Ejemplo n.º 1
int CHudScoreboard :: DrawScoreboard( float fTime )

//	Packetloss removed on Kelly 'shipping nazi' Bailey's orders
//	if ( cl_showpacketloss && cl_showpacketloss->value && ( ScreenWidth >= 400 ) )
//	{
//		can_show_packetloss = 1;
//	}

	// just sort the list on the fly
	// list is sorted first by frags, then by deaths
	float list_slot = 0;

	// print the heading line

	DrawUtils::DrawRectangle(xstart, ystart, xend - xstart, yend - ystart,
		m_colors.r, m_colors.g, m_colors.b, m_colors.a, m_bDrawStroke);

	int ypos = ystart + (list_slot * ROW_GAP) + 5;

	DrawUtils::DrawHudString( NAME_POS_START(), ypos, NAME_POS_END(), (char*)(gHUD.m_Teamplay ? "TEAMS" : "PLAYERS"), 255, 140, 0 );
	DrawUtils::DrawHudStringReverse( KILLS_POS_END(), ypos, 0, "KILLS", 255, 140, 0 );
	DrawUtils::DrawHudString(	DEATHS_POS_START(), ypos, DEATHS_POS_END(), "DEATHS", 255, 140, 0 );
	DrawUtils::DrawHudStringReverse( PING_POS_END(), ypos, PING_POS_START(), "PING", 255, 140, 0 );

	list_slot += 2;
	ypos = ystart + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
	FillRGBA( xstart, ypos, xend - xstart, 1, 255, 140, 0, 255);  // draw the separator line
	list_slot += 0.8;

	if ( gHUD.m_Teamplay )
		DrawTeams( list_slot );
		// it's not teamplay,  so just draw a simple player list
		DrawPlayers( list_slot );
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Message handler for TeamInfo message
// accepts two values:
//		byte: client number
//		string: client team name
int CHudScoreboard :: MsgFunc_TeamInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BufferReader reader( pszName, pbuf, iSize );
	short cl = reader.ReadByte();
	int teamNumber = 0;

	if ( cl > 0 && cl <= MAX_PLAYERS )
		// set the players team
		char teamName[MAX_TEAM_NAME];
		strncpy( teamName, reader.ReadString(), MAX_TEAM_NAME );

		if( !stricmp( teamName, "TERRORIST") )
			teamNumber = TEAM_TERRORIST;
		else if( !stricmp( teamName, "CT") )
			teamNumber = TEAM_CT;
		else if( !stricmp( teamName, "SPECTATOR" ) || !stricmp( teamName, "UNASSIGNED" ) )
			teamNumber = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
			strncpy( teamName, "SPECTATOR", MAX_TEAM_NAME );
		// just in case
		else teamNumber = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;

		strncpy( g_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].teamname, teamName, MAX_TEAM_NAME );
		g_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].teamnumber = teamNumber;

	// rebuild the list of teams

	// clear out player counts from teams
	for ( int i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		g_TeamInfo[i].players = 0;

	// rebuild the team list
	m_iNumTeams = 0;

	for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
		int j;
		//if ( g_PlayerInfoList[i].name == NULL )
		//	continue;

		if ( g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname[0] == 0 )
			continue; // skip over players who are not in a team

		// is this player in an existing team?
		for ( j = 1; j <= m_iNumTeams; j++ )
			if ( g_TeamInfo[j].name[0] == '\0' )

			if ( !stricmp( g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, g_TeamInfo[j].name ) )

		if ( j > m_iNumTeams )
			// they aren't in a listed team, so make a new one
			for ( j = 1; j <= m_iNumTeams; j++ )
				if ( g_TeamInfo[j].name[0] == '\0' )

			m_iNumTeams = max( j, m_iNumTeams );

			strncpy( g_TeamInfo[j].name, g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, MAX_TEAM_NAME );
			g_TeamInfo[j].teamnumber = g_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamnumber;
			g_TeamInfo[j].players = 0;


