Ejemplo n.º 1
// this will free the socket if it can't open it
TCPSOCKET * TCPInitSocket(const LLADP * pLLAdp, TCPSOCKET * pSocketOpen, HPMGR hPMGR, const void * pIPvXDest, uint16_t portRemote, uint16_t portLocal, IPSTATUS * pStatus)
    IPSTATUS    status          = ipsSuccess;
    SMGR *      pSMGR           = NULL;
    uint32_t    cb              = 0;
    uint32_t    cPages          = 0;

    if(pSocketOpen == NULL)
        AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, ipsSocketNULL);
    else if(hPMGR == NULL)
        AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, ipsNoPMGRGiven);

    // find a port
    if(portLocal == portDynamicallyAssign)
        portLocal = GetEphemeralPort(&g_ffptActiveTCPSockets, &g_nextTCPEphemeralPort);

    // get the sequence number
    // we have to get this BEFORE we memset the socket
    // as the timewait may be the socket we are clearing.
    // also, if we are listening, we can only assign the sequence number
    // when we now our remote port and IP as to not duplicate and to watch seq numbers.
    if(portRemote != portListen)
        SKTPORTPAIR portPair;    // remote, local
        portPair.portRemote =   portRemote;
        portPair.portLocal  =   portLocal;

        // worry about the 2MSL timewait issue, get an appropriate sequence number
        if(TCPIsInUse(pLLAdp, portPair.portPair, pIPvXDest))
            AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, ipsPortPairAndIPAlreadyActive);

    // build the stream manager to point to the page handler
    // first build the stream to the RxStream and TxStream
    // Rx is the 1st
    pSocketOpen->hPMGR = hPMGR;
    // calculate the size of the 2 embedded streams and how to partition the socket stream, stream
    // the Rx is the first indirect stream follwed by the Tx indirect stream in the socket stream
    cb                      = (1 << ((PMGR *) hPMGR)->pf2PerPage);
    cPages                  = ((PMGR *) hPMGR)->cPages;
    pSocketOpen->cbRxSMGR   = GetSMGRSize(min(((cTCPRXPages * cb) - sizeof(SMGR)), cPages));
    pSocketOpen->cbTxSMGR   = GetSMGRSize(min(((cTCPTXPages * cb) - sizeof(SMGR)), cPages));
    cb                      = pSocketOpen->cbRxSMGR + pSocketOpen->cbTxSMGR;

    if(SMGRInit(&pSocketOpen->smgrRxTxBuff, cbMAXTCPSreamRecord, hPMGR) != (HSMGR) &pSocketOpen->smgrRxTxBuff)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;
    else if((pSMGR = (SMGR*)alloca(cb)) == NULL)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;
    else if(SMGRInit(pSMGR, pSocketOpen->cbRxSMGR, hPMGR) == NULL || SMGRInit((SMGR *) (((uint8_t *) pSMGR) + pSocketOpen->cbRxSMGR), pSocketOpen->cbTxSMGR, hPMGR) == NULL)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;
    else if(SMGRWrite(&pSocketOpen->smgrRxTxBuff, 0, pSMGR, cb) != cb)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;

    AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, status);
        SMGRFree((HSMGR) pSMGR);
        SMGRFree((HSMGR) (((uint8_t *) pSMGR) + pSocketOpen->cbRxSMGR));
        SMGRFree((HSMGR) &pSocketOpen->smgrRxTxBuff);

    // make the socket
    pSocketOpen->tcpState       = tcpAllocated;
    pSocketOpen->s.portLocal    = portLocal;
    pSocketOpen->s.portRemote   = portRemote;
    pSocketOpen->s.pLLAdp       = pLLAdp;
    memcpy(&pSocketOpen->s.ipRemote, pIPvXDest, ILIPSize(pLLAdp));

    // get a new seq nbr
    pSocketOpen->sndISS = TCPGetSeqNumber(pLLAdp);

    // max I will allow to come in. RFC 1122
    pSocketOpen->cbLocalMSS     = min((PMGRMaxAlloc(hPMGR) >> 2), (uint16_t) (LLGetMTUR(pLLAdp) - 20));

    // Jacobson rule
    pSocketOpen->RTTsa          = RTTsaINIT;
    pSocketOpen->RTTsv          = RTTsvINIT;
    pSocketOpen->tRTO_SET       = RTO(pSocketOpen);
    pSocketOpen->tRTOCur        = pSocketOpen->tRTO_SET;

Ejemplo n.º 2
HSOCKET UDPOpenWithSocket(const LLADP * pLLAdp, UDPSOCKET * pSocket, HPMGR hPMGR, const void * pIPvXDest, uint16_t portRemote, uint16_t portLocal, IPSTATUS * pStatus)
//    uint32_t    portPair    = 0;
    IPSTATUS    status      = ipsSuccess;
    SMGR *      pSMGR       = NULL;
    uint32_t    cb          = 0;

    if(pLLAdp == NULL)
        status = ipsAdaptorMustBeSpecified;
    else if(pSocket == NULL)
        status = ipsSocketNULL;
    else if(hPMGR == NULL)
        status = ipsNoPMGRGiven;
    else if(pIPvXDest == NULL)
        status = ipsIPAddressIsNull;
    // get the local port
    else if(portLocal == portDynamicallyAssign)
        portLocal = GetEphemeralPort(&g_ffptListeningUDPSockets, &g_nextUDPEphemeralPort);

    AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, status);

    // build the stream manager to point to the page handler
    // first build the stream to the RxStream
    pSocket->hPMGR = hPMGR;
    if(SMGRInit(&pSocket->smgrRxBuff, cbMAXUDPSreamRecord, hPMGR) != (HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxBuff)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;
    else if((pSMGR = alloca((cb = GetSMGRSize(((PMGR *) hPMGR)->cPages)))) == NULL)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;
    else if(SMGRInit(pSMGR, cb, hPMGR) == NULL)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;
    else if(SMGRWrite(&pSocket->smgrRxBuff, 0, pSMGR, cb) != cb)
        status = ispOutOfMemory;

    AssignStatusSafely(pStatus, status);
        SMGRFree((HSMGR) pSMGR);
        SMGRFree((HSMGR) &pSocket->smgrRxBuff);

    pSocket->s.pLLAdp         = pLLAdp;
    pSocket->s.portRemote     = portRemote;
    pSocket->s.portLocal      = portLocal;

    memcpy(&pSocket->s.ipRemote, pIPvXDest, ILIPSize(pLLAdp));

    pSocket->cbRxSMGR       = cb;

    // put on the listening list.
    FFInPacket(&g_ffptListeningUDPSockets, pSocket);

    // return the socket