Ejemplo n.º 1
Connection *Connection_new(const char *in_addr)
	DEBUG(("alloc Connection\n"));
	Connection *connection = Alloc_alloc_T(Connection);
	if(connection == NULL) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Out of memory while allocating Connection");
		return NULL;
	connection->state = CS_CLOSED;
	connection->current_batch = NULL;
	connection->current_executor = NULL;
	connection->parser = ReplyParser_new();
	if(connection->parser == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	//copy socket addr
	if(ADDR_SIZE < snprintf(connection->addr, ADDR_SIZE, "%s", in_addr)) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Invalid address for Connection");
		return NULL;

	//parse addr
	int port = DEFAULT_IP_PORT;
	char *pport;
	char addr[ADDR_SIZE];
	DEBUG(("parsing connection addr: %s\n", connection->addr));
	if(NULL == (pport = strchr(connection->addr, ':'))) {
		snprintf(addr, ADDR_SIZE, "%s", connection->addr);
	else {
		port = atoi(pport + 1);
		snprintf(addr, (pport - connection->addr + 1), "%s", connection->addr);
	connection->sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
	connection->sa.sin_port = htons(port);
	if(!inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &connection->sa.sin_addr)) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Could not parse ip address");
		return NULL;
	DEBUG(("Connection ip: '%s', port: %d\n", addr, port));

	connection->sockfd = 0;

	return connection;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ComponentClock::Initialize()
	std::shared_ptr<GameObjectModule> gameObjectModule = GET_MODULE(GameObjectModule).lock();
	if (gameObjectModule != nullptr)
		std::shared_ptr<GameObject> newHoursLine = gameObjectModule->CloneObject(m_HoursLinePrefab).lock();
		if (newHoursLine != nullptr)
			m_HoursLineTransformComponent = newHoursLine->GetComponent<ComponentTransform2D>();

		std::shared_ptr<GameObject> newMinutesLine = gameObjectModule->CloneObject(m_MinutesLinePrefab).lock();
		if (newMinutesLine != nullptr)
			m_MinutesLineTransformComponent = newMinutesLine->GetComponent<ComponentTransform2D>();

		std::shared_ptr<GameObject> newSecondsLine = gameObjectModule->CloneObject(m_SecondsLinePrefab).lock();
		if (newSecondsLine != nullptr)
			m_SecondsLineTransformComponent = newSecondsLine->GetComponent<ComponentTransform2D>();

Ejemplo n.º 3
int ompi_osc_rdma_raccumulate (const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                               struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_datatype, int target_rank,
                               OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp, int target_count,
                               struct ompi_datatype_t *target_datatype, struct ompi_op_t *op,
                               struct ompi_win_t *win, struct ompi_request_t **request)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer;
    ompi_osc_rdma_request_t *rdma_request;
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *sync;
    int ret;

    sync = ompi_osc_rdma_module_sync_lookup (module, target_rank, &peer);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output, "racc: 0x%lx, %d, %s, %d, 0x%lx, %d, %s, %s, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype->name, target_rank,
                         (unsigned long) target_disp, target_count, target_datatype->name, op->o_name, win->w_name));

    OMPI_OSC_RDMA_REQUEST_ALLOC(module, peer, rdma_request);

    ret = ompi_osc_rdma_rget_accumulate_internal (sync, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype, NULL, 0,
                                                  NULL, peer, target_rank, target_disp, target_count, target_datatype,
                                                  op, rdma_request);
        return ret;

    *request = &rdma_request->super;

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int ompi_osc_rdma_flush (int target, struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *lock;
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer;

    assert (0 <= target);

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "flush: %d, %s", target, win->w_name);

    if (ompi_comm_rank (module->comm) == target) {
        /* nothing to flush. call one round of progress */
        ompi_osc_rdma_progress (module);
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;


    lock = ompi_osc_rdma_module_sync_lookup (module, target, &peer);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == lock || OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK != lock->type)) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "flush: target %d is not locked in window %s",
                         target, win->w_name);
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* finish all outstanding fragments */
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_rdma_complete (lock);

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "flush on target %d complete", target);

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int ompi_osc_rdma_get_accumulate (const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                                  struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_datatype,
                                  void *result_addr, int result_count,
                                  struct ompi_datatype_t *result_datatype,
                                  int target_rank, MPI_Aint target_disp,
                                  int target_count, struct ompi_datatype_t *target_datatype,
                                  struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer;
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *sync;

    sync = ompi_osc_rdma_module_sync_lookup (module, target_rank, &peer);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "get_acc: 0x%lx, %d, %s, 0x%lx, %d, %s, %d, 0x%lx, %d, %s, %s, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype->name,
                         (unsigned long) result_addr, result_count, result_datatype->name, target_rank,
                         (unsigned long) target_disp, target_count, target_datatype->name, op->o_name,

    return ompi_osc_rdma_rget_accumulate_internal (sync, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype,
                                                   result_addr, result_count, result_datatype,
                                                   peer, target_rank, target_disp, target_count,
                                                   target_datatype, op, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 6
int ompi_osc_rdma_flush_all (struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *lock;
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;
    uint32_t key;
    void *node;

    /* flush is only allowed from within a passive target epoch */
    if (!ompi_osc_rdma_in_passive_epoch (module)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "flush_all: %s", win->w_name);

    /* globally complete all outstanding rdma requests */
    if (OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK == module->all_sync.type) {
        ompi_osc_rdma_sync_rdma_complete (&module->all_sync);

    /* flush all locks */
    ret = opal_hash_table_get_first_key_uint32 (&module->outstanding_locks, &key, (void **) &lock, &node);
    while (OPAL_SUCCESS == ret) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_DEBUG, "flushing lock %p", (void *) lock);
        ompi_osc_rdma_sync_rdma_complete (lock);
        ret = opal_hash_table_get_next_key_uint32 (&module->outstanding_locks, &key, (void **) &lock,
                                                   node, &node);

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "flush_all complete");

