Ejemplo n.º 1
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Stuart Levy, Tamara Munzner, Mark Phillips";

#include "hpoint3.h"
#include "geomclass.h"
#include "geom.h"
#include "bbox.h"
#include "create.h"

/* Take this out once the create flags are all in the right place */
#include "sphereP.h"

Geom *GeomBoundSphereFromBBox(Geom *geom,
			      Transform T, TransformN *TN, int *axes,
			      int space)
  Geom *sphere, *bbox;
  HPoint3 minmax[2];

  /* The BoundSphere really is something 3-dimensional */
  if (axes == NULL) {
    static int dflt_axes[] = { 1, 2, 3, 0 };
    axes = dflt_axes;

  bbox = GeomBound(geom, T, TN);

  if (bbox == NULL)
    return NULL;

  if (TN) {
    HPointN *minmaxN[2] = { NULL, NULL };
    BBoxMinMaxND((BBox *)bbox, &minmaxN[0], &minmaxN[1]);
    HPtNToHPt3(minmaxN[0], axes, &minmax[0]);
    HPtNToHPt3(minmaxN[1], axes, &minmax[1]);
  } else {
    BBoxMinMax((BBox *)bbox, &minmax[0], &minmax[1]);

  HPt3Dehomogenize(&minmax[0], &minmax[0]);
  HPt3Dehomogenize(&minmax[1], &minmax[1]);

  sphere = GeomCreate("sphere", CR_ENCOMPASS_POINTS, minmax,

#if 0
  /* ???? is this correct? The bounding box has already been
     transformed by T ... */
  if (sphere != NULL && T != NULL) GeomTransform(sphere, T, TN);

  return sphere;
void FPaperSpriteSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const
	if (BodySetup != nullptr)
		// Show 3D physics
		if ((ViewFamily.EngineShowFlags.Collision /*@TODO: && bIsCollisionEnabled*/) && AllowDebugViewmodes())
			if (FMath::Abs(GetLocalToWorld().Determinant()) < SMALL_NUMBER)
				// Catch this here or otherwise GeomTransform below will assert
				// This spams so commented out
				//UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Zero scaling not supported (%s)"), *StaticMesh->GetPathName());
				for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
					if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
						// Make a material for drawing solid collision stuff
						const UMaterial* LevelColorationMaterial = ViewFamily.EngineShowFlags.Lighting 
							? GEngine->ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterial : GEngine->ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterial;

						auto CollisionMaterialInstance = new FColoredMaterialRenderProxy(
							LevelColorationMaterial->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected(), IsHovered()),


						// Draw the sprite body setup.

						// Get transform without scaling.
						FTransform GeomTransform(GetLocalToWorld());

						// In old wireframe collision mode, always draw the wireframe highlighted (selected or not).
						bool bDrawWireSelected = IsSelected();
						if (ViewFamily.EngineShowFlags.Collision)
							bDrawWireSelected = true;

						// Differentiate the color based on bBlockNonZeroExtent.  Helps greatly with skimming a level for optimization opportunities.
						const FColor CollisionColor = FColor(220,149,223,255);

						const bool bUseSeparateColorPerHull = (Owner == nullptr);
						const bool bDrawSolid = false;
						BodySetup->AggGeom.GetAggGeom(GeomTransform, GetSelectionColor(CollisionColor, bDrawWireSelected, IsHovered()).ToFColor(true), CollisionMaterialInstance, bUseSeparateColorPerHull, bDrawSolid, false, ViewIndex, Collector);

	FPaperRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(Views, ViewFamily, VisibilityMap, Collector);
void FPaperTileMapRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const

	// Slight depth bias so that the wireframe grid overlay doesn't z-fight with the tiles themselves
	const float DepthBias = 0.0001f;

	for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
		if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
			const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];
			FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI = Collector.GetPDI(ViewIndex);

			// Draw the tile maps
			//@TODO: RenderThread race condition
			if (TileMap != nullptr)
				FColor WireframeColor = FColor(0, 255, 255, 255);

				if ((View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Collision /*@TODO: && bIsCollisionEnabled*/) && AllowDebugViewmodes())
					if (UBodySetup2D* BodySetup2D = Cast<UBodySetup2D>(TileMap->BodySetup))
						//@TODO: Draw 2D debugging geometry
					else if (UBodySetup* BodySetup = TileMap->BodySetup)
						if (FMath::Abs(GetLocalToWorld().Determinant()) < SMALL_NUMBER)
							// Catch this here or otherwise GeomTransform below will assert
							// This spams so commented out
							//UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Zero scaling not supported (%s)"), *StaticMesh->GetPathName());
							// Make a material for drawing solid collision stuff
							const UMaterial* LevelColorationMaterial = View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Lighting
								? GEngine->ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterial : GEngine->ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterial;

							auto CollisionMaterialInstance = new FColoredMaterialRenderProxy(
								LevelColorationMaterial->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected(), IsHovered()),

							// Draw the static mesh's body setup.