	// clear out any empty teams
	for ( int i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		if ( g_TeamInfo[i].players < 1 )
			memset( &g_TeamInfo[i], 0, sizeof(team_info_t) );

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int CHudScoreboard :: Draw( float fTime )
	if ( !m_iShowscoresHeld && gHUD.m_Health.m_iHealth > 0 && !gHUD.m_iIntermission )
		return 1;


	// just sort the list on the fly
	// list is sorted first by frags, then by deaths
	float list_slot = 0;
	int xpos_rel = (ScreenWidth - SCOREBOARD_WIDTH) / 2;

	// print the heading line
	int ypos = ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
	int	xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;

	if ( !gHUD.m_Teamplay ) 
		gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, "Player", 255, 140, 0 );
		gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, "Teams", 255, 140, 0 );

	gHUD.DrawHudStringReverse( KILLS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, ypos, 0, "kills", 255, 140, 0 );
	gHUD.DrawHudString( DIVIDER_POS + xpos_rel, ypos, ScreenWidth, "/", 255, 140, 0 );
	gHUD.DrawHudString( DEATHS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel + 5, ypos, ScreenWidth, "deaths", 255, 140, 0 );
	gHUD.DrawHudString( PING_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel - 35, ypos, ScreenWidth, "latency", 255, 140, 0 );

	list_slot += 1.2;
	ypos = ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);
	xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;
	FillRGBA( xpos - 5, ypos, PING_RANGE_MAX - 5, 1, 255, 140, 0, 255);  // draw the seperator line
	list_slot += 0.8;

	if ( !gHUD.m_Teamplay )
		// it's not teamplay,  so just draw a simple player list
		DrawPlayers( xpos_rel, list_slot );
		return 1;

	// clear out team scores
	for ( int i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		if ( !m_TeamInfo[i].scores_overriden )
			m_TeamInfo[i].frags = m_TeamInfo[i].deaths = 0;
		m_TeamInfo[i].ping = m_TeamInfo[i].packetloss = 0;

	// recalc the team scores, then draw them
	for ( i = 1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
		if ( m_PlayerInfoList[i].name == NULL )
			continue; // empty player slot, skip

		if ( m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname[0] == 0 )
			continue; // skip over players who are not in a team

		// find what team this player is in
		for ( int j = 1; j <= m_iNumTeams; j++ )
			if ( !stricmp( m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, m_TeamInfo[j].name ) )
		if ( j > m_iNumTeams )  // player is not in a team, skip to the next guy

		if ( !m_TeamInfo[j].scores_overriden )
			m_TeamInfo[j].frags += m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].frags;
			m_TeamInfo[j].deaths += m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].deaths;

		m_TeamInfo[j].ping += m_PlayerInfoList[i].ping;
		m_TeamInfo[j].packetloss += m_PlayerInfoList[i].packetloss;

		if ( m_PlayerInfoList[i].thisplayer )
			m_TeamInfo[j].ownteam = TRUE;
			m_TeamInfo[j].ownteam = FALSE;

	// find team ping/packetloss averages
	for ( i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		m_TeamInfo[i].already_drawn = FALSE;

		if ( m_TeamInfo[i].players > 0 )
			m_TeamInfo[i].ping /= m_TeamInfo[i].players;  // use the average ping of all the players in the team as the teams ping
			m_TeamInfo[i].packetloss /= m_TeamInfo[i].players;  // use the average ping of all the players in the team as the teams ping

	// Draw the teams
	while ( 1 )
		int highest_frags = -99999; int lowest_deaths = 99999;
		int best_team = 0;

		for ( i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
			if ( m_TeamInfo[i].players < 0 )

			if ( !m_TeamInfo[i].already_drawn && m_TeamInfo[i].frags >= highest_frags )
				if ( m_TeamInfo[i].frags > highest_frags || m_TeamInfo[i].deaths < lowest_deaths )
					best_team = i;
					lowest_deaths = m_TeamInfo[i].deaths;
					highest_frags = m_TeamInfo[i].frags;

		// draw the best team on the scoreboard
		if ( !best_team )

