Ejemplo n.º 1
  Check if an FV is consistent and allocate cache for it.

  @param  FvDevice              A pointer to the FvDevice to be checked.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough buffer could be allocated.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           FV is consistent and cache is allocated.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  File system is corrupted.

FvCheck (
  EFI_STATUS                            Status;
  EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER            *FwVolHeader;
  EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2                  FvbAttributes;
  EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY                *BlockMap;
  FFS_FILE_LIST_ENTRY                   *FfsFileEntry;
  EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER                   *FfsHeader;
  UINT8                                 *CacheLocation;
  UINTN                                 LbaOffset;
  UINTN                                 HeaderSize;
  UINTN                                 Index;
  EFI_LBA                               LbaIndex;
  UINTN                                 Size;
  EFI_FFS_FILE_STATE                    FileState;
  UINT8                                 *TopFvAddress;
  UINTN                                 TestLength;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                  PhysicalAddress;
  BOOLEAN                               FileCached;
  UINTN                                 WholeFileSize;
  EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER                   *CacheFfsHeader;

  FileCached = FALSE;
  CacheFfsHeader = NULL;

  Fvb = FvDevice->Fvb;
  FwVolHeader = FvDevice->FwVolHeader;

  Status = Fvb->GetAttributes (Fvb, &FvbAttributes);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Size is the size of the FV minus the head. We have already allocated
  // the header to check to make sure the volume is valid
  Size = (UINTN)(FwVolHeader->FvLength - FwVolHeader->HeaderLength);
  if ((FvbAttributes & EFI_FVB2_MEMORY_MAPPED) != 0) {
    FvDevice->IsMemoryMapped = TRUE;

    Status = Fvb->GetPhysicalAddress (Fvb, &PhysicalAddress);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      return Status;

    // Don't cache memory mapped FV really.
    FvDevice->CachedFv = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) (PhysicalAddress + FwVolHeader->HeaderLength);
  } else {
    FvDevice->IsMemoryMapped = FALSE;
    FvDevice->CachedFv = AllocatePool (Size);

    if (FvDevice->CachedFv == NULL) {
      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

  // Remember a pointer to the end fo the CachedFv
  FvDevice->EndOfCachedFv = FvDevice->CachedFv + Size;

  if (!FvDevice->IsMemoryMapped) {
    // Copy FV minus header into memory using the block map we have all ready
    // read into memory.
    BlockMap = FwVolHeader->BlockMap;
    CacheLocation = FvDevice->CachedFv;
    LbaIndex = 0;
    LbaOffset = 0;
    HeaderSize = FwVolHeader->HeaderLength;
    while ((BlockMap->NumBlocks != 0) || (BlockMap->Length != 0)) {
      Index = 0;
      Size  = BlockMap->Length;
      if (HeaderSize > 0) {
        // Skip header size
        for (; Index < BlockMap->NumBlocks && HeaderSize >= BlockMap->Length; Index ++) {
          HeaderSize -= BlockMap->Length;
          LbaIndex ++;

        // Check whether FvHeader is crossing the multi block range.
        if (Index >= BlockMap->NumBlocks) {
        } else if (HeaderSize > 0) {
          LbaOffset = HeaderSize;
          Size = BlockMap->Length - HeaderSize;
          HeaderSize = 0;
      // read the FV data  
      for (; Index < BlockMap->NumBlocks; Index ++) {
        Status = Fvb->Read (Fvb,

        // Not check EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE, for Size = BlockMap->Length
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          goto Done;

        CacheLocation += Size;

        // After we skip Fv Header always read from start of block
        LbaOffset = 0;
        Size  = BlockMap->Length;


  // Scan to check the free space & File list
  if ((FvbAttributes & EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY) != 0) {
    FvDevice->ErasePolarity = 1;
  } else {
    FvDevice->ErasePolarity = 0;

  // go through the whole FV cache, check the consistence of the FV.
  // Make a linked list of all the Ffs file headers
  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  InitializeListHead (&FvDevice->FfsFileListHeader);