							// Get transform without scaling.
							FTransform GeomTransform(GetLocalToWorld());

							// In old wireframe collision mode, always draw the wireframe highlighted (selected or not).
							bool bDrawWireSelected = IsSelected();
							if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Collision)
								bDrawWireSelected = true;

							// Differentiate the color based on bBlockNonZeroExtent.  Helps greatly with skimming a level for optimization opportunities.
							FColor CollisionColor = FColor(157, 149, 223, 255);

							const bool bPerHullColor = false;
							const bool bDrawSimpleSolid = false;
							BodySetup->AggGeom.GetAggGeom(GeomTransform, GetSelectionColor(CollisionColor, bDrawWireSelected, IsHovered()), CollisionMaterialInstance, bPerHullColor, bDrawSimpleSolid, UseEditorDepthTest(), ViewIndex, Collector);

				// Draw the bounds
				RenderBounds(PDI, View->Family->EngineShowFlags, GetBounds(), IsSelected());

				// Draw the debug outline
				if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Grid)
					const uint8 DPG = SDPG_Foreground;//GetDepthPriorityGroup(View);

					// Draw separation wires if selected
					FLinearColor OverrideColor;
					bool bUseOverrideColor = false;

					const bool bShowAsSelected = !(GIsEditor && View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Selection) || IsSelected();
					if (bShowAsSelected || IsHovered())
						bUseOverrideColor = true;
						OverrideColor = GetSelectionColor(FLinearColor::White, bShowAsSelected, IsHovered());

					FTransform LocalToWorld(GetLocalToWorld());

					if (bUseOverrideColor)
						const int32 SelectedLayerIndex = TileMap->SelectedLayerIndex;

						// Draw a bound for any invisible layers
						for (int32 LayerIndex = 0; LayerIndex < TileMap->TileLayers.Num(); ++LayerIndex)
							if (LayerIndex != SelectedLayerIndex)
								const FVector TL(LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(0, 0, LayerIndex)));
								const FVector TR(LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(TileMap->MapWidth, 0, LayerIndex)));
								const FVector BL(LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(0, TileMap->MapHeight, LayerIndex)));
								const FVector BR(LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(TileMap->MapWidth, TileMap->MapHeight, LayerIndex)));

								PDI->DrawLine(TL, TR, OverrideColor, DPG, 0.0f, DepthBias);
								PDI->DrawLine(TR, BR, OverrideColor, DPG, 0.0f, DepthBias);
								PDI->DrawLine(BR, BL, OverrideColor, DPG, 0.0f, DepthBias);
								PDI->DrawLine(BL, TL, OverrideColor, DPG, 0.0f, DepthBias);

						if (SelectedLayerIndex != INDEX_NONE)
							// Draw horizontal lines on the selection
							for (int32 Y = 0; Y <= TileMap->MapHeight; ++Y)
								int32 X = 0;
								const FVector Start(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(X, Y, SelectedLayerIndex));

								X = TileMap->MapWidth;
								const FVector End(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(X, Y, SelectedLayerIndex));

								PDI->DrawLine(LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(Start), LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(End), OverrideColor, DPG, 0.0f, DepthBias);

							// Draw vertical lines
							for (int32 X = 0; X <= TileMap->MapWidth; ++X)
								int32 Y = 0;
								const FVector Start(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(X, Y, SelectedLayerIndex));

								Y = TileMap->MapHeight;
								const FVector End(TileMap->GetTilePositionInLocalSpace(X, Y, SelectedLayerIndex));

								PDI->DrawLine(LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(Start), LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(End), OverrideColor, DPG, 0.0f, DepthBias);

	// Draw all of the queued up sprites
	FPaperRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(Views, ViewFamily, VisibilityMap, Collector);
void FPaperTileMapRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const

	for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)

		if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
			const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];
			FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI = Collector.GetPDI(ViewIndex);

