Ejemplo n.º 1
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  @func   rgb2ycbcr_dspSWI
 *  @desc   SWI entry point. This SWI runs every time both IOM_READ and
 *          IOM_WRITE request get completed. It puts does processing and put
 *          next IOM_READ and IOM_WRITE requests.
 *  @modif  None
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static Void rgb2ycbcr_dspSWI (Arg arg0, Arg arg1)
    Int                    status          = SYS_OK;
    SWIRGB2YCBCR_DSP_TransferInfo * info            = (SWIRGB2YCBCR_DSP_TransferInfo *) arg0;
    Uns                    numWordsToWrite = info->readWords;
    Int                    iomStatus;
    Uns i;
    Uint32                 y,cb,cr;

    (Void) arg1 ; /* To remove compiler warning */

    /* Do processing of data here */
    for (i = 0 ; (i+3) <= info->readWords ; i = i+3) {
       y = (((D11 * info->inputBuffer[i]) + (D12 * info->inputBuffer[i+1]) + (D13 * info->inputBuffer[i+2])) / 100) + C1;
       cb = (((D21 * info->inputBuffer[i]) + (D22 * info->inputBuffer[i+1]) + (D23 * info->inputBuffer[i+2])) / 100) + C2;
       cr = (((D31 * info->inputBuffer[i]) + (D32 * info->inputBuffer[i+1]) + (D33 * info->inputBuffer[i+2])) / 100) + C3;

       info->outputBuffer[i] = y;
       info->outputBuffer[i+1] = cb;
       info->outputBuffer[i+2] = cr;

    /* Submit a Read data request */
    iomStatus = GIO_submit (info->gioInputChan,
                            (size_t *) &(info->bufferSize),
                            &(info->appReadCb)) ;

    if (iomStatus != IOM_PENDING) {
        status = SYS_EBADIO ;
        SET_FAILURE_REASON (status) ;

    /* Submit a Write data request */
    if (status == SYS_OK) {
        iomStatus = GIO_submit (info->gioOutputChan,
                                &(info->appWriteCb)) ;
    if (iomStatus != IOM_PENDING) {
        status = SYS_EBADIO ;
        SET_FAILURE_REASON (status) ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  @func   loopbackSWI
 *  @desc   SWI entry point. This SWI runs every time both IOM_READ and
 *          IOM_WRITE request get completed. It puts does processing and put
 *          next IOM_READ and IOM_WRITE requests.
 *  @modif  None
 *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static Void loopbackSWI (Arg arg0, Arg arg1)
    Int                    status          = SYS_OK;
    SWILOOP_TransferInfo * info            = (SWILOOP_TransferInfo *) arg0;
    Uns                    numWordsToWrite = info->readWords;
    Int                    iomStatus;
    Uns i;

    (Void) arg1 ; /* To remove compiler warning */

    /* Do processing of data here */
    for (i = 0 ; i < info->readWords ; i++) {
        info->outputBuffer [i] = info->inputBuffer [i] ;

    /* Submit a Read data request */
    iomStatus = GIO_submit (info->gioInputChan,
                            (size_t *) &(info->bufferSize),
                            &(info->appReadCb)) ;

    if (iomStatus != IOM_PENDING) {
        status = SYS_EBADIO ;
        SET_FAILURE_REASON (status) ;

    /* Submit a Write data request */
    if (status == SYS_OK) {
        iomStatus = GIO_submit (info->gioOutputChan,
                                &(info->appWriteCb)) ;
    if (iomStatus != IOM_PENDING) {
        status = SYS_EBADIO ;
        SET_FAILURE_REASON (status) ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** ============================================================================
 *  @func   SWIRGB2YCBCR_DSP_execute
 *  @desc   Execute phase of SWIRGB2YCBCR_DSP application. It get the application
 *          started after that SWIs get posted automatically.
 *  @modif  None.
 *  ============================================================================
Int SWIRGB2YCBCR_DSP_execute (SWIRGB2YCBCR_DSP_TransferInfo * info)
    Int status = SYS_OK ;
    Int iomStatus ;

    /* Submit a read request */
    iomStatus = GIO_submit (info->gioInputChan,
                            (size_t *) &(info->bufferSize),
                            &(info->appReadCb)) ;

    if (iomStatus != IOM_PENDING) {
        status = SYS_EBADIO ;
        SET_FAILURE_REASON (status) ;

    /* We don't write for the first time so clearing write bit
     * from SWI's mailbox */
    SWI_andn (info->swi, WRITE_MAILBOX_MASK) ;

    return status ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *  ======== GIO_write ========
Int GIO_write(GIO_Object *obj, Ptr buf, SizeT *pSize)
    Assert_isTrue((obj->model == GIO_Model_STANDARD), GIO_A_badModel);

    return (GIO_submit(obj, IOM_WRITE, buf, pSize, NULL));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 *  ======== GIO_flush ========
Int GIO_flush(GIO_Object *obj)
    return (GIO_submit(obj, IOM_FLUSH, NULL, NULL, NULL));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 *  ======== GIO_abort ========
Int GIO_abort(GIO_Object *obj)
    return (GIO_submit(obj, IOM_ABORT, NULL, NULL, NULL));