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @since 2016-11-20
Object tm_load_module(Object file, Object code, Object name) {
    Object mod = module_new(file, name, code);
    Object fnc = func_new(mod, NONE_OBJECT, NULL);
    GET_FUNCTION(fnc)->code = (unsigned char*) GET_STR(code);
    GET_FUNCTION(fnc)->name = string_new("#main");
    return GET_MODULE(mod)->globals;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Connection *Connection_new(const char *in_addr)
	DEBUG(("alloc Connection\n"));
	Connection *connection = Alloc_alloc_T(Connection);
	if(connection == NULL) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Out of memory while allocating Connection");
		return NULL;
	connection->state = CS_CLOSED;
	connection->current_batch = NULL;
	connection->current_executor = NULL;
	connection->parser = ReplyParser_new();
	if(connection->parser == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	//copy address
	int invalid_address = 0;
	char *service;
	if (NULL == (service = strchr(in_addr, ':'))) {
		invalid_address = ADDR_SIZE < snprintf(connection->addr, ADDR_SIZE, "%s", in_addr)
				|| SERV_SIZE < snprintf(connection->serv, SERV_SIZE, "%s", XSTR(DEFAULT_IP_PORT));
	else {
		int addr_length = service - in_addr + 1;
		if (ADDR_SIZE < addr_length) {
			invalid_address = 1;
		else {
			snprintf(connection->addr, addr_length, "%s", in_addr);
			invalid_address = SERV_SIZE < snprintf(connection->serv, SERV_SIZE, "%s", service + 1);
	if (invalid_address) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Invalid address for Connection");
		return NULL;
	DEBUG(("Connection address: '%s', service: '%s'\n", connection->addr, connection->serv));

	connection->addrinfo = NULL;
	connection->sockfd = 0;

	return connection;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int ompi_osc_rdma_lock_atomic (int lock_type, int target, int assert, ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer = ompi_osc_rdma_module_peer (module, target);
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *lock;
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "lock: %d, %d, %d, %s", lock_type, target, assert, win->w_name);

    if (module->no_locks) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "attempted to lock with no_locks set");
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    if (module->all_sync.epoch_active && (OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK != module->all_sync.type || MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE == lock_type)) {
        /* impossible to get an exclusive lock while holding a global shared lock or in a active
         * target access epoch */
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* clear the global sync object (in case MPI_Win_fence was called) */
    module->all_sync.type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_NONE;

    /* create lock item */
    lock = ompi_osc_rdma_sync_allocate (module);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == lock)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    lock->type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK;
    lock->sync.lock.target = target;
    lock->sync.lock.type = lock_type;
    lock->sync.lock.assert = assert;

    lock->peer_list.peer = peer;
    lock->num_peers = 1;

    if (0 == (assert & MPI_MODE_NOCHECK)) {
        ret = ompi_osc_rdma_lock_atomic_internal (module, peer, lock);

    if (OPAL_LIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS == ret)) {

        opal_atomic_wmb ();

        OPAL_THREAD_SCOPED_LOCK(&module->lock, ompi_osc_rdma_module_lock_insert (module, lock));
    } else {

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "lock %d complete", target);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Executor *Executor_new()
	DEBUG(("alloc Executor\n"));
	Executor *executor = Alloc_alloc_T(Executor);
	if(executor == NULL) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Out of memory while allocating Executor");
		return NULL;
	executor->numpairs = 0;
	executor->numevents = 0;
	return executor;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    const TCExportInfo *info = NULL;
    char *amod = "null";
    char *vmod = "null";
    char *mmod = "null";
    int ret = 0;
    ret = tc_setup_export_profile(&argc, &argv);
    if (ret < 0) {
        /* error, so bail out */
        return 1;
    printf("parsed: %i profiles\n", ret);

    info = tc_load_export_profile();
    amod = GET_MODULE(info->audio.module);
    vmod = GET_MODULE(info->video.module);
    mmod = GET_MODULE(info->mplex.module);
    tc_export_profile_to_vob(info, &vob);

    PRINT(divxbitrate, "%i");
    PRINT(video_max_bitrate, "%i");
    PRINT(mp3bitrate, "%i");
    PRINT(mp3frequency, "%i");
    PRINT(divxkeyframes, "%i");
    PRINT(encode_fields, "%i");
    PRINT(ex_frc, "%i");
    PRINT(ex_v_codec, "%x");
    PRINT(ex_a_codec, "%x");
    PRINT(zoom_width, "%i");
    PRINT(zoom_height, "%i");
    printf("video module=%s\n", vmod);
    printf("audio module=%s\n", amod);
    printf("mplex module=%s\n", mmod);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int Executor_add(Executor *executor, Connection *connection, Batch *batch)
	assert(executor != NULL);
	assert(connection != NULL);
	assert(batch != NULL);

	if(executor->numpairs >= MAX_PAIRS) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Executor is full, max = %d", MAX_PAIRS);
		return -1;
	struct _Pair *pair = &executor->pairs[executor->numpairs];
	pair->batch = batch;
	pair->connection = connection;
	executor->numpairs += 1;
	DEBUG(("Executor add, total: %d\n", executor->numpairs));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int ompi_osc_rdma_compare_and_swap (const void *origin_addr, const void *compare_addr, void *result_addr,
                                    struct ompi_datatype_t *dt, int target_rank, OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp,
                                    struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer;
    mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *target_handle;
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *sync;
    uint64_t target_address;
    int ret;

    sync = ompi_osc_rdma_module_sync_lookup (module, target_rank, &peer);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output, "cswap: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %s, %d, %d, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, (unsigned long) compare_addr, (unsigned long) result_addr,
                         dt->name, target_rank, (int) target_disp, win->w_name));

    ret = osc_rdma_get_remote_segment (module, peer, target_disp, 8, &target_address, &target_handle);
        return ret;

#if 0
    if (MCA_OSC_RDMA_SAME_OP <= module->accumulate_ops) {
        /* the user has indicated that they will only use the same op (or same op and no op)
         * for operations on overlapping memory ranges. that indicates it is safe to go ahead
         * and use network atomic operations. */
        ret = ompi_osc_rdma_cas_atomic (sync, origin_addr, compare_addr, result_addr, dt,
                                        peer, target_address, target_handle);
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS == ret) {
            return OMPI_SUCCESS;
    } else

    if (ompi_osc_rdma_peer_local_base (peer)) {
        return ompi_osc_rdma_cas_local (origin_addr, compare_addr, result_addr, dt,
                                        peer, target_address, target_handle, module);

    return cas_rdma (sync, origin_addr, compare_addr, result_addr, dt, peer, target_address,
Ejemplo n.º 14
int ompi_osc_rdma_fetch_and_op (const void *origin_addr, void *result_addr, struct ompi_datatype_t *dt, int target_rank,
                                OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp, struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer;
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *sync;

    sync = ompi_osc_rdma_module_sync_lookup (module, target_rank, &peer);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output, "fop: %p, %s, %d, %lu, %s, %s",
                         result_addr, dt->name, target_rank, (unsigned long) target_disp, op->o_name, win->w_name));

    return ompi_osc_rdma_rget_accumulate_internal (sync, origin_addr, 1, dt, result_addr, 1, dt, peer, target_rank,
                                                   target_disp, 1, dt, op, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 15
int ompi_osc_rdma_unlock_atomic (int target, ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *peer;
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *lock;
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;


