Ejemplo n.º 1
gsl_sf_multiply_e(const double x, const double y, gsl_sf_result * result)
  const double ax = fabs(x);
  const double ay = fabs(y);

  if(x == 0.0 || y == 0.0) {
    /* It is necessary to eliminate this immediately.
    result->val = 0.0;
    result->err = 0.0;
    return GSL_SUCCESS;
  else if((ax <= 1.0 && ay >= 1.0) || (ay <= 1.0 && ax >= 1.0)) {
    /* Straddling 1.0 is always safe.
    result->val = x*y;
    result->err = 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
    return GSL_SUCCESS;
  else {
    const double f = 1.0 - 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON;
    const double min = GSL_MIN_DBL(fabs(x), fabs(y));
    const double max = GSL_MAX_DBL(fabs(x), fabs(y));
    if(max < 0.9 * GSL_SQRT_DBL_MAX || min < (f * DBL_MAX)/max) {
      result->val = GSL_COERCE_DBL(x*y);
      result->err = 2.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * fabs(result->val);
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
    else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
qag (const gsl_function * f,
     const double a, const double b,
     const double epsabs, const double epsrel,
     const size_t limit,
     gsl_integration_workspace * workspace,
     double *result, double *abserr,
     gsl_integration_rule * q)
  double area, errsum;
  double result0, abserr0, resabs0, resasc0;
  double tolerance;
  size_t iteration = 0;
  int roundoff_type1 = 0, roundoff_type2 = 0, error_type = 0;

  double round_off;     

  /* Initialize results */

  initialise (workspace, a, b);

  *result = 0;
  *abserr = 0;

  if (limit > workspace->limit)
      GSL_ERROR ("iteration limit exceeds available workspace", GSL_EINVAL) ;

  if (epsabs <= 0 && (epsrel < 50 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON || epsrel < 0.5e-28))
      GSL_ERROR ("tolerance cannot be acheived with given epsabs and epsrel",

  /* perform the first integration */

  q (f, a, b, &result0, &abserr0, &resabs0, &resasc0);

  set_initial_result (workspace, result0, abserr0);

  /* Test on accuracy */

  tolerance = GSL_MAX_DBL (epsabs, epsrel * fabs (result0));

  /* need IEEE rounding here to match original quadpack behavior */

  round_off = GSL_COERCE_DBL (50 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON * resabs0);

  if (abserr0 <= round_off && abserr0 > tolerance)
      *result = result0;
      *abserr = abserr0;

      GSL_ERROR ("cannot reach tolerance because of roundoff error "
                 "on first attempt", GSL_EROUND);
  else if ((abserr0 <= tolerance && abserr0 != resasc0) || abserr0 == 0.0)
      *result = result0;
      *abserr = abserr0;

      return GSL_SUCCESS;
  else if (limit == 1)
      *result = result0;
      *abserr = abserr0;

      GSL_ERROR ("a maximum of one iteration was insufficient", GSL_EMAXITER);

  area = result0;
  errsum = abserr0;

  iteration = 1;

      double a1, b1, a2, b2;
      double a_i, b_i, r_i, e_i;
      double area1 = 0, area2 = 0, area12 = 0;
      double error1 = 0, error2 = 0, error12 = 0;
      double resasc1, resasc2;
      double resabs1, resabs2;

      /* Bisect the subinterval with the largest error estimate */

      retrieve (workspace, &a_i, &b_i, &r_i, &e_i);

      a1 = a_i; 
      b1 = 0.5 * (a_i + b_i);
      a2 = b1;
      b2 = b_i;

      q (f, a1, b1, &area1, &error1, &resabs1, &resasc1);
      q (f, a2, b2, &area2, &error2, &resabs2, &resasc2);

      area12 = area1 + area2;
      error12 = error1 + error2;

      errsum += (error12 - e_i);
      area += area12 - r_i;

      if (resasc1 != error1 && resasc2 != error2)
          double delta = r_i - area12;

          if (fabs (delta) <= 1.0e-5 * fabs (area12) && error12 >= 0.99 * e_i)
          if (iteration >= 10 && error12 > e_i)

      tolerance = GSL_MAX_DBL (epsabs, epsrel * fabs (area));

      if (errsum > tolerance)
          if (roundoff_type1 >= 6 || roundoff_type2 >= 20)
              error_type = 2;   /* round off error */

