/* This is where the real work happens! Go through the field map and set the data in a new database row */ nsresult nsTextAddress::ProcessLine(const nsAString &aLine, nsString& errors) { if (!m_fieldMap) { IMPORT_LOG0("*** Error, text import needs a field map\n"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsresult rv; // Wait until we get our first non-empty field, then create a new row, // fill in the data, then add the row to the database. nsCOMPtr<nsIMdbRow> newRow; nsAutoString fieldVal; int32_t fieldNum; int32_t numFields = 0; bool active; rv = m_fieldMap->GetMapSize(&numFields); for (int32_t i = 0; (i < numFields) && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv); i++) { active = false; rv = m_fieldMap->GetFieldMap(i, &fieldNum); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = m_fieldMap->GetFieldActive(i, &active); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && active) { if (GetField(aLine, i, fieldVal, m_delim)) { if (!fieldVal.IsEmpty()) { if (!newRow) { rv = m_database->GetNewRow(getter_AddRefs(newRow)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { IMPORT_LOG0("*** Error getting new address database row\n"); } } if (newRow) { rv = m_fieldMap->SetFieldValue(m_database, newRow, fieldNum, fieldVal.get()); } } } else break; } else if (active) { IMPORT_LOG1("*** Error getting field map for index %ld\n", (long) i); } } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && newRow) rv = m_database->AddCardRowToDB(newRow); return rv; }
void ProcessFieldAnim(int x, int y) { int oldt, t; TSprite *s; int rx, ry, drawx, drawy; t = oldt = GetField(x, y)->Terrain2; t = CycleF(t, 389, 390, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905); t = CycleF(t, 391, 392, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911); t = CycleF(t, 395, 396, 397, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916); t = CycleF(t, 398, 399, 400, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922); if (t != oldt) { PlaceL2(x, y, t, 1); s = (TSprite*)(BmpTerr2[GetField(x, y)->Terrain2]); if (s) { rx = GetRelX(x), ry = GetRelY(y); drawx = 28 * (rx - ry) + 28; drawy = 14 * (rx + ry - (GetField(x, y)->Height)) + 14; StartDraw(drawx - s->dx, drawy - s->dy, s->w, s->h); PaintUnits(); EndDraw(); } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Checks the validity of heart_rate_local_device_type field // Returns FIT_TRUE if field is valid /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FIT_BOOL IsHeartRateLocalDeviceTypeValid() const { const Field* field = GetField(20); if( FIT_NULL == field ) { return FIT_FALSE; } if( !CanSupportSubField( field, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::DIVE_SETTINGS_MESG_HEART_RATE_SOURCE_FIELD_HEART_RATE_LOCAL_DEVICE_TYPE ) ) { return FIT_FALSE; } return field->IsValueValid(0, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::DIVE_SETTINGS_MESG_HEART_RATE_SOURCE_FIELD_HEART_RATE_LOCAL_DEVICE_TYPE); }
const FIT_UINT16 Profile::GetSubFieldIndex(const std::string& mesgName, const std::string& fieldName, const std::string& subFieldName) { const FIELD *field = GetField(mesgName, fieldName); if (field == NULL) return FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD; for (FIT_UINT16 i = 0; i < field->numSubFields; i++) { if (field->subFields[i].name == subFieldName) return i; } return FIT_SUBFIELD_INDEX_MAIN_FIELD; }
void MainWindow::onLoadTareas() { addingTarea_ = true; while (ui->tblTareas->rowCount()) ui->tblTareas->removeRow(0); //Obtenemos las tareas QSqlQuery q = db_.exec("SELECT * " "FROM tareas " "WHERE id_categ = " + ui->comboCategoria->currentData().toString()); while (q.next()) { //Añadimos la tarea a la tabla de categorias int rowNumber = ui->tblTareas->rowCount(); int id = GetField(q, "id").toInt(); ui->tblTareas->insertRow(rowNumber); QTableWidgetItem* item = new QTableWidgetItem(GetField(q, "name").toString()); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, id); ui->tblTareas->setItem(rowNumber, 0, item); ui->tblTareas->setItem(rowNumber, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(GetField(q, "date").toString())); item = new QTableWidgetItem(""); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); if (GetField(q, "done").toInt()) item->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); else item->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); ui->tblTareas->setItem(rowNumber, 2, item); } //Activamos el sorting en la tabla de categorias ui->tblTareas->setSortingEnabled(true); addingTarea_ = false; }
