Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: g_bot.c Proyecto: otty/cake3
void Svcmd_AddBot_f(void)
	float           skill;
	int             delay;
	char            name[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char            altname[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char            string[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char            team[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];

	// are bots enabled?

	// name
	trap_Argv(1, name, sizeof(name));
		trap_Printf("Usage: Addbot <botname> [skill 1-5] [team] [msec delay] [altname]\n");

	// skill
	trap_Argv(2, string, sizeof(string));
		skill = 4;
		skill = atof(string);

	// team
	trap_Argv(3, team, sizeof(team));

	// delay
	trap_Argv(4, string, sizeof(string));
		delay = 0;
		delay = atoi(string);

	// alternative name
	trap_Argv(5, altname, sizeof(altname));

	G_AddBot(name, skill, team, delay, altname);

	// if this was issued during gameplay and we are playing locally,
	// go ahead and load the bot's media immediately
	if(level.time - level.startTime > 1000 && trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("cl_running"))
		trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "loaddefered\n");	// FIXME: spelled wrong, but not changing for demo
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Svcmd_AddBot_f( void ) {
	int				skill;
	int				delay;
	char			name[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char			string[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char			team[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];

	// are bots enabled?
	if ( !bot_enable.integer ) {

	// name
	trap_Argv( 1, name, sizeof( name ) );	/// read it just so we can check if it's a name (old method)
	if ( name[0] && !Q_stricmp( name, "?" ) ) {
		trap_Printf( "Usage: Addbot [skill 1-4] [team (RED/BLUE)] [msec delay]\n" );
	// CHRUKER: b070 - Was 'wolfbot' but this must match in case
	Q_strncpyz( name, "Wolfbot", sizeof( name ) );	// RF, hard code the bots for wolf
	if ( !name[0] ) {
		trap_Printf( "Usage: Addbot [skill 1-4] [team (RED/BLUE)] [msec delay]\n" );

	// skill
	trap_Argv( 1, string, sizeof( string ) );
	if ( !string[0] ) {
		trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_defaultskill );
		skill = bot_defaultskill.integer;
	else {
		skill = atoi( string );

	// team
	trap_Argv( 2, team, sizeof( team ) );

	// delay
	trap_Argv( 3, string, sizeof( string ) );
	if ( !string[0] ) {
		delay = 0;
	else {
		delay = atoi( string );

	G_AddBot( name, skill, team, NULL, 0, 0, -1, NULL, NULL, -1, NULL, qfalse);

	// if this was issued during gameplay and we are playing locally,
	// go ahead and load the bot's media immediately
	if ( level.time - level.startTime > 1000 &&
		trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "cl_running" ) ) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: bot.c Proyecto: icanhas/yantar
 * Svcmd_AddBot_f
	float	skill;
	int	delay;
	char	name[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char	altname[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char	string[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char	team[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];

	/* are bots enabled? */

	/* name */
	trap_Argv(1, name, sizeof(name));
			"Usage: Addbot <botname> [skill 1-5] [team] [msec delay] [altname]\n");

	/* skill */
	trap_Argv(2, string, sizeof(string));
		skill = 4;
		skill = atof(string);

	/* team */
	trap_Argv(3, team, sizeof(team));

	/* delay */
	trap_Argv(4, string, sizeof(string));
		delay = 0;
		delay = atoi(string);

	/* alternative name */
	trap_Argv(5, altname, sizeof(altname));

	G_AddBot(name, skill, team, delay, altname);

	/* if this was issued during gameplay and we are playing locally,
	 * go ahead and load the bot's media immediately */
	if(level.time - level.startTime > 1000 &&
		trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "loaddeferred\n");
Ejemplo n.º 4
gentity_t* G_Q3P_AddPlannerBot(void) 
	gentity_t *pBot;

	// add the bot
	G_AddBot("Sarge", 1.0, "free", 0, "PlannerBot");

	// load bot's media
	if(level.time - level.startTime > 1000 &&
		trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "loaddefered\n");

