Ejemplo n.º 1
CPrivateChatWnd* CChatWindows::OpenPrivateGnutella(const Hashes::Guid& oGUID, const SOCKADDR_IN* pHost, BOOL bMustPush, PROTOCOLID nProtocol)
	CPrivateChatWnd* pFrame = NULL;
	if ( oGUID )
		pFrame = FindPrivate( oGUID, false );
		if ( pFrame == NULL )
			pFrame = FindPrivate( oGUID, true );

	if ( pFrame == NULL )
		pFrame = FindPrivate( pHost );

	if ( pFrame == NULL )
		pFrame = new CPrivateChatWnd();
		pFrame->Setup( oGUID, pHost, bMustPush, nProtocol );

	pFrame->PostMessage( WM_COMMAND, ID_CHAT_CONNECT );


	return pFrame;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CPrivateChatFrame* CChatWindows::OpenPrivate(GGUID* pGUID, SOCKADDR_IN* pHost, BOOL bMustPush, PROTOCOLID nProtocol, SOCKADDR_IN* pServer)
	CPrivateChatFrame* pFrame = NULL;

	ASSERT ( pHost != NULL );

	if ( ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_BT ) || ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_FTP ) )
		return NULL;

	if ( ! MyProfile.IsValid() )
		CString strMessage;
		LoadString( strMessage, IDS_CHAT_NEED_PROFILE );
		if ( AfxMessageBox( strMessage, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION ) == IDYES )
			AfxGetMainWnd()->PostMessage( WM_COMMAND, ID_TOOLS_PROFILE );
		return NULL;

	if ( nProtocol == PROTOCOL_ED2K )
		CEDClient* pClient;

		// First, check if it's a low ID user on another server. 
		if ( bMustPush && pServer ) 
			// It's a firewalled user (Low ID). If they are using another server, we 
			// can't (shouldn't) contact them. (It places a heavy load on the ed2k servers)
			CSingleLock pLock1( &Network.m_pSection );
			if ( ! pLock1.Lock( 250 ) ) return NULL;
			if ( Neighbours.Get( &pServer->sin_addr ) == NULL ) return NULL;

		// ED2K chat is handled by the EDClient section. (Transfers)
		// We need to find (or create) an EDClient to handle this chat session, since everything 
		// on ed2k shares a TCP link.

		// First, lock the section to prevent a problem with other threads
		CSingleLock pLock( &Transfers.m_pSection );
		if ( ! pLock.Lock( 250 ) ) return NULL;

		// We need to connect to them, so either find or create an EDClient
		if ( pServer )
			pClient = EDClients.Connect(pHost->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, pHost->sin_port, &pServer->sin_addr, pServer->sin_port, pGUID );
			pClient = EDClients.Connect(pHost->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, pHost->sin_port, NULL, 0, pGUID );
		// If we weren't able to create a client (Low-id and no server), then exit.
		if ( ! pClient ) return NULL;
		// Have it connect (if it isn't)
		if ( ! pClient->m_bConnected ) pClient->Connect();
		// Tell it to start a chat session as soon as it's able

		// Check for / make active any existing window
		pFrame = FindPrivate( &pHost->sin_addr );
		// Check for an empty frame
		if ( pFrame == NULL )
			if ( bMustPush ) pFrame = FindED2KFrame( pHost->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, pServer );
			else pFrame = FindED2KFrame( pHost );
		if ( pFrame != NULL ) 
			// Open window if we found one
			CWnd* pParent = pFrame->GetParent();
			if ( pParent->IsIconic() ) pParent->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL );
			// And exit
			return pFrame;
		// Open an empty (blank) chat frame. This is totally unnecessary- The EDClient will open 
		// one as required, but it looks better to open one here.
		pFrame = new CPrivateChatFrame();
		// Set name (Also used to match incoming connection)
		if ( bMustPush && pServer ) // Firewalled user (Low ID)
			pFrame->m_sNick.Format( _T("%lu@%s:%hu"),
			(LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pServer->sin_addr ) ),
			pServer->sin_port );
		else	// Regular user (High ID)
			pFrame->m_sNick.Format( _T("%s:%hu"), (LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pHost->sin_addr ) ), pHost->sin_port );

