Ejemplo n.º 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		* HitTest
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GuidoCarbonControl::HitTest( EventRef inEvent )
 	OSStatus    err;

 // Extract the mouse location
	Point localClick;
     err = ::GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, 
       							typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &localClick); 
 // Is the mouse in the view?
	Rect localBounds;
    ::GetControlBounds( GetControlRef(), &localBounds );

//	printf( "Hit test (%d %d), bounds: %d, %d, %d, %d \n", where.h, where.v, bounds.left, 
//				 bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom );

	ControlPartCode part = kControlNoPart;
	if( ::PtInRect( localClick, &localBounds ))
		part = 1;

 // Send back the value of the hit part
	 err = ::SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode,
   															sizeof( ControlPartCode ), &part ); 

Ejemplo n.º 2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		* GetSize
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the size of the control, that is: the visible portion of the score.	
GuidoCarbonControl::GetSize( int * oX, int * oY ) const
	Rect bounds = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    ::GetControlBounds( GetControlRef(), &bounds );
	if( oX ) *oX = bounds.right - bounds.left;
	if( oY ) *oY = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int wxMacDataBrowserListControl::DoListHitTest(const wxPoint& inpoint) const
    OSStatus err;

    // There are few reasons why this is complicated:
    // 1) There is no native HitTest function for Mac
    // 2) GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds only works on visible items
    // 3) We can't do it through GetDataBrowserTableView[Item]RowHeight
    //    because what it returns is basically inaccurate in the context
    //    of the coordinates we want here, but we use this as a guess
    //    for where the first visible item lies

    wxPoint point = inpoint;

    // get column property ID (req. for call to itempartbounds)
    DataBrowserTableViewColumnID colId = 0;
    err = GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnProperty(GetControlRef(), 0, &colId);
    wxCHECK_MSG(err == noErr, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnProperty"));

    // OK, first we need to find the first visible item we have -
    // this will be the "low" for our binary search. There is no real
    // easy way around this, as we will need to do a SLOW linear search
    // until we find a visible item, but we can do a cheap calculation
    // via the row height to speed things up a bit
    UInt32 scrollx, scrolly;
    err = GetDataBrowserScrollPosition(GetControlRef(), &scrollx, &scrolly);
    wxCHECK_MSG(err == noErr, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserScrollPosition"));

    UInt16 height;
    err = GetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight(GetControlRef(), &height);
    wxCHECK_MSG(err == noErr, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight"));

    wxListBox *list = wxDynamicCast( GetWXPeer() , wxListBox );

    // these indices are 0-based, as usual, so we need to add 1 to them when
    // passing them to data browser functions which use 1-based indices
    int low = scrolly / height,
        high = list->GetCount() - 1;

    // search for the first visible item (note that the scroll guess above
    // is the low bounds of where the item might lie so we only use that as a
    // starting point - we should reach it within 1 or 2 iterations of the loop)
    while ( low <= high )
        Rect bounds;
        err = GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds(
            GetControlRef(), low + 1, colId,
            &bounds); // note +1 to translate to Mac ID
        if ( err == noErr )

        // errDataBrowserItemNotFound is expected as it simply means that the
        // item is not currently visible -- but other errors are not
        wxCHECK_MSG( err == errDataBrowserItemNotFound, wxNOT_FOUND,
                     wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds") );


    // NOW do a binary search for where the item lies, searching low again if
    // we hit an item that isn't visible
    while ( low <= high )
        int mid = (low + high) / 2;

