Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \brief Marks the message as "free".
 * Only the task that has the message as its resource can free the message. A 
 * message becomes a task's resource when the task allocates the message, and it 
 * continues to be a resource until the task either frees it or puts it in a 
 * message queue. A message becomes a resource of the task that got it from a 
 * message queue.
 * \n The function returns the message to the message pool from which it was 
 * allocated.
 * \param[in] msg_ptr Pointer to a message struct which is to be freed.
 * \warning On failure, calls _task_set_error() to set one the following task 
 * error codes:
 * \li MQX_INVALID_POINTER (Msg_ptr does not point to a valid message.)
 * \li MQX_NOT_RESOURCE_OWNER (Message is already freed.)
 * \li MSGQ_MESSAGE_IS_QUEUED (Message is in a queue.)
 * \see _msgpool_create
 * \see _msgpool_create_system
 * \see _msgpool_destroy
 * \see _msg_alloc_system
 * \see _msg_alloc
 * \see _task_set_error
void _msg_free
    pointer msg_ptr
{ /* Body */
    KERNEL_DATA_STRUCT_PTR               kernel_data;
    register INTERNAL_MESSAGE_STRUCT_PTR imsg_ptr;
    register MSGPOOL_STRUCT_PTR          msgpool_ptr;

    _KLOGE2(KLOG_msg_free, msg_ptr);

    imsg_ptr = GET_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PTR(msg_ptr);
    if ( imsg_ptr->VALID != MSG_VALID )
        _KLOGX2(KLOG_msg_free, MQX_INVALID_POINTER);
    } /* Endif */

    if (imsg_ptr->FREE)
    } /* Endif */
    if (imsg_ptr->QUEUED)
    } /* Endif */

    msgpool_ptr = imsg_ptr->MSGPOOL_PTR;
    imsg_ptr->FREE = TRUE;
    imsg_ptr->QUEUED = FALSE;

    /* Link onto the free list */
    imsg_ptr->NEXT = msgpool_ptr->MSG_FREE_LIST_PTR;
    msgpool_ptr->MSG_FREE_LIST_PTR = imsg_ptr;

    _KLOGX2(KLOG_msg_free, MQX_OK);

} /* Endbody */
Ejemplo n.º 2
MESSAGE_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR _msgq_receive_internal
      /* [IN]  id of the queue from which a message is to be received */
     _queue_id             queue_id,

      /* [IN]  indication of the number of ticks which can expire before
      **       this request times out
      MQX_TICK_STRUCT_PTR  timeout_tick_ptr,

      /* [IN]  relative or absolute time specified in tick_ptr */
      _mqx_uint            mode,

      /* [OUT] where the error code is to be stored */
      _mqx_uint_ptr        error_ptr
{ /* Body */
            KERNEL_DATA_STRUCT_PTR      kernel_data;
            MSG_COMPONENT_STRUCT_PTR    msg_component_ptr;
   register TD_STRUCT_PTR               td_ptr;
            MESSAGE_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR   message_ptr;
   register INTERNAL_MESSAGE_STRUCT_PTR imsg_ptr;
   register MSGQ_STRUCT_PTR             msgq_ptr;
            _queue_number               queue;

   *error_ptr = MQX_OK;


   if (kernel_data->IN_ISR) {
   }/* Endif */
   msg_component_ptr = _GET_MSG_COMPONENT_STRUCT_PTR(kernel_data);
   if (msg_component_ptr == NULL){
      *error_ptr = MQX_COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
   } /* Endif */

   message_ptr    = NULL;
   td_ptr         = kernel_data->ACTIVE_PTR;

   if (queue_id == MSGQ_ANY_QUEUE){
      /* if queue_id is 0 than a receive from any queue is performed */

      /* Does the task own a queue */
      if (td_ptr->MSG_QUEUE_HEAD == NULL){
         /* Does NOT */
         *error_ptr = MSGQ_QUEUE_IS_NOT_OPEN;
         return NULL;
      } /* Endif */

      if (td_ptr->MESSAGES_AVAILABLE == 0){
         td_ptr->STATE = RCV_ANY_BLOCKED;
         td_ptr->INFO = queue_id;
         td_ptr->MESSAGE = NULL;

         if (mode == MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE) {
         } else if (mode == MSG_TIMEOUT_RELATIVE) {
         } else {
         } /* Endif */

