Ejemplo n.º 1
std::map<std::string,std::string> EQW::GetPlayerDetails(Const_char *char_name) {
	std::map<std::string,std::string> res;

	ClientListEntry *cle = client_list.FindCharacter(char_name);
	if(cle == nullptr) {
		res["error"] = "1";

	res["character"] = cle->name();
	res["account"] = cle->AccountName();
	res["account_id"] = itoa(cle->AccountID());
	res["location_short"] = cle->zone()?database.GetZoneName(cle->zone()):"No Zone";
	res["location_long"] = res["location_short"];
	res["location_id"] = itoa(cle->zone());
	res["ip"] = long2ip(cle->GetIP());
	res["level"] = itoa(cle->level());
	res["race"] = GetRaceName(cle->race());
	res["race_id"] = itoa(cle->race());
	res["class"] = GetEQClassName(cle->class_());
	res["class_id"] = itoa(cle->class_());
	res["guild_id"] = itoa(cle->GuildID());
	res["guild"] = guild_mgr.GetGuildName(cle->GuildID());
	res["status"] = itoa(cle->Admin());
//	res["patch"] = cle->DescribePatch();

Ejemplo n.º 2
void PerlembParser::ExportMobVariables(bool isPlayerQuest, bool isGlobalPlayerQuest, bool isGlobalNPC, bool isItemQuest,
                                       bool isSpellQuest, std::string &package_name, Mob *mob, NPC *npcmob)
    uint8 fac = 0;
    if (mob && mob->IsClient()) {
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "uguild_id", mob->CastToClient()->GuildID());
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "uguildrank", mob->CastToClient()->GuildRank());
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "status", mob->CastToClient()->Admin());

    if(!isPlayerQuest && !isGlobalPlayerQuest && !isItemQuest) {
        if (mob && npcmob && mob->IsClient()) {
            Client* client = mob->CastToClient();

            fac = client->GetFactionLevel(client->CharacterID(), npcmob->GetID(), client->GetRace(),
                                          client->GetClass(), client->GetDeity(), npcmob->GetPrimaryFaction(), npcmob);

    if(mob) {
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "name", mob->GetName());
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "race", GetRaceName(mob->GetRace()));
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "class", GetEQClassName(mob->GetClass()));
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "ulevel", mob->GetLevel());
        ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "userid", mob->GetID());

    if(!isPlayerQuest && !isGlobalPlayerQuest && !isItemQuest && !isSpellQuest)
        if (npcmob)
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "mname", npcmob->GetName());
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "mobid", npcmob->GetID());
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "mlevel", npcmob->GetLevel());
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "hpratio",npcmob->GetHPRatio());
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "x", npcmob->GetX() );
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "y", npcmob->GetY() );
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "z", npcmob->GetZ() );
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "h", npcmob->GetHeading() );
            if(npcmob->GetTarget()) {
                ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "targetid", npcmob->GetTarget()->GetID());
                ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "targetname", npcmob->GetTarget()->GetName());

        if (fac) {
            ExportVar(package_name.c_str(), "faction", itoa(fac));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ClientList::ConsoleSendWhoAll(const char* to, int16 admin, Who_All_Struct* whom, WorldTCPConnection* connection) {
	LinkedListIterator<ClientListEntry*> iterator(clientlist);
	ClientListEntry* cle = 0;
	char tmpgm[25] = "";
	char accinfo[150] = "";
	char line[300] = "";
	char tmpguild[50] = "";
	char LFG[10] = "";
	uint32 x = 0;
	int whomlen = 0;
	if (whom)
		whomlen = strlen(whom->whom);

