BOOL CDrawInfo::SetRect( CRect rc ) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 设置列宽 SetColCount(INFO_COL_COUNT); if (GetColCount() > 1) { ColInfoStruct sColInfo; sColInfo.nWidth = (rc.Width() - INFO_LAST_COL_WIDTH) / (GetColCount() - 1); for (int i = 0; i < GetColCount() - 1; i++) { SetColInfo(i, &sColInfo); } sColInfo.nWidth = rc.Width() - sColInfo.nWidth * (GetColCount() - 1); SetColInfo(GetColCount()-1, &sColInfo); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDrawTableBase::SetRect(rc); = + GetRowCount() * INFO_ROW_HEIGHT + 1; m_pViewInfo->SetRect(rc); return TRUE; }
void MSA::ToFASTAFile(TextFile &File) const { const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); assert(uColCount > 0); const unsigned uLinesPerSeq = (GetColCount() - 1)/FASTA_BLOCK + 1; const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) { File.PutString(">"); File.PutString(GetSeqName(uSeqIndex)); File.PutString("\n"); unsigned n = 0; for (unsigned uLine = 0; uLine < uLinesPerSeq; ++uLine) { unsigned uLetters = uColCount - uLine*FASTA_BLOCK; if (uLetters > FASTA_BLOCK) uLetters = FASTA_BLOCK; for (unsigned i = 0; i < uLetters; ++i) { char c = GetChar(uSeqIndex, n); File.PutChar(c); ++n; } File.PutChar('\n'); } } }
void GridViewGridControl::UpdateGridData() { for (int i = 1; i < GetRowCount(); i++) { for (int j = 1; j < GetColCount(); j++) { CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(i, j); pCell->UpdateText(); } } AutoSize(); int maxSize = GetColSize(1); for (int i = 2; i < GetColCount(); i++) { int colSize = GetColSize(i); if (colSize > maxSize) maxSize= colSize; } maxSize += 5; for (int i = 1; i < GetColCount(); i++) SetColSize(i, maxSize); InvalidateAll(); }
BOOL CDrawInfo::DrawSelf( CDC* pDC, CPoint pos, int nItemID, CRect& rcItem ) { int nAyIndex = GetArrayIndexFromPoint(pos); int nCellIndex = PointToIndex(pos); if (nAyIndex != -1) {// 当前鼠标所在的资讯索引单元格 if (m_nActiveCellID == nCellIndex) { // 画激活背景 rcItem.DeflateRect(1,1,1,1); pDC->FillSolidRect(&rcItem, m_pColor->GetDiagramLayoutActiveFillColor()); // 设置激活前景色 SetCellText(nCellIndex, nItemID, NULL, TEXT_COLOR_ACTIVEFIXEDNAME); } else { // 设置默认前景色 SetCellText(nCellIndex, nItemID, NULL, TEXT_COLOR_FIXEDNAME); } } else {// 不是资讯索引单元格 if (pos == CPoint(GetColCount()-1, 0)) {// 如果是第一行,最后一列 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 计算全屏或者还原图标区域 CalcImageRect(&m_rcMaxScreen, &rcItem, TRUE); // 绘制图片 if (!m_bSizeMax) m_lstImage.Draw(pDC, 0, CPoint(m_rcMaxScreen.left,, ILD_TRANSPARENT); else m_lstImage.Draw(pDC, 4, CPoint(m_rcMaxScreen.left,, ILD_TRANSPARENT); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 计算关闭图标区域 CalcImageRect(&m_rcClose, &rcItem, FALSE); // 绘制图片 m_lstImage.Draw(pDC, 1, CPoint(m_rcClose.left,, ILD_TRANSPARENT); return TRUE; } else if (pos == CPoint(GetColCount()-1, 1)) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 计算向上翻屏图标区域 CalcImageRect(&m_rcUp, &rcItem, TRUE); // 绘制图片 m_lstImage.Draw(pDC, 2, CPoint(m_rcUp.left,, ILD_TRANSPARENT); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 计算向下翻屏图标区域 CalcImageRect(&m_rcDown, &rcItem, FALSE); // 绘制图片 m_lstImage.Draw(pDC, 3, CPoint(m_rcDown.left,, ILD_TRANSPARENT); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
