Ejemplo n.º 1
void UDestructibleComponent::Pair( int32 ChunkIndex, PxShape* PShape)
	FDestructibleChunkInfo* CI;
	FPhysxUserData* UserData;

	check(ChunkIndex < ChunkInfos.Num());

	CI = &ChunkInfos[ChunkIndex];

					CI->ChunkIndex = ChunkIndex;
				CI->OwningComponent = this;

	UserData = &PhysxChunkUserData[ChunkIndex];
	UserData->Set(UserData, CI);

	PShape->userData = UserData;

	PShape->getActor()->userData = UserData;

	PShape->getActor()->setActorFlag(PxActorFlag::eDISABLE_GRAVITY, !BodyInstance.bEnableGravity);

	// Set collision response to non-root chunks
	if (GetDestructibleMesh()->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkParentIndex(ChunkIndex) >= 0)
		SetCollisionResponseForShape(PShape, ChunkIndex);
void UDestructibleComponent::RefreshBoneTransforms()
	if(ApexDestructibleActor != NULL && SkeletalMesh)
		UDestructibleMesh* TheDestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();

		// Save a pointer to the APEX NxDestructibleAsset
		physx::NxDestructibleAsset* ApexDestructibleAsset = TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset;

			// Lock here so we don't encounter race conditions with the destruction processing
			FPhysScene* PhysScene = World->GetPhysicsScene();
			const uint32 SceneType = (BodyInstance.bUseAsyncScene && PhysScene->HasAsyncScene()) ? PST_Async : PST_Sync;
			PxScene* PScene = PhysScene->GetPhysXScene(SceneType);

			// Try to acquire event buffer
			const physx::NxDestructibleChunkEvent* EventBuffer;
			physx::PxU32 EventBufferSize;
			if (ApexDestructibleActor->acquireChunkEventBuffer(EventBuffer, EventBufferSize))
				// Buffer acquired
				while (EventBufferSize--)
					const physx::NxDestructibleChunkEvent& Event = *EventBuffer++;
					// Right now the only events are visibility changes.  So as an optimization we won't check for the event type.
	//				if (Event.event & physx::NxDestructibleChunkEvent::VisibilityChanged)
					const bool bVisible = (Event.event & physx::NxDestructibleChunkEvent::ChunkVisible) != 0;
					SetChunkVisible(Event.chunkIndex, bVisible);
				// Release buffer (will be cleared)

		// Update poses for visible chunks
		const physx::PxU16* VisibleChunks = ApexDestructibleActor->getVisibleChunks();
		physx::PxU16 VisibleChunkCount = ApexDestructibleActor->getNumVisibleChunks();
		while (VisibleChunkCount--)
			const physx::PxU16 ChunkIndex = *VisibleChunks++;
			// BRGTODO : Make a direct method to access the Px objects' quats
			const physx::PxMat44 ChunkPoseRT = ApexDestructibleActor->getChunkPose(ChunkIndex);	// Unscaled
			const physx::PxTransform Transform(ChunkPoseRT);
			SetChunkWorldRT(ChunkIndex, P2UQuat(Transform.q), P2UVector(Transform.p));

		// Send bones to render thread at end of frame
#endif	// #if WITH_APEX
Ejemplo n.º 3
void UDestructibleComponent::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)

		// Copy our skeletal mesh value to our transient variable, so it appears in slate correctly.
		this->DestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();
Ejemplo n.º 4
void UDestructibleComponent::SpawnFractureEffectsFromDamageEvent(const NxApexDamageEventReportData& InDamageEvent)
	// Use the component's fracture effects if the override is selected, otherwise use fracture effects from the asset
	TArray<FFractureEffect>& UseFractureEffects = (bFractureEffectOverride || !SkeletalMesh) ? FractureEffects : CastChecked<UDestructibleMesh>(SkeletalMesh)->FractureEffects;

	UDestructibleMesh* TheDestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();
	if (!TheDestructibleMesh)

