Ejemplo n.º 1
int ggrd_grdtrack_init(double *west, double *east,
		       double *south, double *north, 
		       float **f,int *mm,char *grdfile,
		       struct GRD_HEADER **grd,
		       struct GMT_EDGEINFO **edgeinfo,
		       char *edgeinfo_string, 
		       ggrd_boolean *geographic_in,
		       int *pad,ggrd_boolean three_d, 
		       char *dfile, float **z,int *nz,		
		       ggrd_boolean interpolant,
		       ggrd_boolean verbose,
		       ggrd_boolean change_depth_sign,
		       struct BCR *loc_bcr)
  FILE *din;
  float dz1,dz2;
  struct GRD_HEADER ogrd;
  int i,one_or_zero,nx,ny,mx,my;
  char filename[BUFSIZ*2],*cdummy;
  static int gmt_init = FALSE;
     deal with edgeinfo 
  *edgeinfo = (struct GMT_EDGEINFO *)
    GMT_memory (VNULL, (size_t)1, sizeof(struct GMT_EDGEINFO), "ggrd_grdtrack_init");
  /* init with nonsense to avoid compiler warning */
  ogrd.x_min = ogrd.y_min =ogrd.x_max = ogrd.y_max = -100;
  ogrd.x_inc = ogrd.y_inc = -1;
  ogrd.node_offset = 0;ogrd.nx = ogrd.ny = -1;
#ifndef USE_GMT3

    /* this should be OK as is. init only once globally */
    GMT_program = "ggrd";
    GMT_make_fnan (GMT_f_NaN);
    GMT_make_dnan (GMT_d_NaN);
    GMT_io_init ();/* Init the table i/o structure */
      GMT_io.in_col_type[GMT_X] = GMT_io.out_col_type[GMT_X] = GMT_IS_LON;
      GMT_io.in_col_type[GMT_Y] = GMT_io.out_col_type[GMT_Y] = GMT_IS_LAT;
      GMT_io.in_col_type[GMT_X] = GMT_io.out_col_type[GMT_X] = GMT_IS_LON;
      GMT_io.in_col_type[GMT_Y] = GMT_io.out_col_type[GMT_Y] = GMT_IS_LAT;
    gmt_init = TRUE;

     init first edgeinfo (period/global?)
  GMT_boundcond_init (*edgeinfo);
  /* check if geographic */
  if (strlen(edgeinfo_string)>2){ /* the boundary flag was set */
    /* parse */
    GMT_boundcond_parse (*edgeinfo, (edgeinfo_string+2));
    if ((*edgeinfo)->gn)
      *geographic_in = 1;
    else if((*edgeinfo)->nxp == -1)
      *geographic_in = 2;
      *geographic_in = 0;
    *geographic_in = 0;
  if(verbose >= 2)
      fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: detected geographic region from geostring: %s\n",
  *z = (float *) GMT_memory 
    (VNULL, (size_t)1, sizeof(float), "ggrd_grdtrack_init");
    three D part first
       init the layers
    din = fopen(dfile,"r");
      fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: could not open depth file %s\n",
      return 1;
    /* read in the layers */
    *nz = 0;
    dz1 = -1;
    while(fscanf(din,"%f",(*z+ (*nz))) == 1){ 
	*(*z+ (*nz)) = -(*(*z+ (*nz)));
      /* read in each depth layer */
      *z = (float *) GMT_memory ((void *)(*z), (size_t)((*nz)+2), sizeof(float), "ggrd_grdtrack_init");
      if(*nz > 0){		/* check for increasing layers */
	if(dz1 < 0){	
	  /* init first interval */
	  dz1 = *(*z+(*nz)) - *(*z+(*nz)-1);
	  dz2 = dz1;
	  /* later intervals */
	  dz2 = *(*z+(*nz)) - *(*z+(*nz)-1);
	if(dz2 <= 0.0){		/* check for monotonic increase */
	  fprintf(stderr,"%s: error: levels in %s have to increase monotonically: n: %i dz; %g\n",
	  return 2;
      *nz += 1;
    /* end layer init"ggrd_grdtrack_initialization */
    if(*nz < 2){
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: error: need at least two layers in %s\n",
	      "ggrd_grdtrack_init", dfile);
      return 3;
      fprintf(stderr,"%s: read %i levels from %s between zmin: %g and zmax: %g\n",
    *nz = 1;
    *(*z) = 0.0;
    if(verbose >= 2)
      fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: single level at z: %g\n",*(*z));
     get nz grd and edgeinfo structures 
  *grd = (struct GRD_HEADER *)
    GMT_memory (NULL, (size_t)(*nz), sizeof(struct GRD_HEADER), "ggrd_grdtrack_init");
  *edgeinfo = (struct GMT_EDGEINFO *)
    GMT_memory (*edgeinfo, (size_t)(*nz), sizeof(struct GMT_EDGEINFO), "ggrd_grdtrack_init");
  if(verbose >= 2)
    fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: mem alloc ok\n");
#ifndef USE_GMT3  
  /* init the header */
  GMT_grd_init (*grd,0,&cdummy,FALSE);
  if(*nz == 1){
    if(verbose >= 2)
#ifdef USE_GMT3		/* old */
      fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: opening single file %s, GMT3 mode\n",grdfile);
    if (GMT_cdf_read_grd_info (grdfile,(*grd))) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: error opening file %s\n", 
	       "ggrd_grdtrack_init", grdfile);
      return 4;
#else  /* >=4.1.2 */
    if(verbose >= 2)
      fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: opening single file %s, GMT4 mode\n",grdfile);
    if(GMT_read_grd_info (grdfile,*grd)){
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: error opening file %s for header\n", 
	       "ggrd_grdtrack_init", grdfile);
      return 4;
    /* loop through headers for testing purposess */
#ifdef USE_GMT3
      if (GMT_cdf_read_grd_info (filename, (*grd+i))) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: error opening file %s (-D option was used)\n", 
		 "ggrd_grdtrack_init", filename);
	return 6;
#else  /* gmt 4 */
      if (GMT_read_grd_info (filename,(*grd+i))) {
	fprintf (stderr, "%s: error opening file %s (-D option was used)\n", 
		 "ggrd_grdtrack_init", filename);
	return 6;
      if(i == 0){
	/* save the first grid parameters */
	ogrd.x_min = (*grd)[0].x_min;
	ogrd.y_min = (*grd)[0].y_min;
	ogrd.x_max = (*grd)[0].x_max;
	ogrd.y_max = (*grd)[0].y_max;
	ogrd.x_inc = (*grd)[0].x_inc;
	ogrd.y_inc = (*grd)[0].y_inc;
	ogrd.node_offset = (*grd)[0].node_offset;
	ogrd.nx = (*grd)[0].nx;
	ogrd.ny = (*grd)[0].ny;
	make sure we are in 0 ... 360 system