         ** SHORT CUT...
         ** The message send routine does not queue up a message in this case.
         ** the message is deposited directly into the task descriptor
         message_ptr = (MESSAGE_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR)td_ptr->MESSAGE;
         if (message_ptr == NULL){
            /* A timeout has occurred */
         } /* Endif */
         td_ptr->MESSAGE = NULL;

      } else {

         /*  Check all queues for an available entry .. There must be at least
         **  one entry available
         msgq_ptr = (MSGQ_STRUCT_PTR)td_ptr->MSG_QUEUE_HEAD;
         while (msgq_ptr != NULL){

            if (msgq_ptr->NO_OF_ENTRIES){
               /* dequeue the top entry */
               DEQUEUE_TOP_MSG_ENTRY(msgq_ptr, imsg_ptr, message_ptr, td_ptr);
            } /* Endif */
            msgq_ptr = msgq_ptr->NEXT_MSGQ_PTR;

         } /* Endwhile */
      } /* Endif */

   } else {

      /* RECEIVE from a specific qid */
      queue = QUEUE_FROM_QID(queue_id);
      if ( (PROC_NUMBER_FROM_QID(queue_id) != kernel_data->INIT.PROCESSOR_NUMBER) ||
         (! VALID_QUEUE(queue)) )
         *error_ptr = MSGQ_INVALID_QUEUE_ID;
         return (pointer)message_ptr;
      } /* Endif */

      msgq_ptr = &msg_component_ptr->MSGQS_PTR[queue];
      if ( msgq_ptr->QUEUE != queue ) {
         *error_ptr =  MSGQ_QUEUE_IS_NOT_OPEN;
         return message_ptr;
      } /* Endif */
      if ( (msgq_ptr->TD_PTR != NULL) && (msgq_ptr->TD_PTR != td_ptr) ) {
         *error_ptr = MSGQ_NOT_QUEUE_OWNER;
         return message_ptr;
      } /* Endif */

      ** check the specified queue for an entry
      ** if not entry, then block until an entry is received or
      ** timeout occurs
      if (msgq_ptr->NO_OF_ENTRIES == 0) {
         if (msgq_ptr->TD_PTR == NULL) {
            /* A system message queue, indicate none available */
            message_ptr = NULL;
         } else {
            td_ptr->STATE   = RCV_SPECIFIC_BLOCKED;
            td_ptr->INFO    = queue;
            td_ptr->MESSAGE = NULL;

            if (mode == MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE) {
            } else if (mode == MSG_TIMEOUT_RELATIVE) {
            } else {
            } /* Endif */

            message_ptr = (MESSAGE_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR)td_ptr->MESSAGE;
            if ( message_ptr == NULL ) {
            } else if ((message_ptr->TARGET_QID != queue_id) &&
                       (msgq_ptr->NO_OF_ENTRIES > 0)) {
               /* The original msg was swapped out in msgq_sendi() for 
                  a higher priority msg with a different target_qid.
                  Enqueue this msg, and then dequeue the msg we need.
               register MSGQ_STRUCT_PTR tmp_msgq_ptr;
               register _queue_number   tmp_queue;
               /* Get the msg's queue */
               tmp_queue = QUEUE_FROM_QID(message_ptr->TARGET_QID);
               tmp_msgq_ptr = &msg_component_ptr->MSGQS_PTR[tmp_queue];

               if ((tmp_msgq_ptr->MAX_ENTRIES == 0) ||
                   (tmp_msgq_ptr->NO_OF_ENTRIES < tmp_msgq_ptr->MAX_ENTRIES))
                   /* the msg's queue has room */
                   imsg_ptr = GET_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PTR(message_ptr);

                   if (imsg_ptr->VALID != MSG_VALID){
                      /* An invalid message was input by the application. */
                      message_ptr = NULL;
                   } else
                      /* enqueue the msg */
                      _msgq_insert_message_internal(tmp_msgq_ptr, imsg_ptr, TRUE);
                      if (tmp_msgq_ptr->TD_PTR) {
                      } /* Endif */

