Ejemplo n.º 1
void CControlSocket::Cancel()
	if (GetCurrentCommandId() != Command::none)
		if (GetCurrentCommandId() == Command::connect)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * CopyCurrentSnapshot
 *		Make a snapshot that is up-to-date as of the current instant,
 *		and return a copy.
 * The copy is palloc'd in the current memory context.
	Snapshot	currentSnapshot;
	Snapshot	snapshot;

	if (QuerySnapshot == NULL)	/* should not be first call in xact */
		elog(ERROR, "no snapshot has been set");

	/* Update the static struct */
	currentSnapshot = GetSnapshotData(&CurrentSnapshotData, false);
	currentSnapshot->curcid = GetCurrentCommandId();

	/* Make a copy */
	snapshot = (Snapshot) palloc(sizeof(SnapshotData));
	memcpy(snapshot, currentSnapshot, sizeof(SnapshotData));
	if (snapshot->xcnt > 0)
		snapshot->xip = (TransactionId *)
			palloc(snapshot->xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
		memcpy(snapshot->xip, currentSnapshot->xip,
			   snapshot->xcnt * sizeof(TransactionId));
		snapshot->xip = NULL;

	return snapshot;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int CRealControlSocket::ContinueConnect(const wxIPV4address *address)
	LogMessage(__TFILE__, __LINE__, this, Debug_Verbose, _T("CRealControlSocket::ContinueConnect(%p) m_pEngine=%p"), address, m_pEngine);
	if (GetCurrentCommandId() != cmd_connect ||
		LogMessage(Debug_Warning, _T("Invalid context for call to ContinueConnect(), cmd=%d, m_pCurrentServer=%p"), GetCurrentCommandId(), m_pCurrentServer);
	if (!address)
		LogMessage(::Error, _("Invalid hostname or host not found"));

	CConnectOpData* pData;
	if (!m_pCurOpData || m_pCurOpData->opId != cmd_connect)
		pData = 0;
		pData = static_cast<CConnectOpData *>(m_pCurOpData);

	const unsigned int port = pData ? pData->port : m_pCurrentServer->GetPort();
	LogMessage(Status, _("Connecting to %s:%d..."), address->IPAddress().c_str(), port);

	wxIPV4address addr = *address;

	bool res = wxSocketClient::Connect(addr, false);

	if (!res && LastError() != wxSOCKET_WOULDBLOCK)
		return DoClose();

Ejemplo n.º 4
static Snapshot DtmGetSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
	if (TransactionIdIsValid(DtmNextXid) && snapshot != &CatalogSnapshotData)
		if (!DtmHasGlobalSnapshot && (snapshot != DtmLastSnapshot || DtmCurcid != GetCurrentCommandId(false))) {
			ArbiterGetSnapshot(DtmNextXid, &DtmSnapshot, &dtm->minXid);
		DtmLastSnapshot = snapshot;
		DtmCurcid = snapshot->curcid;
		if (!IsolationUsesXactSnapshot())
			/* Use single global snapshot during all transaction for repeatable read isolation level,
			 * but obtain new global snapshot each time it is requested for read committed isolation level
			DtmHasGlobalSnapshot = false;
		/* For local transactions and catalog snapshots use default GetSnapshotData implementation */
		snapshot = PgGetSnapshotData(snapshot);
	return snapshot;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Executor state preparation for evaluation of constraint expressions,
 * indexes and triggers.
 * This is based on similar code in copy.c
static EState *
create_estate_for_relation(LogicalRepRelMapEntry *rel)
	EState	   *estate;
	ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
	RangeTblEntry *rte;

	estate = CreateExecutorState();

	rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
	rte->rtekind = RTE_RELATION;
	rte->relid = RelationGetRelid(rel->localrel);
	rte->relkind = rel->localrel->rd_rel->relkind;
	estate->es_range_table = list_make1(rte);

	resultRelInfo = makeNode(ResultRelInfo);
	InitResultRelInfo(resultRelInfo, rel->localrel, 1, NULL, 0);

	estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfo;
	estate->es_num_result_relations = 1;
	estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;

	estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	/* Triggers might need a slot */
	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc)
		estate->es_trig_tuple_slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL);