    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "unlock: %d, %s", target, win->w_name);

    lock = ompi_osc_rdma_module_lock_find (module, target, &peer);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == lock)) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "target %d is not locked in window %s",
                         target, win->w_name);
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    ompi_osc_rdma_module_lock_remove (module, lock);

    /* finish all outstanding fragments */
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_rdma_complete (lock);

    if (!(lock->sync.lock.assert & MPI_MODE_NOCHECK)) {
        ret = ompi_osc_rdma_unlock_atomic_internal (module, peer, lock);

    /* release our reference to this peer */

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "unlock %d complete", target);


    opal_atomic_wmb ();


    /* delete the lock */
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_return (lock);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 16
ompi_osc_rdma_module_accumulate(void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                                struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
                                int target, int target_disp, int target_count,
                                struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
                                struct ompi_op_t *op, ompi_win_t *win)
    int ret;
    ompi_osc_rdma_sendreq_t *sendreq;
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);

    if ((OMPI_WIN_STARTED & ompi_win_get_mode(win)) &&
            (!module->m_sc_remote_active_ranks[target])) {
        return MPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    if (OMPI_WIN_FENCE & ompi_win_get_mode(win)) {
        /* well, we're definitely in an access epoch now */
        ompi_win_set_mode(win, OMPI_WIN_FENCE | OMPI_WIN_ACCESS_EPOCH |

    /* shortcut 0 count case */
    if (0 == origin_count || 0 == target_count) {
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* create sendreq */
    ret = ompi_osc_rdma_sendreq_alloc_init(OMPI_OSC_RDMA_ACC,
Ejemplo n.º 17
int ompi_osc_rdma_unlock_all_atomic (struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *lock;

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "unlock_all: %s", win->w_name);


    lock = &module->all_sync;
    if (OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK != lock->type) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "not locked in window %s", win->w_name);
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* finish all outstanding fragments */
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_rdma_complete (lock);

    if (0 != (lock->sync.lock.assert & MPI_MODE_NOCHECK)) {
        /* decrement the master lock shared count */
        (void) ompi_osc_rdma_lock_release_shared (module, module->leader, -0x0000000100000000UL, offsetof (ompi_osc_rdma_state_t, global_lock));

    lock->type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_NONE;
    lock->num_peers = 0;
    lock->epoch_active = false;


    opal_atomic_wmb ();


    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "unlock_all complete");

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int ompi_osc_rdma_sync (struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_progress (GET_MODULE(win));
    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int ompi_osc_rdma_lock_all_atomic (int assert, struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_osc_rdma_sync_t *lock;
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "lock_all: %d, %s", assert, win->w_name);

    if (module->no_locks) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "attempted to lock with no_locks set");
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    if (module->all_sync.epoch_active) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "attempted lock_all when active target epoch is %s "
                         "and lock all epoch is %s",
                         (OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK != module->all_sync.type && module->all_sync.epoch_active) ?
                         "active" : "inactive",
                         (OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK == module->all_sync.type) ? "active" : "inactive");
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* set up lock */
    lock = &module->all_sync;

    lock->type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK;
    lock->sync.lock.target = -1;
    lock->sync.lock.type   = MPI_LOCK_SHARED;
    lock->sync.lock.assert = assert;
    lock->num_peers = ompi_comm_size (module->comm);

    lock->epoch_active = true;
    /* NTH: TODO -- like fence it might be a good idea to create an array to access all peers
     * without having to access the hash table. Such a change would likely increase performance
     * at the expense of memory usage. Ex. if a window has 1M peers then 8MB per process would
     * be needed for this array. */

    if (0 != (assert & MPI_MODE_NOCHECK)) {
        /* increment the global shared lock */
        ret = ompi_osc_rdma_lock_acquire_shared (module, module->leader, 0x0000000100000000UL,
                                                 offsetof(ompi_osc_rdma_state_t, global_lock),

    if (OPAL_LIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
        lock->type = OMPI_OSC_RDMA_SYNC_TYPE_NONE;
        lock->num_peers = 0;
        lock->epoch_active = false;
    } else {

    opal_atomic_wmb ();


    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "lock_all complete");

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int Executor_execute(Executor *executor, int timeout_ms)
	DEBUG(("Executor execute start\n"));

	//determine max endtime based on timeout
	struct timespec tm;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tm);
	DEBUG(("Executor start_tm_ms: %3.2f\n", TIMESPEC_TO_MS(tm)));
	executor->end_tm_ms = TIMESPEC_TO_MS(tm) + ((float)timeout_ms);
	DEBUG(("Executor end_tm_ms: %3.2f\n", executor->end_tm_ms));

	executor->numevents = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < executor->numpairs; i++) {
		struct _Pair *pair = &executor->pairs[i];
		Connection_execute_start(pair->connection, executor, pair->batch, i);

	int poll_result = 1;
	//for as long there are outstanding events and no error or timeout occurred:
	while(executor->numevents > 0 && poll_result > 0) {
		//figure out how many ms left for this execution
		int timeout;
		if (Executor_current_timeout(executor, &timeout) == -1) {
			//if no time is left, force a timeout
			poll_result = 0;
		} else {
			//do the poll
			DEBUG(("Executor start poll num_events: %d\n", executor->numevents));
			poll_result = poll(executor->fds, executor->numpairs, timeout);

			DEBUG(("Executor select res %d\n", poll_result));

		for(int i = 0; i < executor->numpairs; i++) {

			struct _Pair *pair = &executor->pairs[i];
			Connection *connection = pair->connection;
			Batch *batch = pair->batch;
			struct pollfd *fd = &executor->fds[i];

