Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Task.cpp Proyecto: DikBSD/STE
Task::process(TaskStatus const& status, FilterData const& data)
	Dependencies const deps(data.xform().resultingCropArea());
	std::auto_ptr<Params> params(m_ptrSettings->getPageParams(m_pageId));
	if (params.get() && !params->dependencies().matches(deps)) {
	OptionsWidget::UiData ui_data;

	if (params.get()) {

		if (params->contentSizeMM().isEmpty() && !params->contentRect().isEmpty()) {
			// Backwards compatibilty: put the missing data where it belongs.
			Params const new_params(
				ui_data.contentRect(), ui_data.contentSizeMM(),
				params->dependencies(), params->mode()
			m_ptrSettings->setPageParams(m_pageId, new_params);
	} else {
		QRectF const content_rect(
				status, data, m_ptrDbg.get()

		Params const new_params(
			ui_data.contentRect(), ui_data.contentSizeMM(), deps, MODE_AUTO
		m_ptrSettings->setPageParams(m_pageId, new_params);
	if (m_ptrNextTask) {
		return m_ptrNextTask->process(
			status, FilterData(data, data.xform()),
	} else {
		return FilterResultPtr(
			new UiUpdater(
				m_ptrFilter, m_pageId, m_ptrDbg, data.origImage(),
				data.xform(), ui_data, m_batchProcessing
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CSensorDataFilter::Filter(double &dfVal)
	//add the value to our store of data
	//like a stack, we add to the top

	//do we have enough data to scan the window?
	if( m_Data.size() < GetWindowSize() )
		return false;

	//mind the max size
	if( m_Data.size() > GetDataSize() )

	return FilterData(dfVal);
    This method builds prefix tree based on the list of filter strings. Every node of the tree
    contains subcategory name and, optionally, logging level - if node matches complete filter
    string. For example, given following filters:

    a (error)
    a.b.c (trace)
    a.b.x (trace)
    aa (error)
    aa.b (warn)

    The code builds following prefix tree:

    |- a (error) -- b - c (trace)
    |               |
    |               `-- x (trace)
    `- aa (error) - b (warn)
spark::LogHandler::LogHandler(LogLevel level, const Filters &filters) :
        level_(level) {
    for (auto it = filters.begin(); it != filters.end(); ++it) {
        const char* const category = it->first;
        const LogLevel level = it->second;
        std::vector<FilterData> *filters = &filters_; // Root nodes
        size_t pos = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0;; ++i) {
            if (category[i] && category[i] != '.') { // Category name separator
            const size_t size = i - pos;
            if (!size) {
                break; // Invalid category name
            const char* const name = category + pos;
            // Use binary search to find existent node or position for new node
            bool found = false;
            auto it = std::lower_bound(filters->begin(), filters->end(), std::make_pair(name, size),
                    [&found](const FilterData &filter, const std::pair<const char*, size_t> &value) {
                const int cmp = std::strncmp(filter.name, value.first, std::min(filter.size, value.second));
                if (cmp == 0) {
                    if (filter.size == value.second) {
                        found = true;
                    return filter.size < value.second;
                return cmp < 0;
            if (!found) {
                it = filters->insert(it, FilterData(name, size)); // Add node
            if (!category[i]) {
                it->level = level;
            filters = &it->filters;
            pos = i + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool FileFilter::FilterEdit()
	if (bMenuOpen)
		return false;

	Changed = true;
	bMenuOpen = true;
	int ExitCode;
	bool bNeedUpdate=false;
	const auto FilterList = VMenu2::create(MSG(MFilterTitle), nullptr, 0, ScrY - 6);

	std::for_each(RANGE(FilterData(), i)
		MenuItemEx ListItem(MenuString(&i));
Ejemplo n.º 5
VRTFilteredSource::RasterIO( int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, 
                             void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, 
                             GDALDataType eBufType, 
                             GSpacing nPixelSpace,
                             GSpacing nLineSpace,
                             GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      For now we don't support filtered access to non-full            */
/*      resolution requests. Just collect the data directly without     */
/*      any operator.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nBufXSize != nXSize || nBufYSize != nYSize )
        return VRTComplexSource::RasterIO( nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, 
                                           pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, 
                                           eBufType, nPixelSpace, nLineSpace, psExtraArg );

