Ejemplo n.º 1
void G2_RemoveRedundantGeneratedSurfaces(surfaceInfo_v &slist, int *activeSurfaces)
	// walk the surface list, removing surface overrides or generated surfaces that are pointing at surfaces that aren't active anymore
	for (size_t i=0; i<slist.size(); i++)
		if (slist[i].surface != -1)
			// is this a generated surface?
			if (slist[i].offFlags & G2SURFACEFLAG_GENERATED)
				// if it's not in the list, remove it
				if (!activeSurfaces[slist[i].genPolySurfaceIndex & 0xffff])
					G2_RemoveSurface(slist, i);
			// no, so it does point back at a legal surface
				// if it's not in the list, remove it
				if (!activeSurfaces[slist[i].surface])
					G2_RemoveSurface(slist, i);
Ejemplo n.º 2
qboolean G2API_RemoveSurface(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, const int index)
	if (ghlInfo)
		// ensure we flush the cache
		ghlInfo->mMeshFrameNum = 0;
		return G2_RemoveSurface(ghlInfo->mSlist, index);
	return qfalse;