FQuat FAnimNode_RotationMultiplier::MultiplyQuatBasedOnSourceIndex(const FTransform& RefPoseTransform, const FTransform& LocalBoneTransform, const EBoneAxis Axis, float InMultiplier, const FQuat& ReferenceQuat)
	// Find delta angle for source bone.
	FQuat DeltaQuat = ExtractAngle(RefPoseTransform, LocalBoneTransform, Axis);

	// Turn to Axis and Angle
	FVector RotationAxis;
	float	RotationAngle;
	DeltaQuat.ToAxisAndAngle(RotationAxis, RotationAngle);

	const FVector DefaultAxis = GetAxisVector(Axis);

	// See if we need to invert angle - shortest path
	if( (RotationAxis | DefaultAxis) < 0.f )
		RotationAxis = -RotationAxis;
		RotationAngle = -RotationAngle;

	// Make sure it is the shortest angle.
	RotationAngle = FMath::UnwindRadians(RotationAngle);

	// New bone rotation
	FQuat OutQuat = ReferenceQuat * FQuat(RotationAxis, RotationAngle* InMultiplier);
	// Normalize resulting quaternion.

	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t RefQuat: %s, Rot: %s"), *ReferenceQuat.ToString(), *ReferenceQuat.Rotator().ToString() );
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t NewQuat: %s, Rot: %s"), *OutQuat.ToString(), *OutQuat.Rotator().ToString() );
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t RollAxis: %s, RollAngle: %f"), *RotationAxis.ToString(), RotationAngle );

	return OutQuat;
FQuat FAnimNode_RotationMultiplier::ExtractAngle(const TArray<FTransform> & RefPoseTransforms, FA2CSPose & MeshBases, const EBoneAxis Axis,  int32 SourceBoneIndex)
	// local bone transform
	const FTransform & LocalBoneTransform = MeshBases.GetLocalSpaceTransform(SourceBoneIndex);
	// local bone transform with reference rotation
	FTransform ReferenceBoneTransform = RefPoseTransforms[SourceBoneIndex];

	// find delta angle between the two quaternions X Axis.
	const FVector RotationAxis = GetAxisVector(Axis);
	const FVector LocalRotationVector = LocalBoneTransform.GetRotation().RotateVector(RotationAxis);
	const FVector ReferenceRotationVector = ReferenceBoneTransform.GetRotation().RotateVector(RotationAxis);

	const FQuat LocalToRefQuat = FQuat::FindBetween(LocalRotationVector, ReferenceRotationVector);
	checkSlow( LocalToRefQuat.IsNormalized() );

	// Rotate parent bone atom from position in local space to reference skeleton
	// Since our rotation rotates both vectors with shortest arc
	// we're essentially left with a quaternion that has angle difference with reference skeleton version
	const FQuat BoneQuatAligned = LocalToRefQuat * LocalBoneTransform.GetRotation();
	checkSlow( BoneQuatAligned.IsNormalized() );

	// Find that delta angle
	const FQuat DeltaQuat = (ReferenceBoneTransform.GetRotation().Inverse()) * BoneQuatAligned;
	checkSlow( DeltaQuat.IsNormalized() );

	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t ExtractAngle, Bone: %s (%d)"), 
		*SourceBone.BoneName.ToString(), SourceBoneIndex);
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t Bone Quat: %s, Rot: %s, AxisX: %s"), *LocalBoneTransform.GetRotation().ToString(), *LocalBoneTransform.GetRotation().Rotator().ToString(), *LocalRotationVector.ToString() );
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t BoneRef Quat: %s, Rot: %s, AxisX: %s"), *ReferenceBoneTransform.GetRotation().ToString(), *ReferenceBoneTransform.GetRotation().Rotator().ToString(), *ReferenceRotationVector.ToString() );
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t LocalToRefQuat Quat: %s, Rot: %s"), *LocalToRefQuat.ToString(), *LocalToRefQuat.Rotator().ToString() );

	const FVector BoneQuatAlignedX = LocalBoneTransform.GetRotation().RotateVector(RotationAxis);
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t BoneQuatAligned Quat: %s, Rot: %s, AxisX: %s"), *BoneQuatAligned.ToString(), *BoneQuatAligned.Rotator().ToString(), *BoneQuatAlignedX.ToString() );
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t DeltaQuat Quat: %s, Rot: %s"), *DeltaQuat.ToString(), *DeltaQuat.Rotator().ToString() );