    // The window we will actually request from the source raster band.
    double dfReqXOff, dfReqYOff, dfReqXSize, dfReqYSize;
    int nReqXOff, nReqYOff, nReqXSize, nReqYSize;

    // The window we will actual set _within_ the pData buffer.
    int nOutXOff, nOutYOff, nOutXSize, nOutYSize;

    if( !GetSrcDstWindow( nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
                        &dfReqXOff, &dfReqYOff, &dfReqXSize, &dfReqYSize,
                        &nReqXOff, &nReqYOff, &nReqXSize, &nReqYSize,
                        &nOutXOff, &nOutYOff, &nOutXSize, &nOutYSize ) )
        return CE_None;

    pData = ((GByte *)pData)
                            + nPixelSpace * nOutXOff
                            + nLineSpace * nOutYOff;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Determine the data type we want to request.  We try to match    */
/*      the source or destination request, and if both those fail we    */
/*      fallback to the first supported type at least as expressive     */
/*      as the request.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDataType eOperDataType = GDT_Unknown;
    int i;
    if( IsTypeSupported( eBufType ) )
        eOperDataType = eBufType;

    if( eOperDataType == GDT_Unknown 
        && IsTypeSupported( poRasterBand->GetRasterDataType() ) )
        eOperDataType = poRasterBand->GetRasterDataType();

    if( eOperDataType == GDT_Unknown )
        for( i = 0; i < nSupportedTypesCount; i++ )
            if( GDALDataTypeUnion( aeSupportedTypes[i], eBufType ) 
                == aeSupportedTypes[i] )
                eOperDataType = aeSupportedTypes[i];

    if( eOperDataType == GDT_Unknown )
        eOperDataType = aeSupportedTypes[0];

        for( i = 1; i < nSupportedTypesCount; i++ )
            if( GDALGetDataTypeSize( aeSupportedTypes[i] ) 
                > GDALGetDataTypeSize( eOperDataType ) )
                eOperDataType = aeSupportedTypes[i];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate the buffer of data into which our imagery will be      */
/*      read, with the extra edge pixels as well. This will be the      */
/*      source data fed into the filter.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nPixelOffset, nLineOffset;
    int nExtraXSize = nOutXSize + 2 * nExtraEdgePixels;
    int nExtraYSize = nOutYSize + 2 * nExtraEdgePixels;
    GByte *pabyWorkData;

    // FIXME? : risk of multiplication overflow
    pabyWorkData = (GByte *) 
        VSICalloc( nExtraXSize * nExtraYSize,
                   (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eOperDataType) / 8) );
    if( pabyWorkData == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, 
                  "Work buffer allocation failed." );
        return CE_Failure;

    nPixelOffset = GDALGetDataTypeSize( eOperDataType ) / 8;
    nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nExtraXSize;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate the output buffer if the passed in output buffer is    */
/*      not of the same type as our working format, or if the passed    */
/*      in buffer has an unusual organization.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte *pabyOutData;

    if( nPixelSpace != nPixelOffset || nLineSpace != nLineOffset
        || eOperDataType != eBufType )
        pabyOutData = (GByte *) 
            VSIMalloc3(nOutXSize, nOutYSize, nPixelOffset );

        if( pabyOutData == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, 
                      "Work buffer allocation failed." );
            return CE_Failure;
        pabyOutData = (GByte *) pData;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the extended window that we want to load.  Note      */
/*      that we keep track of the file window as well as the amount     */
/*      we will need to edge fill past the edge of the source dataset.  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nTopFill=0, nLeftFill=0, nRightFill=0, nBottomFill=0;
    int nFileXOff, nFileYOff, nFileXSize, nFileYSize;

    nFileXOff = nReqXOff - nExtraEdgePixels;
    nFileYOff = nReqYOff - nExtraEdgePixels;
    nFileXSize = nExtraXSize;
    nFileYSize = nExtraYSize;

    if( nFileXOff < 0 )
        nLeftFill = -nFileXOff;
        nFileXOff = 0;
        nFileXSize -= nLeftFill;

    if( nFileYOff < 0 )
        nTopFill = -nFileYOff;
        nFileYOff = 0;
        nFileYSize -= nTopFill;