          /* set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour at
             a point of the integration range */

          if (subinterval_too_small (a1, a2, b2))
              error_type = 3;

      update (workspace, a1, b1, area1, error1, a2, b2, area2, error2);

      retrieve (workspace, &a_i, &b_i, &r_i, &e_i);


  while (iteration < limit && !error_type && errsum > tolerance);

  *result = sum_results (workspace);
  *abserr = errsum;

  if (errsum <= tolerance)
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
  else if (error_type == 2)
      GSL_ERROR ("roundoff error prevents tolerance from being achieved",
  else if (error_type == 3)
      GSL_ERROR ("bad integrand behavior found in the integration interval",
  else if (iteration == limit)
      GSL_ERROR ("maximum number of subdivisions reached", GSL_EMAXITER);
      GSL_ERROR ("could not integrate function", GSL_EFAILED);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Evolution framework method.
 * Uses an adaptive step control object
gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply (gsl_odeiv_evolve * e,
                        gsl_odeiv_control * con,
                        gsl_odeiv_step * step,
                        const gsl_odeiv_system * dydt,
                        double *t, double t1, double *h, double y[])
  const double t0 = *t;
  double h0 = *h;
  int step_status;
  int final_step = 0;
  double dt = t1 - t0;  /* remaining time, possibly less than h */

  if (e->dimension != step->dimension)
      GSL_ERROR ("step dimension must match evolution size", GSL_EINVAL);

  if ((dt < 0.0 && h0 > 0.0) || (dt > 0.0 && h0 < 0.0))
      GSL_ERROR ("step direction must match interval direction", GSL_EINVAL);

  /* No need to copy if we cannot control the step size. */

  if (con != NULL)
      DBL_MEMCPY (e->y0, y, e->dimension);

  /* Calculate initial dydt once if the method can benefit. */

  if (step->type->can_use_dydt_in)
      int status = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (dydt, t0, y, e->dydt_in);

      if (status) 
          return status;

  if ((dt >= 0.0 && h0 > dt) || (dt < 0.0 && h0 < dt))
      h0 = dt;
      final_step = 1;
      final_step = 0;

  if (step->type->can_use_dydt_in)
      step_status =
        gsl_odeiv_step_apply (step, t0, h0, y, e->yerr, e->dydt_in,
                              e->dydt_out, dydt);
      step_status =
        gsl_odeiv_step_apply (step, t0, h0, y, e->yerr, NULL, e->dydt_out,

  /* Check for stepper internal failure */

  if (step_status != GSL_SUCCESS) 
      *h = h0;  /* notify user of step-size which caused the failure */
      return step_status;

  e->last_step = h0;

  if (final_step)
      *t = t1;
      *t = t0 + h0;

  if (con != NULL)
      /* Check error and attempt to adjust the step. */

      double h_old = h0;

      const int hadjust_status 
        = gsl_odeiv_control_hadjust (con, step, y, e->yerr, e->dydt_out, &h0);

      if (hadjust_status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC)
          /* Check that the reported status is correct (i.e. an actual
             decrease in h0 occured) and the suggested h0 will change
             the time by at least 1 ulp */

          double t_curr = GSL_COERCE_DBL(*t);
          double t_next = GSL_COERCE_DBL((*t) + h0);

          if (fabs(h0) < fabs(h_old) && t_next != t_curr) 
              /* Step was decreased. Undo step, and try again with new h0. */
              DBL_MEMCPY (y, e->y0, dydt->dimension);
              goto try_step;
              h0 = h_old; /* keep current step size */

  *h = h0;  /* suggest step size for next time-step */

  return step_status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi (gsl_matrix * A, gsl_matrix * Q, gsl_vector * S)
  if (A->size1 < A->size2)
      /* FIXME: only implemented  M>=N case so far */

      GSL_ERROR ("svd of MxN matrix, M<N, is not implemented", GSL_EUNIMPL);
  else if (Q->size1 != A->size2)
      GSL_ERROR ("square matrix Q must match second dimension of matrix A",
  else if (Q->size1 != Q->size2)
      GSL_ERROR ("matrix Q must be square", GSL_ENOTSQR);
  else if (S->size != A->size2)
      GSL_ERROR ("length of vector S must match second dimension of matrix A",
      const size_t M = A->size1;
      const size_t N = A->size2;
      size_t i, j, k;

