void FPathContextMenu::ExecuteSaveFolder()
	// Get a list of package names in the selected paths
	TArray<FString> PackageNames;

	// Form a list of packages from the assets
	TArray<UPackage*> Packages;
	for (int32 PackageIdx = 0; PackageIdx < PackageNames.Num(); ++PackageIdx)
		UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *PackageNames[PackageIdx]);

		// Only save loaded and dirty packages
		if ( Package != NULL && Package->IsDirty() )

	// Save all packages that were found
	if ( Packages.Num() )
void FNativeClassHierarchy::AddClassesForModule(const FName& InModuleName)
	FAddClassMetrics AddClassMetrics;

	// Find the class package for this module
	UPackage* const ClassPackage = FindPackage(nullptr, *(FString("/Script/") + InModuleName.ToString()));

	TSet<FName> GameModules = GetGameModules();
	TMap<FName, FName> PluginModules = GetPluginModules();

	TArray<UObject*> PackageObjects;
	GetObjectsWithOuter(ClassPackage, PackageObjects, false);
	for(UObject* Object : PackageObjects)
		UClass* const CurrentClass = Cast<UClass>(Object);
			AddClass(CurrentClass, GameModules, PluginModules, AddClassMetrics);

	UE_LOG(LogContentBrowser, Log, TEXT("Native class hierarchy updated for '%s' in %0.4f seconds. Added %d classes and %d folders."), *InModuleName.ToString(), FPlatformTime::Seconds() - AddClassMetrics.StartTime, AddClassMetrics.NumClassesAdded, AddClassMetrics.NumFoldersAdded);

bool FDeletePackageLatentCommand::Update()
	UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *Parameter);
	if(Package != NULL)
		TArray<UPackage*> Packages;
			FString PackageFileName = SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(Parameter);
				UE_LOG(LogSourceControl, Error, TEXT("Could not delete temporary package '%s'"), *PackageFileName);
			UE_LOG(LogSourceControl, Error, TEXT("Could not unload temporary package '%s'"), *Parameter);
		UE_LOG(LogSourceControl, Error, TEXT("Could not find temporary package '%s'"), *Parameter);

	return true;
	 * A utility function for looking up a package from an asset's full path (a 
	 * long package path).
	 * @param  AssetPath	The object path for a package that you want to look up.
	 * @return A package containing the specified asset (NULL if the asset doesn't exist, or it isn't loaded).
	static UPackage* FindPackageForAsset(FString const& AssetPath)
		FString PackagePath, AssetName;
		SplitPackagePathAndAssetName(AssetPath, PackagePath, AssetName);

		return FindPackage(NULL, *PackagePath);
void FBlueprintRenameAndCloneTest::GetTests(TArray<FString>& OutBeautifiedNames, TArray<FString>& OutTestCommands) const
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	TArray<FAssetData> ObjectList;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetsByClass(UBlueprint::StaticClass()->GetFName(), ObjectList);

	for (FAssetData const& Asset : ObjectList)
		FString AssetObjPath = Asset.ObjectPath.ToString();

		FString const Filename = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(AssetObjPath);
		if (!FAutomationTestFramework::GetInstance().ShouldTestContent(Filename))

		FString PackageName, AssetName;
		FBlueprintAutomationTestUtilities::SplitPackagePathAndAssetName(AssetObjPath, PackageName, AssetName);

		if (UPackage* ExistingPackage = FindPackage(NULL, *PackageName))
			if (ExistingPackage->HasAnyFlags(RF_RootSet))

void FPathContextMenu::ExecuteSCCSync() const
	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	TArray<FString> RootPaths;
	FPackageName::QueryRootContentPaths( RootPaths );

	// find valid paths on disk
	TArray<FString> PathsOnDisk;
	for(const auto& SelectedPath : SelectedPaths)
		// note: we make sure to terminate our path here so root directories map correctly.
		const FString CompletePath = SelectedPath / "";

		const bool bMatchesRoot = RootPaths.ContainsByPredicate([&](const FString& RootPath){ return CompletePath.StartsWith(RootPath); });
			FString PathOnDisk = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(CompletePath);

	if ( PathsOnDisk.Num() > 0 )
		// attempt to unload all assets under this path
		TArray<FString> PackageNames;

		// Form a list of loaded packages to prompt for save
		TArray<UPackage*> LoadedPackages;
		for( const auto& PackageName : PackageNames )
			UPackage* Package = FindPackage(nullptr, *PackageName);
			if ( Package != nullptr )

		FText ErrorMessage;
		PackageTools::UnloadPackages(LoadedPackages, ErrorMessage);

			FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::Ok, ErrorMessage );
			SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FSync>(), PathsOnDisk);
		UE_LOG(LogContentBrowser, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't find any valid paths to sync."))
void FPathContextMenu::ExecuteSCCOpenForAdd()
	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Get a list of package names in the selected paths
	TArray<FString> PackageNames;

	TArray<FString> PackagesToAdd;
	TArray<UPackage*> PackagesToSave;
	for ( auto PackageIt = PackageNames.CreateConstIterator(); PackageIt; ++PackageIt )
		FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilename(*PackageIt), EStateCacheUsage::Use);
		if ( SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled() )

			// Make sure the file actually exists on disk before adding it
			FString Filename;
			if ( !FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(*PackageIt, NULL, &Filename) )
				UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, **PackageIt);
				if ( Package )

	if ( PackagesToAdd.Num() > 0 )
		// If any of the packages are new, save them now
		if ( PackagesToSave.Num() > 0 )
			const bool bCheckDirty = false;
			const bool bPromptToSave = false;
			TArray<UPackage*> FailedPackages;
			const FEditorFileUtils::EPromptReturnCode Return = FEditorFileUtils::PromptForCheckoutAndSave(PackagesToSave, bCheckDirty, bPromptToSave, &FailedPackages);
			if(FailedPackages.Num() > 0)
				// don't try and add files that failed to save - remove them from the list
				for(auto FailedPackageIt = FailedPackages.CreateConstIterator(); FailedPackageIt; FailedPackageIt++)

		if ( PackagesToAdd.Num() > 0 )
			SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FMarkForAdd>(), SourceControlHelpers::PackageFilenames(PackagesToAdd));
Ejemplo n.º 8
void FAssetFixUpRedirectors::LoadReferencingPackages(TArray<FRedirectorRefs>& RedirectorsToFix, TArray<UPackage*>& OutReferencingPackagesToSave) const
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask( RedirectorsToFix.Num(), LOCTEXT( "LoadingReferencingPackages", "Loading Referencing Packages..." ) );

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Load all packages that reference each redirector, if possible
	for ( auto RedirectorRefsIt = RedirectorsToFix.CreateIterator(); RedirectorRefsIt; ++RedirectorRefsIt )

		FRedirectorRefs& RedirectorRefs = *RedirectorRefsIt;
		if ( ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() )
			FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(RedirectorRefs.Redirector->GetOutermost(), EStateCacheUsage::Use);
			const bool bValidSCCState = !SourceControlState.IsValid() || SourceControlState->IsAdded() || SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->CanCheckout() || !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled() || SourceControlState->IsIgnored();

			if ( !bValidSCCState )
				RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;
				RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_BadSCC", "Redirector could not be checked out or marked for delete");

		// Load all referencers
		for ( auto PackageNameIt = RedirectorRefs.ReferencingPackageNames.CreateConstIterator(); PackageNameIt; ++PackageNameIt )
			const FString PackageName = (*PackageNameIt).ToString();

			// Find the package in memory. If it is not in memory, try to load it
			UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *PackageName);
			if ( !Package )
				Package = LoadPackage(NULL, *PackageName, LOAD_None);

			if ( Package )
				if ( Package->PackageFlags & PKG_CompiledIn )
					// This is a script reference
					RedirectorRefs.bRedirectorValidForFixup = false;
					RedirectorRefs.FailureReason = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("RedirectorFixupFailed_CodeReference", "Redirector is referenced by code. Package: {0}"), FText::FromString(PackageName));
					// If we found a valid package, mark it for save
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool FFrontendFilter_Modified::PassesFilter(FAssetFilterType InItem) const
	UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *InItem.PackageName.ToString());

	if ( Package != NULL )
		return Package->IsDirty();

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void FAssetContextMenu::GetSelectedPackages(TArray<UPackage*>& OutPackages) const
	for (int32 AssetIdx = 0; AssetIdx < SelectedAssets.Num(); ++AssetIdx)
		UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *SelectedAssets[AssetIdx].PackageName.ToString());

		if ( Package )
UClass* FClassBrowseHelper::FindAssetClass(const FString& GeneratedClassPackage, const FString& AssetName)
	UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *GeneratedClassPackage );
	if (Package)
		UObject* Object = FindObject<UObject>(Package, *AssetName);
		if (Object)
			UBlueprint* BlueprintOb = Cast<UBlueprint>(Object);
			return BlueprintOb ? *BlueprintOb->GeneratedClass : Object->GetClass();

	return NULL;
void FPathContextMenu::ExecuteSCCCheckIn()
	// Get a list of package names in the selected paths
	TArray<FString> PackageNames;

