Ejemplo n.º 1
// Allocates a span of the given size.  h must be locked.
// The returned span has been removed from the
// free list, but its state is still MSpanFree.
static MSpan*
MHeap_AllocSpanLocked(MHeap *h, uintptr npage)
	uintptr n;
	MSpan *s, *t;
	PageID p;

	// Try in fixed-size lists up to max.
	for(n=npage; n < nelem(h->free); n++) {
		if(!runtime·MSpanList_IsEmpty(&h->free[n])) {
			s = h->free[n].next;
			goto HaveSpan;

	// Best fit in list of large spans.
	if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil) {
		if(!MHeap_Grow(h, npage))
			return nil;
		if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil)
			return nil;

	// Mark span in use.
	if(s->state != MSpanFree)
		runtime·throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - MSpan not free");
	if(s->npages < npage)
		runtime·throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - bad npages");
	if(s->next != nil || s->prev != nil)
		runtime·throw("still in list");
	if(s->npreleased > 0) {
		runtime·SysUsed((void*)(s->start<<PageShift), s->npages<<PageShift);
		mstats.heap_released -= s->npreleased<<PageShift;
		s->npreleased = 0;

	if(s->npages > npage) {
		// Trim extra and put it back in the heap.
		t = runtime·FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
		runtime·MSpan_Init(t, s->start + npage, s->npages - npage);
		s->npages = npage;
		p = t->start;
		p -= ((uintptr)h->arena_start>>PageShift);
		if(p > 0)
			h->spans[p-1] = s;
		h->spans[p] = t;
		h->spans[p+t->npages-1] = t;
		t->needzero = s->needzero;
		s->state = MSpanStack; // prevent coalescing with s
		t->state = MSpanStack;
		MHeap_FreeSpanLocked(h, t);
		t->unusedsince = s->unusedsince; // preserve age (TODO: wrong: t is possibly merged and/or deallocated at this point)
		s->state = MSpanFree;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: mheap.c Proyecto: rlcook0/go
static MSpan*
MHeap_AllocLocked(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass)
	uintptr n;
	MSpan *s, *t;
	PageID p;

	// Try in fixed-size lists up to max.
	for(n=npage; n < nelem(h->free); n++) {
		if(!runtime·MSpanList_IsEmpty(&h->free[n])) {
			s = h->free[n].next;
			goto HaveSpan;

	// Best fit in list of large spans.
	if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil) {
		if(!MHeap_Grow(h, npage))
			return nil;
		if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil)
			return nil;

	// Mark span in use.
	if(s->state != MSpanFree)
		runtime·throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - MSpan not free");
	if(s->npages < npage)
		runtime·throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - bad npages");
	s->state = MSpanInUse;
	mstats.heap_idle -= s->npages<<PageShift;
	mstats.heap_released -= s->npreleased<<PageShift;
	s->npreleased = 0;

	if(s->npages > npage) {
		// Trim extra and put it back in the heap.
		t = runtime·FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
		mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse;
		mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys;
		runtime·MSpan_Init(t, s->start + npage, s->npages - npage);
		s->npages = npage;
		p = t->start;
		if(sizeof(void*) == 8)
			p -= ((uintptr)h->arena_start>>PageShift);
		if(p > 0)
			h->map[p-1] = s;
		h->map[p] = t;
		h->map[p+t->npages-1] = t;
		*(uintptr*)(t->start<<PageShift) = *(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift);  // copy "needs zeroing" mark
		t->state = MSpanInUse;
		MHeap_FreeLocked(h, t);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static MSpan*
MHeap_AllocLocked(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass)
	uintptr n;
	MSpan *s, *t;

	// Try in fixed-size lists up to max.
	for(n=npage; n < nelem(h->free); n++) {
		if(!MSpanList_IsEmpty(&h->free[n])) {
			s = h->free[n].next;
			goto HaveSpan;

	// Best fit in list of large spans.
	if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil) {
		if(!MHeap_Grow(h, npage))
			return nil;
		if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil)
			return nil;

	// Mark span in use.
	if(s->state != MSpanFree)
		throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - MSpan not free");
	if(s->npages < npage)
		throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - bad npages");
	s->state = MSpanInUse;

	if(s->npages > npage) {
		// Trim extra and put it back in the heap.
		t = FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
		mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse;
		mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys;
		MSpan_Init(t, s->start + npage, s->npages - npage);
		s->npages = npage;
		MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, t->start - 1, s);
		MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, t->start, t);
		MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, t->start + t->npages - 1, t);
		t->state = MSpanInUse;
		MHeap_FreeLocked(h, t);

	// Record span info, because gc needs to be
	// able to map interior pointer to containing span.
	s->sizeclass = sizeclass;
	for(n=0; n<npage; n++)
		MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, s->start+n, s);
	return s;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Try to add at least npage pages of memory to the heap,
// returning whether it worked.
static bool
MHeap_Grow(MHeap *h, uintptr npage)
	uintptr ask;
	void *v;
	MSpan *s;