	/* Prepare to catch AFTER triggers. */

	return estate;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: matview.c Proyecto: qowldi/pg
 * transientrel_startup --- executor startup
static void
transientrel_startup(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo)
	DR_transientrel *myState = (DR_transientrel *) self;
	Relation	transientrel;

	transientrel = heap_open(myState->transientoid, NoLock);

	 * Fill private fields of myState for use by later routines
	myState->transientrel = transientrel;
	myState->output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	 * We can skip WAL-logging the insertions, unless PITR or streaming
	 * replication is in use. We can skip the FSM in any case.
	if (!XLogIsNeeded())
		myState->hi_options |= HEAP_INSERT_SKIP_WAL;
	myState->bistate = GetBulkInsertState();

	/* Not using WAL requires smgr_targblock be initially invalid */
	Assert(RelationGetTargetBlock(transientrel) == InvalidBlockNumber);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void CRealControlSocket::OnClose()
	LogMessage(Debug_Verbose, _T("CRealControlSocket::OnClose()"));

	if (GetCurrentCommandId() != cmd_connect)
		LogMessage(::Error, _("Disconnected from server"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * ExecCQMatViewInsert
 * Insert a new row into a CV materialization table
ExecCQMatRelInsert(ResultRelInfo *ri, TupleTableSlot *slot, EState *estate)
	HeapTuple tup = ExecMaterializeSlot(slot);

	heap_insert(ri->ri_RelationDesc, tup, GetCurrentCommandId(true), 0, NULL);
	ExecInsertCQMatRelIndexTuples(ri, slot, estate);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * UpdateActiveSnapshotCommandId
 * Update the current CID of the active snapshot.  This can only be applied
 * to a snapshot that is not referenced elsewhere.
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot != NULL);
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->active_count == 1);
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->regd_count == 0);

	ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->curcid = GetCurrentCommandId(false);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * RegisterSmgrInvalidation
 * As above, but register an smgr invalidation event.
static void
RegisterSmgrInvalidation(RelFileNode rnode)

	 * As above, just in case there is not an associated catalog change.
	(void) GetCurrentCommandId(true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CRealControlSocket::OnClose(int error)
	LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Verbose, _T("CRealControlSocket::OnClose(%d)"), error);

	if (GetCurrentCommandId() != Command::connect)
		if (!error)
			LogMessage(MessageType::Error, _("Connection closed by server"));
			LogMessage(MessageType::Error, _("Disconnected from server: %s"), CSocket::GetErrorDescription(error));
Ejemplo n.º 12
int CHttpControlSocket::ContinueConnect()
	LogMessage(__TFILE__, __LINE__, this, Debug_Verbose, _T("CHttpControlSocket::ContinueConnect() m_pEngine=%p"), m_pEngine);
	if (GetCurrentCommandId() != cmd_connect ||
		LogMessage(Debug_Warning, _T("Invalid context for call to ContinueConnect(), cmd=%d, m_pCurrentServer=%p"), GetCurrentCommandId(), m_pCurrentServer);

	return FZ_REPLY_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * PushUpdatedSnapshot
 *		As above, except we set the snapshot's CID to the current CID.
PushUpdatedSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
	Snapshot	newsnap;

	 * We cannot risk modifying a snapshot that's possibly already used
	 * elsewhere, so make a new copy to scribble on.
	newsnap = CopySnapshot(snapshot);
	newsnap->curcid = GetCurrentCommandId(false);

Ejemplo n.º 14
void CHttpControlSocket::OnConnect()
	wxASSERT(GetCurrentCommandId() == cmd_connect);

	CHttpConnectOpData *pData = static_cast<CHttpConnectOpData *>(m_pCurOpData);

	if (pData->tls)
		if (!m_pTlsSocket)
			LogMessage(Status, _("Connection established, initializing TLS..."));

			delete m_pBackend;
			m_pTlsSocket = new CTlsSocket(this, m_pSocket, this);
			m_pBackend = m_pTlsSocket;

			if (!m_pTlsSocket->Init())
				LogMessage(::Error, _("Failed to initialize TLS."));

			const wxString trusted_rootcert = m_pEngine->GetOptions()->GetOption(OPTION_INTERNAL_ROOTCERT);
			if (trusted_rootcert != _T("") && !m_pTlsSocket->AddTrustedRootCertificate(trusted_rootcert))
				LogMessage(::Error, _("Failed to parse trusted root cert."));

			int res = m_pTlsSocket->Handshake();
			if (res == FZ_REPLY_ERROR)
			LogMessage(Status, _("TLS/SSL connection established, sending HTTP request"));