int CDrawInfo::GetArrayIndexFromPoint(CPoint pos) { if (pos.x < 1 || pos.x >= GetColCount() - 1 || pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= GetRowCount()) { return -1; } return pos.y * (GetColCount() - 2) + pos.x - 1; }
void ColorMapGridControl::UpdateColSize() { AutoSize(); int maxSize = GetColSize(1); int i; for (i = 2; i < GetColCount(); i++) { int colSize = GetColSize(i); if (colSize > maxSize) maxSize= colSize; } maxSize += 5; for (i = 1; i < GetColCount(); i++) SetColSize(i, maxSize); }
void JXTreeListWidget::AdjustColWidths() { if (itsAdjustToTreeTask != NULL) { return; } const JSize colCount = GetColCount(); if (itsMinColWidths->GetElementCount() != colCount) { NeedsAdjustToTree(); return; } for (JIndex i=1; i<=colCount; i++) { SetColWidth(i, itsMinColWidths->GetElement(i)); } if (ColIndexValid(itsElasticColIndex)) { const JCoordinate minReqWidth = itsMinColWidths->GetElement(itsElasticColIndex); if (minReqWidth > 0) { const JCoordinate availWidth = GetApertureWidth() - (GetBoundsWidth() - GetColWidth(itsElasticColIndex)); SetColWidth(itsElasticColIndex, JMax(minReqWidth, availWidth)); } } }
void MSA::SetHenikoffWeights() const { const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); const unsigned uSeqCount = GetSeqCount(); if (0 == uSeqCount) return; else if (1 == uSeqCount) { m_Weights[0] = (WEIGHT) 1.0; return; } else if (2 == uSeqCount) { m_Weights[0] = (WEIGHT) 0.5; m_Weights[1] = (WEIGHT) 0.5; return; } for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) m_Weights[uSeqIndex] = 0.0; for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) CalcHenikoffWeightsCol(uColIndex); // Set all-gap seqs weight to 0 for (unsigned uSeqIndex = 0; uSeqIndex < uSeqCount; ++uSeqIndex) if (IsGapSeq(uSeqIndex)) m_Weights[uSeqIndex] = 0.0; Normalize(m_Weights, uSeqCount); }
// Perecent group identity of a pair of sequences. // Positions with one or both gapped are ignored. double MSA::GetPctGroupIdentityPair(unsigned uSeqIndex1, unsigned uSeqIndex2) const { const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); unsigned uPosCount = 0; unsigned uSameCount = 0; for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) { if (IsGap(uSeqIndex1, uColIndex)) continue; if (IsGap(uSeqIndex2, uColIndex)) continue; if (IsWildcard(uSeqIndex1, uColIndex)) continue; if (IsWildcard(uSeqIndex2, uColIndex)) continue; const unsigned uLetter1 = GetLetter(uSeqIndex1, uColIndex); const unsigned uLetter2 = GetLetter(uSeqIndex2, uColIndex); const unsigned uGroup1 = ResidueGroup[uLetter1]; const unsigned uGroup2 = ResidueGroup[uLetter2]; if (uGroup1 == uGroup2) ++uSameCount; ++uPosCount; } if (0 == uPosCount) return 0; return (double) uSameCount / (double) uPosCount; }
void ColorMapGridControl::FinishEdit(const char* szText, int nValue, int nLastChar) { int rowIndex = m_cellActive.m_nRow - 1; int colIndex = m_cellActive.m_nCol - 1; double val; if ((!IsValidReal(szText, val)) || (val < 0.0) || (val > 1.0)) val = 0.0; SC_ColorSpec& currSpec = gColorMap.colorMapColors[rowIndex]; switch (colIndex ) { case 0 : {currSpec.RH = val; break;} case 1 : {currSpec.GS = val; break;} case 2 : {currSpec.BV = val; break;} case 3 : {break;} } if (rowIndex >= gColorMap.ncolorMap) { for (int i = gColorMap.ncolorMap; i < rowIndex; i++) gColorMap.colorMapColors[i] = SC_ColorSpec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); m_nCurrRow = gColorMap.ncolorMap - 1; gColorMap.ncolorMap = rowIndex + 1; UpdateModifiedRows(); } else { for (int j = 1; j < GetColCount(); j++) { CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(rowIndex + 1, j); pCell->UpdateText(); InvalidateCell(rowIndex + 1, j); } } ResetCell(m_cellActive.m_nRow, m_cellActive.m_nCol); StopEdit(false); // if the right key continue editing on next cell switch (nLastChar) { case VK_TAB: case VK_DOWN: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_LEFT: case VK_NEXT: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_HOME: case VK_END: OnKeyDown(nLastChar, 0, 0); UpdateWindow(); if (m_cellActive != m_cellActiveOld) StartEdit(nLastChar); break; } }
const int EdiDocument::GetColumnIdx(const wxString& name) const { for (int i = 0; i<GetColCount(); i++) { if ( 0 == GetColumnDescriptor(i).GetName().CmpNoCase(name) ) { return i; } } THROW_COMPOSER_EXCEPTION(wxString::Format(ADVPCS_UNKNOWN_FIELD_NAME_ERR_MSG, name)); };
void DbRow::ClearDirty() { for (int i=GetColCount()-1; i>=0; i--) { Variant& var = (Variant&)this->GetAt(i); if (var.IsDirty()) var.SetDirty(false); } }
void CDrawInfo::CreateSelf() { // 第一行第一列为股票名称 第二行第二列为股票代码 int nCellCount = m_ayInfoIndex.GetCount() + 2; int nRowCount = nCellCount / INFO_COL_COUNT + ((nCellCount%INFO_COL_COUNT)==0?0:1); // 向上取整 SetColCount(INFO_COL_COUNT); SetRowCount(nRowCount); SetRowHeight(INFO_ROW_HEIGHT); nCellCount = INFO_COL_COUNT * nRowCount; SetCellCount(nCellCount); int nCellIndex(0); int nAyIndex(0); CString str; InfoIndex* pInfoIndex = NULL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 第一列 str = m_stkInfo.m_cStockName; // 股票名称 CreateCell(str, TEXT_COLOR_STOCKCODE, TEXT_FONT_FIXED, ITEM_TEXT_CENTER, CELL_BORDER_RIGHT | CELL_BORDER_BOTTOM, 0, nCellIndex++); str = m_stkInfo.m_ciStockCode.GetCode(); // 代码名称 CreateCell(str, TEXT_COLOR_STOCKNAME, TEXT_FONT_FIXED, ITEM_TEXT_CENTER, CELL_BORDER_RIGHT | CELL_BORDER_BOTTOM, 0, nCellIndex++); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 添加返回的数据 for (int y = 0; y < GetRowCount(); y++) { for (int x = 1; x < GetColCount() - 1; x++) { nCellIndex = PointToIndex(CPoint(x,y)); str = ""; if (nAyIndex < m_ayInfoIndex.GetCount()) { pInfoIndex = m_ayInfoIndex.GetAt(nAyIndex++); str = pInfoIndex->m_cTitle; } CreateCell(str, TEXT_COLOR_FIXEDNAME, TEXT_FONT_FIXED, ITEM_TEXT_CENTER, CELL_BORDER_RIGHT | CELL_BORDER_BOTTOM, 0, nCellIndex); } // 每一行最后一列单元格是按钮 nCellIndex = PointToIndex(CPoint(GetColCount()-1, y)); CreateCell("", TEXT_COLOR_FIXEDNAME, TEXT_FONT_FIXED, ITEM_TEXT_CENTER, CELL_BORDER_RIGHT | CELL_BORDER_BOTTOM, 0, nCellIndex); } }
bool DbRow::IsDirty() const { for (int i=GetColCount()-1; i>=0; i--) { Variant& var = (Variant&)this->GetAt(i); if (var.IsDirty()) return true; } return false; }
BOOL CGXGridCellData::SetColCount(ROWCOL nCols ) { ROWCOL nOldCols = GetColCount(); if (nCols < nOldCols) return StoreRemoveCols(nCols+1, nOldCols ); else if (nCols > nOldCols) return StoreInsertCols(nOldCols+1, nCols-nOldCols ); return TRUE; }
void RenderTarget::Write(const Fragment& inFragment, int inX, int inY) { bool isNotAlpha0 = ((inFragment.mColour & EColour_Alpha0) == 0); bool isInRange = (inX >= 0 && inX < GetColCount() && inY >= 0 && inY < GetRowCount()); if (isNotAlpha0 && isInRange) { mFragments.Set(inX, inY, inFragment); } }