	// We keep track of the handled parent chunks here
	TArray<int32> HandledParents;
	for(physx::PxU32 eventN = 0; eventN < InDamageEvent.fractureEventListSize; ++eventN)
		const NxApexChunkData& chunkData = InDamageEvent.fractureEventList[eventN];
		if( chunkData.depth < (physx::PxU32)UseFractureEffects.Num() )
			// We can get the root chunk here as well, so make sure that the parent index is 0, even for the root chunk
			int32 ParentIdx = FMath::Max(TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkParentIndex(chunkData.index), 0);
			// We can test a number of flags - we'll play an effect if the chunk was destroyed
			// As we only get the fractured event here for chunks that come free, we spawn fracture
			// effects only once per unique parent
			if((chunkData.flags & NxApexChunkFlag::FRACTURED) && !HandledParents.Contains(ParentIdx))
				FVector Position = P2UVector(chunkData.worldBounds.getCenter());
				FFractureEffect& FractureEffect = UseFractureEffects[chunkData.depth];
				if( FractureEffect.Sound != NULL )
					// Spawn sound
					UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation( this, FractureEffect.Sound, Position );
				if( FractureEffect.ParticleSystem != NULL )
					// Spawn particle system
					UParticleSystemComponent* ParticleSystemComponent = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation( this, FractureEffect.ParticleSystem, Position );

					// Disable shadows, since destructibles tend to generate a lot of these
					if (ParticleSystemComponent != NULL)
						ParticleSystemComponent->CastShadow = false;

Ejemplo n.º 5
UBodySetup* UDestructibleComponent::GetBodySetup()
	if (SkeletalMesh != NULL)
		UDestructibleMesh* TheDestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();

		if (TheDestructibleMesh != NULL)
			return TheDestructibleMesh->BodySetup;

	return NULL;
void UDestructibleComponent::SetDestructibleMesh(class UDestructibleMesh* NewMesh)
#endif // WITH_APEX

	Super::SetSkeletalMesh( NewMesh );

	// If the SkeletalMesh has changed, update our transient value too.
	this->DestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();
	SetChunkVisible(0, true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void UDestructibleComponent::SetCollisionResponseForActor(PxRigidDynamic* Actor, int32 ChunkIdx, const FCollisionResponseContainer* ResponseOverride /*= NULL*/)
	if (ApexDestructibleActor == NULL)

	// Get collision channel and response
	PxFilterData PQueryFilterData, PSimFilterData;
	uint8 MoveChannel = GetCollisionObjectType();
		UDestructibleMesh* TheDestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();
		AActor* Owner = GetOwner();
		bool bLargeChunk = IsChunkLarge(ChunkIdx);
		const FCollisionResponseContainer& UseResponse = ResponseOverride == NULL ? (bLargeChunk ? LargeChunkCollisionResponse.GetResponseContainer() : SmallChunkCollisionResponse.GetResponseContainer()) : *ResponseOverride;

		physx::PxU32 SupportDepth = TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkDepth(ChunkIdx);

		const bool bEnableImpactDamage = IsImpactDamageEnabled(TheDestructibleMesh, SupportDepth);
		CreateShapeFilterData(MoveChannel, GetUniqueID(), UseResponse, 0, ChunkIdxToBoneIdx(ChunkIdx), PQueryFilterData, PSimFilterData, BodyInstance.bUseCCD, bEnableImpactDamage, false);
		PQueryFilterData.word3 |= EPDF_SimpleCollision | EPDF_ComplexCollision;


		TArray<PxShape*> Shapes;

		int ShapeCount = Actor->getShapes(Shapes.GetData(), Shapes.Num());

		for (int32 i=0; i < ShapeCount; ++i)
			PxShape* Shape = Shapes[i];

			Shape->setFlag(PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE, true); 
			Shape->setFlag(PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE, true); 
			Shape->setFlag(PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION, true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void UDestructibleComponent::SetDestructibleMesh(class UDestructibleMesh* NewMesh)
	uint32 ChunkCount = NewMesh ? NewMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkCount() : 0;
#endif // WITH_APEX

	Super::SetSkeletalMesh( NewMesh );

	// If the SkeletalMesh has changed, update our transient value too.
	DestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();
Ejemplo n.º 9
void UDestructibleComponent::CreatePhysicsState()
	// to avoid calling PrimitiveComponent, I'm just calling ActorComponent::CreatePhysicsState
	// @todo lh - fix me based on the discussion with Bryan G
	bPhysicsStateCreated = true;