                      /* now dequeue our queue's top entry */
                      DEQUEUE_TOP_MSG_ENTRY(msgq_ptr, imsg_ptr, message_ptr, td_ptr);
               } else {
                  /* Queue full, error - this should not happen 
                     since msgq_sendi() checks for room on the queue 
                     for all msgs, including short-cut msgs. */
                  message_ptr = NULL;
            } /* Endif */
            td_ptr->MESSAGE = NULL;
         } /* Endif */
      } else {   
         /* dequeue the top entry */
         DEQUEUE_TOP_MSG_ENTRY(msgq_ptr, imsg_ptr, message_ptr, td_ptr);
      } /* Endif */
   } /* Endif */

   return message_ptr;

} /* Endbody */
Ejemplo n.º 3
boolean  _msgq_send_internal
      /* [IN]  pointer to the  message being sent by application */

      /* [IN]  is the calling task to be blocked after the call */
      boolean                   blocking,

      /* [IN]  the queue to put the message onto */
      _queue_id                 target_qid
{ /* Body */
            KERNEL_DATA_STRUCT_PTR       kernel_data;
            MSG_COMPONENT_STRUCT_PTR     msg_component_ptr;
   register INTERNAL_MESSAGE_STRUCT_PTR  imsg_ptr;
   register MSGQ_STRUCT_PTR              msgq_ptr;
   register TD_STRUCT_PTR                td_ptr;
            MESSAGE_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR    tmp_msg_ptr;
   register _mqx_uint                     state;
   register _queue_number                queue;
   register _processor_number            pnum;
/* Start CR 2191 */   
            boolean                      swapped_msg;
/* End CR 2191 */            

   msg_component_ptr = _GET_MSG_COMPONENT_STRUCT_PTR(kernel_data);
   if (msg_component_ptr == NULL){
   } /* Endif */
   if (msg_ptr == NULL) {
   } /* Endif */

   imsg_ptr = GET_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PTR(msg_ptr);

   if (imsg_ptr->VALID != MSG_VALID){
      /* An invalid message was input by the application. */
      return FALSE;
   } /* Endif */

   if (imsg_ptr->FREE || imsg_ptr->QUEUED){
      /* Trying to send a free message, or one on a message queue. */
      return FALSE;
   } /* Endif */

   pnum  = PROC_NUMBER_FROM_QID(target_qid);

   /* If processor number is zero then the message is for this processor */
   if (pnum == 0) {
      /* Fix up the target QID in the message header */
      msg_ptr->TARGET_QID = BUILD_QID(kernel_data->INIT.PROCESSOR_NUMBER, 
   } else if (pnum != kernel_data->INIT.PROCESSOR_NUMBER) {
      ipc_msg_comp_ptr = (IPC_MSG_ROUTING_COMPONENT_STRUCT_PTR)
      if (ipc_msg_comp_ptr && ipc_msg_comp_ptr->MSG_ROUTER) {
         return( (*ipc_msg_comp_ptr->MSG_ROUTER)(pnum, msg_ptr, blocking));
      } else {
         return FALSE;
      }/* Endif */
   } /* Endif */
   queue = QUEUE_FROM_QID(target_qid);

   if ( ! VALID_QUEUE(queue)) {
      return FALSE;
   } /* Endif */

   msgq_ptr = &msg_component_ptr->MSGQS_PTR[queue];
   if (msgq_ptr->QUEUE != queue) {
      msgq_ptr = NULL;
   } /* Endif */

   if (msgq_ptr == NULL) {
      return FALSE;
   } /* Endif */

   if ((msgq_ptr->MAX_ENTRIES == 0) ||
       (msgq_ptr->NO_OF_ENTRIES < msgq_ptr->MAX_ENTRIES))
   /* End CR 2265 */
      /* There is room on the queue, so add the msg.  We 
         need to check for room here even if the msg ends up
         being short-cutted to the receiver (via td_ptr->MESSAGE)
         in case msg_receive needs to enqueue the msg.

      if (msgq_ptr->TYPE == MSG_QUEUE) {

         /* check for pending receive
         ** if a receive is pending then satisfy the request
         ** and add the receiving task onto the ready-to-run queue
         td_ptr = msgq_ptr->TD_PTR;
         state  = td_ptr->STATE & STATE_MASK;
         if ( (state == RCV_ANY_BLOCKED) ||
             ((state == RCV_SPECIFIC_BLOCKED) && (td_ptr->INFO == queue)))
            /* The task is blocked, waiting for a message */
            td_ptr->MESSAGE = &imsg_ptr->MESSAGE;
            imsg_ptr->TD_PTR = td_ptr;

