read & write;
  nsresult res = NS_OK;

  // do we have some residual data from the last conversion?
  if (mBufferLength > 0) {
    if (dest == destEnd) {
    } else {
      for (;;) {
        // we need new data to add to the buffer
        if (src == srcEnd) {
          res = NS_OK_UDEC_MOREINPUT;

        // fill that buffer
        PRInt32 buffLen = mBufferLength;  // initial buffer length
        FillBuffer(&src, srcEnd - src);

        // convert that buffer
        bcr = mBufferLength;
        bcw = destEnd - dest;
        res = ConvertNoBuff(mBuffer, &bcr, dest, &bcw);
        dest += bcw;

        // Detect invalid input character
        if (res == NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT && mErrBehavior == kOnError_Signal) {

        if ((res == NS_OK_UDEC_MOREINPUT) && (bcw == 0)) {
          res = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
#if defined(DEBUG_yokoyama) || defined(DEBUG_ftang)
          NS_ERROR("This should not happen. Internal buffer may be corrupted.");
        } else {
          if (bcr < buffLen) {
            // we didn't convert that residual data - unfill the buffer
            src -= mBufferLength - buffLen;
            mBufferLength = buffLen;
#if defined(DEBUG_yokoyama) || defined(DEBUG_ftang)
            NS_ERROR("This should not happen. Internal buffer may be corrupted.");
          } else {
            // the buffer and some extra data was converted - unget the rest
            src -= mBufferLength - bcr;
            mBufferLength = 0;
            res = NS_OK;

  if (res == NS_OK) {
    bcr = srcEnd - src;
    bcw = destEnd - dest;
    res = ConvertNoBuff(src, &bcr, dest, &bcw);
    src += bcr;
    dest += bcw;

    // if we have partial input, store it in our internal buffer.
    if (res == NS_OK_UDEC_MOREINPUT) {
      bcr = srcEnd - src;
      // make sure buffer is large enough
      if (bcr > mBufferCapacity) {
          // somehow we got into an error state and the buffer is growing out
          // of control
          res = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
      } else {
          FillBuffer(&src, bcr);

  *aSrcLength   -= srcEnd - src;
  *aDestLength  -= destEnd - dest;
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 27
// DoBufferProcessingLoop
// Grabs a buffer and calls the users processing function.
// Overridable, so that different delivery styles can be catered for.
HRESULT CSourceStream::DoBufferProcessingLoop(void) {

    Command com;


    do {
	while (!CheckRequest(&com)) {

	    IMediaSample *pSample;

	    HRESULT hr = GetDeliveryBuffer(&pSample,NULL,NULL,0);
	    if (FAILED(hr)) {
		continue;	// go round again. Perhaps the error will go away
			    // or the allocator is decommited & we will be asked to
			    // exit soon.

	    // Virtual function user will override.
	    hr = FillBuffer(pSample);

	    if (hr == S_OK) {
		hr = Deliver(pSample);

                // downstream filter returns S_FALSE if it wants us to
                // stop or an error if it's reporting an error.
                if(hr != S_OK)
                  DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("Deliver() returned %08x; stopping"), hr));
                  return S_OK;

	    } else if (hr == S_FALSE) {
                // derived class wants us to stop pushing data
		return S_OK;
	    } else {
                // derived class encountered an error
		DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("Error %08lX from FillBuffer!!!"), hr));
                m_pFilter->NotifyEvent(EC_ERRORABORT, hr, 0);
                return hr;

            // all paths release the sample

        // For all commands sent to us there must be a Reply call!

	if (com == CMD_RUN || com == CMD_PAUSE) {
	} else if (com != CMD_STOP) {
	    DbgLog((LOG_ERROR, 1, TEXT("Unexpected command!!!")));
    } while (com != CMD_STOP);

    return S_FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 void addData(const ByteArray &inBytes)
    mDynamicDone = false;
    mDynamicDataDue = mDynamicFillPos + mDynamicStartPos;
Ejemplo n.º 29
HRESULT CMPIptvSourceStream::DoBufferProcessingLoop(void) 
  Command com;


  WSADATA wsaData;
  WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);

#ifdef logging
  LogDebug("Starting grabber thread");
  sockaddr_in addr;
  memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  if (localip) {
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(localip);
  } else {
    addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  addr.sin_port = htons((u_short)port);

  ip_mreq imr; 
  imr.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
  if (localip) {
    imr.imr_interface.s_addr = inet_addr(localip);
  } else {
    imr.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  unsigned long nonblocking = 1;

  if((m_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) >= 0)
    /*		u_long argp = 1;
    ioctlsocket(m_socket, FIONBIO, &argp);
    DWORD dw = TRUE;
    int dwLen = sizeof(dw);
    if(setsockopt(m_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&dw, sizeof(dw)) < 0)
      m_socket = -1;

    if(setsockopt(m_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (const char*)&dw, sizeof(dw)) < 0)
      m_socket = -1;

    getsockopt(m_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&dw, &dwLen);
#ifdef logging
    LogDebug("Socket receive buffer is: %d (%d)", dw, dwLen);