	char* output = 0;
	uint32 outsize = 0, outlen = 0;
	AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "Players on server:");
	if (connection->IsConsole())
		AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "\r\n");
		AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "\n");
	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
		cle = iterator.GetData();
		const char* tmpZone = database.GetZoneName(cle->zone());
		if (
	(cle->Online() >= CLE_Status_Zoning)
	&& (whom == 0 || (
		((cle->Admin() >= 80 && cle->GetGM()) || whom->gmlookup == 0xFFFF) &&
		(whom->lvllow == 0xFFFF || (cle->level() >= whom->lvllow && cle->level() <= whom->lvlhigh)) &&
		(whom->wclass == 0xFFFF || cle->class_() == whom->wclass) &&
		(whom->wrace == 0xFFFF || cle->race() == whom->wrace) &&
		(whomlen == 0 || (
			(tmpZone != 0 && strncasecmp(tmpZone, whom->whom, whomlen) == 0) ||
			strncasecmp(cle->name(),whom->whom, whomlen) == 0 ||
			(strncasecmp(guild_mgr.GetGuildName(cle->GuildID()), whom->whom, whomlen) == 0) ||
			(admin >= 100 && strncasecmp(cle->AccountName(), whom->whom, whomlen) == 0)
) {
			line[0] = 0;
// MYRA - use new (5.x) Status labels in who for telnet connection
			if (cle->Admin() >=250)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Impossible * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 200)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Mgmt * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 180)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Coder * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 170)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Areas * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 160)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* QuestMaster * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 150)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Lead Admin * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 100)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Admin * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 95)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Staff * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 90)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* EQ Support * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 85)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* GM-Tester * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 81)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* Senior Guide * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 80)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* QuestTroupe * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 50)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* Guide * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 20)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* Apprentice Guide * ");
			else if (cle->Admin() >= 10)
				strcpy(tmpgm, "* Steward * ");
				tmpgm[0] = 0;
// end Myra

			if (guild_mgr.GuildExists(cle->GuildID())) {
				snprintf(tmpguild, 36, " <%s>", guild_mgr.GetGuildName(cle->GuildID()));
			} else
				tmpguild[0] = 0;

			if (cle->LFG())
				strcpy(LFG, " LFG");
				LFG[0] = 0;

			if (admin >= 150 && admin >= cle->Admin()) {
				sprintf(accinfo, " AccID: %i AccName: %s LSID: %i Status: %i", cle->AccountID(), cle->AccountName(), cle->LSAccountID(), cle->Admin());
				accinfo[0] = 0;

			if (cle->Anon() == 2) { // Roleplay
				if (admin >= 100 && admin >= cle->Admin())
					sprintf(line, "  %s[RolePlay %i %s] %s (%s)%s zone: %s%s%s", tmpgm, cle->level(), GetEQClassName(cle->class_(),cle->level()), cle->name(), GetRaceName(cle->race()), tmpguild, tmpZone, LFG, accinfo);
				else if (cle->Admin() >= 80 && admin < 80 && cle->GetGM()) {
					sprintf(line, "  %s[ANONYMOUS] %s%s%s%s", tmpgm, cle->name(), tmpguild, LFG, accinfo);
			else if (cle->Anon() == 1) { // Anon
				if (admin >= 100 && admin >= cle->Admin())
					sprintf(line, "  %s[ANON %i %s] %s (%s)%s zone: %s%s%s", tmpgm, cle->level(), GetEQClassName(cle->class_(),cle->level()), cle->name(), GetRaceName(cle->race()), tmpguild, tmpZone, LFG, accinfo);
				else if (cle->Admin() >= 80 && cle->GetGM()) {
					sprintf(line, "  %s[ANONYMOUS] %s%s%s", tmpgm, cle->name(), LFG, accinfo);
				sprintf(line, "  %s[%i %s] %s (%s)%s zone: %s%s%s", tmpgm, cle->level(), GetEQClassName(cle->class_(),cle->level()), cle->name(), GetRaceName(cle->race()), tmpguild, tmpZone, LFG, accinfo);

			AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, line);
			if (outlen >= 3584) {
				connection->SendEmoteMessageRaw(to, 0, 0, 10, output);
				outsize = 0;
				outlen = 0;
			else {
				if (connection->IsConsole())
					AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "\r\n");
					AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "\n");
			if (x >= 20 && admin < 80)

	if (x >= 20 && admin < 80)
		AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "too many results...20 players shown");
		AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "%i players online", x);
	if (admin >= 150 && (whom == 0 || whom->gmlookup != 0xFFFF)) {
		if (connection->IsConsole())
			AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "\r\n");
			AppendAnyLenString(&output, &outsize, &outlen, "\n");
		console_list.SendConsoleWho(connection, to, admin, &output, &outsize, &outlen);
	if (output)
		connection->SendEmoteMessageRaw(to, 0, 0, 10, output);
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Client::HandleNameApprovalPacket(const EQApplicationPacket *app) {

	if (GetAccountID() == 0) {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"Name approval request with no logged in account");
		return false;

	snprintf(char_name, 64, "%s", (char*)app->pBuffer);
	uchar race = app->pBuffer[64];
	uchar clas = app->pBuffer[68];

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT,"Name approval request. Name=%s, race=%s, class=%s",char_name,GetRaceName(race),GetEQClassName(clas));

	EQApplicationPacket *outapp;
	outapp = new EQApplicationPacket;
	outapp->pBuffer = new uchar[1];
	outapp->size = 1;

	bool valid;
	if(!database.CheckNameFilter(char_name)) {
		valid = false;
	else if(char_name[0] < 'A' && char_name[0] > 'Z') {
		//name must begin with an upper-case letter.
		valid = false;
	else if (database.ReserveName(GetAccountID(), char_name)) {
		valid = true;
	else {
		valid = false;
	outapp->pBuffer[0] = valid? 1 : 0;

	if(!valid) {
		memset(char_name, 0, sizeof(char_name));

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Client::CheckQuests(const char* zonename, const char * message, int32 npc_id, uint16 item_id, Mob* other)
	bool ps = false;
	bool tt = false;
	bool ti = false;
	bool tt2 = false;
	bool ti2 = false;
	bool stt = false;
	bool std = false;
	bool td = false;
	bool sta = false;
	bool ta = false;
	bool sti = false;
	bool stf = false;
	bool tf = false;
	bool tk = false;
	bool stk = false;
	bool levelcheck = false;
	int8 fac = GetFactionLevel(GetID(),other->GetNPCTypeID(), GetRace(), GetClass(), DEITY_AGNOSTIC, other->CastToNPC()->GetPrimaryFaction(), other);
	FILE * pFile;
  long lSize;
  char * buffer;
  char filename[255];
  #ifdef WIN32
  snprintf(filename, 254, "quests\\%i.qst", npc_id);
  snprintf(filename, 254, "quests/%i.qst", npc_id);
  adverrorinfo = 940;
  if ((pFile=fopen(filename,"rb")))
		#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("Reading quests from %s\n", filename);
  else {
		#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("Error: No quests file found for %s\n", filename);
  if (pFile==NULL) exit (1);

  // obtain file size.
  fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
  lSize = ftell (pFile);
  rewind (pFile);

  adverrorinfo = 941;
  // allocate memory to contain the whole file.
  buffer = (char*) malloc (lSize);
  if (buffer == NULL) exit (2);