		LogMessage(Status, _("Connection established, sending HTTP request"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * UpdateActiveSnapshotCommandId
 * Update the current CID of the active snapshot.  This can only be applied
 * to a snapshot that is not referenced elsewhere.
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot != NULL);
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->active_count == 1);
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->regd_count == 0);

	ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->curcid = GetCurrentCommandId(false);
#ifdef XCP	
	 * Set flag so that updated command ID is sent to the datanodes before the
	 * next query. This ensures that the effects of previous statements are
	 * visible to the subsequent statements
Ejemplo n.º 16
void CRealControlSocket::OnSend()
	if (m_pSendBuffer)
		if (!m_nSendBufferLen)
			delete [] m_pSendBuffer;
			m_pSendBuffer = 0;

		int error;
		int written = m_pBackend->Write(m_pSendBuffer, m_nSendBufferLen, error);
		if (written < 0)
			if (error != EAGAIN)
				LogMessage(MessageType::Error, _("Could not write to socket: %s"), CSocket::GetErrorDescription(error));
				if (GetCurrentCommandId() != Command::connect)
					LogMessage(MessageType::Error, _("Disconnected from server"));

		if (written)

		if (written == m_nSendBufferLen)
			m_nSendBufferLen = 0;
			delete [] m_pSendBuffer;
			m_pSendBuffer = 0;
			memmove(m_pSendBuffer, m_pSendBuffer + written, m_nSendBufferLen - written);
			m_nSendBufferLen -= written;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int CHttpControlSocket::ProcessData(char* p, int len)
	int res;
	enum Command commandId = GetCurrentCommandId();
	switch (commandId)
	case cmd_transfer:
		res = FileTransferParseResponse(p, len);
		LogMessage(Debug_Warning, _T("No action for parsing data for command %d"), (int)commandId);

	wxASSERT(p || !m_pCurOpData);

	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * PgPaxosExecutorStart blocks until the table is ready to read.
static void
PgPaxosExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)
	PlannedStmt *plannedStmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;
	List *rangeTableList = plannedStmt->rtable;
	CmdType commandType = queryDesc->operation;

	if (IsPgPaxosActive() && HasPaxosTable(rangeTableList))
		char *sqlQuery = (char *) queryDesc->sourceText;
		char *groupId = NULL;
		bool topLevel = true;

		/* disallow transactions during paxos commands */
		PreventTransactionChain(topLevel, "paxos commands");

		groupId = DeterminePaxosGroup(rangeTableList);

		if (commandType == CMD_INSERT || commandType == CMD_UPDATE ||
			commandType == CMD_DELETE)
			PrepareConsistentWrite(groupId, sqlQuery);

		queryDesc->snapshot->curcid = GetCurrentCommandId(false);

	/* call into the standard executor start, or hook if set */
	if (PreviousExecutorStartHook != NULL)
		PreviousExecutorStartHook(queryDesc, eflags);
		standard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * simple_table_update - replace a tuple
 * This routine may be used to update a tuple when concurrent updates of
 * the target tuple are not expected (for example, because we have a lock
 * on the relation associated with the tuple).  Any failure is reported
 * via ereport().
simple_table_update(Relation rel, ItemPointer otid,
					TupleTableSlot *slot,
					Snapshot snapshot,
					bool *update_indexes)
	TM_Result	result;
	TM_FailureData tmfd;
	LockTupleMode lockmode;

	result = table_update(rel, otid, slot,
						  snapshot, InvalidSnapshot,
						  true /* wait for commit */ ,
						  &tmfd, &lockmode, update_indexes);

	switch (result)
		case TM_SelfModified:
			/* Tuple was already updated in current command? */
			elog(ERROR, "tuple already updated by self");

		case TM_Ok:
			/* done successfully */

		case TM_Updated:
			elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently updated");

		case TM_Deleted:
			elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently deleted");

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized table_update status: %u", result);

