Ejemplo n.º 1
short TActiveScroller::CalcScrollBarValueFromPoint(Point inPoint)
	short		value;

	if (IsScrollBarVertical())
		value=((inPoint.v-barZeroPosition) * (GetControlMaximum(scrollBar)-GetControlMinimum(scrollBar))) / barLength;
		value=((inPoint.h-barZeroPosition) * (GetControlMaximum(scrollBar)-GetControlMinimum(scrollBar))) / barLength;
	return value;
Ejemplo n.º 2
CalcChange(ControlHandle theControl,	short *amount)
	short		value, max;
	value = GetControlValue(theControl);	// get current value
	max = GetControlMaximum(theControl);		// and maximum value
	*amount = value - *amount;
	if (*amount < 0)
		*amount = 0;
	else if (*amount > max)
		*amount = max;
	SetControlValue(theControl, *amount);
	*amount = value - *amount;			// calculate the change
Ejemplo n.º 3
SInt32 CalcValueFromPoint (ControlHandle hControl, Point thePoint) {
	/*Figure where we are in scroll bar terms.*/

	SInt32 theValue = 0, theRange, theDistance, thePin;
	Rect rectControl, indicatorbounds;
	WindowPtr lpWindow;
	long thumbheight = 16;
	long thumbwidth = 16;
	RgnHandle indicatorregion = NewRgn ();
	long gTotalVSizeAdjust, gTotalWidthAdjust;
	short baselineoffset;
	GetControlRegion (hControl, kControlIndicatorPart, indicatorregion);
	GetRegionBounds (indicatorregion, &indicatorbounds);
	thumbheight = indicatorbounds.bottom - indicatorbounds.top;
	thumbwidth = indicatorbounds.right - indicatorbounds.left;
	DisposeRgn (indicatorregion);
	gTotalVSizeAdjust = ((kScrollArrowWidth * 2) + thumbheight);
	gTotalWidthAdjust = ((kScrollArrowWidth * 2) + thumbwidth);

	lpWindow = shellwindow; // (*hControl)->contrlOwner;
	zerorect (&rectControl);
	GetBestControlRect (hControl, &rectControl, &baselineoffset);
	//rectControl = (*hControl)->contrlRect;
	theRange = GetControlMaximum ( hControl ) - GetControlMinimum ( hControl );
	if (flverticalscroll) {
		// Scroll distance adjusted for scroll arrows and the thumb
		theDistance = rectControl.bottom - rectControl.top - gTotalVSizeAdjust;
		// Pin thePoint to the middle of the thumb
		thePin = rectControl.top + (thumbheight / 2);
		thePin = lastpoint;
		theValue = ((thePoint.v - thePin) * theRange) / theDistance;
		} /*if*/
	else { /*horizontal scrolling*/
		theDistance = rectControl.right - rectControl.left - gTotalWidthAdjust;

		thePin = rectControl.left + (thumbwidth / 2);
		thePin = lastpoint;
		theValue = ((thePoint.h - thePin) * theRange) / theDistance;
		} /*else*/

	theValue += gValueSlop;
	if ( theValue < GetControlMinimum ( hControl ) )
		theValue = GetControlMinimum ( hControl );
	else if ( theValue > GetControlMaximum ( hControl ) )
		theValue = GetControlMaximum ( hControl );

	return theValue;
	} /*CalcValueFromPoint*/