  // copy the file into the buffer.
  fread (buffer,1,lSize,pFile);
  Seperator3 sep3(buffer);
  for(int i=0; i < 2048; ++i)
//  printf("Temp: %s\n", sep3.arghz[i]);
	char * command;
	char * temp;
	temp = sep3.arghz[i];
	if (temp == NULL) return;
	Seperator sep(temp);
	Seperator4 sep4(temp);
	command = sep4.arghza[0];
	command = strupr(command);
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (!IsCommented(temp))
	if (strstr(command,"END_FILE") != NULL || command == NULL)
	if (ti2 || tt2 || tf || td || ta) {
		char lvl[5];
		sprintf(lvl, "%i", this->GetLevel());
		strcpy(sep4.arghza[1], strreplace(sep4.arghza[1],"%CHARRACE%", GetRaceName(this->GetRace())));
		strcpy(sep4.arghza[1], strreplace(sep4.arghza[1],"%CHARLEVEL%", lvl));
		strcpy(sep4.arghza[1], strreplace(sep4.arghza[1],"%CHARCLASS%", GetEQClassName(this->GetClass(), 50)));
		char * nmessage = strreplace(sep4.arghza[1],"%CHARNAME%", this->GetName());
		nmessage[strlen(nmessage) - 1] = '\0';
		if (ti2 || tt2 || ta)
			other->CastToNPC()->FaceTarget(this, true);
		if ((fac == 7 || fac == 6) && (ti2 || tt2))
			entity_list.NPCMessage(other,true,200,0,"%s says, 'I will have nothing to do with such as you. Begone.'",other->GetName());
		else if (strstr(command,"FACTION_CHECK") != NULL) {
			int8 fac2 = atoi(sep.arg[1]);
			if ((fac2 <= 5 && fac > fac2) || (fac2 == 6 && fac == 8))
				entity_list.NPCMessage(other,true,200,0,"%s says, 'I will have nothing to do with such as you. Begone.'",other->GetName());
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"SAY") != NULL) {
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s says, '%s'", other->GetName(), nmessage);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"EMOTE") != NULL) {
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s %s", other->GetName(), nmessage);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"TEXT") != NULL) {
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s", nmessage);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"SHOUT") != NULL) {
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 0, 13, "%s shouts, '%s'", other->GetName(), nmessage);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"SPAWN_ITEM") != NULL) {
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"ADD_HATELIST") != NULL) {
			other->CastToNPC()->AddToHateList(this, 100);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"DEPOP") != NULL) {
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"CITYTAKE") != NULL) {
			if(IsClient() && GuildDBID() != 0)
				if(target->CastToNPC()->GetGuildOwner() == GuildDBID())
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s says, 'You are a member of the guild that owns this city, why would you want to conquere it?'", other->GetName(), nmessage);				
				else if(!IsAttackAllowed(other))
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s says, 'You cannot conquere an allied city.'", other->GetName(), nmessage);				
				else if(database.CityDefense(zone->GetZoneID(),0))
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s says, 'This city still has men standing, I will not surrender!'", other->GetName(), nmessage);				
				else if(database.SetCityGuildOwned(GuildDBID(),other->GetNPCTypeID()))
			entity_list.NPCMessage(this, false, 400, 0, "%s says, 'You have won, I surrender to you.'", other->GetName(), nmessage);	
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"SPAWN_NPC") != NULL) {
				adverrorinfo = 751;
				const NPCType* tmp = 0;
				adverrorinfo = 752;
				int16 grid = atoi(sep.arg[2]);
				int8 guildwarset = atoi(sep.arg[3]);
				if ((tmp = database.GetNPCType(atoi(sep.arg[1]))))
					adverrorinfo = 753;
					NPC* npc = new NPC(tmp, 0, other->GetX(), other->GetY(), other->GetZ(), heading);
					adverrorinfo = 754;
					adverrorinfo = 755;
					adverrorinfo = 756;
					if(npc != 0)
					if(grid > 0)
					adverrorinfo = 757;
					if(guildwarset > 0 && guildwarset == 1 && GuildDBID() > 0)