    if( nFileXOff + nFileXSize > poRasterBand->GetXSize() )
        nRightFill = nFileXOff + nFileXSize - poRasterBand->GetXSize();
        nFileXSize -= nRightFill;

    if( nFileYOff + nFileYSize > poRasterBand->GetYSize() )
        nBottomFill = nFileYOff + nFileYSize - poRasterBand->GetYSize();
        nFileYSize -= nBottomFill;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the data.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr eErr;

    eErr =
        VRTComplexSource::RasterIOInternal( nFileXOff, nFileYOff, nFileXSize, nFileYSize,
                                              + nLineOffset * nTopFill
                                              + nPixelOffset * nLeftFill,
                                            nFileXSize, nFileYSize, eOperDataType,
                                            nPixelOffset, nLineOffset, psExtraArg );

    if( eErr != CE_None )
        if( pabyWorkData != pData )
            VSIFree( pabyWorkData );

        return eErr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fill in missing areas.  Note that we replicate the edge         */
/*      valid values out.  We don't using "mirroring" which might be    */
/*      more suitable for some times of filters.  We also don't mark    */
/*      these pixels as "nodata" though perhaps we should.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nLeftFill != 0 || nRightFill != 0 )
        for( i = nTopFill; i < nExtraYSize - nBottomFill; i++ )
            if( nLeftFill != 0 )
                GDALCopyWords( pabyWorkData + nPixelOffset * nLeftFill
                               + i * nLineOffset, eOperDataType, 0, 
                               pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset, eOperDataType, 
                               nPixelOffset, nLeftFill );

            if( nRightFill != 0 )
                GDALCopyWords( pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset
                               + nPixelOffset * (nExtraXSize - nRightFill - 1),
                               eOperDataType, 0, 
                               pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset
                               + nPixelOffset * (nExtraXSize - nRightFill),
                               eOperDataType, nPixelOffset, nRightFill );

    for( i = 0; i < nTopFill; i++ )
        memcpy( pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset, 
                pabyWorkData + nTopFill * nLineOffset, 
                nLineOffset );

    for( i = nExtraYSize - nBottomFill; i < nExtraYSize; i++ )
        memcpy( pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset, 
                pabyWorkData + (nExtraYSize - nBottomFill - 1) * nLineOffset, 
                nLineOffset );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Filter the data.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    eErr = FilterData( nOutXSize, nOutYSize, eOperDataType,
                       pabyWorkData, pabyOutData );

    VSIFree( pabyWorkData );
    if( eErr != CE_None )
        if( pabyOutData != pData )
            VSIFree( pabyOutData );

        return eErr;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy from work buffer to target buffer.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( pabyOutData != pData )
        for( i = 0; i < nOutYSize; i++ )
            GDALCopyWords( pabyOutData + i * (nPixelOffset * nOutXSize),
                           eOperDataType, nPixelOffset,
                           ((GByte *) pData) + i * nLineSpace, 
                           eBufType, nPixelSpace, nOutXSize );

        VSIFree( pabyOutData );

    return CE_None;
Ejemplo n.º 6
VRTFilteredSource::RasterIO( GDALDataType eBandDataType,
                             int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
                             void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
                             GDALDataType eBufType,
                             GSpacing nPixelSpace,
                             GSpacing nLineSpace,
                             GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      For now we don't support filtered access to non-full            */
/*      resolution requests. Just collect the data directly without     */
/*      any operator.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nBufXSize != nXSize || nBufYSize != nYSize )
        return VRTComplexSource::RasterIO( eBandDataType,
                                           nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
                                           pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
                                           eBufType, nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
                                           psExtraArg );

    // The window we will actually request from the source raster band.
    double dfReqXOff = 0.0;
    double dfReqYOff = 0.0;
    double dfReqXSize = 0.0;
    double dfReqYSize = 0.0;
    int nReqXOff = 0;
    int nReqYOff = 0;
    int nReqXSize = 0;
    int nReqYSize = 0;