	// the bot is the last connected client
	pBot = g_entities + level.numConnectedClients - 1;
	//pBot->client->pers.pmoveFixed = qtrue;
	pBot->client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 50;
	pBot->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	pBot->q3p_isPlannerBot = qtrue;

	return pBot;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: g_bot.c Proyecto: GenaSG/ET
void G_SpawnBot( const char *text )
	// bot parameters
	char			name[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]		= "wolfBot";
	//GS  prevent bot health from counting down to 70 (i.e. don't set STAT_MAX_HEALTH = 70)
	char			skill[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]		= "4";
	char			team[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]		= "";
	char			pClass[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]		= "";
	char			pWeapon[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]	= "0";
	char			spawnPoint[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]	= "";
	char			respawn[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]	= "";
	char			scriptName[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]	= "wolfBot";
	char			characterFile[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]	= "";

	// START - Mad Doc - TDF
	char			rank[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS] = "";
	char			botSkills[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS] = "";
	// END Mad Doc - TDF

	char			pow[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]		= "no";

	// This is the selection meny index used in SetWolfSpawnWeapons
	int		weaponSpawnNumber = -1;

	// parsing vars
	char			*token, *pStr, *old_pStr;
	char			cmd[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS], last_cmd[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char			cmd_var[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	char			string[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
	int				j, pClassInt;
	int				characterInt, rankNum;
	int				skills[SK_NUM_SKILLS];
	qboolean		prisonerOfWar;
	int				teamNum;

	// parameters
	spawnBotCommand_t	params[] =
		{"/name",		name,			qfalse,		"[name]"},
		{"/skill",		skill,			qfalse,		"[0-4]"},
		{"/team",		team,			qfalse,		"[AXIS/ALLIES]"},
		{"/class",		pClass,			qfalse,		"[SOLDIER/MEDIC/LIEUTENANT/ENGINEER/COVERTOPS/FIELDOPS]"}, // FIXME: remove LIEUTENANT from missionpack
		{"/weapon",		pWeapon,		qfalse,		"[weaponValue]"},
		{"/spawnpoint",	spawnPoint,		qtrue,		"[targetname]"},
		{"/respawn",	respawn,		qfalse,		"[ON/OFF]"},
		{"/scriptName",	scriptName,		qfalse,		"[scriptName]"},
		{"/character",	characterFile,	qfalse,		"[character]"},
		// START Mad Doc - TDF
		{"/rank",		rank,			qfalse,		"[rank]"},
		{"/skills",		botSkills,		qfalse,		"[botskills]"}, // not really to be exposed to script
		// END Mad Doc - TDF
		{"/pow",		pow,			qfalse,		"[yes/no]"},

	// special tables
	typedef struct {
		char	*weapon;
		int		index;
	} spawnBotWeapons_t;

	// TAT 1/16/2003 - uninit'ed data here - getting crazy data for the skills
	memset(&skills, 0, sizeof(skills));

	// parse the vars
	pStr = (char *)text;
	token = COM_Parse( &pStr );
	Q_strncpyz( cmd, token, sizeof(cmd) );
	// if this is a question mark, show help info
	if (!Q_stricmp( cmd, "?" ) || !Q_stricmp( cmd, "/?" )) {
		G_Printf( "Spawns a bot into the game, with the given parameters.\n\nSPAWNBOT [/param [value]] [/param [value]] ...\n\n  where [/param [value]] may consist of:\n\n" );
		for (j=0; params[j].cmd; j++) {
			G_Printf( "  %s %s\n", params[j].cmd, params[j].help );
	// intitializations
	for (j=0; params[j].cmd; j++) {
		params[j].count = 0;
	memset( last_cmd, 0, sizeof(last_cmd) );
	pStr = (char *)text;
	// parse each command
	while (cmd[0]) {
		// build the string up to the next parameter change
		token = COM_Parse( &pStr );
		Q_strncpyz( cmd, token, sizeof(cmd) );
		if (!cmd[0]) break;
		// if we find an "or", then use the last command
		if (!Q_stricmp( cmd, "or" )) {
			// use the last command
			Q_strncpyz( cmd, last_cmd, sizeof(cmd) );
		// read the parameters
		memset( string, 0, sizeof(string) );
		token = COM_Parse( &pStr );
		Q_strncpyz( cmd_var, token, sizeof(cmd_var) );
		if (!cmd_var[0]) break;
		while (qtrue) {
			Q_strcat( string, sizeof(string), cmd_var );
			old_pStr = pStr;
			token = COM_Parse( &pStr );
			Q_strncpyz( cmd_var, token, sizeof(cmd_var) );
			if (cmd_var[0] && (cmd_var[0] == '/' || !Q_stricmp( cmd_var, "or" ))) {
				pStr = old_pStr;
			if (!cmd_var[0]) break;
			Q_strcat( string, sizeof(string), " " );
		// see if this command exists in the parameters table
		for (j=0; params[j].cmd; j++) {
			if (!Q_stricmp( params[j].cmd, cmd )) {
				// found a match, if this field already has an entry, then randomly override it
				if (!params[j].count || (!params[j].appendParams && ((rand()%(++params[j].count)) == 0))) {
					Q_strncpyz( params[j].string, string, sizeof(string) );
				} else if (params[j].appendParams) {
					// append this token
					Q_strcat( params[j].string, sizeof(string), va(" %s", string) );
		if (!params[j].cmd) {
			G_Printf( "G_SpawnBot: unknown parameter: %s\nFor usage info, use \"spawnbot /?\"\n", cmd );
		Q_strncpyz( last_cmd, cmd, sizeof(last_cmd) );
		Q_strncpyz( cmd, cmd_var, sizeof(cmd) );
	if (strlen( pClass )) {
		pClassInt = 1 + G_ClassForString( pClass );
	} else {
		pClassInt = 0;