	// What we want to do with BodySetup is simply use it to store a PhysicalMaterial, and possibly some other relevant fields.  Set up pointers from the BodyInstance to the BodySetup and this component
	UBodySetup* BodySetup = GetBodySetup();
	BodyInstance.OwnerComponent	= this;
	BodyInstance.BodySetup = BodySetup;
	BodyInstance.InstanceBodyIndex = 0;

	if( SkeletalMesh == NULL )

	FPhysScene* PhysScene = World->GetPhysicsScene();

	if( GApexModuleDestructible == NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("UDestructibleComponent::CreatePhysicsState(): APEX must be enabled to init UDestructibleComponent physics.") );

	if( ApexDestructibleActor != NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("UDestructibleComponent::CreatePhysicsState(): NxDestructibleActor already created.") );

	UDestructibleMesh* TheDestructibleMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();
	if( TheDestructibleMesh == NULL || TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("UDestructibleComponent::CreatePhysicsState(): No DestructibleMesh or missing ApexDestructibleAsset.") );

	int32 ChunkCount = TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkCount();
	// Ensure the chunks start off invisible.  RefreshBoneTransforms should make them visible.
	for (int32 ChunkIndex = 0; ChunkIndex < ChunkCount; ++ChunkIndex)
		SetChunkVisible(ChunkIndex, false);

	if (GIsEditor && !World->IsGameWorld())
		// In the editor, only set the 0 chunk to be visible.
		if (TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkCount() > 0)
			SetChunkVisible(0, true);
#endif	// WITH_EDITOR

	// Only create physics in the game
	if( !World->IsGameWorld() )

	// Set template actor/body/shape properties

	// Find the PhysicalMaterial we need to apply to the physics bodies.
	UPhysicalMaterial* PhysMat = BodyInstance.GetSimplePhysicalMaterial();

	// Get the default actor descriptor NxParameterized data from the asset
	NxParameterized::Interface* ActorParams = TheDestructibleMesh->GetDestructibleActorDesc(PhysMat);

	// Create PhysX transforms from ComponentToWorld
	const PxMat44 GlobalPose(PxMat33(U2PQuat(ComponentToWorld.GetRotation())), U2PVector(ComponentToWorld.GetTranslation()));
	const PxVec3 Scale = U2PVector(ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D());

	// Set the transform in the actor descriptor
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamMat44(*ActorParams,"globalPose",GlobalPose) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamVec3(*ActorParams,"scale",Scale) );

	// Set the (initially) dynamic flag in the actor descriptor
	// See if we are 'static'
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamBool(*ActorParams,"dynamic", BodyInstance.bSimulatePhysics != false) );

	// Set the sleep velocity frame decay constant (was sleepVelocitySmoothingFactor) - a new feature that should help sleeping in large piles
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"sleepVelocityFrameDecayConstant", 20.0f) );

	// Set up the shape desc template

	// Get collision channel and response
	PxFilterData PQueryFilterData, PSimFilterData;
	uint8 MoveChannel = GetCollisionObjectType();
	FCollisionResponseContainer CollResponse;
		// Only enable a collision response if collision is enabled
		CollResponse = GetCollisionResponseToChannels();

		SmallChunkCollisionResponse.SetResponse(ECC_Pawn, ECR_Overlap);
		// now since by default it will all block, if collision is disabled, we need to set to ignore
		MoveChannel = ECC_WorldStatic;

	const bool bEnableImpactDamage = IsImpactDamageEnabled(TheDestructibleMesh, 0);
	const bool bEnableContactModification = TheDestructibleMesh->DefaultDestructibleParameters.DamageParameters.bCustomImpactResistance && TheDestructibleMesh->DefaultDestructibleParameters.DamageParameters.ImpactResistance > 0.f;

	// Passing AssetInstanceID = 0 so we'll have self-collision
	AActor* Owner = GetOwner();
	CreateShapeFilterData(MoveChannel, GetUniqueID(), CollResponse, 0, 0, PQueryFilterData, PSimFilterData, BodyInstance.bUseCCD, bEnableImpactDamage, false, bEnableContactModification);

