bool CCoinsViewCache::HaveInputs(const CTransaction& tx) { if (!tx.IsCoinBase()) { // first check whether information about the prevout hash is available for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { const COutPoint &prevout =[i].prevout; if (!HaveCoins(prevout.hash)) return false; } // then check whether the actual outputs are available for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { const COutPoint &prevout =[i].prevout; const CCoins &coins = GetCoins(prevout.hash); if (!coins.IsAvailable(prevout.n)) return false; } } return true; }
const CTxOut &CCoinsViewCache::GetOutputFor(const CTxIn& input) { const CCoins &coins = GetCoins(input.prevout.hash); assert(coins.IsAvailable(input.prevout.n)); return coins.vout[input.prevout.n]; }
CStdString CoinsManager::GetModeInfo() { CStdString strLabel; strLabel.Format("%02d " +g_localizeStrings.Get(60002), GetCoins()); return strLabel; }
void CUser::WarehouseProcess(Packet & pkt) { Packet result(WIZ_WAREHOUSE); uint32 nItemID, nCount; uint16 sNpcId, reference_pos; uint8 page, bSrcPos, bDstPos; CNpc * pNpc = nullptr; _ITEM_TABLE * pTable = nullptr; _ITEM_DATA * pSrcItem = nullptr, * pDstItem = nullptr; uint8 opcode; bool bResult = false; if (isDead()) return; if (isTrading()) goto fail_return; pkt >> opcode; if (opcode == WAREHOUSE_OPEN) { result << uint8(WAREHOUSE_OPEN) << uint8(WAREHOUSE_OPEN) << GetInnCoins(); for (int i = 0; i < WAREHOUSE_MAX; i++) { _ITEM_DATA *pItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[i]; result << pItem->nNum << pItem->sDuration << pItem->sCount << pItem->bFlag << pItem->sRemainingRentalTime << uint32(0) << pItem->nExpirationTime; } Send(&result); return; } pkt >> sNpcId >> nItemID >> page >> bSrcPos >> bDstPos; pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpcArray.GetData(sNpcId); if (pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->GetType() != NPC_WAREHOUSE || !isInRange(pNpc, MAX_NPC_RANGE)) goto fail_return; pTable = g_pMain->GetItemPtr(nItemID); if (pTable == nullptr) goto fail_return; reference_pos = 24 * page; switch (opcode) { // Inventory -> inn case WAREHOUSE_INPUT: pkt >> nCount; // Handle coin input. if (nItemID == ITEM_GOLD) { if (!hasCoins(nCount) || GetInnCoins() + nCount > COIN_MAX) goto fail_return; m_iBank += nCount; m_iGold -= nCount; break; } // Check for invalid slot IDs. if (bSrcPos > HAVE_MAX || reference_pos + bDstPos > WAREHOUSE_MAX // Cannot be traded, sold or stored (note: don't check the race, as these items CAN be stored). || nItemID >= ITEM_NO_TRADE // Check that the source item we're moving is what the client says it is. || (pSrcItem = GetItem(SLOT_MAX + bSrcPos))->nNum != nItemID // Rented items cannot be placed in the inn. || pSrcItem->isRented()) goto fail_return; pDstItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos + bDstPos]; // Forbid users from moving non-stackable items into a slot already occupied by an item. if ((!pTable->isStackable() && pDstItem->nNum != 0) // Forbid users from moving stackable items into a slot already occupied by a different item. || (pTable->isStackable() && pDstItem->nNum != 0 // slot in use && pDstItem->nNum != pSrcItem->nNum) // ... by a different item. // Ensure users have enough of the specified item to move. || pSrcItem->sCount < nCount) goto fail_return; pDstItem->nNum = pSrcItem->nNum; pDstItem->sDuration = pSrcItem->sDuration; pDstItem->sCount = (uint16) nCount; pSrcItem->sCount -= nCount; pDstItem->bFlag = pSrcItem->bFlag; pDstItem->sRemainingRentalTime = pSrcItem->sRemainingRentalTime; pDstItem->nExpirationTime = pSrcItem->nExpirationTime; if (!pTable->isStackable() || nCount == pDstItem->sCount) pDstItem->nSerialNum = pSrcItem->nSerialNum; if (!pTable->isStackable() && pDstItem->nSerialNum == 0) pDstItem->nSerialNum = g_pMain->GenerateItemSerial(); if (pSrcItem->sCount == 0) memset(pSrcItem, 0, sizeof(_ITEM_DATA)); SendItemWeight(); break; // Inn -> inventory case WAREHOUSE_OUTPUT: pkt >> nCount; if (nItemID == ITEM_GOLD) { if (!hasInnCoins(nCount) || GetCoins() + nCount > COIN_MAX) goto fail_return; m_iGold += nCount; m_iBank -= nCount; break; } // Ensure we're not being given an invalid slot ID. if (reference_pos + bSrcPos > WAREHOUSE_MAX || bDstPos > HAVE_MAX // Check that the source item we're moving is what the client says it is. || (pSrcItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos + bSrcPos])->nNum != nItemID // Does the player have enough room in their inventory? || !CheckWeight(pTable, nItemID, (uint16) nCount)) goto fail_return; pDstItem = GetItem(SLOT_MAX + bDstPos); // Forbid users from moving non-stackable items into a