			EventType event = 0;
			if(fd->revents & POLLIN) {
				event |= EVENT_READ;
				fd->events &= ~POLLIN;
				fd->revents &= ~POLLIN;
				executor->numevents -= 1;
			if(fd->revents & POLLOUT) {
				event |= EVENT_WRITE;
				fd->events &= ~POLLOUT;
				fd->revents &= ~POLLOUT;
				executor->numevents -= 1;

			if(poll_result == 0) {
				event = EVENT_TIMEOUT;
			else if(poll_result < 0) {
				event = EVENT_ERROR;

			if(event > 0 && Batch_has_command(batch)) {
				//there is an event, and batch is not finished
				Connection_handle_event(connection, event, i);

	if(poll_result > 1) {
		poll_result = 1;
	if(poll_result < 0) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Execute select error, errno: [%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno));
	else if(poll_result == 0) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Execute timeout");
	DEBUG(("Executor execute done\n"));
	return poll_result;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static inline
int ompi_osc_pt2pt_rget_accumulate_internal (const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                                            struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_datatype,
                                            void *result_addr, int result_count,
                                            struct ompi_datatype_t *result_datatype,
                                            int target_rank, MPI_Aint target_disp,
                                            int target_count, struct ompi_datatype_t *target_datatype,
                                            struct ompi_op_t *op, struct ompi_win_t *win,
                                            bool release_req, struct ompi_request_t **request)
    int ret;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_proc_t *proc = ompi_comm_peer_lookup(module->comm, target_rank);
    bool is_long_datatype = false;
    bool is_long_msg = false;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_t *frag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_acc_t *header;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_t *pt2pt_sync;
    size_t ddt_len, payload_len, frag_len;
    char *ptr;
    const void *packed_ddt;
    int tag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_t *pt2pt_request;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "rget_acc: 0x%lx, %d, %s, 0x%lx, %d, %s, 0x%x, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype->name,
                         (unsigned long) result_addr, result_count, result_datatype->name,
                         target_rank, (int) target_disp, target_count, target_datatype->name,
                         op->o_name, win->w_name));

    pt2pt_sync = ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_sync_lookup (module, target_rank, NULL);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == pt2pt_sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* get_accumulates are always request based, so that we know where to land the data */
    OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_REQUEST_ALLOC(win, pt2pt_request);

    pt2pt_request->internal = release_req;

    /* short-circuit case. note that origin_count may be 0 if op is MPI_NO_OP */
    if (0 == result_count || 0 == target_count) {
        ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_complete (pt2pt_request, MPI_SUCCESS);
        *request = &pt2pt_request->super;
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    if (!release_req) {
        /* wait for epoch to begin before starting operation */
        ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_wait_expected (pt2pt_sync);

    /* optimize the self case. TODO: optimize the local case */
    if (ompi_comm_rank (module->comm) == target_rank) {
        *request = &pt2pt_request->super;
        return ompi_osc_pt2pt_gacc_self (pt2pt_sync, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype,
                                         result_addr, result_count, result_datatype,
                                         target_disp, target_count, target_datatype,
                                         op, module, pt2pt_request);

    pt2pt_request->type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_GET_ACC;
    pt2pt_request->origin_addr = origin_addr;
    pt2pt_request->origin_count = origin_count;
    pt2pt_request->origin_dt = origin_datatype;

    /* Compute datatype and payload lengths.  Note that the datatype description
     * must fit in a single frag */
    ddt_len = ompi_datatype_pack_description_length(target_datatype);

    if (&ompi_mpi_op_no_op.op != op) {
        payload_len = origin_datatype->super.size * origin_count;
    } else {
        payload_len = 0;

    frag_len = sizeof(*header) + ddt_len + payload_len;
    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target_rank, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, false, release_req);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        frag_len = sizeof(*header) + ddt_len;
        ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target_rank, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, true, release_req);
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
            /* allocate space for the header plus space to store ddt_len */
            frag_len = sizeof(*header) + 8;
            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target_rank, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, true, release_req);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
                return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

            is_long_datatype = true;

        is_long_msg = true;

    tag = get_tag (module);

    /* If this is a long message then we need two completions before the
     * request is complete (1 for the send, 1 for the receive) */
    pt2pt_request->outstanding_requests = 1 + is_long_msg;

    /* increment the number of outgoing fragments */
    ompi_osc_signal_outgoing (module, target_rank, pt2pt_request->outstanding_requests);

    header = (ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_acc_t *) ptr;
    header->base.flags = 0;
    header->len = frag_len;
    header->count = target_count;
    header->displacement = target_disp;
    header->op = op->o_f_to_c_index;
    header->tag = tag;

    ptr = (char *)(header + 1);

    do {
        ret = ompi_datatype_get_pack_description(target_datatype, &packed_ddt);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

        if (is_long_datatype) {
            /* the datatype does not fit in an eager message. send it seperately */
            header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_LARGE_DATATYPE;


            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_isend_w_cb ((void *) packed_ddt, ddt_len, MPI_BYTE,
                                            target_rank, tag_to_target(tag), module->comm,
                                            ompi_osc_pt2pt_dt_send_complete, target_datatype);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

            *((uint64_t *) ptr) = ddt_len;
            ptr += 8;
        } else {
            memcpy((unsigned char*) ptr, packed_ddt, ddt_len);
            ptr += ddt_len;

        ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_irecv_w_cb (result_addr, result_count, result_datatype,
                                        target_rank, tag_to_origin(tag), module->comm,
                                        NULL, ompi_osc_pt2pt_req_comm_complete, pt2pt_request);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

        if (!is_long_msg) {
            header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_GET_ACC;
            osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);

            if (&ompi_mpi_op_no_op.op != op) {
                osc_pt2pt_copy_for_send (ptr, payload_len, origin_addr, proc, origin_count,
        } else {
            header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_GET_ACC_LONG;
            osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);

            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_isend_w_cb (origin_addr, origin_count, origin_datatype,
                                            target_rank, tag_to_target(tag), module->comm,
                                            ompi_osc_pt2pt_req_comm_complete, pt2pt_request);
    } while (0);

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS == ret) {
        header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_VALID;
        *request = (ompi_request_t *) pt2pt_request;

    return ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_finish(module, frag);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static inline int ompi_osc_pt2pt_rget_internal (void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                                               struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
                                               int target,
                                               OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp,
                                               int target_count,
                                               struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
                                               struct ompi_win_t *win, bool release_req,
                                               struct ompi_request_t **request)
    int ret, tag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    bool is_long_datatype = false;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_t *frag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_get_t *header;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_t *pt2pt_sync;
    size_t ddt_len, frag_len;
    char *ptr;
    const void *packed_ddt;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_t *pt2pt_request;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "get: 0x%lx, %d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, origin_count,
                         origin_dt->name, target, (int) target_disp,
                         target_count, target_dt->name, win->w_name));

    pt2pt_sync = ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_sync_lookup (module, target, NULL);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == pt2pt_sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* gets are always request based, so that we know where to land the data */
    OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_REQUEST_ALLOC(win, pt2pt_request);

    pt2pt_request->internal = release_req;