	// Build filterData variations for complex and simple
	PSimFilterData.word3 |= EPDF_SimpleCollision | EPDF_ComplexCollision;
	PQueryFilterData.word3 |= EPDF_SimpleCollision | EPDF_ComplexCollision;

	// Set the filterData in the shape descriptor
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word0", PSimFilterData.word0 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word1", PSimFilterData.word1 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word2", PSimFilterData.word2 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.simulationFilterData.word3", PSimFilterData.word3 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word0", PQueryFilterData.word0 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word1", PQueryFilterData.word1 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word2", PQueryFilterData.word2 ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.queryFilterData.word3", PQueryFilterData.word3 ) );

	// Set the PhysX material in the shape descriptor
	PxMaterial* PMaterial = PhysMat->GetPhysXMaterial();
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU64(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.material", (physx::PxU64)PMaterial) );

	// Set the rest depth to match the skin width in the shape descriptor
	const physx::PxCookingParams& CookingParams = GApexSDK->getCookingInterface()->getParams();
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.restOffset", -CookingParams.skinWidth) );

	// Set the PhysX material in the actor descriptor
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamBool(*ActorParams,"p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eDISABLE_GRAVITY",false) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamBool(*ActorParams,"p3ActorDescTemplate.flags.eVISUALIZATION",true) );

	// Set the PxActor's and PxShape's userData fields to this component's body instance
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU64(*ActorParams,"p3ActorDescTemplate.userData", 0 ) );

	// All shapes created by this DestructibleActor will have the userdata of the owning component.
	// We need this, as in some cases APEX is moving shapes accross actors ( ex. FormExtended structures )
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamU64(*ActorParams,"p3ShapeDescTemplate.userData", (PxU64)&PhysxUserData ) );

	// Set up the body desc template in the actor descriptor
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"p3BodyDescTemplate.angularDamping", BodyInstance.AngularDamping ) );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"p3BodyDescTemplate.linearDamping", BodyInstance.LinearDamping ) );
	const PxTolerancesScale& PScale = GPhysXSDK->getTolerancesScale();
	PxF32 SleepEnergyThreshold = 0.00005f*PScale.speed*PScale.speed;	// 1/1000 Default, since the speed scale is quite high
	if (BodyInstance.SleepFamily == ESleepFamily::Sensitive)
		SleepEnergyThreshold /= 20.0f;
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"p3BodyDescTemplate.sleepThreshold", SleepEnergyThreshold) );
//	NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"bodyDescTemplate.sleepDamping", SleepDamping );
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamF32(*ActorParams,"p3BodyDescTemplate.density", 0.001f*PhysMat->Density) );	// Convert from g/cm^3 to kg/cm^3
	// Enable CCD if requested
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamBool(*ActorParams,"p3BodyDescTemplate.flags.eENABLE_CCD", BodyInstance.bUseCCD != 0) );
	// Ask the actor to create chunk events, for more efficient visibility updates
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamBool(*ActorParams,"createChunkEvents", true) );

	// Enable hard sleeping if requested
	verify( NxParameterized::setParamBool(*ActorParams,"useHardSleeping", bEnableHardSleeping) );


	// Destructibles are always dynamic or kinematic, and therefore only go into one of the scenes
	const uint32 SceneType = BodyInstance.UseAsyncScene(PhysScene) ? PST_Async : PST_Sync;
	NxApexScene* ApexScene = PhysScene->GetApexScene(SceneType);
	PxScene* PScene = PhysScene->GetPhysXScene(SceneType);

	BodyInstance.SceneIndexSync = SceneType == PST_Sync ? PhysScene->PhysXSceneIndex[PST_Sync] : 0;
	BodyInstance.SceneIndexAsync = SceneType == PST_Async ? PhysScene->PhysXSceneIndex[PST_Async] : 0;


	// Create an APEX NxDestructibleActor from the Destructible asset and actor descriptor
	ApexDestructibleActor = static_cast<NxDestructibleActor*>(TheDestructibleMesh->ApexDestructibleAsset->createApexActor(*ActorParams, *ApexScene));

	// Make a backpointer to this component
	PhysxUserData = FPhysxUserData(this);
	ApexDestructibleActor->userData = &PhysxUserData;