	FTransform BoneAtomAligned(BoneQuatAligned, ReferenceBoneTransform.GetTranslation());
	const FQuat DeltaQuatAligned = FQuat::FindBetween(BoneAtomAligned.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X ), ReferenceBoneTransform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X ));
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t DeltaQuatAligned Quat: %s, Rot: %s"), *DeltaQuatAligned.ToString(), *DeltaQuatAligned.Rotator().ToString() );
	FVector DeltaAxis;
	float	DeltaAngle;
	DeltaQuat.ToAxisAndAngle(DeltaAxis, DeltaAngle);
	UE_LOG(LogSkeletalControl, Log, TEXT("\t\t DeltaAxis: %s, DeltaAngle: %f"), *DeltaAxis.ToString(), DeltaAngle );

	return DeltaQuat;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: How far away is this point? This is different for point and bar magnets
// Input  : &vecPoint - the point
// Output : float - the dist
float CRagdollMagnet::DistToPoint( const Vector &vecPoint )
	if( IsBarMagnet() )
		// I'm a bar magnet, so the point's distance is really the plane constant.
		// A bar magnet is a cylinder who's length is AbsOrigin() to m_axis, and whose
		// diameter is m_radius.

		// first we build two planes. The TOP and BOTTOM planes.
		// the idea is that vecPoint must be on the right side of both
		// planes to be affected by this particular magnet.
		// TOP and BOTTOM planes can be visualized as the 'caps' of the cylinder
		// that describes the bar magnet, and they point towards each other.
		// We're making sure vecPoint is between the caps.
		Vector vecAxis;

		vecAxis = GetAxisVector();
		VectorNormalize( vecAxis );

		CPlane top, bottom;

		bottom.InitializePlane( -vecAxis, m_axis );
		top.InitializePlane( vecAxis, GetAbsOrigin() );

		if( top.PointInFront( vecPoint ) && bottom.PointInFront( vecPoint ) )
			// This point is between the two caps, so calculate the distance
			// of vecPoint from the axis of the bar magnet
			CPlane axis;
			Vector vecUp;
			Vector vecRight;

			// Horizontal and Vertical distances.
			float hDist, vDist;

			// Need to get a vector that's right-hand to m_axis
			VectorVectors( vecAxis, vecRight, vecUp );
			//CrossProduct( vecAxis, vecUp, vecRight );
			//VectorNormalize( vecRight );
			//VectorNormalize( vecUp );

			// Set up the plane to measure horizontal dist.
			axis.InitializePlane( vecRight, GetAbsOrigin() );
			hDist = fabs( axis.PointDist( vecPoint ) );

			axis.InitializePlane( vecUp, GetAbsOrigin() );
			vDist = fabs( axis.PointDist( vecPoint ) );

			return MAX( hDist, vDist );
			return FLT_MAX;
		// I'm a point magnet. Just return dist
		return ( GetAbsOrigin() - vecPoint ).Length();
void UStretchGizmoHandleGroup::UpdateGizmoHandleGroup( const FTransform& LocalToWorld, const FBox& LocalBounds, const FVector ViewLocation, bool bAllHandlesVisible, class UActorComponent* DraggingHandle, const TArray< UActorComponent* >& HoveringOverHandles, 
	float AnimationAlpha, float GizmoScale, const float GizmoHoverScale, const float GizmoHoverAnimationDuration, bool& bOutIsHoveringOrDraggingThisHandleGroup )
	// Call parent implementation (updates hover animation)
	Super::UpdateGizmoHandleGroup(LocalToWorld, LocalBounds, ViewLocation, bAllHandlesVisible, DraggingHandle, HoveringOverHandles,
		AnimationAlpha, GizmoScale, GizmoHoverScale, GizmoHoverAnimationDuration, bOutIsHoveringOrDraggingThisHandleGroup );

	for (int32 HandleIndex = 0; HandleIndex < Handles.Num(); ++HandleIndex)
		FGizmoHandle& Handle = Handles[ HandleIndex ];