      /* Initialize the rotation counter and the sweep counter. */
      int count = 1;
      int sweep = 0;
      int sweepmax = 5*N;

      double tolerance = 10 * M * GSL_DBL_EPSILON;

      /* Always do at least 12 sweeps. */
      sweepmax = GSL_MAX (sweepmax, 12);

      /* Set Q to the identity matrix. */
      gsl_matrix_set_identity (Q);

      /* Store the column error estimates in S, for use during the
         orthogonalization */

      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
          gsl_vector_view cj = gsl_matrix_column (A, j);
          double sj = gsl_blas_dnrm2 (&cj.vector);
          gsl_vector_set(S, j, GSL_DBL_EPSILON * sj);
      /* Orthogonalize A by plane rotations. */

      while (count > 0 && sweep <= sweepmax)
          /* Initialize rotation counter. */
          count = N * (N - 1) / 2;

          for (j = 0; j < N - 1; j++)
              for (k = j + 1; k < N; k++)
                  double a = 0.0;
                  double b = 0.0;
                  double p = 0.0;
                  double q = 0.0;
                  double cosine, sine;
                  double v;
                  double abserr_a, abserr_b;
                  int sorted, orthog, noisya, noisyb;

                  gsl_vector_view cj = gsl_matrix_column (A, j);
                  gsl_vector_view ck = gsl_matrix_column (A, k);

                  gsl_blas_ddot (&cj.vector, &ck.vector, &p);
                  p *= 2.0 ;  /* equation 9a:  p = 2 x.y */

                  a = gsl_blas_dnrm2 (&cj.vector);
                  b = gsl_blas_dnrm2 (&ck.vector);

                  q = a * a - b * b;
                  v = hypot(p, q);

                  /* test for columns j,k orthogonal, or dominant errors */

                  abserr_a = gsl_vector_get(S,j);
                  abserr_b = gsl_vector_get(S,k);

                  sorted = (GSL_COERCE_DBL(a) >= GSL_COERCE_DBL(b));
                  orthog = (fabs (p) <= tolerance * GSL_COERCE_DBL(a * b));
                  noisya = (a < abserr_a);
                  noisyb = (b < abserr_b);

                  if (sorted && (orthog || noisya || noisyb))

                  /* calculate rotation angles */
                  if (v == 0 || !sorted)
                      cosine = 0.0;
                      sine = 1.0;
                      cosine = sqrt((v + q) / (2.0 * v));
                      sine = p / (2.0 * v * cosine);

                  /* apply rotation to A */
                  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
                      const double Aik = gsl_matrix_get (A, i, k);
                      const double Aij = gsl_matrix_get (A, i, j);
                      gsl_matrix_set (A, i, j, Aij * cosine + Aik * sine);
                      gsl_matrix_set (A, i, k, -Aij * sine + Aik * cosine);

                  gsl_vector_set(S, j, fabs(cosine) * abserr_a + fabs(sine) * abserr_b);
                  gsl_vector_set(S, k, fabs(sine) * abserr_a + fabs(cosine) * abserr_b);

                  /* apply rotation to Q */
                  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                      const double Qij = gsl_matrix_get (Q, i, j);
                      const double Qik = gsl_matrix_get (Q, i, k);
                      gsl_matrix_set (Q, i, j, Qij * cosine + Qik * sine);
                      gsl_matrix_set (Q, i, k, -Qij * sine + Qik * cosine);

          /* Sweep completed. */

       * Orthogonalization complete. Compute singular values.

        double prev_norm = -1.0;

        for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
            gsl_vector_view column = gsl_matrix_column (A, j);
            double norm = gsl_blas_dnrm2 (&column.vector);