					adverrorinfo = 758;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"LEVEL_CHECK") != NULL) 
         int8 Level1 = atoi(sep.arg[1]); 
         int8 Level2 = atoi(sep.arg[2]); 
         int8 Levelp = this->GetLevel(); 
         if(Level2 == 0 || Level2 == NULL){ 
            //Min Level 
            if(Level1 > Levelp) 
               //not high enough to talk too 
            //Level Range 
            if(Level1 < Levelp && Level2 < Levelp) 
               //not in the req level range 
         levelcheck = true; 
		else if (strstr(command,"CUMULATIVE_FLAG") != NULL) {
			other->flag[50] = other->flag[50] + 1;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"NPC_FLAG") != NULL) {
			other->flag[atoi(sep.arg[1])] = atoi(sep.arg[2]);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"PLAYER_FLAG") != NULL) {
			this->flag[atoi(sep.arg[1])] = atoi(sep.arg[2]);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"EXP") != NULL) {
			this->AddEXP (atoi(sep.arg[1]));
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"LEVEL") != NULL) {
			this->SetLevel(atoi(sep.arg[1]), true);
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"SAFEMOVE") != NULL) {
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"RAIN") != NULL) {
			zone->zone_weather = atoi(sep.arg[1]);
			APPLAYER* outapp = new APPLAYER;
			outapp = new APPLAYER;
			outapp->opcode = OP_Weather;
			outapp->pBuffer = new uchar[8];
			memset(outapp->pBuffer, 0, 8);
			outapp->size = 8;
			outapp->pBuffer[4] = atoi(sep.arg[1]); // Why not just use 0x01/2/3?
			entity_list.QueueClients(this, outapp);
			delete outapp;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"SNOW") != NULL) {
			zone->zone_weather = atoi(sep.arg[1]) + 1;
			APPLAYER* outapp = new APPLAYER;
			outapp = new APPLAYER;
			outapp->opcode = OP_Weather;
			outapp->pBuffer = new uchar[8];
			memset(outapp->pBuffer, 0, 8);
			outapp->size = 8;
			outapp->pBuffer[0] = 0x01;
			outapp->pBuffer[4] = atoi(sep.arg[1]);
			entity_list.QueueClients(this, outapp);
			delete outapp;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"GIVE_CASH") != NULL) {
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"GIVE_ITEM") != NULL) { 
			int16 ItemID = atoi(sep.arg[1]); 
			sint8 ItemCharges = atoi(sep.arg[2]); 
			this->SummonItem(ItemID, ItemCharges); 
			ps = true; 
		else if (strstr(command,"CAST_SPELL") != NULL) {
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"PVP") != NULL) {
			if (strstr(strupr(sep.arg[1]),"ON") != NULL)
			ps = true;
		/*else if (strstr(command,"CHANGEFACTION") != NULL) {
			if ((sep.IsNumber(1)) && (sep.IsNumber(2))) {
				this->CastToClient()->SetFactionLevel2(this->CastToClient()->CharacterID(),atoi(sep.arg[1]), this->CastToClient()->GetClass(), this->CastToClient()->GetRace(), this->CastToClient()->GetDeity(), atoi(sep.arg[2]));
				cout << "Error in script!!!!!  Bad CHANGEFACTION Line! " << endl;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"DO_ANIMATION") != NULL) {
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"ADDSKILL") != NULL) {
			if (sep.IsNumber(1) && sep.IsNumber(2) && (atoi(sep.arg[2]) >= 0 || atoi(sep.arg[2]) <= 252) && (atoi(sep.arg[1]) >= 0 && atoi(sep.arg[1]) < 74)) {
				this->AddSkill(atoi(sep.arg[1]), atoi(sep.arg[2]));
				cout << "Error in script!!!! Bad ADDSKILL line!" << endl;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"FLAG_CHECK") != NULL)
			if (this->flag[atoi(sep.arg[1])] == 0)
				this->flag[atoi(sep.arg[1])] = 0;
			ps = true;
		else if (strstr(command,"CHANCE") != NULL)
			if (rand()%100 > atoi(sep.arg[1]))
			ps = true;
	if (IsEnd(temp)) 
		tt = false; tt2 = false; stt = false; ti = false; ti2 = false; sti = false; tk = false;	td = false; std = false; ta = false; sta = false; tf = false; stf = false; stk = false; 
		if (strstr(command,"TRIGGER_ATTACK") != NULL)
			if (strstr(message,"%%ATTACK%%") != NULL) {
				adverrorinfo = 943;
				ta = true;
			else { sta = true; }
		else if (strstr(command,"TRIGGER_DEATH") != NULL)