    // The window we will actual set _within_ the pData buffer.
    int nOutXOff = 0;
    int nOutYOff = 0;
    int nOutXSize = 0;
    int nOutYSize = 0;

    if( !GetSrcDstWindow( nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
                        &dfReqXOff, &dfReqYOff, &dfReqXSize, &dfReqYSize,
                        &nReqXOff, &nReqYOff, &nReqXSize, &nReqYSize,
                        &nOutXOff, &nOutYOff, &nOutXSize, &nOutYSize ) )
        return CE_None;

    pData = reinterpret_cast<GByte *>( pData )
        + nPixelSpace * nOutXOff
        + nLineSpace * nOutYOff;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Determine the data type we want to request.  We try to match    */
/*      the source or destination request, and if both those fail we    */
/*      fallback to the first supported type at least as expressive     */
/*      as the request.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDataType eOperDataType = GDT_Unknown;

    if( IsTypeSupported( eBufType ) )
        eOperDataType = eBufType;

    if( eOperDataType == GDT_Unknown
        && IsTypeSupported( m_poRasterBand->GetRasterDataType() ) )
        eOperDataType = m_poRasterBand->GetRasterDataType();

    if( eOperDataType == GDT_Unknown )
        for( int i = 0; i < m_nSupportedTypesCount; i++ )
            if( GDALDataTypeUnion( m_aeSupportedTypes[i], eBufType )
                == m_aeSupportedTypes[i] )
                eOperDataType = m_aeSupportedTypes[i];

    if( eOperDataType == GDT_Unknown )
        eOperDataType = m_aeSupportedTypes[0];

        for( int i = 1; i < m_nSupportedTypesCount; i++ )
            if( GDALGetDataTypeSize( m_aeSupportedTypes[i] )
                > GDALGetDataTypeSize( eOperDataType ) )
                eOperDataType = m_aeSupportedTypes[i];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate the buffer of data into which our imagery will be      */
/*      read, with the extra edge pixels as well. This will be the      */
/*      source data fed into the filter.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nOutXSize > INT_MAX - 2 * m_nExtraEdgePixels ||
        nOutYSize > INT_MAX - 2 * m_nExtraEdgePixels )
        return CE_Failure;
    const int nExtraXSize = nOutXSize + 2 * m_nExtraEdgePixels;
    const int nExtraYSize = nOutYSize + 2 * m_nExtraEdgePixels;

    GByte *pabyWorkData = static_cast<GByte *>(
        VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE( nExtraXSize, nExtraYSize,
                             GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eOperDataType)) );

    if( pabyWorkData == nullptr )
        return CE_Failure;

    const GPtrDiff_t nPixelOffset = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes( eOperDataType );
    const GPtrDiff_t nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nExtraXSize;

    memset( pabyWorkData, 0, nLineOffset * nExtraYSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate the output buffer in the same dimensions as the work   */
/*      buffer. This allows the filter process to write edge pixels     */
/*      if needed for two-pass (separable) filtering.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte *pabyOutData = static_cast<GByte *>(
        VSI_MALLOC3_VERBOSE( nExtraXSize, nExtraYSize, nPixelOffset ) );
    if( pabyOutData == nullptr )
        CPLFree( pabyWorkData );
        return CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out the extended window that we want to load.  Note      */
/*      that we keep track of the file window as well as the amount     */
/*      we will need to edge fill past the edge of the source dataset.  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nFileXOff = nReqXOff - m_nExtraEdgePixels;
    int nFileYOff = nReqYOff - m_nExtraEdgePixels;
    int nFileXSize = nExtraXSize;
    int nFileYSize = nExtraYSize;

    int nTopFill = 0;
    int nLeftFill = 0;
    int nRightFill = 0;
    int nBottomFill = 0;

    if( nFileXOff < 0 )
        nLeftFill = -nFileXOff;
        nFileXOff = 0;
        nFileXSize -= nLeftFill;

    if( nFileYOff < 0 )
        nTopFill = -nFileYOff;
        nFileYOff = 0;
        nFileYSize -= nTopFill;

    if( nFileXOff + nFileXSize > m_poRasterBand->GetXSize() )
        nRightFill = nFileXOff + nFileXSize - m_poRasterBand->GetXSize();
        nFileXSize -= nRightFill;