        Rect bounds;
        err = GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds(
            GetControlRef(), mid + 1, colId,
            &bounds); //note +1 to trans to mac id
        wxCHECK_MSG( err == noErr || err == errDataBrowserItemNotFound,
                     wxT("Unexpected error from GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds") );

        if ( err == errDataBrowserItemNotFound )
            // item not visible, attempt to find a visible one
            // search lower
            high = mid - 1;
        else // visible item, do actual hitttest
            // if point is within the bounds, return this item (since we assume
            // all x coords of items are equal we only test the x coord in
            // equality)
            if ((point.x >= bounds.left && point.x <= bounds.right) &&
                (point.y >= bounds.top && point.y <= bounds.bottom) )
                // found!
                return mid;

            if ( point.y < bounds.top )
                // index(bounds) greater than key(point)
                high = mid - 1;
                // index(bounds) less than key(point)
                low = mid + 1;

    return wxNOT_FOUND;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		* DoDraw
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 	const GRHandler guidoRef = GetGuidoGR();	
	if( guidoRef == 0 ) return;
  	ControlRef theControl = GetControlRef();
  	if( theControl == 0 ) return;
 	// - Get our local size
 	int localWidth;
	int localHeight;
	GetSize( &localWidth, &localHeight );
	CGRect deviceRect = ::CGRectMake( 0, 0, localWidth, localHeight );

	//	VGDevice * device = GetGDevice(); 	// <- was
	const int kScrollBarHeight = 15;
	// - Create the graphic context. It must be initialized with the actual size of the window,
	// otherwise the y-origin is not calculated properly.
	WindowRef winRef = ::GetControlOwner( theControl );
	GrafPtr port = ::GetWindowPort( winRef );
	CGContextRef contextRef = 0;
	OSStatus status = ::CreateCGContextForPort( port, &contextRef );
	if( status != noErr ) return;
	GSystemOSX system(contextRef, NULL);
	VGDevice* device = system.CreateDisplayDevice();
	device->NotifySize(localWidth, localHeight + kScrollBarHeight );
	::CGContextRelease(contextRef);	// because the device now owns the context.	

	// - Draw the background
	device->PushPen( VGColor( 0, 0, 0, ALPHA_OPAQUE ), 1 );
	device->PushFillColor( VGColor( 255, 255, 255, ALPHA_TRANSPARENT ));
	device->Rectangle( 0, 0, localWidth, localHeight );
	// - Setup the clipping rectangle, to avoid drawing on scrollbars.
	::CGContextClipToRect( contextRef, deviceRect ); 

	// - Draw the music score
	int virtualScrollX = (int)((float)mScrollX * 10 / GetZoom());
	int virtualScrollY = (int)((float)mScrollY * 10 / GetZoom());
	float virtualVisibleWidth = localWidth * 10 / GetZoom();
	float virtualVisibleHeight = localHeight * 10 / GetZoom();

	float fullScoreWidth;
	float fullScoreHeight;
	GetFullScoreSize( &fullScoreWidth, &fullScoreHeight );

	GuidoOnDrawDesc desc;
	desc.handle = guidoRef;	 
	desc.hdc = device;
	desc.updateRegion.erase = false;
	desc.updateRegion.left = virtualScrollX;	// absolute virtual coordinates clip rect
	desc.updateRegion.top = virtualScrollY;
	desc.updateRegion.right = (int)(virtualScrollX + virtualVisibleWidth);
	desc.updateRegion.bottom = (int)(virtualScrollY + virtualVisibleHeight);
	desc.scrollx = (int)virtualScrollX;
	desc.scrolly = (int)virtualScrollY;
	desc.page = GetPageNum();
	desc.sizex = (int)fullScoreWidth;
	desc.sizey = (int)fullScoreHeight;
	MClock clock;
	GuidoOnDraw( &desc );
// debug
#if 0
	std::cout << "Score : sizex = " << desc.sizex << " ; sizey = " << desc.sizey << std::endl; 
	std::cout << "Guido: time do draw the score: " << clock.Milliseconds() << " ms" << std::endl;
//	std::cout << "Guido: graphical objects: " << GuidoGRObjectCount() << std::endl;
 	if( GetParam( kDrawSymbolMap ) == 1 )
//	drawMap (guidoRef, device, GetPageNum());

	delete device;