Ejemplo n.º 20
 * RegisterRelcacheInvalidation
 * As above, but register a relcache invalidation event.
static void
RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(Oid dbId, Oid relId)
								   dbId, relId);

	 * Most of the time, relcache invalidation is associated with system
	 * catalog updates, but there are a few cases where it isn't.  Quick hack
	 * to ensure that the next CommandCounterIncrement() will think that we
	 * need to do CommandEndInvalidationMessages().
	(void) GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	 * If the relation being invalidated is one of those cached in the
	 * relcache init file, mark that we need to zap that file at commit.
	if (RelationIdIsInInitFile(relId))
		transInvalInfo->RelcacheInitFileInval = true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static bool
matrel_heap_update(Relation relation, ItemPointer otid, HeapTuple tup)
	HTSU_Result result;
	HeapUpdateFailureData hufd;
	LockTupleMode lockmode;

	result = heap_update(relation, otid, tup,
						 GetCurrentCommandId(true), InvalidSnapshot,
						 true /* wait for commit */ ,
						 &hufd, &lockmode);
	switch (result)
		case HeapTupleSelfUpdated:
			/* Tuple was already updated in current command? */
			elog(ERROR, "tuple already updated by self");

		case HeapTupleMayBeUpdated:
			/* done successfully */

		case HeapTupleUpdated:
			 * Tuple updated by a concurrent transaction? The only legal case is if the tuple was deleted
			 * which can happen if the auto-vacuumer deletes the tuple while we were trying to update it.
			if (memcmp(&hufd.ctid, otid, sizeof(ItemPointerData)) == 0)
				return false;
			elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently updated");

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized heap_update status: %u", result);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * RegisterRelcacheInvalidation
 * As above, but register a relcache invalidation event.
static void
RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(Oid dbId, Oid relId)
								   dbId, relId);

	 * Most of the time, relcache invalidation is associated with system
	 * catalog updates, but there are a few cases where it isn't.  Quick hack
	 * to ensure that the next CommandCounterIncrement() will think that we
	 * need to do CommandEndInvalidationMessages().
	(void) GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	 * If the relation being invalidated is one of those cached in a relcache
	 * init file, mark that we need to zap that file at commit. For simplicity
	 * invalidations for a specific database always invalidate the shared file
	 * as well.  Also zap when we are invalidating whole relcache.
	if (relId == InvalidOid || RelationIdIsInInitFile(relId))
		transInvalInfo->RelcacheInitFileInval = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
struct GridPointDataListIterator * getExtractGridDataReturnValues(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo)
    struct PlaceSpecification ps;
    Datum placeSpec = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
    extractPlaceSpecification( & ps, & placeSpec );

    GEOSGeom location = NULL;
    if ( ! PG_ARGISNULL(1) )
		bytea * locationRaw = PG_GETARG_BYTEA_P(1);
		location = GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf((unsigned char *) VARDATA(locationRaw), VARSIZE(locationRaw) - VARHDRSZ);

    enum InterpolationType interpolation = (enum InterpolationType) PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
    FileId dataId = PG_GETARG_INT64(3);

    TransactionId xid = GetTopTransactionId();
    CommandId cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true); // Incremented for each function call in the same transaction

    // function takes ownership of location parameter
    struct GridPointDataListIterator * ret = readPoints(& ps, location, interpolation, dataId, xid, cid);
    return ret;
 * @brief Initialize a BufferedWriter
static void
BufferedWriterInit(BufferedWriter *self)
	 * Set defaults to unspecified parameters.
	if (self->base.max_dup_errors < -1)
		self->base.max_dup_errors = DEFAULT_MAX_DUP_ERRORS;

	self->base.rel = heap_open(self->base.relid, AccessExclusiveLock);
	VerifyTarget(self->base.rel, self->base.max_dup_errors);

	self->base.desc = RelationGetDescr(self->base.rel);