  // Build FFS list
  if (FwVolHeader->ExtHeaderOffset != 0) {
    // Searching for files starts on an 8 byte aligned boundary after the end of the Extended Header if it exists.
    FwVolExtHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER *) (FvDevice->CachedFv + (FwVolHeader->ExtHeaderOffset - FwVolHeader->HeaderLength));
    FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) FwVolExtHeader + FwVolExtHeader->ExtHeaderSize);
    FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ALIGN_POINTER (FfsHeader, 8);
  } else {
    FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) (FvDevice->CachedFv);
  TopFvAddress = FvDevice->EndOfCachedFv;
  while (((UINTN) FfsHeader >= (UINTN) FvDevice->CachedFv) && ((UINTN) FfsHeader <= (UINTN) ((UINTN) TopFvAddress - sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)))) {

    if (FileCached) {
      CoreFreePool (CacheFfsHeader);
      FileCached = FALSE;

    TestLength = TopFvAddress - ((UINT8 *) FfsHeader);
    if (TestLength > sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)) {
      TestLength = sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER);

    if (IsBufferErased (FvDevice->ErasePolarity, FfsHeader, TestLength)) {
      // We have found the free space so we are done!
      goto Done;

    if (!IsValidFfsHeader (FvDevice->ErasePolarity, FfsHeader, &FileState)) {
      if ((FileState == EFI_FILE_HEADER_INVALID) ||
          (FileState == EFI_FILE_HEADER_CONSTRUCTION)) {
        if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (FfsHeader)) {
          if (!FvDevice->IsFfs3Fv) {
            DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Found a FFS3 formatted file: %g in a non-FFS3 formatted FV.\n", &FfsHeader->Name));
          FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) FfsHeader + sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2));
        } else {
          FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) FfsHeader + sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER));
      } else {
        // File system is corrputed
        Status = EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED;
        goto Done;

    CacheFfsHeader = FfsHeader;
    if ((CacheFfsHeader->Attributes & FFS_ATTRIB_CHECKSUM) == FFS_ATTRIB_CHECKSUM) {
      if (FvDevice->IsMemoryMapped) {
        // Memory mapped FV has not been cached.
        // Here is to cache FFS file to memory buffer for following checksum calculating.
        // And then, the cached file buffer can be also used for FvReadFile.
        WholeFileSize = IS_FFS_FILE2 (CacheFfsHeader) ? FFS_FILE2_SIZE (CacheFfsHeader): FFS_FILE_SIZE (CacheFfsHeader);
        CacheFfsHeader = AllocateCopyPool (WholeFileSize, CacheFfsHeader);
        if (CacheFfsHeader == NULL) {
          Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
          goto Done;
        FileCached = TRUE;

    if (!IsValidFfsFile (FvDevice->ErasePolarity, CacheFfsHeader)) {
      // File system is corrupted
      goto Done;

    if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (CacheFfsHeader)) {
      ASSERT (FFS_FILE2_SIZE (CacheFfsHeader) > 0x00FFFFFF);
      if (!FvDevice->IsFfs3Fv) {
        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Found a FFS3 formatted file: %g in a non-FFS3 formatted FV.\n", &CacheFfsHeader->Name));
        FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) FfsHeader + FFS_FILE2_SIZE (CacheFfsHeader));
        // Adjust pointer to the next 8-byte aligned boundry.
        FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) (((UINTN) FfsHeader + 7) & ~0x07);

    FileState = GetFileState (FvDevice->ErasePolarity, CacheFfsHeader);

    // check for non-deleted file
    if (FileState != EFI_FILE_DELETED) {
      // Create a FFS list entry for each non-deleted file
      FfsFileEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FFS_FILE_LIST_ENTRY));
      if (FfsFileEntry == NULL) {
        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
        goto Done;

      FfsFileEntry->FfsHeader = CacheFfsHeader;
      FfsFileEntry->FileCached = FileCached;
      FileCached = FALSE;
      InsertTailList (&FvDevice->FfsFileListHeader, &FfsFileEntry->Link);

    if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (CacheFfsHeader)) {
      FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) FfsHeader + FFS_FILE2_SIZE (CacheFfsHeader));
    } else {
      FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) FfsHeader + FFS_FILE_SIZE (CacheFfsHeader));

    // Adjust pointer to the next 8-byte aligned boundry.
    FfsHeader = (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *)(((UINTN)FfsHeader + 7) & ~0x07);


  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    if (FileCached) {
      CoreFreePool (CacheFfsHeader);
      FileCached = FALSE;
    FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);

  return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  Check if an FV is consistent and allocate cache for it.