void DataCaptureGridCtrl::UpdateModifiedRows() { for (int i = m_currDCap + 1; i < GetRowCount(); i++) for (int j = 1; j < GetColCount(); j++) { CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(i, j); pCell->UpdateText(); } InvalidateAll(); }
void TestZoneCurveGridCtrl::UpdateModifiedRows() { for (int i = m_currTZC + 1; i < GetRowCount(); i++) for (int j = 1; j < GetColCount(); j++) { CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(i, j); pCell->UpdateText(); } InvalidateAll(); }
void XYGridControl::UpdateModifiedRows() { for (int i = m_nCurrent + 1; i < GetRowCount(); i++) { for (int j = 1; j < GetColCount(); j++) { CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(i, j); pCell->UpdateText(); } } InvalidateAll(); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the highlighted selection /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CStreetSegmentBrowseGrid::SetRowSelection(int selStart_, int selEnd_) { int oldSelStart = selStart; int oldSelEnd = selEnd; selStart = selStart_; selEnd = selEnd_; if (oldSelStart <= oldSelEnd) { // Unhilight previous selection RedrawRowCol(oldSelStart, 1, oldSelEnd, GetColCount()); } if (selStart <= selEnd) { // Hilight new selection RedrawRowCol(selStart, 1, selEnd, GetColCount()); // Put top of select at top row SetTopRow(selStart); } }
void MSA::ToPhyInterleavedFile(TextFile &File) const { const unsigned SeqCount = GetSeqCount(); const unsigned ColCount = GetColCount(); File.PutFormat("%d %d\n", SeqCount, ColCount); if (0 == ColCount) return; unsigned Col = 0; for (;;) { const unsigned ColBlockStart = Col; const unsigned MaxCols = (ColBlockStart == 0) ? (BLOCKSIZE - 10) : BLOCKSIZE; for (unsigned Seq = 0; Seq < SeqCount; ++Seq) { if (0 == ColBlockStart) { char Name[11]; const char *ptrName = GetSeqName(Seq); size_t n = strlen(ptrName); if (n > 10) n = 10; memcpy(Name, ptrName, n); Name[n] = 0; FixName(Name); File.PutFormat("%-10.10s", Name); } Col = ColBlockStart; for (unsigned ColsThisBlock = 0; ColsThisBlock < MaxCols; ++ColsThisBlock) { if (Col == ColCount) break; if (ColsThisBlock%10 == 0 && (0 == ColBlockStart || ColsThisBlock > 0)) File.PutChar(' '); char c = GetChar(Seq, Col); if (isalpha(c)) c = toupper(c); File.PutChar(c); ++Col; } File.PutChar('\n'); } if (Col == ColCount) break; File.PutChar('\n'); } }
bool RenderTarget::operator==(const RenderTarget& inRHS) { if (GetColCount() != inRHS.GetColCount()) return false; if (GetRowCount() != inRHS.GetRowCount()) return false; bool isEqual = true; mFragments.ForEach( [&] (size_t inCol, size_t inRow, const Fragment& inFragment) { isEqual &= inRHS.mFragments.Get(inCol, inRow) == inFragment; } ); return true; }
void nsTableColGroupFrame::Dump(PRInt32 aIndent) { char* indent = new char[aIndent + 1]; if (!indent) return; for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < aIndent + 1; i++) { indent[i] = ' '; } indent[aIndent] = 0; printf("%s**START COLGROUP DUMP**\n%s startcolIndex=%d colcount=%d span=%d coltype=", indent, indent, GetStartColumnIndex(), GetColCount(), GetSpan()); nsTableColGroupType colType = GetColType(); switch (colType) { case eColGroupContent: printf(" content "); break; case eColGroupAnonymousCol: printf(" anonymous-column "); break; case eColGroupAnonymousCell: printf(" anonymous-cell "); break; } // verify the colindices PRInt32 j = GetStartColumnIndex(); nsTableColFrame* col = GetFirstColumn(); while (col) { NS_ASSERTION(j == col->GetColIndex(), "wrong colindex on col frame"); col = col->GetNextCol(); j++; } NS_ASSERTION((j - GetStartColumnIndex()) == GetColCount(), "number of cols out of sync"); printf("\n%s**END COLGROUP DUMP** ", indent); delete [] indent; }
