** Function         gatt_proc_disc_error_rsp
** Description      This function process the read by type response and send another
**                  request if needed.
** Returns          void.
void gatt_proc_disc_error_rsp(tGATT_TCB *p_tcb, tGATT_CLCB *p_clcb, UINT8 opcode,
                              UINT16 handle, UINT8 reason)
    tGATT_STATUS    status = (tGATT_STATUS) reason;

    GATT_TRACE_DEBUG2("gatt_proc_disc_error_rsp reason: %02x cmd_code %04x", reason, opcode);

    switch (opcode)
        case GATT_REQ_READ_BY_TYPE:
        case GATT_REQ_FIND_INFO:
            if (reason == GATT_NOT_FOUND)
                status = GATT_SUCCESS;
                GATT_TRACE_DEBUG0("Discovery completed");
            GATT_TRACE_ERROR1("Incorrect discovery opcode %04x",   opcode);

    gatt_end_operation(p_clcb, status, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
** Function         gatt_update_app_use_link_flag
** Description      Update the application use link flag and optional to check the acl link
**                  if the link is up then set the idle time out accordingly
** Returns          void.
void gatt_update_app_use_link_flag (tGATT_IF gatt_if, tGATT_TCB *p_tcb, BOOLEAN is_add, BOOLEAN check_acl_link)
    GATT_TRACE_DEBUG2("gatt_update_app_use_link_flag  is_add=%d chk_link=%d",
                      is_add, check_acl_link);

    gatt_update_app_hold_link_status(gatt_if, p_tcb, is_add);

    if (check_acl_link &&
        p_tcb &&
        (BTM_GetHCIConnHandle(p_tcb->peer_bda) != GATT_INVALID_ACL_HANDLE))
        if (is_add)
            GATT_TRACE_DEBUG0("GATT disables link idle timer");
            /* acl link is connected disable the idle timeout */
            GATT_SetIdleTimeout(p_tcb->peer_bda, GATT_LINK_NO_IDLE_TIMEOUT);
            if (!gatt_num_apps_hold_link(p_tcb))
                /* acl link is connected but no application needs to use the link
                   so set the timeout value to GATT_LINK_IDLE_TIMEOUT_WHEN_NO_APP seconds */
                GATT_TRACE_DEBUG1("GATT starts link idle timer =%d sec", GATT_LINK_IDLE_TIMEOUT_WHEN_NO_APP);
                GATT_SetIdleTimeout(p_tcb->peer_bda, GATT_LINK_IDLE_TIMEOUT_WHEN_NO_APP);

Ejemplo n.º 3
** Function         gatt_set_ch_state
** Description      This function set the ch_state in tcb
** Returns          none
void gatt_set_ch_state(tGATT_TCB *p_tcb, tGATT_CH_STATE ch_state)
    if (p_tcb)
        GATT_TRACE_DEBUG2 ("gatt_set_ch_state: old=%d new=%d", p_tcb->ch_state, ch_state);
        p_tcb->ch_state = ch_state;
** Function         gatt_send_prepare_write
** Description      Send prepare write.
** Returns          void.
void gatt_send_prepare_write(tGATT_TCB  *p_tcb, tGATT_CLCB *p_clcb)
    tGATT_VALUE  *p_attr = (tGATT_VALUE *)p_clcb->p_attr_buf;
    UINT16  to_send, offset;
    UINT8   rt = GATT_SUCCESS;
    UINT8   type = p_clcb->op_subtype;

    GATT_TRACE_DEBUG1("gatt_send_prepare_write type=0x%x", type );
    to_send = p_attr->len - p_attr->offset;

    if (to_send > (p_tcb->payload_size - GATT_WRITE_LONG_HDR_SIZE)) /* 2 = UINT16 offset bytes  */
        to_send = p_tcb->payload_size - GATT_WRITE_LONG_HDR_SIZE;

    p_clcb->s_handle = p_attr->handle;

    offset = p_attr->offset;
    if (type == GATT_WRITE_PREPARE)
        offset += p_clcb->start_offset;

    GATT_TRACE_DEBUG2("offset =0x%x len=%d", offset, to_send );

    rt = gatt_send_write_msg(p_tcb,
                             to_send,                           /* length */
                             offset,                            /* used as offset */
                             p_attr->value + p_attr->offset);   /* data */

    /* remember the write long attribute length */
    p_clcb->counter = to_send;

    if (rt != GATT_SUCCESS )
        gatt_end_operation(p_clcb, rt, NULL);