  @param  FvDevice              A pointer to the FvDevice to be checked.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough buffer could be allocated.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  File system is corrupted.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           FV is consistent and cache is allocated.

FvCheck (
  IN FV_DEVICE  *FvDevice
  EFI_STATUS                          Status;
  EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2                FvbAttributes;
  EFI_FV_BLOCK_MAP_ENTRY              *BlockMap;
  UINT8                               *FwCache;
  LBA_ENTRY                           *LbaEntry;
  FREE_SPACE_ENTRY                    *FreeSpaceEntry;
  FFS_FILE_LIST_ENTRY                 *FfsFileEntry;
  UINT8                               *LbaStart;
  UINTN                               Index;
  EFI_LBA                             LbaIndex;
  UINT8                               *Ptr;
  UINTN                               Size;
  UINT8                               *FreeStart;
  UINTN                               FreeSize;
  UINT8                               ErasePolarity;
  EFI_FFS_FILE_STATE                  FileState;
  UINT8                               *TopFvAddress;
  UINTN                               TestLength;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS                BaseAddress;

  Fvb     = FvDevice->Fvb;

  Status  = Fvb->GetAttributes (Fvb, &FvbAttributes);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  InitializeListHead (&FvDevice->LbaHeader);
  InitializeListHead (&FvDevice->FreeSpaceHeader);
  InitializeListHead (&FvDevice->FfsFileListHeader);

  FwVolHeader = NULL;
  Status = GetFwVolHeader (Fvb, &FwVolHeader);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;
  ASSERT (FwVolHeader != NULL);

  FvDevice->IsFfs3Fv = CompareGuid (&FwVolHeader->FileSystemGuid, &gEfiFirmwareFileSystem3Guid);

  // Double Check firmware volume header here
  if (!VerifyFvHeaderChecksum (FwVolHeader)) {
    FreePool (FwVolHeader);

  BlockMap = FwVolHeader->BlockMap;

  // FwVolHeader->FvLength is the whole FV length including FV header
  FwCache = AllocateZeroPool ((UINTN) FwVolHeader->FvLength);
  if (FwCache == NULL) {
    FreePool (FwVolHeader);

  FvDevice->CachedFv = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) FwCache;

  // Copy to memory
  LbaStart  = FwCache;
  LbaIndex  = 0;
  Ptr       = NULL;

  if ((FvbAttributes & EFI_FVB2_MEMORY_MAPPED) != 0) {
    // Get volume base address
    Status = Fvb->GetPhysicalAddress (Fvb, &BaseAddress);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      FreePool (FwVolHeader);
      return Status;

    Ptr = (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) BaseAddress);

    DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "Fv Base Address is 0x%LX\n", BaseAddress));
  // Copy whole FV into the memory
  while ((BlockMap->NumBlocks != 0) || (BlockMap->Length != 0)) {

    for (Index = 0; Index < BlockMap->NumBlocks; Index++) {
      LbaEntry = AllocatePool (sizeof (LBA_ENTRY));
      if (LbaEntry == NULL) {
        FreePool (FwVolHeader);
        FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);
        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

      LbaEntry->LbaIndex        = LbaIndex;
      LbaEntry->StartingAddress = LbaStart;
      LbaEntry->BlockLength     = BlockMap->Length;

      // Copy each LBA into memory
      if ((FvbAttributes & EFI_FVB2_MEMORY_MAPPED) != 0) {

        CopyMem (LbaStart, Ptr, BlockMap->Length);
        Ptr += BlockMap->Length;

      } else {

        Size = BlockMap->Length;
        Status = Fvb->Read (
        // Not check EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE, for Size = BlockMap->Length
        if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
          FreePool (FwVolHeader);
          FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);
          return Status;


      LbaStart += BlockMap->Length;

      InsertTailList (&FvDevice->LbaHeader, &LbaEntry->Link);


  FvDevice->FwVolHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER *) FwCache;

  // it is not used any more, so free FwVolHeader
  FreePool (FwVolHeader);

  // Scan to check the free space & File list
  if ((FvbAttributes & EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY) != 0) {
    ErasePolarity = 1;
  } else {
    ErasePolarity = 0;

