Ejemplo n.º 1
/* This should probably go somewhere else -- like GAL_surface.c */
static void GAL_ClearSurface(GAL_Surface *surface)
    Uint32 black;

    black = GAL_MapRGB(surface->format, 0, 0, 0);
    GAL_FillRect(surface, NULL, black);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int InitGAL (void)
    int i;
    int w, h, depth;
    char engine [LEN_ENGINE_NAME + 1];
    char mode [LEN_MODE + 1];

    if (GetMgEtcValue ("system", "gal_engine", engine, LEN_ENGINE_NAME) < 0 )
        return ERR_CONFIG_FILE;
    if (GAL_VideoInit (engine, 0)) {
        GAL_VideoQuit ();
        fprintf (stderr, "NEWGAL: Does not find matched engine: %s.\n", engine);
        return ERR_NO_MATCH;

    if (GetMgEtcValue (engine, "defaultmode", mode, LEN_MODE) < 0)
        return ERR_CONFIG_FILE;

    w = atoi (mode);
    h = atoi (strchr (mode, 'x') + 1);
    depth = atoi (strrchr (mode, '-') + 1);

    if (!(__gal_screen = GAL_SetVideoMode (w, h, depth, GAL_HWPALETTE))) {
        GAL_VideoQuit ();
        fprintf (stderr, "NEWGAL: Set video mode failure.\n");
        return ERR_GFX_ENGINE;

    if (w != __gal_screen->w || h != __gal_screen->h) {
        fprintf (stderr, "The resolution specified in MiniGUI.cfg is not the same as "
                         "the actual resolution: %dx%d.\n" 
                         "This may confuse the clients. Please change it.\n", 
                         __gal_screen->w, __gal_screen->h);
        GAL_VideoQuit ();
        return ERR_GFX_ENGINE;

    for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
        SysPixelIndex [i] = GAL_MapRGB (__gal_screen->format, 
                        SysPixelColor [i].r, SysPixelColor [i].g, SysPixelColor [i].b);

    return 0;