		UStaticMeshComponent* StretchingHandle = Handle.HandleMesh;
		if (StretchingHandle != nullptr)	// Can be null if no handle for this specific placement
			const FTransformGizmoHandlePlacement HandlePlacement = MakeHandlePlacementForIndex( HandleIndex );

			float GizmoHandleScale = GizmoScale;

			const float OffsetFromSide = GizmoHandleScale *
				(0.0f +	// @todo vreditor tweak: Hard coded handle offset from side of primitive
				(1.0f - AnimationAlpha) * 10.0f);	// @todo vreditor tweak: Animation offset

			// Make the handle bigger while hovered (but don't affect the offset -- we want it to scale about it's origin)
			GizmoHandleScale *= FMath::Lerp( 1.0f, GizmoHoverScale, Handle.HoverAlpha );

			FVector HandleRelativeLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
			for (int32 AxisIndex = 0; AxisIndex < 3; ++AxisIndex)
				if (HandlePlacement.Axes[AxisIndex] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative)	// Negative direction
					HandleRelativeLocation[AxisIndex] = LocalBounds.Min[AxisIndex] - OffsetFromSide;
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[AxisIndex] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive)	// Positive direction
					HandleRelativeLocation[AxisIndex] = LocalBounds.Max[AxisIndex] + OffsetFromSide;
				else // ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Center
					HandleRelativeLocation[AxisIndex] = LocalBounds.GetCenter()[AxisIndex];

			StretchingHandle->SetRelativeLocation( HandleRelativeLocation );

			int32 CenterHandleCount, FacingAxisIndex, CenterAxisIndex;
			HandlePlacement.GetCenterHandleCountAndFacingAxisIndex( /* Out */ CenterHandleCount, /* Out */ FacingAxisIndex, /* Out */ CenterAxisIndex );

			FRotator Rotator = FRotator::ZeroRotator;
				// Back bottom left
				if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative)
					Rotator.Yaw = 0.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 0.0f;

				// Back bottom right
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative)
					Rotator.Yaw = -90.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 0.0f;

				// Back top left
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive)
					Rotator.Yaw = 0.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = -90.0f;

				// Back top right
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive)
					Rotator.Yaw = -90.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = -90.0f;

				// Front bottom left
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative)
					Rotator.Yaw = 0.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 90.0f;

				// Front bottom right
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative)
					Rotator.Yaw = 90.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 90.0f;

				// Front top left
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive)
					Rotator.Yaw = 0.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = -180.0f;

				// Front top right
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive)
					Rotator.Yaw = 180.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = -90.0f;

				// Back left/right edge
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] != ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Center)
					Rotator.Yaw = 0.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 90.0f;

				// Back bottom/top edge
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Negative && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] != ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Center)
					Rotator.Yaw = 90.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 0.0f;

				// Front left/right edge
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[1] != ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Center)
					Rotator.Yaw = 0.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 90.0f;

				// Front bottom/top edge
				else if (HandlePlacement.Axes[0] == ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Positive && HandlePlacement.Axes[2] != ETransformGizmoHandleDirection::Center)
					Rotator.Yaw = 90.0f;
					Rotator.Pitch = 0.0f;

					// Facing out from center of a face
					if (CenterHandleCount == 2)
						const FQuat GizmoSpaceOrientation = GetAxisVector( FacingAxisIndex, HandlePlacement.Axes[FacingAxisIndex] ).ToOrientationQuat();
						Rotator = GizmoSpaceOrientation.Rotator();

						// One of the left/right bottom or top edges

			StretchingHandle->SetRelativeRotation( Rotator );

			StretchingHandle->SetRelativeScale3D( FVector( GizmoHandleScale ) );

			// Update material
			UpdateHandleColor( FacingAxisIndex, Handle, DraggingHandle, HoveringOverHandles );