Ejemplo n.º 1

  Synopsis    [Prints the node.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_PrintNode( Fraig_Man_t * p, Fraig_Node_t * pNode )
    Fraig_NodeVec_t * vNodes;
    Fraig_Node_t * pTemp;
    int fCompl1, fCompl2, i;

    vNodes = Fraig_DfsOne( p, pNode, 0 );
    for ( i = 0; i < vNodes->nSize; i++ )
        pTemp = vNodes->pArray[i];
        if ( Fraig_NodeIsVar(pTemp) )
            printf( "%3d : PI          ", pTemp->Num );
            Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimR, 20 );
            printf( "   " );
            Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimD, 20 );
            printf( "  %d\n", pTemp->fInv );

        fCompl1 = Fraig_IsComplement(pTemp->p1);
        fCompl2 = Fraig_IsComplement(pTemp->p2);
        printf( "%3d : %c%3d %c%3d   ", pTemp->Num,
            (fCompl1? '-':'+'), Fraig_Regular(pTemp->p1)->Num,
            (fCompl2? '-':'+'), Fraig_Regular(pTemp->p2)->Num );
        Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimR, 20 );
        printf( "   " );
        Fraig_PrintBinary( stdout, (unsigned *)&pTemp->puSimD, 20 );
        printf( "  %d\n", pTemp->fInv );
    Fraig_NodeVecFree( vNodes );
Ejemplo n.º 2

  Synopsis    [Verify one useful property.]

  Description [This procedure verifies one useful property. After 
  the FRAIG construction with choice nodes is over, each primary node 
  should have fanins that are primary nodes. The primary nodes is the 
  one that does not have pNode->pRepr set to point to another node.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_ManCheckConsistency( Fraig_Man_t * p )
    Fraig_Node_t * pNode;
    Fraig_NodeVec_t * pVec;
    int i;
    pVec = Fraig_Dfs( p, 0 );
    for ( i = 0; i < pVec->nSize; i++ )
        pNode = pVec->pArray[i];
        if ( Fraig_NodeIsVar(pNode) )
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Primary input %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
        else if ( Fraig_NodeIsConst(pNode) )
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Constant 1 %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( pNode->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d is a secondary node.\n", pNode->Num );
            if ( Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d has first fanin %d that is a secondary node.\n", 
                    pNode->Num, Fraig_Regular(pNode->p1)->Num );
            if ( Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->pRepr )
                printf( "Internal node %d has second fanin %d that is a secondary node.\n", 
                    pNode->Num, Fraig_Regular(pNode->p2)->Num );
    Fraig_NodeVecFree( pVec );
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3

  Synopsis    [Count the number of PI variables.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_CountPis( Fraig_Man_t * p, Msat_IntVec_t * vVarNums )
    int * pVars, nVars, i, Counter;

    nVars = Msat_IntVecReadSize(vVarNums);
    pVars = Msat_IntVecReadArray(vVarNums);
    Counter = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < nVars; i++ )
        Counter += Fraig_NodeIsVar( p->vNodes->pArray[pVars[i]] );
    return Counter;
Ejemplo n.º 4

  Synopsis    [Returns the array of nodes to be combined into one multi-input AND-gate.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_CollectSupergate_rec( Fraig_Node_t * pNode, Fraig_NodeVec_t * vSuper, int fFirst, int fStopAtMux )
    // if the new node is complemented or a PI, another gate begins
//    if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pNode) || Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode) )
    if ( (!fFirst && Fraig_Regular(pNode)->nRefs > 1) || 
          Fraig_IsComplement(pNode) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pNode) || 
          (fStopAtMux && Fraig_NodeIsMuxType(pNode)) )
        Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( vSuper, pNode );
    // go through the branches
    Fraig_CollectSupergate_rec( pNode->p1, vSuper, 0, fStopAtMux );
    Fraig_CollectSupergate_rec( pNode->p2, vSuper, 0, fStopAtMux );
Ejemplo n.º 5

  Synopsis    [Checks if pNew exists among the implication fanins of pOld.]

  Description [If pNew is an implication fanin of pOld, returns 1. 
  If Fraig_Not(pNew) is an implication fanin of pOld, return -1.
  Otherwise returns 0.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( Fraig_Node_t * pOld, Fraig_Node_t * pNew )
    int RetValue1, RetValue2;
    if ( Fraig_Regular(pOld) == Fraig_Regular(pNew) )
        return (pOld == pNew)? 1 : -1;
    if ( Fraig_IsComplement(pOld) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pOld) )
        return 0;
    RetValue1 = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( pOld->p1, pNew );
    RetValue2 = Fraig_NodeIsInSupergate( pOld->p2, pNew );
    if ( RetValue1 == -1 || RetValue2 == -1 )
        return -1;
    if ( RetValue1 ==  1 || RetValue2 ==  1 )
        return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6

  Synopsis    [Returns the array of nodes to be combined into one multi-input AND-gate.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Fraig_DetectFanoutFreeCone_rec( Fraig_Node_t * pNode, Fraig_NodeVec_t * vSuper, Fraig_NodeVec_t * vInside, int fFirst )
    // make the pointer regular
    pNode = Fraig_Regular(pNode);
    // if the new node is complemented or a PI, another gate begins
    if ( (!fFirst && pNode->nRefs > 1) || Fraig_NodeIsVar(pNode) )
        Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( vSuper, pNode );
    // go through the branches
    Fraig_DetectFanoutFreeCone_rec( pNode->p1, vSuper, vInside, 0 );
    Fraig_DetectFanoutFreeCone_rec( pNode->p2, vSuper, vInside, 0 );
    // add the node
    Fraig_NodeVecPushUnique( vInside, pNode );