Ejemplo n.º 1
/*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ?
Used for game-world global options.
Every map should have exactly one.

=== KEYS ===
; message: Text to print during connection process. Used for the name of level.
; music: path/name of looping .wav file used for level's music (eg. music/sonic5.wav).
; gravity: level gravity [g_gravity (800)]

; humanBuildPoints: maximum amount of power the humans can use. [g_humanBuildPoints]
; humanRepeaterBuildPoints: maximum amount of power the humans can use around each repeater. [g_humanRepeaterBuildPoints]
; alienBuildPoints: maximum amount of sentience available to the overmind. [g_alienBuildPoints]

; humanMaxStage: The highest stage the humans are allowed to use (0/1/2). [g_alienMaxStage (2)]
; alienMaxStage: The highest stage the aliens are allowed to use (0/1/2). [g_humanMaxStage (2)]

; disabledEquipment: A comma delimited list of human weapons or upgrades to disable for this map. [g_disabledEquipment ()]
; disabledClasses: A comma delimited list of alien classes to disable for this map. [g_disabledClasses ()]
; disabledBuildables: A comma delimited list of buildables to disable for this map. [g_disabledBuildables ()]
void SP_worldspawn( void )
	char *s;

	G_SpawnString( "classname", "", &s );

	if ( Q_stricmp( s, S_WORLDSPAWN ) )
		G_Error( "SP_worldspawn: The first entry in the spawn string isn't of expected type '" S_WORLDSPAWN "'" );

	// make some data visible to connecting client
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_GAME_VERSION, GAME_VERSION );

	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_LEVEL_START_TIME, va( "%i", level.startTime ) );

	G_SpawnString( "music", "", &s );
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MUSIC, s );

	G_SpawnString( "message", "", &s );
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MESSAGE, s );  // map specific message

	if(G_SpawnString( "colorGrade", "", &s ))
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_GRADING_TEXTURES, s );

	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MOTD, g_motd.string );  // message of the day

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "gravity", "g_gravity" );

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "humanMaxStage", "g_humanRepeaterBuildPoints" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "alienMaxStage", "g_alienMaxStage" );

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "humanBuildPoints", "g_humanBuildPoints" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "humanRepeaterBuildPoints", "g_humanRepeaterBuildPoints" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "alienBuildPoints", "g_alienBuildPoints" );

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "disabledEquipment", "g_disabledEquipment" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "disabledClasses", "g_disabledClasses" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "disabledBuildables", "g_disabledBuildables" );

	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ].s.number = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ].r.ownerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ].classname = S_WORLDSPAWN;

	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ].s.number = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ].r.ownerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ].classname = "nothing";

	// see if we want a warmup time
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, "-1" );

	if ( g_doWarmup.integer )
		level.warmupTime = level.time - level.startTime + ( g_warmup.integer * 1000 );
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va( "%i", level.warmupTime ) );
		G_LogPrintf( "Warmup: %i\n", g_warmup.integer );

	level.timelimit = g_timelimit.integer;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ?
Used for game-world global options.
Every map should have exactly one.

=== KEYS ===
; message: Text to print during connection process. Used for the name of level.
; music: path/name of looping .wav file used for level's music (eg. music/sonic5.wav).
; gravity: level gravity [g_gravity (800)]

; humanBuildPoints: maximum amount of power the humans can use. [g_humanBuildPoints]
; humanRepeaterBuildPoints: maximum amount of power the humans can use around each repeater. [g_humanRepeaterBuildPoints]
; alienBuildPoints: maximum amount of sentience available to the overmind. [g_alienBuildPoints]

; disabledEquipment: A comma delimited list of human weapons or upgrades to disable for this map. [g_disabledEquipment ()]
; disabledClasses: A comma delimited list of alien classes to disable for this map. [g_disabledClasses ()]
; disabledBuildables: A comma delimited list of buildables to disable for this map. [g_disabledBuildables ()]
void SP_worldspawn()
	char *s;
	float reverbIntensity = 1.0f;

	G_SpawnString( "classname", "", &s );

	if ( Q_stricmp( s, S_WORLDSPAWN ) )
		Com_Error(errorParm_t::ERR_DROP,  "SP_worldspawn: The first entry in the spawn string isn't of expected type '" S_WORLDSPAWN "'" );

	// make some data visible to connecting client
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_GAME_VERSION, GAME_VERSION );

	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_LEVEL_START_TIME, va( "%i", level.startTime ) );

	G_SpawnString( "music", "", &s );
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MUSIC, s );

	G_SpawnString( "message", "", &s );
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MESSAGE, s );  // map specific message

	if(G_SpawnString( "gradingTexture", "", &s ))
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_GRADING_TEXTURES, va( "%i %f %s", -1, 0.0f, s ) );

	if(G_SpawnString( "colorGrade", "", &s )) {
		Log::Warn("\"colorGrade\" deprecated. Please use \"gradingTexture\"");
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_GRADING_TEXTURES, va( "%i %f %s", -1, 0.0f, s ) );

	if(G_SpawnString( "reverbIntensity", "", &s ))
		sscanf( s, "%f", &reverbIntensity );
	if(G_SpawnString( "reverbEffect", "", &s ))
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_REVERB_EFFECTS, va( "%i %f %s %f", 0, 0.0f, s, Com_Clamp( 0.0f, 2.0f, reverbIntensity ) ) );

	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_MOTD, g_motd.string );  // message of the day

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVarIfSet( "gravity", "g_gravity" );

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVarIfSet( "humanBuildPoints", "g_humanBuildPoints" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVarIfSet( "humanRepeaterBuildPoints", "g_humanRepeaterBuildPoints" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVarIfSet( "alienBuildPoints", "g_alienBuildPoints" );

	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "disabledEquipment", "g_disabledEquipment" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "disabledClasses", "g_disabledClasses" );
	G_SpawnStringIntoCVar( "disabledBuildables", "g_disabledBuildables" );

	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ].s.number = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ].r.ownerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_WORLD ].classname = S_WORLDSPAWN;

	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ].s.number = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ].r.ownerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ].classname = "nothing";

	// see if we want a warmup time
	trap_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, "-1" );

	if ( g_doWarmup.integer )
		level.warmupTime = level.matchTime + ( g_warmup.integer * 1000 );
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_WARMUP, va( "%i", level.warmupTime ) );
		G_LogPrintf( "Warmup: %i\n", g_warmup.integer );

	level.timelimit = g_timelimit.integer;