Ejemplo n.º 1
void KrEventManager::RemoveListener( KrWidget* widget )
    int i = keyListeners.Find( widget ); //maks
    if ( i >= 0 && i == keyFocus) //maks: Only remove the focus if the widget has the focus (solve focus bug in Math for Kids.ged)
        keyFocus = -1;

    keyListeners.FindAndDelete( widget );
    mouseListeners.FindAndDelete( widget );
    selectListeners.FindAndDelete( widget );

    for( i=0; i<accelListeners.Count(); ++i )
        if ( accelListeners[i].target == widget )
            accelListeners.Remove( i );
            //break; //maks

    if ( mouseFocus == widget )
        mouseFocus = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // XXX Bug?  We have to give the input focus before contents can be
  // selected

  FocusTristate state = FocusState();
  if (state == eUnfocusable) {
    return NS_OK;

  nsIFocusManager* fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager();

  nsCOMPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = GetPresContext();
  if (state == eInactiveWindow) {
    if (fm)
      fm->SetFocus(this, nsIFocusManager::FLAG_NOSCROLL);
    return NS_OK;

  nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
  nsGUIEvent event(PR_TRUE, NS_FORM_SELECTED, nsnull);
  // XXXbz nsHTMLInputElement guards against this reentering; shouldn't we?
  nsEventDispatcher::Dispatch(static_cast<nsIContent*>(this), presContext,
                              &event, nsnull, &status);

  // If the DOM event was not canceled (e.g. by a JS event handler
  // returning false)
  if (status == nsEventStatus_eIgnore) {
    if (fm) {
      fm->SetFocus(this, nsIFocusManager::FLAG_NOSCROLL);

      // ensure that the element is actually focused
      nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> focusedElement;
      if (SameCOMIdentity(static_cast<nsIDOMNode*>(this), focusedElement)) {
        // Now Select all the text!

  return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void KrEventManager::ChangeKeyFocus( int newFocus )
    if ( newFocus >= (int) keyListeners.Count() )
        newFocus -= (int) keyListeners.Count();

    if ( keyListeners.Count() > 0 )
        if ( newFocus != keyFocus )
            if ( GlInRange( keyFocus, (int) 0, int( keyListeners.Count() - 1 ) ) )
                keyListeners[ keyFocus ]->KeyFocus( false );
            if ( GlInRange( newFocus, (int) 0, int( keyListeners.Count() - 1 ) ) )
                keyListeners[ newFocus ]->KeyFocus( true );
            keyFocus = newFocus;
            newListnerFocus = true; //maks
        keyFocus = -1;

    FocusState(keyFocus != -1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void KrEventManager::HandleEvent( const SDL_Event& event, KrEngine* engine )
    if ( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && keyFocus >= 0) //maks
        //	- the tab key changes key focus.
        //	- accelerators are checked
        //	- keys passed through to the handler.

#ifdef DEBUG
        GLOUTPUT( "KeyDown mod=%d sym=%d, unicode=%d, name=%s\n", event.key.keysym.mod, event.key.keysym.sym, event.key.keysym.unicode, SDL_GetKeyName(event.key.keysym.sym)); //maks

        if (    event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB
                && keyListeners.Count() > 1 )
            if ( event.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT )
                ChangeKeyFocus( keyFocus + keyListeners.Count() - 1 );
                ChangeKeyFocus( keyFocus + 1 );

        for( int i=0; i<accelListeners.Count(); ++i )
            int sym = accelListeners[i].keysym;
            int mod = accelListeners[i].keymod;

            if (    event.key.keysym.sym == sym &&
                    event.key.keysym.mod & mod &&
                    keyListeners.Count() &&
                    accelListeners[i].target == keyListeners[ keyFocus ]) //maks: send accelerators for key focus owners
                accelListeners[i].target->Accelerate( true, mod, sym ); //maks

        if ( keyListeners.Count() > 0 )
            keyFocus = GlClamp( keyFocus, 0, int( keyListeners.Count()-1 ) );
            KrWidget* widget = keyListeners[ keyFocus ];

            // Go up the chain until handled.
            while( widget && !widget->KeyEvent( event ) )
                widget = widget->ParentWidget();
    else if ( event.type == SDL_KEYUP )
        // - only accelerates key up
        for( int i=0; i<accelListeners.Count(); ++i )
            if (    event.key.keysym.sym == accelListeners[i].keysym &&
                    event.key.keysym.mod & accelListeners[i].keymod &&
                    keyFocus >= 0 &&
                    keyListeners.Count() &&
                    accelListeners[i].target == keyListeners[ keyFocus ]) //maks
                accelListeners[i].target->Accelerate( false, event.key.keysym.mod, event.key.keysym.sym ); //maks