	SpoolerOpen(&self->spooler, self->base.rel, true, self->base.on_duplicate,
				self->base.max_dup_errors, self->base.dup_badfile);
	self->base.context = GetPerTupleMemoryContext(self->spooler.estate);

	self->bistate = GetBulkInsertState();
	self->cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	self->base.tchecker = CreateTupleChecker(self->base.desc);
	self->base.tchecker->checker = (CheckerTupleProc) CoercionCheckerTuple;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * simple_table_delete - delete a tuple
 * This routine may be used to delete a tuple when concurrent updates of
 * the target tuple are not expected (for example, because we have a lock
 * on the relation associated with the tuple).  Any failure is reported
 * via ereport().
simple_table_delete(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid, Snapshot snapshot)
	TM_Result	result;
	TM_FailureData tmfd;

	result = table_delete(rel, tid,
						  snapshot, InvalidSnapshot,
						  true /* wait for commit */ ,
						  &tmfd, false /* changingPart */ );

	switch (result)
		case TM_SelfModified:
			/* Tuple was already updated in current command? */
			elog(ERROR, "tuple already updated by self");

		case TM_Ok:
			/* done successfully */

		case TM_Updated:
			elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently updated");

		case TM_Deleted:
			elog(ERROR, "tuple concurrently deleted");

			elog(ERROR, "unrecognized table_delete status: %u", result);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 * UpdateActiveSnapshotCommandId
 * Update the current CID of the active snapshot.  This can only be applied
 * to a snapshot that is not referenced elsewhere.
	CommandId	save_curcid,

	Assert(ActiveSnapshot != NULL);
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->active_count == 1);
	Assert(ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->regd_count == 0);

	 * Don't allow modification of the active snapshot during parallel
	 * operation.  We share the snapshot to worker backends at beginning of
	 * parallel operation, so any change to snapshot can lead to
	 * inconsistencies.  We have other defenses against
	 * CommandCounterIncrement, but there are a few places that call this
	 * directly, so we put an additional guard here.
	save_curcid = ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->curcid;
	curcid = GetCurrentCommandId(false);
	if (IsInParallelMode() && save_curcid != curcid)
		elog(ERROR, "cannot modify commandid in active snapshot during a parallel operation");
	ActiveSnapshot->as_snap->curcid = curcid;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * RegisterRelcacheInvalidation
 * As above, but register a relcache invalidation event.
static void
RegisterRelcacheInvalidation(Oid dbId, Oid relId)
								   dbId, relId);

	 * Most of the time, relcache invalidation is associated with system
	 * catalog updates, but there are a few cases where it isn't.  Quick hack
	 * to ensure that the next CommandCounterIncrement() will think that we
	 * need to do CommandEndInvalidationMessages().
	(void) GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	 * If the relation being invalidated is one of those cached in the local
	 * relcache init file, mark that we need to zap that file at commit.
	 * (Note: perhaps it would be better if this code were a bit more
	 * decoupled from the knowledge that the init file contains exactly those
	 * non-shared rels used in catalog caches.)
	if (OidIsValid(dbId) && RelationSupportsSysCache(relId))
		transInvalInfo->RelcacheInitFileInval = true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
/* ----------
 * toast_save_datum -
 *	Save one single datum into the secondary relation and return
 *	a Datum reference for it.
 * ----------
static Datum
toast_save_datum(Relation rel, Datum value, int options)
	Relation	toastrel;
	Relation	toastidx;
	HeapTuple	toasttup;
	TupleDesc	toasttupDesc;
	Datum		t_values[3];
	bool		t_isnull[3];
	CommandId	mycid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);
	struct varlena *result;
	struct varatt_external toast_pointer;
		struct varlena hdr;
		char		data[TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE]; /* make struct big enough */
		int32		align_it;	/* ensure struct is aligned well enough */
	}			chunk_data;
	int32		chunk_size;
	int32		chunk_seq = 0;
	char	   *data_p;
	int32		data_todo;
	Pointer		dval = DatumGetPointer(value);