			if (strstr(message,"%%DEATH%%") != NULL)
				td = true;
			else { std = true; }
		else if (strstr(command,"TRIGGER_KILLED") != NULL)
			if (strstr(message,"%%KILLED%%") != NULL)
				tk = true;
			else { stk = true; }
		else if (strstr(command,"TRIGGER_FLAGS") != NULL)
			int8 flag1 = atoi(sep.arg[1]);
			int8 flag2 = atoi(sep.arg[2]);
			int8 flag3 = atoi(sep.arg[3]);
			int8 flag4 = atoi(sep.arg[4]);
			if (flag1 == 50)
				if (other->flag[50] >= atoi(sep.arg[2]))
					tf = true;
					other->flag[50] = 0;
					stf = true;
				if (ta || tt || ti)
					stf = true;
				else if (flag1 > 0 && other->flag[flag1] == 0)
					stf = true;
				else if (flag2 > 0 && other->flag[flag2] == 0)
					stf = true;
				else if (flag3 > 0 && other->flag[flag3] == 0)
					stf = true;
				else if (flag4 > 0 && other->flag[flag4] == 0)
					stf = true;
					tf = true;
					if (flag1 > 0)
						other->flag[flag1] = 0;
					if (flag2 > 0)
						other->flag[flag2] = 0;
					if (flag3 > 0)
						other->flag[flag3] = 0;
				if (flag4 > 0)
							other->flag[flag4] = 0;
		else if (strstr(command,"TRIGGER_ITEM") != NULL) {
			if (!ta && !tt && !ti)
				if ((uint16)item_id == atoi(sep4.arghza[1]))
					ti = true; ti2 = true;
				else { sti = true; }
				printf("TRIGGER_ITEM Error at line %d: missing left curly bracket\n", i);
		else if (strstr(command,"TRIGGER_TEXT") != NULL)
			if (strstr(message,"%%DEATH%%") == NULL && strstr(message,"%%ITEM%%") == NULL && strstr(message,"%%ATTACK%%") == NULL && strstr(message,"%%KILLED%%") == NULL && Dist(other) <= 50) {
				char* tmp = new char[strlen(message)+1];
				strcpy(tmp, message);
				if (strstr(tmp,strupr(sep4.arghza[1])) != NULL)
					tt2 = true; tt = true;
					stt = true;
				delete tmp;
			else if (strstr(message,"%%DEATH%%") != NULL || strstr(message,"%%item%%") != NULL || strstr(message,"%%attack%%")) { stt = true; }
			else if (!ps) { printf("TRIGGER_TEXT Error at line %d: Not in NPC_Script\n", i); return; }
				printf("TRIGGER_TEXT Error at line %d: missing left curly bracket\n", i);
	/*#ifdef WIN32
		delete command;
		delete temp;
	if (!ps && item_id != 0)
		entity_list.NPCMessage(this,true,200,0,"%s has no use for this item.",other->GetName());
	delete buffer;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool Client::HandleNameApprovalPacket(const EQApplicationPacket *app)
	if (GetAccountID() == 0) {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT_ERR,"Name approval request with no logged in account");
		return false;

	snprintf(char_name, 64, "%s", (char*)app->pBuffer);
	uchar race = app->pBuffer[64];
	uchar clas = app->pBuffer[68];

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Name approval request. Name=%s, race=%s, class=%s", char_name, GetRaceName(race), GetEQClassName(clas));

	EQApplicationPacket *outapp;
	outapp = new EQApplicationPacket;
	outapp->pBuffer = new uchar[1];
	outapp->size = 1;

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "common/client.cpp line 292 pass");
	bool valid = false;
	if (!database.CheckNameFilter(char_name)) {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Invalid name");
		valid = false; 
	/* Name must begin with an upper-case letter. */
	else if (islower(char_name[0])) {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "Must begin with uppercase");
		valid = false; 
	else if (database.ReserveName(GetAccountID(), char_name)) {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "common/client.cpp line 304 pass");
		valid = true; 	
	else {
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "common/client.cpp line 308 pass");
		valid = false; 

	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "common/client.cpp line 312 pass");
	outapp->pBuffer[0] = valid? 1 : 0;
	clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "common/client.cpp line 316 pass");

	if (!valid)
		memset(char_name, 0, sizeof(char_name));
		clog(WORLD__CLIENT, "common/client.cpp line 320 pass");

	return true;