Ejemplo n.º 1
wxSize wxChoice::DoGetSizeFromTextSize(int xlen, int ylen) const
    wxASSERT_MSG( m_widget, wxS("GetSizeFromTextSize called before creation") );

    // a GtkEntry for wxComboBox and a GtkCellView for wxChoice
    GtkWidget* childPart = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(m_widget));

    // Set a as small as possible size for the control, so preferred sizes
    // return "natural" sizes, not taking into account the previous ones (which
    // seems to be GTK+3 behaviour)
    gtk_widget_set_size_request(m_widget, 0, 0);

    // We are interested in the difference of sizes between the whole contol
    // and its child part. I.e. arrow, separators, etc.
    GtkRequisition req;
    gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(childPart, NULL, &req);
    wxSize totalS = GTKGetPreferredSize(m_widget);

    wxSize tsize(xlen + totalS.x - req.width, totalS.y);

    // For a wxChoice, not for wxComboBox, add some margins
    if ( !GTK_IS_ENTRY(childPart) )
        tsize.IncBy(5, 0);

    // Perhaps the user wants something different from CharHeight
    if ( ylen > 0 )
        tsize.IncBy(0, ylen - GetCharHeight());

    return tsize;
Ejemplo n.º 2
wxSize wxSpinCtrlGTKBase::DoGetSizeFromTextSize(int xlen, int ylen) const
    wxASSERT_MSG( m_widget, wxS("GetSizeFromTextSize called before creation") );

    // Set an as small as possible size for the control, so preferred sizes
    // return "natural" sizes, not taking into account the previous ones (which
    // seems to be GTK+3 behaviour)
    gtk_widget_set_size_request(m_widget, 0, 0);

    // Both Gtk+2 and Gtk+3 use current value/range to measure control's width.
    // So, we can't ask Gtk+ for its width. Instead, we used hardcoded values.

    // Returned height is OK
    wxSize totalS = GTKGetPreferredSize(m_widget);

    // two buttons in horizontal
    totalS.x = 46 + 15; // margins included
    // two small buttons in vertical
    totalS.x = GetFont().GetPixelSize().y + 13; // margins included

    wxSize tsize(xlen + totalS.x, totalS.y);

    // Check if the user requested a non-standard height.
    if ( ylen > 0 )
        tsize.IncBy(0, ylen - GetCharHeight());

    return tsize;
Ejemplo n.º 3
wxSize wxChoice::DoGetSizeFromTextSize(int xlen, int ylen) const
    wxASSERT_MSG( m_widget, wxS("GetSizeFromTextSize called before creation") );

    // a GtkEntry for wxComboBox and a GtkCellView for wxChoice
    GtkWidget* childPart = gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(m_widget));

    // We are interested in the difference of sizes between the whole contol
    // and its child part. I.e. arrow, separators, etc.
    GtkRequisition req;
    gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(childPart, NULL, &req);
    wxSize totalS = GTKGetPreferredSize(m_widget);

    wxSize tsize(xlen + totalS.x - req.width, totalS.y);

    // For a wxChoice, not for wxComboBox, add some margins
    if ( !GTK_IS_ENTRY(childPart) )
        tsize.IncBy(5, 0);

    // Perhaps the user wants something different from CharHeight
    if ( ylen > 0 )
        tsize.IncBy(0, ylen - GetCharHeight());

    return tsize;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool wxCollapsiblePane::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                               wxWindowID id,
                               const wxString& label,
                               const wxPoint& pos,
                               const wxSize& size,
                               long style,
                               const wxValidator& val,
                               const wxString& name)
    m_bIgnoreNextChange = false;

    if ( !PreCreation( parent, pos, size ) ||
          !wxControl::CreateBase(parent, id, pos, size, style, val, name) )
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("wxCollapsiblePane creation failed") );
        return false;

    m_widget =

    // Connect to the "notify::expanded" signal instead of the more common
    // "activate" one in order to use the new state in our callback, which is
    // more convenient e.g. because calling GetBestSize() returns the suitable
    // size for the new state.
    g_signal_connect(m_widget, "notify::expanded",
                     G_CALLBACK(gtk_collapsiblepane_expanded_callback), this);

    // this the real "pane"
    m_pPane = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                          wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxNO_BORDER, wxS("wxCollapsiblePanePane"));

    m_parent->DoAddChild( this );


    // we should blend into our parent background
    const wxColour bg = parent->GetBackgroundColour();

    // remember the size of this control when it's collapsed
    m_szCollapsed = GTKGetPreferredSize(m_widget);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
wxSize wxControl::DoGetBestSize() const
    // Do not return any arbitrary default value...
    wxASSERT_MSG( m_widget, wxT("DoGetBestSize called before creation") );

    wxSize best;
    if (m_wxwindow)
        // this is not a native control, size_request is likely to be (0,0)
        best = wxControlBase::DoGetBestSize();
        best = GTKGetPreferredSize(m_widget);

    return best;