    if( nFileYOff + nFileYSize > m_poRasterBand->GetYSize() )
        nBottomFill = nFileYOff + nFileYSize - m_poRasterBand->GetYSize();
        nFileYSize -= nBottomFill;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the data.                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        const bool bIsComplex = CPL_TO_BOOL( GDALDataTypeIsComplex(eOperDataType) );
        const CPLErr eErr
            = VRTComplexSource::RasterIOInternal<float>(
                nFileXOff, nFileYOff, nFileXSize, nFileYSize,
                pabyWorkData + nLineOffset * nTopFill + nPixelOffset * nLeftFill,
                nFileXSize, nFileYSize, eOperDataType,
                nPixelOffset, nLineOffset, psExtraArg,
                bIsComplex ? GDT_CFloat32 : GDT_Float32 );

        if( eErr != CE_None )
            VSIFree( pabyWorkData );
            VSIFree( pabyOutData );

            return eErr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fill in missing areas.  Note that we replicate the edge         */
/*      valid values out.  We don't using "mirroring" which might be    */
/*      more suitable for some times of filters.  We also don't mark    */
/*      these pixels as "nodata" though perhaps we should.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nLeftFill != 0 || nRightFill != 0 )
        for( int i = nTopFill; i < nExtraYSize - nBottomFill; i++ )
            if( nLeftFill != 0 )
                GDALCopyWords( pabyWorkData + nPixelOffset * nLeftFill
                               + i * nLineOffset, eOperDataType, 0,
                               pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset, eOperDataType,
                               static_cast<int>(nPixelOffset), nLeftFill );

            if( nRightFill != 0 )
                GDALCopyWords( pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset
                               + nPixelOffset * (nExtraXSize - nRightFill - 1),
                               eOperDataType, 0,
                               pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset
                               + nPixelOffset * (nExtraXSize - nRightFill),
                               static_cast<int>(nPixelOffset), nRightFill );

    for( int i = 0; i < nTopFill; i++ )
        memcpy( pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset,
                pabyWorkData + nTopFill * nLineOffset,
                nLineOffset );

    for( int i = nExtraYSize - nBottomFill; i < nExtraYSize; i++ )
        memcpy( pabyWorkData + i * nLineOffset,
                pabyWorkData + (nExtraYSize - nBottomFill - 1) * nLineOffset,
                nLineOffset );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Filter the data.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const CPLErr eErr = FilterData( nExtraXSize, nExtraYSize, eOperDataType,
                                    pabyWorkData, pabyOutData );

    VSIFree( pabyWorkData );
    if( eErr != CE_None )
        VSIFree( pabyOutData );

        return eErr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy from work buffer to target buffer.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte *pabySrcRow =
        pabyOutData + (nLineOffset + nPixelOffset) * m_nExtraEdgePixels;
    GByte *pabyDstRow = reinterpret_cast<GByte *>( pData );

    for( int i = 0; i < nOutYSize; i++,
         pabySrcRow += nLineOffset, pabyDstRow += nLineSpace )
        GDALCopyWords( pabySrcRow, eOperDataType, static_cast<int>(nPixelOffset),
                       pabyDstRow, eBufType, static_cast<int>(nPixelSpace),
                       nOutXSize );

    VSIFree( pabyOutData );

    return CE_None;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void game_list_frame::Refresh(bool fromDrive)
	if (fromDrive)
		// Load PSF


		const std::string& game_path = Emu.GetGameDir();

		for (const auto& entry : fs::dir(Emu.GetGameDir()))
			if (!entry.is_directory)

			const std::string& dir = game_path + entry.name;
			const std::string& sfb = dir + "/PS3_DISC.SFB";
			const std::string& sfo = dir + (fs::is_file(sfb) ? "/PS3_GAME/PARAM.SFO" : "/PARAM.SFO");

			const fs::file sfo_file(sfo);
			if (!sfo_file)

			const auto& psf = psf::load_object(sfo_file);

