Ejemplo n.º 1
void G2_FindRecursiveSurface(const model_t *currentModel, int surfaceNum, surfaceInfo_v &rootList, int *activeSurfaces)
	int							i;
 	const mdxmSurface_t			*surface = (mdxmSurface_t *)G2_FindSurface(currentModel, surfaceNum, 0);
	const mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t	*surfIndexes = (mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *)((byte *)currentModel->mdxm + sizeof(mdxmHeader_t));
	const mdxmSurfHierarchy_t		*surfInfo = (mdxmSurfHierarchy_t *)((byte *)surfIndexes + surfIndexes->offsets[surface->thisSurfaceIndex]);

	// see if we have an override surface in the surface list
	const surfaceInfo_t	*surfOverride = G2_FindOverrideSurface(surfaceNum, rootList);

	// really, we should use the default flags for this surface unless it's been overriden
	int offFlags = surfInfo->flags;

	// set the off flags if we have some
	if (surfOverride)
		offFlags = surfOverride->offFlags;

	// if this surface is not off, indicate as such in the active surface list
	if (!(offFlags & G2SURFACEFLAG_OFF))
		activeSurfaces[surfaceNum] = 1;
	// if we are turning off all descendants, then stop this recursion now

	// now recursively call for the children
	for (i=0; i< surfInfo->numChildren; i++)
		surfaceNum = surfInfo->childIndexes[i];
		G2_FindRecursiveSurface(currentModel, surfaceNum, rootList, activeSurfaces);

Ejemplo n.º 2
qboolean G2_SetRootSurface(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int modelIndex, const char *surfaceName)
	int					surf;
	int					flags;
	int					*activeSurfaces, *activeBones;

	assert(ghoul2[modelIndex].currentModel && ghoul2[modelIndex].animModel);

	model_t				*mod_m = (model_t *)ghoul2[modelIndex].currentModel;
	model_t				*mod_a = (model_t *)ghoul2[modelIndex].animModel;

	// did we find a ghoul 2 model or not?
	if (!mod_m->mdxm)
		return qfalse;

	// first find if we already have this surface in the list
	surf = G2_IsSurfaceLegal(mod_m, surfaceName, &flags);
	if (surf != -1)
		// first see if this ghoul2 model already has this as a root surface
		if (ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot == surf)
			return qtrue;

		// set the root surface
		ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot = surf;

		// ok, now the tricky bits.
		// firstly, generate a list of active / on surfaces below the root point

		// gimme some space to put this list into
		activeSurfaces = (int *)Z_Malloc(mod_m->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4, TAG_GHOUL2, qtrue);
		memset(activeSurfaces, 0, (mod_m->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4));
		activeBones = (int *)Z_Malloc(mod_a->mdxa->numBones * 4, TAG_GHOUL2, qtrue);
		memset(activeBones, 0, (mod_a->mdxa->numBones * 4));

		G2_FindRecursiveSurface(mod_m, surf, ghoul2[modelIndex].mSlist, activeSurfaces);

		// now generate the used bone list
		CConstructBoneList	CBL(ghoul2[modelIndex].mSurfaceRoot, 


		// now remove all procedural or override surfaces that refer to surfaces that arent on this list
		G2_RemoveRedundantGeneratedSurfaces(ghoul2[modelIndex].mSlist, activeSurfaces);

		// now remove all bones that are pointing at bones that aren't active
		G2_RemoveRedundantBoneOverrides(ghoul2[modelIndex].mBlist, activeBones);

		// then remove all bolts that point at surfaces or bones that *arent* active.
		G2_RemoveRedundantBolts(ghoul2[modelIndex].mBltlist, ghoul2[modelIndex].mSlist, activeSurfaces, activeBones);

		// then remove all models on this ghoul2 instance that use those bolts that are being removed.
		for (int i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
			// are we even bolted to anything?
			if (ghoul2[i].mModelBoltLink != -1)
				int	boltMod = (ghoul2[i].mModelBoltLink >> MODEL_SHIFT) & MODEL_AND;
				int	boltNum = (ghoul2[i].mModelBoltLink >> BOLT_SHIFT) & BOLT_AND;
				// if either the bolt list is too small, or the bolt we are pointing at references nothing, remove this model
				if (((int)ghoul2[boltMod].mBltlist.size() <= boltNum) || 
					((ghoul2[boltMod].mBltlist[boltNum].boneNumber == -1) && 
					 (ghoul2[boltMod].mBltlist[boltNum].surfaceNumber == -1)))
					CGhoul2Info_v *g2i = &ghoul2;
					G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model((CGhoul2Info_v **)&g2i, i);
		//No support for this, for now.

		// remember to free what we used

		return (qtrue);