            /* Now run the notification function */
            if (msgq_ptr->NOTIFICATION_FUNCTION != NULL) {
            } /* Endif */

            if (blocking) {
               if ( ! kernel_data->IN_ISR) {
                  td_ptr = kernel_data->ACTIVE_PTR;
                  td_ptr->STATE = SEND_BLOCKED;
               } /* Endif */
            } else {
               **  if the highest priority ready task is not the
               **  same priority as the sending task, then a higher
               **  priority task was made ready and it has to be allowed
               **  to run.
               _CHECK_RUN_SCHEDULER(); /* Let a higher priority task run */
            } /* Endif */

         } else {
            /* The task is ready to run and pre-empted OR blocked and
            ** on a different queue.

/* Start CR 2191 */
            swapped_msg = FALSE;
/* End CR 2191 */            
            if ((msg_ptr->CONTROL & MSG_PRIORITY_MASK) &&
                (td_ptr->MESSAGE != NULL))
               /* Check the message in the TD */
               tmp_msg_ptr = (MESSAGE_HEADER_STRUCT_PTR)td_ptr->MESSAGE;
               if ( (msg_ptr->CONTROL & MSG_HDR_URGENT) ||
                  /* Urgent messages first */
                    ( (! (tmp_msg_ptr->CONTROL & MSG_HDR_URGENT)) &&
                      /* Start CR 621 */
                      ( (_mqx_uint)(tmp_msg_ptr->CONTROL & MSG_HDR_PRIORITY_MASK) < 
                        (_mqx_uint)(msg_ptr->CONTROL & MSG_HDR_PRIORITY_MASK)) 
                      /* End CR 621 */
                  /* Higher priority messages first */
                  /* Put new message into TD */
                  td_ptr->MESSAGE = msg_ptr;
/* Start CR 2193 */                  
                  /* Set the new message's ownership to the receiving queue's TD */
                  imsg_ptr = GET_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PTR(msg_ptr);
                  imsg_ptr->TD_PTR = td_ptr; 

                  /* Old message which we pulled from TD, need to add to queue, below */  
/* End CR 2193 */                                   
                  msg_ptr  = tmp_msg_ptr;  
                  imsg_ptr = GET_INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PTR(msg_ptr);

                  /* Don't know the sender's TD for the swapped out msg,
                     so set it to NULL; */ 
                  imsg_ptr->TD_PTR = NULL;
/* Start CR 2191 */                  
                  /* Indicate that a swap occurred */
                  swapped_msg = TRUE;
                  /* Set the queue to the swapped msg's queue. */
                  if (target_qid != msg_ptr->TARGET_QID)
                     queue = QUEUE_FROM_QID(msg_ptr->TARGET_QID);
                     msgq_ptr = &msg_component_ptr->MSGQS_PTR[queue];
                     /* This msg's queue was not full when it was short-cut,
                        so we should not get here.  Check anyway. */
                     if ((msgq_ptr->MAX_ENTRIES != 0) &&
                         (msgq_ptr->NO_OF_ENTRIES >= msgq_ptr->MAX_ENTRIES))
                        /* Queue full, error */
                        return FALSE;
                     } /* Endif */
                  } /* Endif */
               } /* Endif */
            } /* Endif */

            /* add the message */
            _msgq_insert_message_internal(msgq_ptr, imsg_ptr, swapped_msg);

            if (msgq_ptr->TD_PTR){
            } /* Endif */

            /* Now run the notification function */
            if (msgq_ptr->NOTIFICATION_FUNCTION != NULL) {
            } /* Endif */

            if (blocking && ! kernel_data->IN_ISR ) {
               td_ptr = kernel_data->ACTIVE_PTR;
               td_ptr->STATE = SEND_BLOCKED;
            } /* Endif */

      } /* Endif */
   } else {

         /* add the message to the queue */
         _msgq_insert_message_internal(msgq_ptr, imsg_ptr, FALSE);

         /* Run the notification function. */
         if ( msgq_ptr->NOTIFICATION_FUNCTION != NULL ) {
         } /* Endif */

      } /* Endif */

   } else {
      /* Queue full, error */
      return FALSE;
   } /* Endif */

   return TRUE;  /* Message sent MQX_OK */

} /* Endbody */