void CCombAnalysisReport::InitReport() { SetRowCount(10); ColInfoStruct sInfo; sInfo.nWidth = 100; sInfo.nID = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 7; i ++) { CString str; str.Format("column_%d",i+1); InsertCol(GetColCount(),FALSE,str,TEXT_COLOR_TIME,TEXT_FONT_FIXED); SetColInfo(i, &sInfo); } SetFixRowCount(1); SetFixColCount(1); }
bool EdiDocument::IsValid(bool doLog) const { bool result = IsHeaderValid(doLog); if (result || doLog) { for ( size_t row = 0; row < GetNumberRows(); row++ ) { for ( size_t col = 0; col < GetColCount(); col++ ) { if ( !IsValidValue(row, col, doLog) ) { if ( !doLog ) { return false; } else { result = false; } } } } } return result; };
/* virtual */ void nsTableColGroupFrame::DidSetStyleContext(nsStyleContext* aOldStyleContext) { if (!aOldStyleContext) //avoid this on init return; nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this); if (tableFrame->IsBorderCollapse() && tableFrame->BCRecalcNeeded(aOldStyleContext, GetStyleContext())) { PRInt32 colCount = GetColCount(); if (!colCount) return; // this is a degenerated colgroup nsIntRect damageArea(GetFirstColumn()->GetColIndex(), 0, colCount, tableFrame->GetRowCount()); tableFrame->AddBCDamageArea(damageArea); } }
void GRaggedFloatTableData::RemoveAllCols() { itsCols->DeleteAll(); const JSize count = GetColCount(); SetColCount(0); if (itsBroadcast) { Broadcast(JTableData::ColsRemoved(1, count)); } ColsAdded(1); if (itsBroadcast) { Broadcast(JTableData::ColsInserted(1, 1)); } }
double MSA::GetAvgCons() const { assert(GetSeqCount() > 0); double dSum = 0; unsigned uNonGapColCount = 0; for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < GetColCount(); ++uColIndex) { if (!IsGapColumn(uColIndex)) { dSum += GetCons(uColIndex); ++uNonGapColCount; } } assert(uNonGapColCount > 0); double dAvg = dSum / uNonGapColCount; assert(dAvg > 0 && dAvg <= 1); return dAvg; }
// Perecent identity of a pair of sequences. // Positions with one or both gapped are ignored. double MSA::GetPctIdentityPair(unsigned uSeqIndex1, unsigned uSeqIndex2) const { const unsigned uColCount = GetColCount(); unsigned uPosCount = 0; unsigned uSameCount = 0; for (unsigned uColIndex = 0; uColIndex < uColCount; ++uColIndex) { const char c1 = GetChar(uSeqIndex1, uColIndex); const char c2 = GetChar(uSeqIndex2, uColIndex); if (IsGapChar(c1) || IsGapChar(c2)) continue; if (c1 == c2) ++uSameCount; ++uPosCount; } if (0 == uPosCount) return 0; return (double) uSameCount / (double) uPosCount; }
void JXColHeaderWidget::SetColTitle ( const JIndex index, const JCharacter* title ) { if (itsTitles == NULL) { itsTitles = new JPtrArray<JString>(JPtrArrayT::kDeleteAll); assert( itsTitles != NULL ); const JSize colCount = GetColCount(); for (JIndex i=1; i<=colCount; i++) { itsTitles->Append(NULL); } } itsTitles->SetElement(index, title, JPtrArrayT::kDelete); }