	 * Open the toast relation and its index.  We can use the index to check
	 * uniqueness of the OID we assign to the toasted item, even though it has
	 * additional columns besides OID.
	toastrel = heap_open(rel->rd_rel->reltoastrelid, RowExclusiveLock);
	toasttupDesc = toastrel->rd_att;
	toastidx = index_open(toastrel->rd_rel->reltoastidxid, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Get the data pointer and length, and compute va_rawsize and va_extsize.
	 * va_rawsize is the size of the equivalent fully uncompressed datum, so
	 * we have to adjust for short headers.
	 * va_extsize is the actual size of the data payload in the toast records.
	if (VARATT_IS_SHORT(dval))
		data_p = VARDATA_SHORT(dval);
		data_todo = VARSIZE_SHORT(dval) - VARHDRSZ_SHORT;
		toast_pointer.va_rawsize = data_todo + VARHDRSZ;		/* as if not short */
		toast_pointer.va_extsize = data_todo;
	else if (VARATT_IS_COMPRESSED(dval))
		data_p = VARDATA(dval);
		data_todo = VARSIZE(dval) - VARHDRSZ;
		/* rawsize in a compressed datum is just the size of the payload */
		toast_pointer.va_rawsize = VARRAWSIZE_4B_C(dval) + VARHDRSZ;
		toast_pointer.va_extsize = data_todo;
		/* Assert that the numbers look like it's compressed */
		data_p = VARDATA(dval);
		data_todo = VARSIZE(dval) - VARHDRSZ;
		toast_pointer.va_rawsize = VARSIZE(dval);
		toast_pointer.va_extsize = data_todo;

	 * Insert the correct table OID into the result TOAST pointer.
	 * Normally this is the actual OID of the target toast table, but during
	 * table-rewriting operations such as CLUSTER, we have to insert the OID
	 * of the table's real permanent toast table instead.  rd_toastoid is set
	 * if we have to substitute such an OID.
	if (OidIsValid(rel->rd_toastoid))
		toast_pointer.va_toastrelid = rel->rd_toastoid;
		toast_pointer.va_toastrelid = RelationGetRelid(toastrel);

	 * Choose an unused OID within the toast table for this toast value.
	toast_pointer.va_valueid = GetNewOidWithIndex(toastrel,
												  (AttrNumber) 1);

	 * Initialize constant parts of the tuple data
	t_values[0] = ObjectIdGetDatum(toast_pointer.va_valueid);
	t_values[2] = PointerGetDatum(&chunk_data);
	t_isnull[0] = false;
	t_isnull[1] = false;
	t_isnull[2] = false;

	 * Split up the item into chunks
	while (data_todo > 0)
		 * Calculate the size of this chunk
		chunk_size = Min(TOAST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, data_todo);

		 * Build a tuple and store it
		t_values[1] = Int32GetDatum(chunk_seq++);
		SET_VARSIZE(&chunk_data, chunk_size + VARHDRSZ);
		memcpy(VARDATA(&chunk_data), data_p, chunk_size);
		toasttup = heap_form_tuple(toasttupDesc, t_values, t_isnull);

		heap_insert(toastrel, toasttup, mycid, options, NULL);

		 * Create the index entry.	We cheat a little here by not using
		 * FormIndexDatum: this relies on the knowledge that the index columns
		 * are the same as the initial columns of the table.
		 * Note also that there had better not be any user-created index on
		 * the TOAST table, since we don't bother to update anything else.
		index_insert(toastidx, t_values, t_isnull,
					 toastidx->rd_index->indisunique ?

		 * Free memory

		 * Move on to next chunk
		data_todo -= chunk_size;
		data_p += chunk_size;

	 * Done - close toast relation
	index_close(toastidx, RowExclusiveLock);
	heap_close(toastrel, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Create the TOAST pointer value that we'll return
	result = (struct varlena *) palloc(TOAST_POINTER_SIZE);
	memcpy(VARDATA_EXTERNAL(result), &toast_pointer, sizeof(toast_pointer));