    /* short-circuit case */
    if (0 == origin_count || 0 == target_count) {
        ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_complete (pt2pt_request, MPI_SUCCESS);
        *request = &pt2pt_request->super;
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* optimize self communication. TODO: optimize local communication */
    if (ompi_comm_rank (module->comm) == target) {
        *request = &pt2pt_request->super;
        return ompi_osc_pt2pt_get_self (pt2pt_sync, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt,
                                        target_disp, target_count, target_dt,
                                        module, pt2pt_request);

    pt2pt_request->type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_GET;
    pt2pt_request->origin_addr = origin_addr;
    pt2pt_request->origin_count = origin_count;
    pt2pt_request->origin_dt = origin_dt;

    /* Compute datatype length.  Note that the datatype description
     * must fit in a single frag */
    ddt_len = ompi_datatype_pack_description_length(target_dt);

    frag_len = sizeof(ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_get_t) + ddt_len;
    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, false, release_req);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        /* allocate space for the header plus space to store ddt_len */
        frag_len = sizeof(ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_get_t) + 8;
        ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, false, release_req);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
            return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

        is_long_datatype = true;

    tag = get_tag (module);

    /* for bookkeeping the get is "outgoing" */
    ompi_osc_signal_outgoing (module, target, 1);

    if (!release_req) {
        /* wait for epoch to begin before starting rget operation */
        ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_wait_expected (pt2pt_sync);

    header = (ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_get_t*) ptr;
    header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_GET;
    header->base.flags = 0;
    header->len = frag_len;
    header->count = target_count;
    header->displacement = target_disp;
    header->tag = tag;
    OSC_PT2PT_HTON(header, module, target);
    ptr += sizeof(ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_get_t);

    do {
        ret = ompi_datatype_get_pack_description(target_dt, &packed_ddt);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

        if (is_long_datatype) {
            /* the datatype does not fit in an eager message. send it seperately */
            header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_LARGE_DATATYPE;


            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_isend_w_cb ((void *) packed_ddt, ddt_len, MPI_BYTE,
                                            target, tag_to_target(tag), module->comm,
                                            ompi_osc_pt2pt_dt_send_complete, target_dt);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

            *((uint64_t *) ptr) = ddt_len;
            ptr += 8;
        } else {
            memcpy((unsigned char*) ptr, packed_ddt, ddt_len);
            ptr += ddt_len;

        /* TODO -- store the request somewhere so we can cancel it on error */
        pt2pt_request->outstanding_requests = 1;
        ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_irecv_w_cb (origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt,
                                        target, tag_to_origin(tag), module->comm,
                                        NULL, ompi_osc_pt2pt_req_comm_complete, pt2pt_request);
    } while (0);

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS == ret) {
        header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_VALID;
        *request = &pt2pt_request->super;

    return ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_finish(module, frag);
Ejemplo n.º 23
int ompi_osc_pt2pt_compare_and_swap (const void *origin_addr, const void *compare_addr,
                                    void *result_addr, struct ompi_datatype_t *dt,
                                    int target, OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp,
                                    struct ompi_win_t *win)
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_proc_t *proc = ompi_comm_peer_lookup(module->comm, target);
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_t *frag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_cswap_t *header;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_t *pt2pt_sync;
    size_t ddt_len, payload_len, frag_len;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_t *request;
    const void *packed_ddt;
    int ret, tag;
    char *ptr;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "cswap: 0x%lx, 0x%lx, 0x%lx, %s, %d, %d, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, (unsigned long) compare_addr,
                         (unsigned long) result_addr, dt->name, target, (int) target_disp,

    pt2pt_sync = ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_sync_lookup (module, target, NULL);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == pt2pt_sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* optimize self case. TODO: optimize local case */
    if (ompi_comm_rank (module->comm) == target) {
        return ompi_osc_pt2pt_cas_self (pt2pt_sync, origin_addr, compare_addr, result_addr, dt, target_disp,

    /* compare-and-swaps are always request based, so that we know where to land the data */
    OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_REQUEST_ALLOC(win, request);

    request->type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_CSWAP;
    request->origin_addr = origin_addr;
    request->internal = true;
    request->origin_dt = dt;

    /* Compute datatype and payload lengths.  Note that the datatype description
     * must fit in a single frag. It should be small in this case. */
    ddt_len = ompi_datatype_pack_description_length(dt);

    /* we need to send both the origin and compare buffers */
    payload_len = dt->super.size * 2;

    ret = ompi_datatype_get_pack_description(dt, &packed_ddt);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        return ret;

    frag_len = sizeof(ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_cswap_t) + ddt_len + payload_len;
    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, false, false);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    tag = get_tag (module);
    ompi_osc_signal_outgoing (module, target, 1);

    header = (ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_cswap_t *) ptr;
    header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_CSWAP;
    header->base.flags = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_VALID;
    header->len = frag_len;
    header->displacement = target_disp;
    header->tag = tag;
    osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);
    ptr += sizeof(ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_cswap_t);

    memcpy((unsigned char*) ptr, packed_ddt, ddt_len);
    ptr += ddt_len;

    /* pack the origin and compare data */
    osc_pt2pt_copy_for_send (ptr, dt->super.size, origin_addr, proc, 1, dt);
    ptr += dt->super.size;
    osc_pt2pt_copy_for_send (ptr, dt->super.size, compare_addr, proc, 1, dt);

    request->outstanding_requests = 1;
    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_irecv_w_cb (result_addr, 1, dt,
                                    target, tag_to_origin(tag), module->comm,
                                    NULL, ompi_osc_pt2pt_req_comm_complete, request);
        return ret;

    return ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_finish (module, frag);
Ejemplo n.º 24
static int
ompi_osc_pt2pt_accumulate_w_req (const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                                struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
                                int target, OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp,
                                int target_count,
                                struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
                                struct ompi_op_t *op, ompi_win_t *win,
                                ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_t *request)
    int ret;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_proc_t *proc = ompi_comm_peer_lookup(module->comm, target);
    bool is_long_datatype = false;
    bool is_long_msg = false;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_t *frag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_acc_t *header;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_t *pt2pt_sync;
    size_t ddt_len, payload_len, frag_len;
    char *ptr;
    const void *packed_ddt;
    int tag = -1;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "acc: 0x%lx, %d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, origin_count,
                         origin_dt->name, target, (int) target_disp,
                         target_count, target_dt->name, op->o_name,

    pt2pt_sync = ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_sync_lookup (module, target, NULL);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == pt2pt_sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* short-circuit case */
    if (0 == origin_count || 0 == target_count) {
        if (request) {
            ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_complete (request, MPI_SUCCESS);