            /* Determine if singular value is zero, according to the
               criteria used in the main loop above (i.e. comparison
               with norm of previous column). */

            if (norm == 0.0 || prev_norm == 0.0 
                || (j > 0 && norm <= tolerance * prev_norm))
                gsl_vector_set (S, j, 0.0);     /* singular */
                gsl_vector_set_zero (&column.vector);   /* annihilate column */

                prev_norm = 0.0;
                gsl_vector_set (S, j, norm);    /* non-singular */
                gsl_vector_scale (&column.vector, 1.0 / norm);  /* normalize column */

                prev_norm = norm;

      if (count > 0)
          /* reached sweep limit */
          GSL_ERROR ("Jacobi iterations did not reach desired tolerance",

      return GSL_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Evolution framework method.
 * Uses an adaptive step control object
gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply (gsl_odeiv2_evolve * e,
                         gsl_odeiv2_control * con,
                         gsl_odeiv2_step * step,
                         const gsl_odeiv2_system * dydt,
                         double *t, double t1, double *h, double y[])
  const double t0 = *t;
  double h0 = *h;
  int step_status;
  int final_step = 0;
  double dt = t1 - t0;          /* remaining time, possibly less than h */

  if (e->dimension != step->dimension)
      GSL_ERROR ("step dimension must match evolution size", GSL_EINVAL);

  if ((dt < 0.0 && h0 > 0.0) || (dt > 0.0 && h0 < 0.0))
      GSL_ERROR ("step direction must match interval direction", GSL_EINVAL);

  /* Save y in case of failure in a step */

  DBL_MEMCPY (e->y0, y, e->dimension);

  /* Calculate initial dydt once or reuse previous value if the method
     can benefit. */

  if (step->type->can_use_dydt_in)
      if (e->count == 0)
          int status = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (dydt, t0, y, e->dydt_in);

          if (status)
              return status;
          DBL_MEMCPY (e->dydt_in, e->dydt_out, e->dimension);


  if ((dt >= 0.0 && h0 > dt) || (dt < 0.0 && h0 < dt))
      h0 = dt;
      final_step = 1;
      final_step = 0;

  if (step->type->can_use_dydt_in)
      step_status =
        gsl_odeiv2_step_apply (step, t0, h0, y, e->yerr, e->dydt_in,
                               e->dydt_out, dydt);
      step_status =
        gsl_odeiv2_step_apply (step, t0, h0, y, e->yerr, NULL, e->dydt_out,

  /* Return if stepper indicates a pointer or user function failure */

  if (step_status == GSL_EFAULT || step_status == GSL_EBADFUNC)
      return step_status;

  /* Check for stepper internal failure */

  if (step_status != GSL_SUCCESS)
      /* Stepper was unable to calculate step. Try decreasing step size. */

      double h_old = h0;

      h0 *= 0.5;

#ifdef DEBUG
      printf ("-- gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply h0=%.5e\n", h0);

      /* Check that an actual decrease in h0 occured and the
         suggested h0 will change the time by at least 1 ulp */

        double t_curr = GSL_COERCE_DBL (*t);
        double t_next = GSL_COERCE_DBL ((*t) + h0);

        if (fabs (h0) < fabs (h_old) && t_next != t_curr)

            /* Step was decreased. Undo step, and try again with new h0. */

            DBL_MEMCPY (y, e->y0, dydt->dimension);
            goto try_step;
#ifdef DEBUG
              ("-- gsl_odeiv2_evolve_apply h0=%.5e, t0=%.5e, step_status=%d\n",
               h0, t0, step_status);
            *h = h0;            /* notify user of step-size which caused the failure */
            *t = t0;            /* restore original t value */
            return step_status;

  e->last_step = h0;

  if (final_step)
      *t = t1;
      *t = t0 + h0;

  if (con != NULL)
      /* Check error and attempt to adjust the step. */

      double h_old = h0;

      const int hadjust_status
        gsl_odeiv2_control_hadjust (con, step, y, e->yerr, e->dydt_out, &h0);

      if (hadjust_status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC)
          /* Check that the reported status is correct (i.e. an actual
             decrease in h0 occured) and the suggested h0 will change
             the time by at least 1 ulp */

          double t_curr = GSL_COERCE_DBL (*t);
          double t_next = GSL_COERCE_DBL ((*t) + h0);

          if (fabs (h0) < fabs (h_old) && t_next != t_curr)
              /* Step was decreased. Undo step, and try again with new h0. */

              DBL_MEMCPY (y, e->y0, dydt->dimension);
              goto try_step;
              /* Can not obtain required error tolerance, and can not
                 decrease step-size any further, so give up and return

              *h = h0;          /* notify user of step-size which caused the failure */
              return GSL_FAILURE;

  /* Suggest step size for next time-step. Change of step size is not
     suggested in the final step, because that step can be very
     small compared to previous step, to reach t1. 

  if (final_step == 0)
      *h = h0;

  return step_status;