	return PointerGetDatum(result);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * HeapTupleSatisfiesNow
 *		True iff heap tuple is valid "now".
 *	Here, we consider the effects of:
 *		all committed transactions (as of the current instant)
 *		previous commands of this transaction
 * Note we do _not_ include changes made by the current command.  This
 * solves the "Halloween problem" wherein an UPDATE might try to re-update
 * its own output tuples.
 * Note:
 *		Assumes heap tuple is valid.
 * The satisfaction of "now" requires the following:
 * ((Xmin == my-transaction &&				inserted by the current transaction
 *	 Cmin < my-command &&					before this command, and
 *	 (Xmax is null ||						the row has not been deleted, or
 *	  (Xmax == my-transaction &&			it was deleted by the current transaction
 *	   Cmax >= my-command)))				but not before this command,
 * ||										or
 *	(Xmin is committed &&					the row was inserted by a committed transaction, and
 *		(Xmax is null ||					the row has not been deleted, or
 *		 (Xmax == my-transaction &&			the row is being deleted by this transaction
 *		  Cmax >= my-command) ||			but it's not deleted "yet", or
 *		 (Xmax != my-transaction &&			the row was deleted by another transaction
 *		  Xmax is not committed))))			that has not been committed
 *		mao says 17 march 1993:  the tests in this routine are correct;
 *		if you think they're not, you're wrong, and you should think
 *		about it again.  i know, it happened to me.  we don't need to
 *		check commit time against the start time of this transaction
 *		because 2ph locking protects us from doing the wrong thing.
 *		if you mess around here, you'll break serializability.  the only
 *		problem with this code is that it does the wrong thing for system
 *		catalog updates, because the catalogs aren't subject to 2ph, so
 *		the serializability guarantees we provide don't extend to xacts
 *		that do catalog accesses.  this is unfortunate, but not critical.
HeapTupleSatisfiesNow(HeapTupleHeader tuple, Snapshot snapshot, Buffer buffer)
	if (!(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED))
		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_INVALID)
			return false;

		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED_OFF)
			TransactionId xvac = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);

			if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xvac))
				return false;
			if (!TransactionIdIsInProgress(xvac))
				if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xvac))
					SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMIN_INVALID,
					return false;
				SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED,
		else if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED_IN)
			TransactionId xvac = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);

			if (!TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xvac))
				if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(xvac))
					return false;
				if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xvac))
					SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED,
					SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMIN_INVALID,
					return false;
		else if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple)))
			if (HeapTupleHeaderGetCmin(tuple) >= GetCurrentCommandId(false))
				return false;	/* inserted after scan started */

			if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)	/* xid invalid */
				return true;

			if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_IS_LOCKED)		/* not deleter */
				return true;

			Assert(!(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI));

			if (!TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
				/* deleting subtransaction must have aborted */
				SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMAX_INVALID,
				return true;

			if (HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(tuple) >= GetCurrentCommandId(false))
				return true;	/* deleted after scan started */
				return false;	/* deleted before scan started */
		else if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple)))
			return false;
		else if (TransactionIdDidCommit(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple)))
			SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED,
			/* it must have aborted or crashed */
			SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMIN_INVALID,
			return false;

	/* by here, the inserting transaction has committed */

	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)	/* xid invalid or aborted */
		return true;

	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED)
		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_IS_LOCKED)
			return true;
		return false;

	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
		/* MultiXacts are currently only allowed to lock tuples */
		Assert(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_IS_LOCKED);
		return true;

	if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_IS_LOCKED)
			return true;
		if (HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(tuple) >= GetCurrentCommandId(false))
			return true;		/* deleted after scan started */
			return false;		/* deleted before scan started */

	if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
		return true;

	if (!TransactionIdDidCommit(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
		/* it must have aborted or crashed */
		SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMAX_INVALID,
		return true;

	/* xmax transaction committed */

	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_IS_LOCKED)
		SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMAX_INVALID,
		return true;

	SetHintBits(tuple, buffer, HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED,
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * intorel_startup --- executor startup
static void
intorel_startup(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo)
	DR_intorel *myState = (DR_intorel *) self;
	IntoClause *into = myState->into;
	bool		is_matview;
	char		relkind;
	CreateStmt *create;
	Oid			intoRelationId;
	Relation	intoRelationDesc;
	RangeTblEntry *rte;
	Datum		toast_options;
	ListCell   *lc;
	int			attnum;
	static char *validnsps[] = HEAP_RELOPT_NAMESPACES;

	Assert(into != NULL);		/* else somebody forgot to set it */

	/* This code supports both CREATE TABLE AS and CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW */
	is_matview = (into->viewQuery != NULL);
	relkind = is_matview ? RELKIND_MATVIEW : RELKIND_RELATION;

	 * Create the target relation by faking up a CREATE TABLE parsetree and
	 * passing it to DefineRelation.
	create = makeNode(CreateStmt);
	create->relation = into->rel;
	create->tableElts = NIL;	/* will fill below */
	create->inhRelations = NIL;
	create->ofTypename = NULL;
	create->constraints = NIL;
	create->options = into->options;
	create->oncommit = into->onCommit;
	create->tablespacename = into->tableSpaceName;
	create->if_not_exists = false;

