Ejemplo n.º 1
void MapEditor::Filter(int nFilteTimes, float filterPar)
	ATLASSERT(nFilteTimes > 0);
	for(int i = 0; i < nFilteTimes; ++i)
		FilterHeightField(m_pMapData, m_height, filterPar);
	m_isModified = true;
	m_isDrawed = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MakeTerrainFault(float* field,int size,int iterations,int maxDelta,int minDelta,int iterationsPerFilter,float filter)
	int x1,y1,x2,y2,dx1,dy1,dx2,dy2,i,dHeight;

	Clear the height field
	for (i=0;i<size*size;i++)
		field[i] = 0.0f;

	for (i=0;i<iterations;i++)
		Calculate the dHeight for this iteration
		(linear interpolation from maxDelta to minDelta
		dHeight = maxDelta - ((maxDelta-minDelta)*i)/iterations;
		Pick two random points on the field for the line
		(make sure they're not identical)
		x1 = rand()%size;
		y1 = rand()%size;
			x2 = rand()%size;
			y2 = rand()%size;
		}while (x2==x1 && y2==y1);

		dx1,dy1 is a vector in the direction of the line
		dx1 = x2 - x1;
		dy1 = y2 - y1;
		for (x2 = 0;x2<size;x2++)
		for (y2 = 0;y2<size;y2++)
			dx2,dy2 is a vector from x1,y1 to the candidate point
			dx2 = x2-x1;
			dy2 = y2-y1;
			if z component of the cross product is 'up', then elevate this point
			if (dx2*dy1 - dx1*dy2 > 0)
				field[x2+size*y2] += (float)(dHeight);


		Erode terrain
		if (iterationsPerFilter!=0 && (i%iterationsPerFilter)==0)

	Normalize terrain (height field values in the range 0-1)

Ejemplo n.º 3
// Name:			CTERRAIN::MakeTerrainFault - public
// Description:		Create a height data set using the "Fault Formation"
//					algorithm.  Thanks a lot to Jason Shankel for this code!
// Arguments:		-iSize: Desired size of the height map
//					-iIterations: Number of detail passes to make
//					-iMinDelta, iMaxDelta: the desired min/max heights
//					-iIterationsPerFilter: Number of passes per filter
//					-fFilter: Strength of the filter
// Return Value:	A boolean value: -true: successful creation
//									 -false: unsuccessful creation
bool CTERRAIN::MakeTerrainFault( int iSize, int iIterations, int iMinDelta, int iMaxDelta, float fFilter )
    float* fTempBuffer;
    int iCurrentIteration;
    int iHeight;
    int iRandX1, iRandZ1;
    int iRandX2, iRandZ2;
    int iDirX1, iDirZ1;
    int iDirX2, iDirZ2;
    int x, z;
    int i;

    if( m_heightData.m_ucpData )
        UnloadHeightMap( );

    m_iSize= iSize;

    //allocate the memory for our height data
    m_heightData.m_ucpData= new unsigned char [m_iSize*m_iSize];
    fTempBuffer= new float [m_iSize*m_iSize];

    //check to see if memory was successfully allocated
    if( m_heightData.m_ucpData==NULL )
        //something is seriously wrong here
        g_log.Write( LOG_FAILURE, "Could not allocate memory for height map" );
        return false;

    //check to see if memory was successfully allocated
    if( fTempBuffer==NULL )
        //something is seriously wrong here
        g_log.Write( LOG_FAILURE, "Could not allocate memory for height map" );
        return false;

    //clear the height fTempBuffer
    for( i=0; i<m_iSize*m_iSize; i++ )
        fTempBuffer[i]= 0;

    for( iCurrentIteration=0; iCurrentIteration<iIterations; iCurrentIteration++ )
        //calculate the height range (linear interpolation from iMaxDelta to
        //iMinDelta) for this fault-pass
        iHeight= iMaxDelta - ( ( iMaxDelta-iMinDelta )*iCurrentIteration )/iIterations;

        //pick two points at random from the entire height map
        iRandX1= rand( )%m_iSize;
        iRandZ1= rand( )%m_iSize;

        //check to make sure that the points are not the same
            iRandX2= rand( )%m_iSize;
            iRandZ2= rand( )%m_iSize;
        } while ( iRandX2==iRandX1 && iRandZ2==iRandZ1 );

        //iDirX1, iDirZ1 is a vector going the same direction as the line
        iDirX1= iRandX2-iRandX1;
        iDirZ1= iRandZ2-iRandZ1;

        for( z=0; z<m_iSize; z++ )
            for( x=0; x<m_iSize; x++ )
                //iDirX2, iDirZ2 is a vector from iRandX1, iRandZ1 to the current point (in the loop)
                iDirX2= x-iRandX1;
                iDirZ2= z-iRandZ1;

                //if the result of ( iDirX2*iDirZ1 - iDirX1*iDirZ2 ) is "up" (above 0),
                //then raise this point by iHeight
                if( ( iDirX2*iDirZ1 - iDirX1*iDirZ2 )>0 )
                    fTempBuffer[( z*m_iSize )+x]+= ( float )iHeight;

        //erode terrain
        FilterHeightField( fTempBuffer, fFilter );

    //normalize the terrain for our purposes
    NormalizeTerrain( fTempBuffer );

    //transfer the terrain into our class's unsigned char height buffer
    for( z=0; z<m_iSize; z++ )
        for( x=0; x<m_iSize; x++ )
            SetHeightAtPoint( ( unsigned char )fTempBuffer[( z*m_iSize )+x], x, z );

    //delete temporary buffer
    if( fTempBuffer )
        //delete the data
        delete[] fTempBuffer;

    return true;