slot already occupied by an item. if ((!pTable->isStackable() && pDstItem->nNum != 0) // Forbid users from moving stackable items into a slot already occupied by a different item. || (pTable->isStackable() && pDstItem->nNum != 0 // slot in use && pDstItem->nNum != pSrcItem->nNum) // ... by a different item. // Ensure users have enough of the specified item to move. || pSrcItem->sCount < nCount) goto fail_return; pDstItem->nNum = pSrcItem->nNum; pDstItem->sDuration = pSrcItem->sDuration; pDstItem->sCount = (uint16) nCount; pSrcItem->sCount -= nCount; pDstItem->bFlag = pSrcItem->bFlag; pDstItem->sRemainingRentalTime = pSrcItem->sRemainingRentalTime; pDstItem->nExpirationTime = pSrcItem->nExpirationTime; if (!pTable->isStackable() || nCount == pDstItem->sCount) pDstItem->nSerialNum = pSrcItem->nSerialNum; if (!pTable->isStackable() && pDstItem->nSerialNum == 0) pDstItem->nSerialNum = g_pMain->GenerateItemSerial(); if (pSrcItem->sCount == 0) memset(pSrcItem, 0, sizeof(_ITEM_DATA)); SendItemWeight(); break; // Inn -> inn case WAREHOUSE_MOVE: // Ensure we're not being given an invalid slot ID. if (reference_pos + bSrcPos > WAREHOUSE_MAX || reference_pos + bDstPos > WAREHOUSE_MAX) goto fail_return; pSrcItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos + bSrcPos]; pDstItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos + bDstPos]; // Check that the source item we're moving is what the client says it is. if (pSrcItem->nNum != nItemID // You can't move a partial stack in the inn (the whole stack is moved). || pDstItem->nNum != 0) goto fail_return; memcpy(pDstItem, pSrcItem, sizeof(_ITEM_DATA)); memset(pSrcItem, 0, sizeof(_ITEM_DATA)); break; // Inventory -> inventory (using the inn dialog) case WAREHOUSE_INVENMOVE: // Ensure we're not being given an invalid slot ID. if (bSrcPos > HAVE_MAX || bDstPos > HAVE_MAX) goto fail_return; pSrcItem = GetItem(SLOT_MAX + bSrcPos); pDstItem = GetItem(SLOT_MAX + bDstPos); // Check that the source item we're moving is what the client says it is. if (pSrcItem->nNum != nItemID // You can't move a partial stack in the inventory (the whole stack is moved). || pDstItem->nNum != 0) goto fail_return; memcpy(pDstItem, pSrcItem, sizeof(_ITEM_DATA)); memset(pSrcItem, 0, sizeof(_ITEM_DATA)); break; } bResult = true; fail_return: // hmm... result << opcode << bResult; Send(&result); }
void CUser::WarehouseProcess(Packet & pkt) { Packet result(WIZ_WAREHOUSE); CNpc * pNpc; uint32 itemid, count; uint16 npcid, reference_pos; uint8 page, srcpos, destpos; _ITEM_TABLE* pTable = nullptr; uint8 command =<uint8>(); bool bResult = false; if (isDead()) return; if (isTrading()) goto fail_return; if (command == WAREHOUSE_OPEN) { result << uint8(WAREHOUSE_OPEN) << uint8(WAREHOUSE_OPEN) << GetInnCoins(); for (int i = 0; i < WAREHOUSE_MAX; i++) { _ITEM_DATA *pItem = &m_sWarehouseArray[i]; result << pItem->nNum << pItem->sDuration << pItem->sCount << uint8(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0); } Send(&result); return; } pkt >> npcid >> itemid >> page >> srcpos >> destpos; pNpc = g_pMain->m_arNpcArray.GetData(npcid); if (pNpc == nullptr || pNpc->GetType() != NPC_WAREHOUSE || !isInRange(pNpc, MAX_NPC_RANGE)) goto fail_return; pTable = g_pMain->GetItemPtr( itemid ); if( !pTable ) goto fail_return; reference_pos = 24 * page; // TO-DO: Clean up this entire method. It's horrendous! switch (command) { /* stuff going into the inn */ case WAREHOUSE_INPUT: pkt >> count; // Handle coin input. if (itemid == ITEM_GOLD) { if (!hasCoins(count) || GetInnCoins() + count > COIN_MAX) goto fail_return; m_iBank += count; m_iGold -= count; break; } if (srcpos > HAVE_MAX || reference_pos + destpos > WAREHOUSE_MAX || itemid >= ITEM_NO_TRADE) // Cannot be traded, sold or stored (note: don't check the race, as these items CAN be stored). goto fail_return; if (m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].isSealed() || m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].isRented()) goto fail_return; if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum != itemid ) goto fail_return; if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum && !pTable->m_bCountable ) goto fail_return; if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount < count ) goto fail_return; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum = itemid; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sDuration = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum; if( pTable->m_bCountable == 0 && m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum == 0 ) m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum = g_pMain->GenerateItemSerial(); if( pTable->m_bCountable ) { m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sCount += (unsigned short)count; } else { m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sCount = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount; } if( !pTable->m_bCountable ) { m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum = 0; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration = 0; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount = 0; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0; } else { m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount -= (unsigned short)count; if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount <= 0 ) { m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum = 0; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration = 0; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount = 0; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0; } } SendItemWeight(); break; /* stuff being taken out of the inn */ case WAREHOUSE_OUTPUT: pkt >> count; if (itemid == ITEM_GOLD) { if (!hasInnCoins(count) || GetCoins() + count > COIN_MAX) goto fail_return; m_iGold += count; m_iBank -= count; break; } if (reference_pos + srcpos > WAREHOUSE_MAX || destpos > HAVE_MAX) goto fail_return; if (pTable->m_bCountable) { // Check weight of countable item. if (((pTable->m_sWeight * count) + m_sItemWeight) > m_sMaxWeight) { goto fail_return; } } else { // Check weight of non-countable item. if ((pTable->m_sWeight + m_sItemWeight) > m_sMaxWeight) { goto fail_return; } } if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum != itemid ) goto fail_return; if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum && !pTable->m_bCountable ) goto fail_return; if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount < count ) goto fail_return; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum = itemid; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum; if( pTable->m_bCountable ) m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount += (unsigned short)count; else { if( m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum == 0 ) m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum = g_pMain->GenerateItemSerial(); m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount; } if( !pTable->m_bCountable ) { m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0; } else { m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount -= (unsigned short)count; if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount <= 0 ) { m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0; } } SendItemWeight(); //TRACE("WARE OUTPUT : %s %s %d %d %d %d %d", m_id, m_Accountid, ITEM_WAREHOUSE_GET, 0, itemid, count, m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration ); break; case WAREHOUSE_MOVE: if( reference_pos+srcpos > WAREHOUSE_MAX ) goto fail_return; if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum != itemid ) goto fail_return; if( m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum ) goto fail_return; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nNum = itemid; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sDuration = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].sCount = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+destpos].nSerialNum = m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nNum = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sDuration = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].sCount = 0; m_sWarehouseArray[reference_pos+srcpos].nSerialNum = 0; break; case WAREHOUSE_INVENMOVE: if( itemid != m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum ) goto fail_return; { short duration = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration; short itemcount = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount; uint64 serial = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nNum = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sDuration = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].sCount = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+srcpos].nSerialNum = m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nNum = itemid; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sDuration = duration; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].sCount = itemcount; m_sItemArray[SLOT_MAX+destpos].nSerialNum = serial; } break; } bResult = true; fail_return: // hmm... result << uint8(command) << bResult; Send(&result); }
bool8 ScrCmd_checkcoins(struct ScriptContext *ctx) { u16 *ptr = GetVarPointer(ScriptReadHalfword(ctx)); *ptr = GetCoins(); return FALSE; }