        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* optimize the self case. TODO: optimize the local case */
    if (ompi_comm_rank (module->comm) == target) {
        return ompi_osc_pt2pt_acc_self (pt2pt_sync, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt,
                                        target_disp, target_count, target_dt,
                                        op, module, request);

    /* Compute datatype and payload lengths.  Note that the datatype description
     * must fit in a single frag */
    ddt_len = ompi_datatype_pack_description_length(target_dt);
    payload_len = origin_dt->super.size * origin_count;

    frag_len = sizeof(*header) + ddt_len + payload_len;
    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        frag_len = sizeof(*header) + ddt_len;
        ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr);
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
            /* allocate space for the header plus space to store ddt_len */
            frag_len = sizeof(*header) + 8;
            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
                return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

            is_long_datatype = true;

        is_long_msg = true;
        tag = get_rtag (module);

    /* flush will be called at the end of this function. make sure all post messages have
     * arrived. */
    if ((is_long_msg || request) && OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_SYNC_TYPE_PSCW == pt2pt_sync->type) {
        ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_wait (pt2pt_sync);

    header = (ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_acc_t*) ptr;
    header->base.flags = 0;
    header->len = frag_len;
    header->count = target_count;
    header->displacement = target_disp;
    header->op = op->o_f_to_c_index;
    ptr += sizeof (*header);

    do {
        ret = ompi_datatype_get_pack_description(target_dt, &packed_ddt);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

        if (is_long_datatype) {
            /* the datatype does not fit in an eager message. send it seperately */
            header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_LARGE_DATATYPE;


            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_isend_w_cb ((void *) packed_ddt, ddt_len, MPI_BYTE, target,
                                            tag, module->comm, ompi_osc_pt2pt_dt_send_complete,
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

            *((uint64_t *) ptr) = ddt_len;
            ptr += 8;
        } else {
            memcpy((unsigned char*) ptr, packed_ddt, ddt_len);
            ptr += ddt_len;

        if (!is_long_msg) {
            header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_ACC;
            osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);

            osc_pt2pt_copy_for_send (ptr, payload_len, origin_addr, proc,
                                    origin_count, origin_dt);

            /* the user's buffer is no longer needed so mark the request as
             * complete. */
            if (request) {
                ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_complete (request, MPI_SUCCESS);
        } else {
            header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_ACC_LONG;
            header->tag = tag;
            osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);

            OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((25, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                                 "acc: starting long accumulate with tag %d", tag));

            /* increment the outgoing send count */
            ompi_osc_signal_outgoing (module, target, 1);

            if (request) {
                request->outstanding_requests = 1;
                ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_isend_w_cb (origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt,
                                                target, tag, module->comm, ompi_osc_pt2pt_req_comm_complete,
            } else {
                ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_component_isend (module, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt, target, tag,
    } while (0);

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((25, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                             "acc: failed with eror %d", ret));
    } else {
        /* mark the fragment as valid */
        header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_VALID;

    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_finish(module, frag);

    if (is_long_msg || request) {
        /* need to flush now in case the caller decides to wait on the request */
        ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_flush_target (module, target);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 25
ompi_osc_pt2pt_free(ompi_win_t *win)
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);

    if (NULL == module) {
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    if (NULL != module->comm) {
        opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                            "pt2pt component destroying window with id %d",

        /* finish with a barrier */
        if (ompi_group_size(win->w_group) > 1) {
            ret = module->comm->c_coll.coll_barrier(module->comm,

        /* remove from component information */

    win->w_osc_module = NULL;


    /* it is erroneous to close a window with active operations on it so we should
     * probably produce an error here instead of cleaning up */

    osc_pt2pt_gc_clean (module);

    if (NULL != module->peers) {
        for (int i = 0 ; i < ompi_comm_size (module->comm) ; ++i) {
            OBJ_DESTRUCT(module->peers + i);


    if (NULL != module->epoch_outgoing_frag_count) free(module->epoch_outgoing_frag_count);

    if (NULL != module->frag_request) {
        module->frag_request->req_complete_cb = NULL;
        ompi_request_cancel (module->frag_request);
        ompi_request_free (&module->frag_request);
    if (NULL != module->comm) {
    if (NULL != module->incoming_buffer) free (module->incoming_buffer);
    if (NULL != module->free_after) free(module->free_after);

    free (module);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 26
int ompi_osc_rdma_detach (struct ompi_win_t *win, const void *base)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    const int my_rank = ompi_comm_rank (module->comm);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_dynamic_t *my_peer = (ompi_osc_rdma_peer_dynamic_t *) ompi_osc_rdma_module_peer (module, my_rank);
    osc_rdma_counter_t region_count, region_id;
    ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *region;
    int region_index;

    if (module->flavor != MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_DYNAMIC) {
        return OMPI_ERR_WIN;


    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "detach: %s, %p", win->w_name, base);

    /* the upper 4 bytes of the region count are an instance counter */
    region_count = module->state->region_count & 0xffffffffL;
    region_id    = module->state->region_count >> 32;

    region = ompi_osc_rdma_find_region_containing ((ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *) module->state->regions, 0,
                                                   region_count - 1, (intptr_t) base, (intptr_t) base + 1,
                                                   module->region_size, &region_index);
    if (NULL == region) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_INFO, "could not find dynamic memory region starting at %p", base);
        return OMPI_ERROR;

    if (--module->dynamic_handles[region_index].refcnt > 0) {
        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "detach complete");
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* lock the region so it can't change while a peer is reading it */
    ompi_osc_rdma_lock_acquire_exclusive (module, &my_peer->super, offsetof (ompi_osc_rdma_state_t, regions_lock));

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_DEBUG, "detaching dynamic memory region {%p, %p} from index %d",
                     base, (void *)((intptr_t) base + region->len), region_index);

    if (module->selected_btl->btl_register_mem) {
        ompi_osc_rdma_deregister (module, module->dynamic_handles[region_index].btl_handle);

        if (region_index < region_count - 1) {
            memmove (module->dynamic_handles + region_index, module->dynamic_handles + region_index + 1,
                     (region_count - region_index - 1) * sizeof (void *));

        memset (module->dynamic_handles + region_count - 1, 0, sizeof (module->dynamic_handles[0]));

    if (region_index < region_count - 1) {
        memmove (region, (void *)((intptr_t) region + module->region_size),
                 (region_count - region_index - 1) * module->region_size);;

    module->state->region_count = ((region_id + 1) << 32) | (region_count - 1);

    ompi_osc_rdma_lock_release_exclusive (module, &my_peer->super, offsetof (ompi_osc_rdma_state_t, regions_lock));