  FvDevice->ErasePolarity = ErasePolarity;

  // go through the whole FV cache, check the consistence of the FV
  if (FvDevice->FwVolHeader->ExtHeaderOffset != 0) {
    // Searching for files starts on an 8 byte aligned boundary after the end of the Extended Header if it exists.
    FwVolExtHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER *) (UINTN) (FvDevice->CachedFv + FvDevice->FwVolHeader->ExtHeaderOffset);
    Ptr = (UINT8 *) FwVolExtHeader + FwVolExtHeader->ExtHeaderSize;
    Ptr = (UINT8 *) ALIGN_POINTER (Ptr, 8);
  } else {
    Ptr = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) (FvDevice->CachedFv + FvDevice->FwVolHeader->HeaderLength);
  TopFvAddress = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) (FvDevice->CachedFv + FvDevice->FwVolHeader->FvLength);

  // Build FFS list & Free Space List here
  while (Ptr < TopFvAddress) {
    TestLength = TopFvAddress - Ptr;

    if (TestLength > sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)) {
      TestLength = sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER);

    if (IsBufferErased (ErasePolarity, Ptr, TestLength)) {
      // We found free space
      FreeStart = Ptr;
      FreeSize  = 0;

      do {
        TestLength = TopFvAddress - Ptr;

        if (TestLength > sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)) {
          TestLength = sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER);

        if (!IsBufferErased (ErasePolarity, Ptr, TestLength)) {

        FreeSize += TestLength;
        Ptr += TestLength;
      } while (Ptr < TopFvAddress);

      FreeSpaceEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FREE_SPACE_ENTRY));
      if (FreeSpaceEntry == NULL) {
        FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);
        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
      // Create a Free space entry
      FreeSpaceEntry->StartingAddress = FreeStart;
      FreeSpaceEntry->Length          = FreeSize;
      InsertTailList (&FvDevice->FreeSpaceHeader, &FreeSpaceEntry->Link);
    // double check boundry
    if (TestLength < sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER)) {

    if (!IsValidFFSHeader (
          (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) Ptr
          )) {
      FileState = GetFileState (
                    (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) Ptr
      if ((FileState == EFI_FILE_HEADER_INVALID) || (FileState == EFI_FILE_HEADER_CONSTRUCTION)) {
        if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (Ptr)) {
          if (!FvDevice->IsFfs3Fv) {
            DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Found a FFS3 formatted file: %g in a non-FFS3 formatted FV.\n", &((EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) Ptr)->Name));
          Ptr = Ptr + sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2);
        } else {
          Ptr = Ptr + sizeof (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER);


      } else {
        // File system is corrputed, return
        FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);
        return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED;

    if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (Ptr)) {
      ASSERT (FFS_FILE2_SIZE (Ptr) > 0x00FFFFFF);
      if (!FvDevice->IsFfs3Fv) {
        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Found a FFS3 formatted file: %g in a non-FFS3 formatted FV.\n", &((EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) Ptr)->Name));
        Ptr = Ptr + FFS_FILE2_SIZE (Ptr);
        // Adjust Ptr to the next 8-byte aligned boundry.
        while (((UINTN) Ptr & 0x07) != 0) {

    if (IsValidFFSFile (FvDevice, (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) Ptr)) {
      FileState = GetFileState (
                    (EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER *) Ptr

      // check for non-deleted file
      if (FileState != EFI_FILE_DELETED) {
        // Create a FFS list entry for each non-deleted file
        FfsFileEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (FFS_FILE_LIST_ENTRY));
        if (FfsFileEntry == NULL) {
          FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);
          return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

        FfsFileEntry->FfsHeader = Ptr;
        InsertTailList (&FvDevice->FfsFileListHeader, &FfsFileEntry->Link);

      if (IS_FFS_FILE2 (Ptr)) {
        Ptr = Ptr + FFS_FILE2_SIZE (Ptr);
      } else {
        Ptr = Ptr + FFS_FILE_SIZE (Ptr);

      // Adjust Ptr to the next 8-byte aligned boundry.
      while (((UINTN) Ptr & 0x07) != 0) {
    } else {
      // File system is corrupted, return
      FreeFvDeviceResource (FvDevice);

  FvDevice->CurrentFfsFile = NULL;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;