Ejemplo n.º 1
void G2API_AddSkinGore(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2,SSkinGoreData &gore)
	if (VectorLength(gore.rayDirection)<.1f)
		assert(0); // can't add gore without a shot direction

	// make sure we have transformed the whole skeletons for each model
	G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, gore.currentTime, NULL, true, gore.angles, gore.position, gore.scale, false);

	// pre generate the world matrix - used to transform the incoming ray
	G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(gore.angles, gore.position);

	// first up, translate the ray to model space
	vec3_t	transRayDirection, transHitLocation;
	TransformAndTranslatePoint(gore.hitLocation, transHitLocation, &worldMatrixInv);
	TransformPoint(gore.rayDirection, transRayDirection, &worldMatrixInv);

	int lod;
	for (lod=0;lod<4;lod++)
		// now having done that, time to build the model
		// FIXME: where does G2VertSpaceServer come from?
//		G2_TransformModel(ghoul2, gore.currentTime, gore.scale,G2VertSpaceServer, lod,true);

		// now walk each model and compute new texture coordinates
		G2_TraceModels(ghoul2, transHitLocation, transRayDirection, 0, gore.entNum, 0, lod);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void G2API_CollisionDetect(CollisionRecord_t *collRecMap, CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position,
										  int frameNumber, int entNum, vec3_t rayStart, vec3_t rayEnd, vec3_t scale, CMiniHeap *G2VertSpace, int traceFlags, int useLod)

	if ((int)&ghoul2)
		vec3_t	transRayStart, transRayEnd;

		// make sure we have transformed the whole skeletons for each model
		G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, frameNumber, NULL, true, angles, position, scale, false);

		// pre generate the world matrix - used to transform the incoming ray
		G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);

		// now having done that, time to build the model
		G2_TransformModel(ghoul2, frameNumber, scale, G2VertSpace, useLod);

		// model is built. Lets check to see if any triangles are actually hit.
		// first up, translate the ray to model space
		TransformAndTranslatePoint(rayStart, transRayStart, &worldMatrixInv);
		TransformAndTranslatePoint(rayEnd, transRayEnd, &worldMatrixInv);

		// now walk each model and check the ray against each poly - sigh, this is SO expensive. I wish there was a better way to do this.
		G2_TraceModels(ghoul2, transRayStart, transRayEnd, collRecMap, entNum, traceFlags, useLod);

		// now sort the resulting array of collision records so they are distance ordered
		qsort( collRecMap, MAX_G2_COLLISIONS, 
			sizeof( CCollisionRecord ), QsortDistance );

Ejemplo n.º 3
qboolean G2API_GetBoltMatrix_SPMethod(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles,
							 const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, const vec3_t scale )
	assert(ghoul2.size() > modelIndex);

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && (ghoul2.size() > modelIndex))
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];

		//assert(boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size());

		if (ghlInfo && (boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size()) && boltIndex >= 0 )
			// make sure we have transformed the skeleton
			if (!gG2_GBMNoReconstruct)
				G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, frameNum, modelList, true, angles, position, scale, false);

			gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qfalse;

			mdxaBone_t scaled;
			mdxaBone_t *use;

			if (scale[0]||scale[1]||scale[2])

				// scale the bolt position by the scale factor for this model since at this point its still in model space
				if (scale[0])
					scaled.matrix[0][3] *= scale[0];
				if (scale[1])
					scaled.matrix[1][3] *= scale[1];
				if (scale[2])
					scaled.matrix[2][3] *= scale[2];
			// pre generate the world matrix
			G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);


			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &worldMatrix, use);
			return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void G2API_CollisionDetect(CollisionRecord_t *collRecMap, g2handle_t g2h, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, int frameNumber, int entNum, const vec3_t rayStart, const vec3_t rayEnd, const vec3_t scale, CMiniHeap *G2VertSpace, int traceFlags, int useLod, float fRadius)

	CGhoul2Info_v *ghoul2 = G2API_GetGhoul2Model(g2h);

	if (ghoul2)
		vec3_t	transRayStart, transRayEnd;

		// make sure we have transformed the whole skeletons for each model
		G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(*ghoul2, frameNumber, NULL, true, angles, position, scale, false);

		// pre generate the world matrix - used to transform the incoming ray
		G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);


		// now having done that, time to build the model
		G2_TransformModel(*ghoul2, frameNumber, scale, G2VertSpace, useLod);

		// model is built. Lets check to see if any triangles are actually hit.
		// first up, translate the ray to model space
		TransformAndTranslatePoint(rayStart, transRayStart, &worldMatrixInv);
		TransformAndTranslatePoint(rayEnd, transRayEnd, &worldMatrixInv);