    LogDebug("Trying to set receive buffer to %d", IPTV_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE);
    if(setsockopt(m_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (const char*)&dw, sizeof(dw)) < 0)
      m_socket = -1;

    dwLen = sizeof(dw);
    getsockopt(m_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&dw, &dwLen);
#ifdef logging
    LogDebug("New socket receive buffer is: %d (%d)", dw, dwLen);
    if (ioctlsocket(m_socket, FIONBIO, &nonblocking) != 0) {
      m_socket = -1;

    if(bind(m_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
      m_socket = -1;

      int ret = setsockopt(m_socket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (const char*)&imr, sizeof(imr));
      if(ret < 0) ret = ::WSAGetLastError();
      ret = ret;

  SetThreadPriority(m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

  int fromlen = sizeof(addr);

  m_buffsize = 0;
  timeval tv; //Will be used for select() below
  tv.tv_sec = 0;
  tv.tv_usec = 100000; //100 msec
    BOOL requestAvail;
    while ((requestAvail = CheckRequest(&com)) == FALSE) 
      DWORD startRecvTime;
      startRecvTime = GetTickCount();
      IMediaSample *pSample;
      char *pData;
      long cbData;

      HRESULT hr = GetDeliveryBuffer(&pSample,NULL,NULL,0);
      if (FAILED(hr))
      CheckPointer(pSample, E_POINTER);
    // Access the sample's data buffer
      pSample->GetPointer((BYTE **)&pData);
      cbData = pSample->GetSize();
        //Try to read the complete remaining buffer size
        //But stop reading after 100ms have passed (slow streams like internet radio)
        int len = recvfrom(m_socket, &pData[m_buffsize], cbData - m_buffsize, 0, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, &fromlen);
        int len = recvfrom(m_socket, &m_buffer[m_buffsize], IPTV_BUFFER_SIZE - m_buffsize, 0, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, &fromlen);
        if(len <= 0)
          //Wait until there's something in the receive buffer
          fd_set myFDsocket;
          myFDsocket.fd_count = 1;
          myFDsocket.fd_array[0] = m_socket;
          int selectRet = select(0, &myFDsocket, NULL, NULL, &tv);
#ifdef logging
          LogDebug("select return code: %d", selectRet);
          continue; //On error or nothing read just repeat the loop
#ifdef logging
        LogDebug("Read %d bytes at pos %d of %d", len, m_buffsize, IPTV_BUFFER_SIZE); 
        m_buffsize += len;
      } while ((requestAvail = CheckRequest(&com)) == FALSE && m_buffsize < (cbData           * 3 / 4) && abs((signed long)(GetTickCount() - startRecvTime)) < 100);
      } while ((requestAvail = CheckRequest(&com)) == FALSE && m_buffsize < (IPTV_BUFFER_SIZE * 3 / 4) && abs((signed long)(GetTickCount() - startRecvTime)) < 100);
      if (requestAvail) break;
      if (m_buffsize == 0) continue; //100ms passed but no buffer received
      IMediaSample *pSample;
      HRESULT hr = GetDeliveryBuffer(&pSample,NULL,NULL,0);
      if (FAILED(hr))
        // go round again. Perhaps the error will go away
        // or the allocator is decommited & we will be asked to
        // exit soon.
      // fill buffer
      hr = FillBuffer(pSample);

      if (hr == S_OK) 
        hr = Deliver(pSample);

        // downstream filter returns S_FALSE if it wants us to
        // stop or an error if it's reporting an error.
        if(hr != S_OK)
#ifdef logging
          LogDebug("Deliver() returned %08x; stopping", hr);
          if(m_socket >= 0) {closesocket(m_socket); m_socket = -1;}
          return S_OK;

      } else if (hr == S_FALSE) {
        // derived class wants us to stop pushing data
        if(m_socket >= 0) {closesocket(m_socket); m_socket = -1;}
        return S_OK;
      } else {
        // derived class encountered an error
#ifdef logging
        LogDebug("Error %08lX from FillBuffer!!!", hr);
        m_pFilter->NotifyEvent(EC_ERRORABORT, hr, 0);
        if(m_socket >= 0) {closesocket(m_socket); m_socket = -1;}
        return hr;

      // all paths release the sample

    // For all commands sent to us there must be a Reply call!

    if (com == CMD_RUN || com == CMD_PAUSE) {
    } else if (com != CMD_STOP) {
      Reply((DWORD) E_UNEXPECTED);
#ifdef logging
      LogDebug("Unexpected command %d!!!", com);
  } while (com != CMD_STOP);
Ejemplo n.º 30
	int GetC(){ FillBuffer(); return pos<count ? buffer[pos++] : EOF; }