			GameInfo game;
			game.root         = entry.name;
			game.serial       = psf::get_string(psf, "TITLE_ID", "");
			game.name         = psf::get_string(psf, "TITLE", "unknown");
			game.app_ver      = psf::get_string(psf, "APP_VER", "unknown");
			game.category     = psf::get_string(psf, "CATEGORY", "unknown");
			game.fw           = psf::get_string(psf, "PS3_SYSTEM_VER", "unknown");
			game.parental_lvl = psf::get_integer(psf, "PARENTAL_LEVEL");
			game.resolution   = psf::get_integer(psf, "RESOLUTION");
			game.sound_format = psf::get_integer(psf, "SOUND_FORMAT");

			if (game.category == "HG")
				game.category = sstr(category::hdd_Game);
				game.icon_path = dir + "/ICON0.PNG";
			else if (game.category == "DG")
				game.category = sstr(category::disc_Game);
				game.icon_path = dir + "/PS3_GAME/ICON0.PNG";
			else if (game.category == "HM")
				game.category = sstr(category::home);
				game.icon_path = dir + "/ICON0.PNG";
			else if (game.category == "AV")
				game.category = sstr(category::audio_Video);
				game.icon_path = dir + "/ICON0.PNG";
			else if (game.category == "GD")
				game.category = sstr(category::game_Data);
				game.icon_path = dir + "/ICON0.PNG";
			else if (game.category == "unknown")
				game.category = sstr(category::unknown);

			// Load Image
			QImage img;
			QPixmap pxmap;

			if (!game.icon_path.empty() && img.load(qstr(game.icon_path)))
				QImage scaled = img.scaled(m_Icon_Size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::TransformationMode::SmoothTransformation);
				pxmap = QPixmap::fromImage(scaled);
				img = QImage(m_Icon_Size, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
				QString abspath = QDir(qstr(game.icon_path)).absolutePath();
				LOG_ERROR(HLE, "Count not load image from path %s", sstr(abspath));
				img.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0));
				pxmap = QPixmap::fromImage(img);

			m_game_data.push_back({ game, img, pxmap });

		auto op = [](const GUI_GameInfo& game1, const GUI_GameInfo& game2) {
			return game1.info.name < game2.info.name;

		// Sort by name at the very least.
		std::sort(m_game_data.begin(), m_game_data.end(), op);

	// Fill Game List / Game Grid

	if (m_isListLayout)
		int row = PopulateGameList();
		gameList->sortByColumn(m_sortColumn, m_colSortOrder);
		if (m_Icon_Size.width() > 0 && m_Icon_Size.height() > 0)
			m_games_per_row = width() / (m_Icon_Size.width() + m_Icon_Size.width() * m_xgrid->getMarginFactor() * 2);
			m_games_per_row = 0;

		PopulateGameGrid(m_games_per_row, m_Icon_Size);
		connect(m_xgrid, &QTableWidget::doubleClicked, this, &game_list_frame::doubleClickedSlot);
		connect(m_xgrid, &QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &game_list_frame::ShowContextMenu);
Ejemplo n.º 8
STDMETHODIMP CMmTradeChannel::GetData(IEtsFilterData* ipFilter, IMmTradeInfoColl** ipResult)
		IEtsFilterDataPtr spFilter = NULL;
		spFilter.Attach(ipFilter, true);

		if (!ipResult)
			return E_POINTER;

			*ipResult = NULL;											
		IMmTradeInfoCollPtr spResult = IMmTradeInfoCollPtr(__uuidof(MmTradeInfoColl));
		*ipResult = (IMmTradeInfoColl*)spResult;
		if (*ipResult)

		if (*ipResult){
			CTradeInfoViewData	filteredTrades;
			FilterData(spFilter, filteredTrades);

			if (filteredTrades.size() > 0){
				CTradeInfoViewData::iterator it = filteredTrades.begin();
				CTradeInfoViewData::iterator itEnd = filteredTrades.end();

				for (; it != itEnd; it++)
					long lTradeID = 0L;
					_CHK((*it)->get_TradeID(&lTradeID), _T("Fail to get trade id."));

					DATE dtTradeDate = 0.;
					_CHK((*it)->get_TradeDate(&dtTradeDate), _T("Fail to get TradeDate."));

					IMmTradeInfoAtomPtr spReturnPtr = NULL;
					IMmTradeInfoAtomPtr spTrade = (*it);
					spResult->Add(lTradeID, dtTradeDate, spTrade, &spReturnPtr);
					/*_CHK((*ipResult)->Add(lTradeID, dtTradeDate, spTrade, &spReturnPtr),
						_T("Fail to Add trade to collection."));*/
	catch (_com_error& err)
	catch (...)
	return S_OK;