		// Open window
		CWnd* pParent = pFrame->GetParent();
		if ( pParent->IsIconic() ) pParent->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL );
		// Put a 'connecting' message in the window
		CString strMessage, strConnecting;
		LoadString( strConnecting, IDS_CHAT_CONNECTING_TO );
		strMessage.Format( strConnecting, pFrame->m_sNick );
		pFrame->OnStatusMessage( 0, strMessage );

		return pFrame;

	if ( pGUID != NULL ) pFrame = FindPrivate( pGUID );
	if ( pFrame == NULL ) pFrame = FindPrivate( &pHost->sin_addr );
	if ( pFrame == NULL )
		pFrame = new CPrivateChatFrame();
		pFrame->Initiate( pGUID, pHost, bMustPush );	

	pFrame->PostMessage( WM_COMMAND, ID_CHAT_CONNECT );
	CWnd* pParent = pFrame->GetParent();
	if ( pParent->IsIconic() ) pParent->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL );

	return pFrame;
Ejemplo n.º 3
CPrivateChatWnd* CChatWindows::OpenPrivateED2K(const Hashes::Guid& oGUID, const SOCKADDR_IN* pHost, BOOL bMustPush, SOCKADDR_IN* pServer)
	// First, check if it's a low ID user on another server.
	if ( bMustPush && pServer )
		// It's a firewalled user (Low ID). If they are using another server,
		// we can't (shouldn't) contact them. (Places heavy load on ed2k servers)
		CSingleLock pLock1( &Network.m_pSection );
		if ( ! pLock1.Lock( 250 ) ) return NULL;
		if ( Neighbours.Get( pServer->sin_addr ) == NULL ) return NULL;

	// ED2K chat is handled by the EDClient section. (Transfers)
	// We need to find (or create) an EDClient to handle this chat session,
	// since everything on ed2k shares a TCP link.

	// First, lock the section to prevent a problem with other threads
	CSingleLock pLock( &Transfers.m_pSection );
	if ( ! pLock.Lock( 250 ) ) return NULL;

	// We need to connect to them, so either find or create an EDClient
	CEDClient* pClient;
	if ( pServer )
		pClient = EDClients.Connect(pHost->sin_addr.s_addr, ntohs( pHost->sin_port ), &pServer->sin_addr, ntohs( pServer->sin_port ), oGUID );
		pClient = EDClients.Connect(pHost->sin_addr.s_addr, ntohs( pHost->sin_port ), NULL, 0, oGUID );
	// If we weren't able to create a client (Low-id and no server), then exit.
	if ( ! pClient ) return NULL;
	// Have it connect (if it isn't)
	if ( ! pClient->m_bConnected ) pClient->Connect();
	// Tell it to start a chat session as soon as it's able

	// Check for / make active any existing window
	CPrivateChatWnd* pFrame = FindPrivate( pHost );
	// Check for an empty frame
	if ( pFrame == NULL )
		if ( bMustPush )
			pFrame = FindED2KFrame( pHost->sin_addr.s_addr, pServer );
			pFrame = FindED2KFrame( pHost );
	if ( pFrame != NULL )
		// Open window if we found one
		//CWnd* pParent = pFrame->GetParent();
		//if ( pParent->IsIconic() ) pParent->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL );

		// And exit
		return pFrame;

	// Set name (Also used to match incoming connection)
	CString strNick;
	if ( bMustPush && pServer )		// Firewalled user (Low ID)
		strNick.Format( L"%lu@%s:%hu",
			(LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pServer->sin_addr ) ),
			ntohs( pServer->sin_port ) );
	else	// Regular user (High ID)
		strNick.Format( L"%s:%hu", (LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pHost->sin_addr ) ), ntohs( pHost->sin_port ) );

	// Open an empty (blank) chat frame. This is totally unnecessary- The EDClient will open
	// one as required, but it looks better to open one here.
	pFrame = new CPrivateChatWnd();
	pFrame->Setup( strNick );

// Obsolete: for reference & deletion
//	// Open window
//	CWnd* pParent = pFrame->GetParent();
//	if ( pParent->IsIconic() ) pParent->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL );
//	pParent->BringWindowToTop();
//	pParent->SetForegroundWindow();
//	// Put a 'connecting' message in the window
//	CString strMessage;
//	strMessage.Format( LoadString( IDS_CHAT_CONNECTING_TO ), (LPCTSTR)pFrame->m_sNick );
//	pFrame->OnStatusMessage( 0, strMessage );
//	if ( oGUID )
//		pFrame = FindPrivate( oGUID );
//	if ( pFrame == NULL )
//		pFrame = FindPrivate( &pHost->sin_addr );
//	if ( pFrame == NULL )
//	{
//		pFrame = new CPrivateChatWnd();
//		pFrame->Initiate( oGUID, pHost, bMustPush );
//	}
//	pFrame->PostMessage( WM_COMMAND, ID_CHAT_CONNECT );
//	CWnd* pParent = pFrame->GetParent();
//	if ( pParent->IsIconic() ) pParent->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWNORMAL );
//	pParent->BringWindowToTop();
//	pParent->SetForegroundWindow();

	return pFrame;