	// Ask for a big chunk, to reduce the number of mappings
	// the operating system needs to track; also amortizes
	// the overhead of an operating system mapping.
	// For Native Client, allocate a multiple of 64kB (16 pages).
	npage = (npage+15)&~15;
	ask = npage<<PageShift;
	if(ask < HeapAllocChunk)
		ask = HeapAllocChunk;

	v = SysAlloc(ask);
	if(v == nil) {
		if(ask > (npage<<PageShift)) {
			ask = npage<<PageShift;
			v = SysAlloc(ask);
		if(v == nil)
			return false;
	mstats.heap_sys += ask;

	if((byte*)v < h->min || h->min == nil)
		h->min = v;
	if((byte*)v+ask > h->max)
		h->max = (byte*)v+ask;

	// NOTE(rsc): In tcmalloc, if we've accumulated enough
	// system allocations, the heap map gets entirely allocated
	// in 32-bit mode.  (In 64-bit mode that's not practical.)
	if(!MHeapMap_Preallocate(&h->map, ((uintptr)v>>PageShift) - 1, (ask>>PageShift) + 2)) {
		SysFree(v, ask);
		return false;

	// Create a fake "in use" span and free it, so that the
	// right coalescing happens.
	s = FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
	mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse;
	mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys;
	MSpan_Init(s, (uintptr)v>>PageShift, ask>>PageShift);
	MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, s->start, s);
	MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, s->start + s->npages - 1, s);
	s->state = MSpanInUse;
	MHeap_FreeLocked(h, s);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
runtime·allocmcache ( void ) 
int32 rate; 
MCache *c; 
#line 2259 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
runtime·lock ( &runtime·mheap ) ; 
c = runtime·FixAlloc_Alloc ( &runtime·mheap.cachealloc ) ; 
mstats.mcache_inuse = runtime·mheap.cachealloc.inuse; 
mstats.mcache_sys = runtime·mheap.cachealloc.sys; 
runtime·unlock ( &runtime·mheap ) ; 
#line 2266 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
rate = runtime·MemProfileRate; 
if ( rate > 0x3fffffff ) 
rate = 0x3fffffff; 
if ( rate != 0 ) 
c->next_sample = runtime·fastrand1 ( ) % ( 2*rate ) ; 
#line 2272 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
return c; 
Ejemplo n.º 6
static MSpan*
MHeap_AllocLocked(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass)
	uintptr n;
	MSpan *s, *t;
	PageID p;

	// Try in fixed-size lists up to max.
	for(n=npage; n < nelem(h->free); n++) {
		if(!runtime·MSpanList_IsEmpty(&h->free[n])) {
			s = h->free[n].next;
			goto HaveSpan;

	// Best fit in list of large spans.
	if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil) {
		if(!MHeap_Grow(h, npage))
			return nil;
		if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil)
			return nil;

	// Mark span in use.
	if(s->state != MSpanFree)
		runtime·throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - MSpan not free");
	if(s->npages < npage)
		runtime·throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - bad npages");
	s->state = MSpanInUse;
	mstats.heap_idle -= s->npages<<PageShift;
	mstats.heap_released -= s->npreleased<<PageShift;
	if(s->npreleased > 0) {
		// We have called runtime·SysUnused with these pages, and on
		// Unix systems it called madvise.  At this point at least
		// some BSD-based kernels will return these pages either as
		// zeros or with the old data.  For our caller, the first word
		// in the page indicates whether the span contains zeros or
		// not (this word was set when the span was freed by
		// MCentral_Free or runtime·MCentral_FreeSpan).  If the first
		// page in the span is returned as zeros, and some subsequent
		// page is returned with the old data, then we will be
		// returning a span that is assumed to be all zeros, but the
		// actual data will not be all zeros.  Avoid that problem by
		// explicitly marking the span as not being zeroed, just in
		// case.  The beadbead constant we use here means nothing, it
		// is just a unique constant not seen elsewhere in the
		// runtime, as a clue in case it turns up unexpectedly in
		// memory or in a stack trace.
		*(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift) = (uintptr)0xbeadbeadbeadbeadULL;
	s->npreleased = 0;

	if(s->npages > npage) {
		// Trim extra and put it back in the heap.
		t = runtime·FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
		mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse;
		mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys;
		runtime·MSpan_Init(t, s->start + npage, s->npages - npage);
		s->npages = npage;
		p = t->start;
		if(sizeof(void*) == 8)
			p -= ((uintptr)h->arena_start>>PageShift);
		if(p > 0)
			h->map[p-1] = s;
		h->map[p] = t;
		h->map[p+t->npages-1] = t;
		*(uintptr*)(t->start<<PageShift) = *(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift);  // copy "needs zeroing" mark
		t->state = MSpanInUse;
		MHeap_FreeLocked(h, t);
		t->unusedsince = s->unusedsince; // preserve age