	if((ogrd.x_min < 0)||(ogrd.x_max<0)){
	  fprintf(stderr,"%s: WARNING: geographic grids should be in 0..360 lon system (found %g - %g)\n",
	/* test */
	if((fabs(ogrd.x_min -  (*grd)[i].x_min)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.y_min -  (*grd)[i].y_min)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.x_max -  (*grd)[i].x_max)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.y_max -  (*grd)[i].y_max)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.x_inc -  (*grd)[i].x_inc)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.y_inc -  (*grd)[i].y_inc)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.nx    -  (*grd)[i].nx)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.ny    -  (*grd)[i].ny)>5e-7)||
	   (fabs(ogrd.node_offset - (*grd)[i].node_offset)>5e-7)){
	  fprintf(stderr,"%s: error: grid %i out of %i has different dimensions or setting from first\n",
	  return 8;
  if(verbose > 2)
    fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: read %i headers OK, grids appear to be same size\n",*nz);
  if (fabs(*west - (*east)) < 5e-7) {	/* No subset asked for , west same as east*/
    *west =  (*grd)[0].x_min;
    *east =  (*grd)[0].x_max;
    *south = (*grd)[0].y_min;
    *north = (*grd)[0].y_max;
  one_or_zero = ((*grd)[0].node_offset) ? 0 : 1;
  nx = irint ( (*east - *west) / (*grd)[0].x_inc) + one_or_zero;
  ny = irint ( (*north - *south) / (*grd)[0].y_inc) + one_or_zero;
  /* real size of data */
  //nn = nx * ny;

  /* padded */
  mx = nx + 4;
  my = ny + 4;
     get space for all layers
  *mm = mx * my;

  *f = (float *) calloc((*mm) * (*nz) ,sizeof (float));
    fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: f memory error, mm: %i (%i by %i) by nz: %i \n",*mm,mx,my, *nz);
    return 9;
  if(verbose >= 2){
    fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: mem alloc 2 ok, %g %g %g %g %i %i\n",
     pad on sides 
  pad[0] = pad[1] = pad[2] = pad[3] = 2;
  for(i=0;i < (*nz);i++){
       loop through layers
    if(i != 0)			/* copy first edgeinfo over */
      memcpy((*edgeinfo+i),(*edgeinfo),sizeof(struct GMT_EDGEINFO));
    if((*nz) == 1){
    }else{			/* construct full filename */
    if (verbose) 
      fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_grdtrack_init: reading grd file %s (%g - %g (%i) %g - %g (%i); geo: %i flag: %s\n",

       read the grd files
#ifndef USE_GMT3
    /* GMT 4 */
    if (GMT_read_grd (filename,(*grd+i), (*f+i* (*mm)), 
		      *west, *east, *south, *north, 
		      pad, FALSE)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: error reading file %s\n", "ggrd_grdtrack_init", grdfile);
      return 10;
    //fprintf(stderr,"%g %g %i %i %i %i\n",(*grd)->z_scale_factor,(*grd)->z_add_offset,nx,ny,mx,my);
    /* old GMT */
    if (GMT_cdf_read_grd (filename, (*grd+i), (*f+i* (*mm)), 
			  *west, *east, *south, *north, 
			  pad, FALSE)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: error reading file %s\n", "ggrd_grdtrack_init", grdfile);
      return 10;
       prepare the boundaries 
    GMT_boundcond_param_prep ((*grd+i), (*edgeinfo+i));
    if(i == 0){
	 Initialize bcr structure, this can be the same for 
	 all grids as long as they have the same dimensions