	// Cache cooked collision data
	// BRGTODO : cook in asset

	// BRGTODO : Per-actor LOD setting
//	ApexDestructibleActor->forcePhysicalLod( DestructibleActor->LOD );

	// Start asleep if requested
	PxRigidDynamic* PRootActor = ApexDestructibleActor->getChunkPhysXActor(0);

	//  Put to sleep or wake up only if the component is physics-simulated
	if (PRootActor != NULL && BodyInstance.bSimulatePhysics)
		SCOPED_SCENE_WRITE_LOCK(PScene);	//Question, since apex is defer adding actors do we need to lock? Locking the async scene is expensive!

		PRootActor->setActorFlag(PxActorFlag::eDISABLE_GRAVITY, !BodyInstance.bEnableGravity);

		// Sleep/wake up as appropriate
		if (!BodyInstance.bStartAwake)
			ApexDestructibleActor->setChunkPhysXActorAwakeState(0, false);

#endif	// #if WITH_APEX
void UDestructibleComponent::SetChunkVisible( int32 ChunkIndex, bool bVisible )
	// Bone 0 is a dummy root bone
	const int32 BoneIndex = ChunkIdxToBoneIdx(ChunkIndex);
	bool bClearActorFromChunkInfo = false;

	if( bVisible )
		PxRigidDynamic* PActor = ApexDestructibleActor != NULL ? ApexDestructibleActor->getChunkPhysXActor(ChunkIndex) : NULL;

		UDestructibleMesh* DMesh = GetDestructibleMesh();

		if (PActor != NULL)
			// If actor has already a chunk info and userdata, we just make sure it is valid and update the 
			// physx actor if needed. We do NOT do this for FormExtended structures, as in this case, the shapes/actors
			// are moved to the 1st structure object internally by APEX.
			if(PActor->userData != NULL && !DMesh->DefaultDestructibleParameters.Flags.bFormExtendedStructures)
				FDestructibleChunkInfo* CI = FPhysxUserData::Get<FDestructibleChunkInfo>(PActor->userData);
				checkf(CI, TEXT("If a chunk actor has user data and it is not a DestructibleChunkInfo, something is messed up."));
				//check(CI->OwningComponent == this);

				if (CI->ChunkIndex != ChunkIndex)
					// grab the old actor and clear its user data, as we steal the ChunkInfo here
					if (CI->Actor && CI->Actor != PActor)
						CI->Actor->userData = NULL;
					CI->ChunkIndex = ChunkIndex;

				CI->OwningComponent = this;
				CI->Actor = PActor;
			else if (PActor->userData == NULL)
				// Setup the user data to have a proper chunk - actor mapping 
				int32 InfoIndex = ChunkInfos.AddUninitialized();

				FDestructibleChunkInfo* CI = &ChunkInfos[InfoIndex];
				CI->Index = InfoIndex;
				CI->ChunkIndex = ChunkIndex;
				CI->OwningComponent = this;
				CI->Actor = PActor;

				int32 UserDataIdx = PhysxChunkUserData.Add(FPhysxUserData(CI));
				check(InfoIndex == UserDataIdx);

				PActor->userData = &PhysxChunkUserData[UserDataIdx];

				// Set collision response to non-root chunks
				if (GetDestructibleMesh()->ApexDestructibleAsset->getChunkParentIndex(ChunkIndex) >= 0)
					SetCollisionResponseForActor(ChunkCollisionResponse, PActor, ChunkIndex);
			bClearActorFromChunkInfo = true;
#endif // WITH_APEX
		HideBone(BoneIndex, PBO_None);
		bClearActorFromChunkInfo = true;

	if (bClearActorFromChunkInfo)
		// Make sure we clear the physx actor pointer of the chunk info as it might (and probably will) be
		// invalid from now on
		for (int32 i=0; i < ChunkInfos.Num(); ++i)
			if (ChunkInfos[i].ChunkIndex == ChunkIndex)
				ChunkInfos[i].Actor = NULL;
#endif // WITH_APEX

	// Mark the transform as dirty, so the bounds are updated and sent to the render thread

	// New bone positions need to be sent to render thread