int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ /* char* user = argv[1]; char* host = argv[2]; char* pass = argv[3]; */ char* user = "******"; char* host = ""; char* pass = "******"; netbuf* nControl = NULL; if(FtpConnect(host, &nControl) != 1){ perror("Impossible to connect to the ftp server!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(FtpLogin(user,pass,nControl) != 1){ perror("Impossible to log to the ftp server!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } FtpDir(NULL,".",nControl); FtpQuit(nControl); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void ftp_connect(void) { if (conn) return; if (host == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Host name not specified\n"); usage(); exit(EX_SYNTAX); } if (!logged_in) { if (user == NULL) { user = "******"; if (pass == NULL) { char *u,h[64]; u = getenv("USER"); if (gethostname(h,64) < 0) { perror("gethostname"); exit(EX_NETDB); } if ((u != NULL) && (h != NULL)) { static char xxx[256]; sprintf(xxx,"%s@%s",u,h); pass = xxx; } } } else if (pass == NULL) #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(VMS) exit(EX_LOGIN); #else if ((pass = getpass("Password: "******"Unable to connect to node %s\n",host); exit(EX_CONNECT); } if (!FtpLogin(user,pass,conn)) { fprintf(stderr,"Login failure\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); exit(EX_LOGIN); } logged_in++; } }
int FTPLogin(const CKBehaviorContext& behcontext) { CKBehavior* beh = behcontext.Behavior; CKContext* ctx = behcontext.Context; if( beh->IsInputActive(0)){ beh->ActivateInput(0,FALSE); HWND win = (HWND)ctx->GetMainWindow(); FtpInit(win); //HFILE hLogFile = _lcreat (LOG_FILE, 0); //FtpLogTo (hLogFile); FtpSetDefaultTimeOut (30); FtpSetPassiveMode(TRUE); FtpSetAsynchronousMode(); int Port; beh->GetInputParameterValue(3,&Port); XString Host((CKSTRING) beh->GetInputParameterReadDataPtr(0)); XString User((CKSTRING) beh->GetInputParameterReadDataPtr(1)); XString Pw((CKSTRING) beh->GetInputParameterReadDataPtr(2)); int Login = FtpLogin(Host.Str(),User.Str(),Pw.Str(),win,0); beh->SetOutputParameterValue(0,&Login); if (Login == 0)beh->ActivateOutput(0); else{ beh->ActivateOutput(2); return CKBR_OK; } return CKBR_ACTIVATENEXTFRAME; } if( beh->IsInputActive(1)){ beh->ActivateInput(1,FALSE); FtpCloseConnection(); FtpRelease (); beh->ActivateOutput(1); return CKBR_OK; } return CKBR_ACTIVATENEXTFRAME; }
char FTPLibFTPTransport::assureLoggedIn() { char retVal = 0; if (ftpConnection == 0) { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logDebug("connecting to host %s\n", host.c_str()); if (FtpConnect(host, &ftpConnection)) if (FtpLogin(u.c_str(), p.c_str(), ftpConnection)) { retVal = 0; } else { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logError("Failed to login to %s\n", host.c_str()); retVal = -2; } else { SWLog::getSystemLog()->logError("Failed to connect to %s\n", host.c_str()); retVal = -1; } } return retVal; }