	// Form a list of loaded packages to prompt for save
	TArray<UPackage*> LoadedPackages;
	for ( auto PackageIt = PackageNames.CreateConstIterator(); PackageIt; ++PackageIt )
		UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, **PackageIt);
		if ( Package )

	// Prompt the user to ask if they would like to first save any dirty packages they are trying to check-in
	const FEditorFileUtils::EPromptReturnCode UserResponse = FEditorFileUtils::PromptForCheckoutAndSave( LoadedPackages, true, true );

	// If the user elected to save dirty packages, but one or more of the packages failed to save properly OR if the user
	// canceled out of the prompt, don't follow through on the check-in process
	const bool bShouldProceed = ( UserResponse == FEditorFileUtils::EPromptReturnCode::PR_Success || UserResponse == FEditorFileUtils::EPromptReturnCode::PR_Declined );
	if ( bShouldProceed )
		TArray<FString> PendingDeletePaths;
		for (const auto& Path : SelectedPaths)
			PendingDeletePaths.Add(FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(Path + TEXT("/"))));

		const bool bUseSourceControlStateCache = false;
		FSourceControlWindows::PromptForCheckin(bUseSourceControlStateCache, PackageNames, PendingDeletePaths);
		// If a failure occurred, alert the user that the check-in was aborted. This warning shouldn't be necessary if the user cancelled
		// from the dialog, because they obviously intended to cancel the whole operation.
		if ( UserResponse == FEditorFileUtils::EPromptReturnCode::PR_Failure )
			FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::Ok, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "SCC_Checkin_Aborted", "Check-in aborted as a result of save failure.") );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void FLevelCollectionModel::SCCOpenForAdd(const FLevelModelList& InList)
	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();
	TArray<FString>		FilenamesList = GetFilenamesList(InList);
	TArray<FString>		FilenamesToAdd;
	TArray<UPackage*>	PackagesToSave;

	for (auto It = FilenamesList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		const FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(*It, EStateCacheUsage::Use);
		if (SourceControlState.IsValid() && !SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled())

			// Make sure the file actually exists on disk before adding it
			FString LongPackageName = FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(*It);
			if (!FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(LongPackageName))
				UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *LongPackageName);
				if (Package)

	if (FilenamesToAdd.Num() > 0)
		// If any of the packages are new, save them now
		if (PackagesToSave.Num() > 0)
			const bool bCheckDirty = false;
			const bool bPromptToSave = false;
			const auto Return = FEditorFileUtils::PromptForCheckoutAndSave(PackagesToSave, bCheckDirty, bPromptToSave);

		SourceControlProvider.Execute(ISourceControlOperation::Create<FMarkForAdd>(), FilenamesToAdd);
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool EngineUtils::FindOrLoadAssetsByPath(const FString& Path, TArray<UObject*>& OutAssets)
	if ( !FPackageName::IsValidLongPackageName(Path, true) )
		return false;

	// Convert the package path to a filename with no extension (directory)
	const FString FilePath = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(Path);

	// Gather the package files in that directory and subdirectories
	TArray<FString> Filenames;
	FPackageName::FindPackagesInDirectory(Filenames, FilePath);

	// Cull out map files
	for (int32 FilenameIdx = Filenames.Num() - 1; FilenameIdx >= 0; --FilenameIdx)
		const FString Extension = FPaths::GetExtension(Filenames[FilenameIdx], true);
		if ( Extension == FPackageName::GetMapPackageExtension() )

	// Load packages or find existing ones and fully load them
	TSet<UPackage*> Packages;
	for (int32 FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < Filenames.Num(); ++FileIdx)
		const FString& Filename = Filenames[FileIdx];

		UPackage* Package = FindPackage(NULL, *FPackageName::FilenameToLongPackageName(Filename));

		if (Package)
			Package = LoadPackage(NULL, *Filename, LOAD_None);

		if (Package)

	// If any packages were successfully loaded, find all assets that were in the packages and add them to OutAssets
	if ( Packages.Num() > 0 )
		for (FObjectIterator ObjIt; ObjIt; ++ObjIt)
			if ( Packages.Contains(ObjIt->GetOutermost()) && ObjIt->IsAsset() )

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
UFunction* UTimelineComponent::GetTimelineLinearColorSignature()
	UFunction* TimelineVectorSig = FindObject<UFunction>(FindPackage(nullptr, TEXT("/Script/Engine")), TEXT("OnTimelineLinearColor__DelegateSignature"));
	check(TimelineVectorSig != NULL);
	return TimelineVectorSig;