    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 27
ompi_osc_rdma_module_free(ompi_win_t *win)
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;
    int tmp, i;
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);

    opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_osc_base_output,
                        "rdma component destroying window with id %d",

    /* finish with a barrier */
    if (ompi_group_size(win->w_group) > 1) {
        ret = module->m_comm->c_coll.coll_barrier(module->m_comm,

    /* remove from component information */
    tmp = opal_hash_table_remove_value_uint32(&mca_osc_rdma_component.c_modules,
    /* only take the output of hast_table_remove if there wasn't already an error */
    ret = (ret != OMPI_SUCCESS) ? ret : tmp;

    if (0 == opal_hash_table_get_size(&mca_osc_rdma_component.c_modules)) {
        void *foo;

        mca_osc_rdma_component.c_thread_run = false;
        opal_thread_join(&mca_osc_rdma_component.c_thread, &foo);

    win->w_osc_module = NULL;


    if (NULL != module->m_sc_remote_ranks) {
    if (NULL != module->m_sc_remote_active_ranks) {
    if (NULL != module->m_pending_buffers) {
    if (NULL != module->m_fence_coll_counts) {
    if (NULL != module->m_copy_num_pending_sendreqs) {
    if (NULL != module->m_num_pending_sendreqs) {
    if (NULL != module->m_peer_info) {
        for (i = 0 ; i < ompi_comm_size(module->m_comm) ; ++i) {
    if (NULL != module->m_comm) ompi_comm_free(&module->m_comm);
    if (NULL != module) free(module);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 28
int ompi_osc_rdma_attach (struct ompi_win_t *win, void *base, size_t len)
    ompi_osc_rdma_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    const int my_rank = ompi_comm_rank (module->comm);
    ompi_osc_rdma_peer_t *my_peer = ompi_osc_rdma_module_peer (module, my_rank);
    ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *region;
    osc_rdma_counter_t region_count;
    osc_rdma_counter_t region_id;
    void *bound;
    intptr_t page_size = getpagesize ();
    int region_index;
    int ret;

    if (module->flavor != MPI_WIN_FLAVOR_DYNAMIC) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_FLAVOR;

    if (0 == len) {
        /* shot-circuit 0-byte case */
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_TRACE, "attach: %s, %p, %lu", win->w_name, base, (unsigned long) len);


    region_count = module->state->region_count & 0xffffffffL;
    region_id    = module->state->region_count >> 32;

    if (region_count == mca_osc_rdma_component.max_attach) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_ATTACH;

    /* it is wasteful to register less than a page. this may allow the remote side to access more
     * memory but the MPI standard covers this with calling the calling behavior erroneous */
    bound = (void *)OPAL_ALIGN((intptr_t) base + len, page_size, intptr_t);
    base = (void *)((intptr_t) base & ~(page_size - 1));
    len = (size_t)((intptr_t) bound - (intptr_t) base);

    /* see if a matching region already exists */
    region = ompi_osc_rdma_find_region_containing ((ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *) module->state->regions, 0, region_count - 1, (intptr_t) base,
                                                   (intptr_t) bound, module->region_size, &region_index);
    if (NULL != region) {
        /* no need to invalidate remote caches */
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* region is in flux */
    module->state->region_count = -1;
    opal_atomic_wmb ();

    ompi_osc_rdma_lock_acquire_exclusive (module, my_peer, offsetof (ompi_osc_rdma_state_t, regions_lock));

    /* do a binary seach for where the region should be inserted */
    if (region_count) {
        region = find_insertion_point ((ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *) module->state->regions, 0, region_count - 1, (intptr_t) base,
                                       module->region_size, &region_index);

        if (region_index < region_count) {
            memmove ((void *) ((intptr_t) region + module->region_size), region, (region_count - region_index) * module->region_size);

            if (module->selected_btl->btl_register_mem) {
                memmove (module->dynamic_handles + region_index + 1, module->dynamic_handles + region_index,
                         (region_count - region_index) * sizeof (module->dynamic_handles[0]));
    } else {
        region_index = 0;
        region = (ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *) module->state->regions;

    region->base = (intptr_t) base;
    region->len  = len;

    OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_DEBUG, "attaching dynamic memory region {%p, %p} at index %d",
                     base, (void *)((intptr_t) base + len), region_index);

    if (module->selected_btl->btl_register_mem) {
        mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *handle;

        ret = ompi_osc_rdma_register (module, MCA_BTL_ENDPOINT_ANY, (void *) region->base, region->len, MCA_BTL_REG_FLAG_ACCESS_ANY,
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
            return OMPI_ERR_RMA_ATTACH;

        memcpy (region->btl_handle_data, handle, module->selected_btl->btl_registration_handle_size);
        module->dynamic_handles[region_index].btl_handle = handle;
    } else {
        module->dynamic_handles[region_index].btl_handle = NULL;

    module->dynamic_handles[region_index].refcnt = 1;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < region_count + 1 ; ++i) {
        region = (ompi_osc_rdma_region_t *) ((intptr_t) module->state->regions + i * module->region_size);

        OSC_RDMA_VERBOSE(MCA_BASE_VERBOSE_DEBUG, " dynamic region %d: {%p, %lu}", i,
                         (void *) region->base, (unsigned long) region->len);

    opal_atomic_mb ();
    /* the region state has changed */
    module->state->region_count = ((region_id + 1) << 32) | (region_count + 1);

    ompi_osc_rdma_lock_release_exclusive (module, my_peer, offsetof (ompi_osc_rdma_state_t, regions_lock));


    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static int
ompi_osc_pt2pt_accumulate_w_req (const void *origin_addr, int origin_count,
                                struct ompi_datatype_t *origin_dt,
                                int target, OPAL_PTRDIFF_TYPE target_disp,
                                int target_count,
                                struct ompi_datatype_t *target_dt,
                                struct ompi_op_t *op, ompi_win_t *win,
                                ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_t *request)
    int ret;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_t *module = GET_MODULE(win);
    ompi_proc_t *proc = ompi_comm_peer_lookup(module->comm, target);
    bool is_long_datatype = false;
    bool is_long_msg = false;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_t *frag;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_acc_t *header;
    ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_t *pt2pt_sync;
    size_t ddt_len, payload_len, frag_len;
    char *ptr;
    const void *packed_ddt;
    int tag = -1;

    OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((50, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                         "acc: 0x%lx, %d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s",
                         (unsigned long) origin_addr, origin_count,
                         origin_dt->name, target, (int) target_disp,
                         target_count, target_dt->name, op->o_name,

    pt2pt_sync = ompi_osc_pt2pt_module_sync_lookup (module, target, NULL);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == pt2pt_sync)) {
        return OMPI_ERR_RMA_SYNC;