#ifndef USE_GMT3
      GMT_bcr_init ((*grd+i), pad, interpolant,1.0,loc_bcr);
      my_GMT_bcr_init ((*grd+i), pad, interpolant,loc_bcr);
    /* Set boundary conditions  */
    GMT_boundcond_set ((*grd+i), (*edgeinfo+i), pad, 
  } /* end layer loop */
  return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * function write_cdfgrd writes output grid to a 
 * GMT version 2 netCDF grd file 
int write_cdfgrd(int verbose, char *outfile, float *grid,
		int nx, int ny, 
		double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax,
		double zmin, double zmax, double dx, double dy, 
		char *xlab, char *ylab, char *zlab, char *titl, 
		char *projection, int argc, char **argv, 
		int *error)
	char	*function_name = "write_cdfgrd";
	int	status = MB_SUCCESS;
	struct GRD_HEADER grd;
	double	w, e, s, n;
	GMT_LONG	pad[4];
	int	pad[4];
	time_t	right_now;
	char	date[MB_PATH_MAXLINE], user[MB_PATH_MAXLINE], *user_ptr, host[MB_PATH_MAXLINE];
	char	remark[MB_PATH_MAXLINE];
	char	*ctime();
	char	*getenv();
	int	i;

	/* print input debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(outfp,"\ndbg2  Function <%s> called\n",
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2  Input arguments:\n");
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       verbose:    %d\n",verbose);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       outfile:    %s\n",outfile);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       grid:       %lu\n",(size_t)grid);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       nx:         %d\n",nx);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       ny:         %d\n",ny);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       xmin:       %f\n",xmin);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       xmax:       %f\n",xmax);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       ymin:       %f\n",ymin);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       ymax:       %f\n",ymax);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       zmin:       %f\n",zmin);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       zmax:       %f\n",zmax);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       dx:         %f\n",dx);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       dy:         %f\n",dy);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       xlab:       %s\n",xlab);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       ylab:       %s\n",ylab);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       zlab:       %s\n",zlab);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       titl:       %s\n",titl);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       argc:       %d\n",(int)argc);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       *argv:      %lu\n",(size_t)*argv);

	/* inititialize grd header */
	GMT_program = program_name;
	GMT_grd_init (&grd, 1, argv, FALSE);
	GMT_io_init ();
	GMT_grdio_init ();
	GMT_make_fnan (GMT_f_NaN);
	GMT_make_dnan (GMT_d_NaN);

	/* copy values to grd header */
	grd.nx = nx;
	grd.ny = ny;
	grd.node_offset = 1; /* pixel registration */
	grd.x_min = xmin;
	grd.x_max = xmax;
	grd.y_min = ymin;
	grd.y_max = ymax;
	grd.z_min = zmin;
	grd.z_max = zmax;
	grd.x_inc = dx;
	grd.y_inc = dy;
	grd.z_scale_factor = 1.0;
	grd.z_add_offset = 0.0;
	right_now = time((time_t *)0);
	if ((user_ptr = getenv("USER")) == NULL)
		user_ptr = getenv("LOGNAME");
	if (user_ptr != NULL)
		strcpy(user, "unknown");
	sprintf(remark,"\n\tProjection: %s\n\tGrid created by %s\n\tMB-system Version %s\n\tRun by <%s> on <%s> at <%s>",
	strncpy(grd.remark, remark, 159);

	/* set extract wesn,pad */
	w = 0.0;
	e = 0.0;
	s = 0.0;
	n = 0.0;
	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
		pad[i] = 0;

	/* write grid to GMT netCDF grd file */
/*for (i=0;i<nx;i++)
for (j=0;j<ny;j++)
k = j * nx + i;
fprintf(outfp,"%d %d %d %f\n",i,j,k,grid[k]);
	GMT_write_grd(outfile, &grd, grid, w, e, s, n, pad, FALSE);
	/* free GMT memory */
	GMT_free ((void *)GMT_io.skip_if_NaN);
	GMT_free ((void *)GMT_io.in_col_type);
	GMT_free ((void *)GMT_io.out_col_type);

	/* print output debug statements */
	if (verbose >= 2)
		fprintf(outfp,"\ndbg2  MBIO function <%s> completed\n",
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2  Return values:\n");
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       error:      %d\n",*error);
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2  Return status:\n");
		fprintf(outfp,"dbg2       status:     %d\n",status);

	/* return status */