		// now walk each model and check the ray against each poly - sigh, this is SO expensive. I wish there was a better way to do this.
		G2_TraceModels(*ghoul2, transRayStart, transRayEnd, collRecMap, entNum, traceFlags, useLod, fRadius);
		int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < MAX_G2_COLLISIONS && collRecMap[i].mEntityNum != -1; i ++ );

		// now sort the resulting array of collision records so they are distance ordered
		qsort( collRecMap, i,
			sizeof( CCollisionRecord ), QsortDistance );

		// now sort the resulting array of collision records so they are distance ordered
		qsort( collRecMap, MAX_G2_COLLISIONS,
			sizeof( CCollisionRecord ), QsortDistance );

Ejemplo n.º 5
qboolean G2API_GetBoltMatrix(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles, const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, qhandle_t *modelList, vec3_t scale )
	assert(ghoul2.size() > modelIndex);

	if (gG2_GBMUseSPMethod)
		gG2_GBMUseSPMethod = qfalse;
		return G2API_GetBoltMatrix_SPMethod(ghoul2, modelIndex, boltIndex, matrix, angles, position, frameNum, modelList, scale);

	if ((int)&ghoul2 && (ghoul2.size() > modelIndex))
		CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo = &ghoul2[modelIndex];

		//assert(boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size());

		if (ghlInfo && (boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size()) && boltIndex >= 0 )
			// make sure we have transformed the skeleton
			if (!gG2_GBMNoReconstruct)
				G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(ghoul2, frameNum, modelList, true, angles, position, scale, false);

			gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qfalse;

			mdxaBone_t scaled;
			mdxaBone_t *use;

			if (scale[0]||scale[1]||scale[2])

				// scale the bolt position by the scale factor for this model since at this point its still in model space
				if (scale[0])
					scaled.matrix[0][3] *= scale[0];
				if (scale[1])
					scaled.matrix[1][3] *= scale[1];
				if (scale[2])
					scaled.matrix[2][3] *= scale[2];
			// pre generate the world matrix
			G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);

			// for some reason we get the end matrix rotated by 90 degrees
			mdxaBone_t	rotMat, tempMatrix;
			vec3_t		newangles = {0,270,0};
			Create_Matrix(newangles, &rotMat);
			// make the model space matrix we have for this bolt into a world matrix
//			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &worldMatrix,use);
			Multiply_3x4Matrix(&tempMatrix, &worldMatrix,use);
			vec3_t origin;
			origin[0] = tempMatrix.matrix[0][3];
			origin[1] = tempMatrix.matrix[1][3];
			origin[2] = tempMatrix.matrix[2][3];
			tempMatrix.matrix[0][3] = tempMatrix.matrix[1][3] = tempMatrix.matrix[2][3] = 0;
			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &tempMatrix, &rotMat);
			matrix->matrix[0][3] = origin[0];
			matrix->matrix[1][3] = origin[1];
			matrix->matrix[2][3] = origin[2];
			return qtrue;


	return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 6
qboolean G2API_GetBoltMatrix_SPMethod(g2handle_t g2h, const int modelIndex, const int boltIndex, mdxaBone_t *matrix, const vec3_t angles,
							 const vec3_t position, const int frameNum, const qhandle_t *modelList, const vec3_t scale )
	CGhoul2Info_v *ghoul2 = G2API_GetGhoul2Model(g2h);

	if (ghoul2 && (unsigned)modelIndex < ghoul2->size())
		CGhoul2Info &ghlInfo = (*ghoul2)[modelIndex];

		//assert(boltIndex < ghlInfo->mBltlist.size());

		if ((unsigned)boltIndex < ghlInfo.mBltlist.size())
			// make sure we have transformed the skeleton
			if (ghlInfo.mSkelFrameNum != frameNum)
				// make sure it's initialized even if noreconstruct is on
				if (!gG2_GBMNoReconstruct || ghlInfo.mSkelFrameNum == -1)
					G2_ConstructGhoulSkeleton(*ghoul2, frameNum, modelList, true, angles, position, scale, false);

			gG2_GBMNoReconstruct = qfalse;

			mdxaBone_t scaled;
			mdxaBone_t *use;
			use = &ghlInfo.mBltlist[boltIndex].position;

			if (scale[0]||scale[1]||scale[2])

				// scale the bolt position by the scale factor for this model since at this point its still in model space
				if (scale[0])
					scaled.matrix[0][3] *= scale[0];
				if (scale[1])
					scaled.matrix[1][3] *= scale[1];
				if (scale[2])
					scaled.matrix[2][3] *= scale[2];
			// pre generate the world matrix
			G2_GenerateWorldMatrix(angles, position);


			Multiply_3x4Matrix(matrix, &worldMatrix, use);
			return qtrue;
	return qfalse;