    /* short-circuit case */
    if (0 == origin_count || 0 == target_count) {
        if (request) {
            ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_complete (request, MPI_SUCCESS);

        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* optimize the self case. TODO: optimize the local case */
    if (ompi_comm_rank (module->comm) == target) {
        return ompi_osc_pt2pt_acc_self (pt2pt_sync, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt,
                                        target_disp, target_count, target_dt,
                                        op, module, request);

    /* Compute datatype and payload lengths.  Note that the datatype description
     * must fit in a single frag */
    ddt_len = ompi_datatype_pack_description_length(target_dt);
    payload_len = origin_dt->super.size * origin_count;

    frag_len = sizeof(*header) + ddt_len + payload_len;
    ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, false, true);
    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        frag_len = sizeof(*header) + ddt_len;
        ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, true, !request);
        if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
            /* allocate space for the header plus space to store ddt_len */
            frag_len = sizeof(*header) + 8;
            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_alloc(module, target, frag_len, &frag, &ptr, true, !request);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {
                return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

            is_long_datatype = true;

        is_long_msg = true;
        tag = get_tag (module);
    } else {
        /* still need to set the tag for the active/passive logic on the target */
        tag = !!(module->passive_target_access_epoch);

    if (is_long_msg) {
        /* wait for synchronization before posting a long message */
        if (pt2pt_sync->type == OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_SYNC_TYPE_LOCK) {
            ompi_osc_pt2pt_peer_t *peer = ompi_osc_pt2pt_peer_lookup (module, target);
            while (!(peer->flags & OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_PEER_FLAG_EAGER)) {
                opal_condition_wait(&pt2pt_sync->cond, &pt2pt_sync->lock);
        } else {
            ompi_osc_pt2pt_sync_wait_expected (pt2pt_sync);

    header = (ompi_osc_pt2pt_header_acc_t*) ptr;
    header->base.flags = 0;
    header->len = frag_len;
    header->count = target_count;
    header->displacement = target_disp;
    header->op = op->o_f_to_c_index;
    header->tag = tag;
    ptr += sizeof (*header);

    do {
        ret = ompi_datatype_get_pack_description(target_dt, &packed_ddt);
        if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

        if (is_long_datatype) {
            /* the datatype does not fit in an eager message. send it seperately */
            header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_LARGE_DATATYPE;


            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_isend_w_cb ((void *) packed_ddt, ddt_len, MPI_BYTE,
                                            target, tag_to_target(tag), module->comm,
                                            ompi_osc_pt2pt_dt_send_complete, target_dt);
            if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(OMPI_SUCCESS != ret)) {

            *((uint64_t *) ptr) = ddt_len;
            ptr += 8;
        } else {
            memcpy((unsigned char*) ptr, packed_ddt, ddt_len);
            ptr += ddt_len;

        if (!is_long_msg) {
            header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_ACC;
            osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);

            osc_pt2pt_copy_for_send (ptr, payload_len, origin_addr, proc,
                                    origin_count, origin_dt);

            /* the user's buffer is no longer needed so mark the request as
             * complete. */
            if (request) {
                ompi_osc_pt2pt_request_complete (request, MPI_SUCCESS);
        } else {
            header->base.type = OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_TYPE_ACC_LONG;
            osc_pt2pt_hton(header, proc);

            OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((25, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                                 "acc: starting long accumulate with tag %d", tag));

            ret = ompi_osc_pt2pt_data_isend (module, origin_addr, origin_count, origin_dt,
                                            target, tag_to_target(tag), request);
    } while (0);

    if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) {
        OPAL_OUTPUT_VERBOSE((25, ompi_osc_base_framework.framework_output,
                             "acc: failed with eror %d", ret));
    } else {
        /* mark the fragment as valid */
        header->base.flags |= OMPI_OSC_PT2PT_HDR_FLAG_VALID;

    return ompi_osc_pt2pt_frag_finish(module, frag);
Ejemplo n.º 30
int Executor_execute(Executor *executor, int timeout_ms)
	DEBUG(("Executor execute start\n"));

	//determine max endtime based on timeout
	struct timespec tm;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tm);
	DEBUG(("Executor start_tm_ms: %3.2f\n", TIMESPEC_TO_MS(tm)));
	executor->end_tm_ms = TIMESPEC_TO_MS(tm) + ((float)timeout_ms);
	DEBUG(("Executor end_tm_ms: %3.2f\n", executor->end_tm_ms));

	executor->numevents = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < executor->numpairs; i++) {
		struct _Pair *pair = &executor->pairs[i];
		Connection_execute_start(pair->connection, executor, pair->batch);

	int select_result = 1;
	//for as long there are outstanding events and no error or timeout occurred:
	while(executor->numevents > 0 && select_result > 0) {

		//figure out how many ms left for this execution
		struct timeval tv;
		Executor_current_timeout(executor, &tv);

		//copy filedes. sets, because select is going to modify them
		fd_set readfds;
		fd_set writefds;
		readfds = executor->readfds;
		writefds = executor->writefds;

		//do the select
		DEBUG(("Executor start select max_fd %d, num_events: %d\n", executor->max_fd, executor->numevents));
		select_result = select(executor->max_fd + 1, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, &tv);

		DEBUG(("Executor select res %d\n", select_result));

		for(int i = 0; i < executor->numpairs; i++) {

			struct _Pair *pair = &executor->pairs[i];
			Connection *connection = pair->connection;
			Batch *batch = pair->batch;

			EventType event = 0;
			if(FD_ISSET(connection->sockfd, &readfds)) {
				event |= EVENT_READ;
				FD_CLR(connection->sockfd, &executor->readfds);
				executor->numevents -= 1;
			if(FD_ISSET(connection->sockfd, &writefds)) {
				event |= EVENT_WRITE;
				FD_CLR(connection->sockfd, &executor->writefds);
				executor->numevents -= 1;

			if(select_result == 0) {
				event = EVENT_TIMEOUT;
			else if(select_result < 0) {
				event = EVENT_ERROR;

			if(event > 0 && Batch_has_command(batch)) {
				//there is an event, and batch is not finished
				Connection_handle_event(connection, event);

	if(select_result > 1) {
		select_result = 1;
	if(select_result < 0) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Execute select error, errno: [%d] %s", errno, strerror(errno));
	else if(select_result == 0) {
		Module_set_error(GET_MODULE(), "Execute timeout");
	DEBUG(("Executor execute done\n"));
	return select_result;