		// draw out the best team
		team_info_t *team_info = &m_TeamInfo[best_team];

		ypos = ROW_RANGE_MIN + (list_slot * ROW_GAP);

		// check we haven't drawn too far down
		if ( ypos > ROW_RANGE_MAX )  // don't draw to close to the lower border

		xpos = NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel;
		int r = 255, g = 225, b = 55; // draw the stuff kinda yellowish
		if ( team_info->ownteam ) // if it is their team, draw the background different color
			// overlay the background in blue,  then draw the score text over it
			FillRGBA( NAME_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel - 5, ypos, PING_RANGE_MAX - 5, ROW_GAP, 0, 0, 255, 70 );

		// draw their name (left to right)
		gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, NAME_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel, team_info->name, r, g, b );

		// draw kills (right to left)
		xpos = KILLS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel;
		gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos, ypos, KILLS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel, team_info->frags, r, g, b );

		// draw divider
		xpos = DIVIDER_POS + xpos_rel;
		gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, xpos + 20, "/", r, g, b );

		// draw deaths
		xpos = DEATHS_RANGE_MAX + xpos_rel;
		gHUD.DrawHudNumberString( xpos, ypos, DEATHS_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel, team_info->deaths, r, g, b );

		// draw ping
		// draw ping & packetloss
		static char buf[64];
		sprintf( buf, "%d", team_info->ping );
		xpos = ((PING_RANGE_MAX - PING_RANGE_MIN) / 2) + PING_RANGE_MIN + xpos_rel + 25;
		UnpackRGB( r, g, b, RGB_YELLOWISH );
		gHUD.DrawHudStringReverse( xpos, ypos, xpos - 50, buf, r, g, b );

	/*  Packetloss removed on Kelly 'shipping nazi' Bailey's orders
		sprintf( buf, " %d", team_info->packetloss );
		gHUD.DrawHudString( xpos, ypos, xpos+50, buf, r, g, b );

		team_info->already_drawn = TRUE;  // set the already_drawn to be TRUE, so this team won't get drawn again

		// draw all the players that belong to this team, indented slightly
		list_slot = DrawPlayers( xpos_rel, list_slot, 10, team_info->name );

	// draw all the players who are not in a team
	list_slot += 0.5;
	DrawPlayers( xpos_rel, list_slot, 0, "" );

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Message handler for TeamInfo message
// accepts two values:
//		byte: client number
//		string: client team name
int CHudScoreboard :: MsgFunc_TeamInfo( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
	BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize );
	short cl = READ_BYTE();
	if ( cl > 0 && cl <= MAX_PLAYERS )
	{  // set the players team
		strncpy( m_PlayerExtraInfo[cl].teamname, READ_STRING(), MAX_TEAM_NAME );

	// rebuild the list of teams

	// clear out player counts from teams
	for ( int i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		m_TeamInfo[i].players = 0;

	// rebuild the team list
	m_iNumTeams = 0;
	for ( i = 1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
		if ( m_PlayerInfoList[i].name == NULL )

		if ( m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname[0] == 0 )
			continue; // skip over players who are not in a team

		// is this player in an existing team?
		for ( int j = 1; j <= m_iNumTeams; j++ )
			if ( m_TeamInfo[j].name[0] == '\0' )

			if ( !stricmp( m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, m_TeamInfo[j].name ) )

		if ( j > m_iNumTeams )
		{ // they aren't in a listed team, so make a new one
			// search through for an empty team slot
			for ( int j = 1; j <= m_iNumTeams; j++ )
				if ( m_TeamInfo[j].name[0] == '\0' )
			m_iNumTeams = max( j, m_iNumTeams );

			strncpy( m_TeamInfo[j].name, m_PlayerExtraInfo[i].teamname, MAX_TEAM_NAME );
			m_TeamInfo[j].players = 0;


	// clear out any empty teams
	for ( i = 1; i <= m_iNumTeams; i++ )
		if ( m_TeamInfo[i].players < 1 )
			memset( &m_TeamInfo[i], 0, sizeof(team_info_t) );

	return 1;