			// Draw the tile maps
			//@TODO: RenderThread race condition
			if (TileMap != nullptr)
				if ((View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Collision /*@TODO: && bIsCollisionEnabled*/) && AllowDebugViewmodes())
					if (UBodySetup2D* BodySetup2D = Cast<UBodySetup2D>(TileMap->BodySetup))
						//@TODO: Draw 2D debugging geometry
					else if (UBodySetup* BodySetup = TileMap->BodySetup)
						if (FMath::Abs(GetLocalToWorld().Determinant()) < SMALL_NUMBER)
							// Catch this here or otherwise GeomTransform below will assert
							// This spams so commented out
							//UE_LOG(LogStaticMesh, Log, TEXT("Zero scaling not supported (%s)"), *StaticMesh->GetPathName());
							// Make a material for drawing solid collision stuff
							const UMaterial* LevelColorationMaterial = View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Lighting
								? GEngine->ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterial : GEngine->ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterial;

							auto CollisionMaterialInstance = new FColoredMaterialRenderProxy(
								LevelColorationMaterial->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected(), IsHovered()),

							// Draw the static mesh's body setup.

							// Get transform without scaling.
							FTransform GeomTransform(GetLocalToWorld());

							// In old wireframe collision mode, always draw the wireframe highlighted (selected or not).
							bool bDrawWireSelected = IsSelected();
							if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Collision)
								bDrawWireSelected = true;

							// Differentiate the color based on bBlockNonZeroExtent.  Helps greatly with skimming a level for optimization opportunities.
							FColor CollisionColor = FColor(157, 149, 223, 255);

							const bool bPerHullColor = false;
							const bool bDrawSimpleSolid = false;
							BodySetup->AggGeom.GetAggGeom(GeomTransform, GetSelectionColor(CollisionColor, bDrawWireSelected, IsHovered()).ToFColor(true), CollisionMaterialInstance, bPerHullColor, bDrawSimpleSolid, UseEditorDepthTest(), ViewIndex, Collector);

				// Draw the bounds
				RenderBounds(PDI, View->Family->EngineShowFlags, GetBounds(), IsSelected());

				const bool bShowAsSelected = IsSelected();
				const bool bEffectivelySelected = bShowAsSelected || IsHovered();

				const uint8 DPG = SDPG_Foreground;//GetDepthPriorityGroup(View);

				// Draw separation wires if selected
				const FLinearColor OverrideColor = GetSelectionColor(FLinearColor::White, bShowAsSelected, IsHovered(), /*bUseOverlayIntensity=*/ false);

				// Draw the debug outline
				if (bEffectivelySelected)
					const int32 SelectedLayerIndex = (OnlyLayerIndex != INDEX_NONE) ? OnlyLayerIndex : TileMap->SelectedLayerIndex;

					if (bShowPerLayerGrid)
						if (OnlyLayerIndex == INDEX_NONE)
							// Draw a bound for every layer but the selected one (and even that one if the per-tile grid is off)
							for (int32 LayerIndex = 0; LayerIndex < TileMap->TileLayers.Num(); ++LayerIndex)
								if ((LayerIndex != SelectedLayerIndex) || !bShowPerTileGrid)
									DrawBoundsForLayer(PDI, OverrideColor, LayerIndex);
						else if (!bShowPerTileGrid)
							DrawBoundsForLayer(PDI, OverrideColor, OnlyLayerIndex);

					if (bShowPerTileGrid && (SelectedLayerIndex != INDEX_NONE))
						switch (TileMap->ProjectionMode)
						case ETileMapProjectionMode::Orthogonal:
						case ETileMapProjectionMode::IsometricDiamond:
							DrawNormalGridLines(PDI, OverrideColor, SelectedLayerIndex);
						case ETileMapProjectionMode::IsometricStaggered:
							DrawStaggeredGridLines(PDI, OverrideColor, SelectedLayerIndex);
						case ETileMapProjectionMode::HexagonalStaggered:
							DrawHexagonalGridLines(PDI, OverrideColor, SelectedLayerIndex);
				else if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Grid && bShowOutlineWhenUnselected)
					// Draw a layer rectangle even when not selected, so you can see where the tile map is in the editor
					DrawBoundsForLayer(PDI, WireframeColor, /*LayerIndex=*/ (OnlyLayerIndex != INDEX_NONE) ? OnlyLayerIndex : 0);

	// Draw all of the queued up sprites
	FPaperRenderSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(Views, ViewFamily, VisibilityMap, Collector);