	 * Build column definitions using "pre-cooked" type and collation info. If
	 * a column name list was specified in CREATE TABLE AS, override the
	 * column names derived from the query.  (Too few column names are OK, too
	 * many are not.)
	lc = list_head(into->colNames);
	for (attnum = 0; attnum < typeinfo->natts; attnum++)
		Form_pg_attribute attribute = typeinfo->attrs[attnum];
		ColumnDef  *col = makeNode(ColumnDef);
		TypeName   *coltype = makeNode(TypeName);

		if (lc)
			col->colname = strVal(lfirst(lc));
			lc = lnext(lc);
			col->colname = NameStr(attribute->attname);
		col->typeName = coltype;
		col->inhcount = 0;
		col->is_local = true;
		col->is_not_null = false;
		col->is_from_type = false;
		col->storage = 0;
		col->raw_default = NULL;
		col->cooked_default = NULL;
		col->collClause = NULL;
		col->collOid = attribute->attcollation;
		col->constraints = NIL;
		col->fdwoptions = NIL;

		coltype->names = NIL;
		coltype->typeOid = attribute->atttypid;
		coltype->setof = false;
		coltype->pct_type = false;
		coltype->typmods = NIL;
		coltype->typemod = attribute->atttypmod;
		coltype->arrayBounds = NIL;
		coltype->location = -1;

		 * It's possible that the column is of a collatable type but the
		 * collation could not be resolved, so double-check.  (We must check
		 * this here because DefineRelation would adopt the type's default
		 * collation rather than complaining.)
		if (!OidIsValid(col->collOid) &&
					 errmsg("no collation was derived for column \"%s\" with collatable type %s",
							col->colname, format_type_be(coltype->typeOid)),
					 errhint("Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly.")));

		create->tableElts = lappend(create->tableElts, col);

	if (lc != NULL)
				 errmsg("too many column names were specified")));

	 * Actually create the target table
	intoRelationId = DefineRelation(create, relkind, InvalidOid);

	 * If necessary, create a TOAST table for the target table.  Note that
	 * AlterTableCreateToastTable ends with CommandCounterIncrement(), so that
	 * the TOAST table will be visible for insertion.

	/* parse and validate reloptions for the toast table */
	toast_options = transformRelOptions((Datum) 0,
										true, false);

	(void) heap_reloptions(RELKIND_TOASTVALUE, toast_options, true);

	AlterTableCreateToastTable(intoRelationId, toast_options);

	/* Create the "view" part of a materialized view. */
	if (is_matview)
		/* StoreViewQuery scribbles on tree, so make a copy */
		Query	   *query = (Query *) copyObject(into->viewQuery);

		StoreViewQuery(intoRelationId, query, false);

	 * Finally we can open the target table
	intoRelationDesc = heap_open(intoRelationId, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * Check INSERT permission on the constructed table.
	 * XXX: It would arguably make sense to skip this check if into->skipData
	 * is true.
	rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
	rte->rtekind = RTE_RELATION;
	rte->relid = intoRelationId;
	rte->relkind = relkind;
	rte->requiredPerms = ACL_INSERT;

	for (attnum = 1; attnum <= intoRelationDesc->rd_att->natts; attnum++)
		rte->modifiedCols = bms_add_member(rte->modifiedCols,
								attnum - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber);

	ExecCheckRTPerms(list_make1(rte), true);

	 * Tentatively mark the target as populated, if it's a matview and we're
	 * going to fill it; otherwise, no change needed.
	if (is_matview && !into->skipData)
		SetMatViewPopulatedState(intoRelationDesc, true);

	 * Fill private fields of myState for use by later routines
	myState->rel = intoRelationDesc;
	myState->output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);

	 * We can skip WAL-logging the insertions, unless PITR or streaming
	 * replication is in use. We can skip the FSM in any case.
	myState->hi_options = HEAP_INSERT_SKIP_FSM |
		(XLogIsNeeded() ? 0 : HEAP_INSERT_SKIP_WAL);
	myState->bistate = GetBulkInsertState();

	/* Not using WAL requires smgr_targblock be initially invalid */
	Assert(RelationGetTargetBlock(intoRelationDesc) == InvalidBlockNumber);