        //Send shift key up
        if ( keyListeners.Count() > 0 && (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LSHIFT || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RSHIFT))
            keyFocus = GlClamp( keyFocus, 0, int( keyListeners.Count()-1 ) );
            KrWidget* widget = keyListeners[ keyFocus ];

            // Go up the chain until handled.
            while( widget && !widget->KeyEvent( event ) )
                widget = widget->ParentWidget();
    else if ( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION )
        GlDynArray<KrImage*> hitArray;
        KrWidget* hit = 0;
        //int window = engine->GetWindowFromPoint( event.motion.x, event.motion.y );

        KrVector2T< GlFixed > object;

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
        if(mouseDown && mouseFocus) //maks
            //Don't change the focus if mouse button is down
            //Don't works on Pocket PC. In input.ged don't close the SIP keyboard (only send keyFocus = true)

            hit = mouseFocus;
            hit->ScreenToObject( event.motion.x, event.motion.y, &object/*, window*/ );
            engine->Tree()->HitTest( event.motion.x, event.motion.y,
                                     KrImageTree::ALWAYS_INSIDE_BOX, //| GET_ALL_HITS,
				&window*/ );

            for( int i=0; i<hitArray.Count(); ++i )
                KrImNode* parent = hitArray[i]->Parent();
                while( parent )
                    if ( parent->ToWidget() )
                        hit = parent->ToWidget();
                        hit->ScreenToObject( event.motion.x, event.motion.y, &object/*, window*/ );
                    parent = parent->Parent();

        // 1) Something has the focus. Nothing had it before.
        // 2) Something has the focus, something else had it before.
        // 3) Something loses the focus.
        // 5) The thing with focus gets a move.
        if ( hit && !mouseFocus )
            mouseFocus = hit;
            mouseFocus->MouseIn( mouseDown, true );
            mouseFocus->MouseMove( mouseDown, object.x.ToIntRound(), object.y.ToIntRound() );
        else if ( hit && mouseFocus && mouseFocus != hit )
            mouseFocus->MouseIn( mouseDown, false );
            mouseFocus = hit;
            mouseFocus->MouseIn( mouseDown, true );
            mouseFocus->MouseMove( mouseDown, object.x.ToIntRound(), object.y.ToIntRound() );
        else if ( !hit && mouseFocus )
            mouseFocus->MouseIn( mouseDown, false );
            mouseFocus = hit;
        else if ( hit && hit == mouseFocus )
            GLASSERT( hit == mouseFocus );
            mouseFocus->MouseMove( mouseDown, object.x.ToIntRound(), object.y.ToIntRound() );
        else if ( !hit && !mouseFocus )
            // nothing to do
            GLASSERT( 0 );

    else if ( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP )
        if ( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT )
            bool down = event.button.state != 0;	// & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK;
            if ( down != mouseDown )
                mouseDown = down;
                if ( mouseFocus )
                    int window = engine->GetWindowFromPoint( event.motion.x, event.motion.y );
                    KrVector2T< GlFixed > object;
                    mouseFocus->ScreenToObject( event.motion.x, event.motion.y, &object/*, window*/ );

                    mouseFocus->MouseClick( mouseDown ? KrWidget::LEFT_DOWN : KrWidget::LEFT_UP,
                                            object.y.ToIntRound() );
                else //maks
                        keyFocus >= 0 && keyFocus < keyListeners.Count() &&
                        !newListnerFocus //maks: Only remove the focus if the widget don't has changed the focus in this cycle (solve focus bug in Math for Kids.ged)
                        keyListeners[ keyFocus ]->KeyFocus( false );
                        keyFocus = -1;
        else if ( event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT ) //maks
            bool down = event.button.state != 0;
            if ( down != mouseDown )
                mouseDown = down;
                if ( mouseFocus )
                    int window = engine->GetWindowFromPoint( event.motion.x, event.motion.y );
                    KrVector2T< GlFixed > object;
                    mouseFocus->ScreenToObject( event.motion.x, event.motion.y, &object/*, window*/ );

                    mouseFocus->MouseClick( mouseDown ? KrWidget::RIGHT_DOWN : KrWidget::RIGHT_UP,
                                            object.y.ToIntRound() );

    newListnerFocus = false; //maks