	if ( !Q_stricmp( team, "red" ) || !Q_stricmp( team, "r" ) || !Q_stricmp( team, "axis" ) ) {
		teamNum = TEAM_AXIS;
	} else if ( !Q_stricmp( team, "blue" ) || !Q_stricmp( team, "b" ) || !Q_stricmp( team, "allies" ) ) {
		teamNum = TEAM_ALLIES;
	} else {
		// pick the team with the least number of players
		teamNum = PickTeam( -1 );

	G_BotParseCharacterParms( characterFile, &characterInt );

	// Gordon: 27/11/02
	if( *pow && !Q_stricmp(pow, "yes") ) {
		prisonerOfWar = qtrue;
	} else {
		prisonerOfWar = qfalse;

	// START Mad Doc - TDF
	// special case: if "NONE" is specified, treat this differently
	if (!Q_stricmp(pWeapon, "NONE"))
		weaponSpawnNumber = -1;
	// END Mad Doc - TDF

	// START	Mad Doctor I changes, 8/17/2002. 
	// If we have a weapon specified, and we have a class specified
	else if (isdigit(pWeapon[0]))
		// Just convert the string to a number
		weaponSpawnNumber = atoi(pWeapon);

	} // if (isdigit(pWeapon[0]))...

	// If we have a weapon specified as a string, and we have a class specified
	else if (pClassInt > 0)
		// Translate the weapon name into a proper weapon index
		// Get the index for the weapon
		weaponSpawnNumber = Bot_GetWeaponForClassAndTeam( pClassInt - 1, teamNum, pWeapon );

		// Get default weapon
		if (weaponSpawnNumber == -1)
			weaponSpawnNumber = BG_GetPlayerClassInfo( teamNum, pClassInt - 1 )->classWeapons[0];
	} // if (Q_stricmp(pWeapon[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS], "0")...

	// Otherwise, no weapon is selected
		// Just use the default
		weaponSpawnNumber = BG_GetPlayerClassInfo( teamNum, pClassInt - 1 )->classWeapons[0];

	} // else...

	// START Mad Doc - TDF
	rankNum = atoi(rank);
	if( rankNum ) {
		rankNum--; // people like to start with 1
					// Gordon: coders are people too :(

	if (botSkills[0])
		// parse the skills out
		int i;
		char *pString, *token;
		pString = botSkills;
		for (i = 0; i < SK_NUM_SKILLS; i++)
			token = COM_ParseExt( &pString, qfalse );
			skills[i] = atoi(token);

	//	{"/botskills",	botSkills,		qfalse,		"[botskills]"}, // not really to be exposed to script

// END Mad Doc - TDF

	G_AddBot( name, atoi(skill), team, spawnPoint, pClassInt, weaponSpawnNumber, characterInt, respawn, scriptName, rankNum, skills, prisonerOfWar );

// END		Mad Doctor I changes, 8/17/2002. 