void FieldTurnEnd(int x, int y) { int oldt, t; int anim = 1; t = oldt = GetField(x, y)->Terrain2; t = DegradeF(t, 401, 398, 399, 400, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922); t = DegradeF(t, 398, 395, 396, 397, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916); t = DegradeF(t, 393, 391, 392, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911); t = DegradeF(t, 391, 389, 390, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905); if (t != oldt) { if ((t == 401) || (t == 393)) anim = 0; PlaceL2(x, y, t, anim); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Checks the validity of analog_layout field // Returns FIT_TRUE if field is valid /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FIT_BOOL IsAnalogLayoutValid() const { const Field* field = GetField(1); if( FIT_NULL == field ) { return FIT_FALSE; } if( !CanSupportSubField( field, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::WATCHFACE_SETTINGS_MESG_LAYOUT_FIELD_ANALOG_LAYOUT ) ) { return FIT_FALSE; } return field->IsValueValid(0, (FIT_UINT16) Profile::WATCHFACE_SETTINGS_MESG_LAYOUT_FIELD_ANALOG_LAYOUT); }
int AssignResult5 () { int i, t = 0; Base8 = GetField (B8X, B8Y) -> Unit; if (Base8 == NO_UNIT || Units [Base8] -> Type % BADLIFE != unBase) Base8 = NO_UNIT; for (i = 0; i < BADLIFE; i++) if (Units [i] != NULL && Units [i] -> Type < unRadar) t++; if (t == 0) return -1; // GoodLife prohral if (Base8 == NO_UNIT || Base8 < BADLIFE) return 1; // BadLife prohral return 0; // Zatim se jeste hraje }
const IAccess* CFrame::GetAccess( std::string _name ) const { const IAccess* result = GetFormal( _name ); if( result != 0 ) { return result; } result = GetLocal( _name ); if( result != 0 ) { return result; } result = GetField( _name ); if( result != 0 ) { return result; } return nullptr; }
// get the subtype string MimeHeader::GetSubType() const { string strSubType; MimeField *pfd = GetField(CMimeConst::ContentType()); if (pfd != NULL) { string strType; pfd->GetValue(strType); string::size_type nSlash = strType.find('/'); if (nSlash > 0) strSubType = strType.substr(nSlash+1); } else strSubType = "plain"; return strSubType; }
void TThor::GoOverground(int over) { int i; if (over == IsOverground) return; if (TimeUnits < 30) { if (ID < BADLIFE) Message(MSG_OUT_OF_TIME); return; } TimeUnits -= 30; IsOverground = over; HideHelpers(); if (GetField(X, Y)->Visib == 2) { if (over) PlaySample(GetUnitSound(6), 6, EffectsVolume, GetFieldPanning(X, Y)); else PlaySample(GetUnitSound(7), 6, EffectsVolume, GetFieldPanning(X, Y)); } if (over) { for (i = 9; i < 16; i++) { ActualSprite = i; PaintUnit(); SDL_Delay(iniAnimDelay2); } Orient = 3; ActualSprite = 3; Weapons[0]->Ammo = 8; TotalRockets -= 8; if (TotalRockets < 0) { Weapons[0]->Ammo += TotalRockets; TotalRockets = 0; } Defense[0] = -utTH_DND0, Defense[1] -= utTH_DND1, Defense[2] -= utTH_DND2; } else { Rotate(3); for (i = 15; i > 8; i--) { ActualSprite = i; PaintUnit(); SDL_Delay(iniAnimDelay2); } ActualSprite = 8; TotalRockets += Weapons[0]->Ammo; Weapons[0]->Ammo = 0; Defense[0] += utTH_DND0, Defense[1] += utTH_DND1, Defense[2] += utTH_DND2; } ShowHelpers(); PaintUnit(); }
void CDatabaseManager::RemoveField(QString *pICAO) { //First remove the directory s_Field* lfld = new s_Field(); GetField(*pICAO, lfld); QDir ldir(lfld->Path); ldir.cd(lfld->Path); QStringList lFiles; lFiles = ldir.entryList(); QString fileName; foreach(fileName, lFiles) { QString fn(lfld->Path); fn.append("/"); fn.append(fileName); QFile::remove(fn); }
int AssignResult19 () { int i, t = 0; Base1 = GetField (B1X, B1Y) -> Unit; if (Base1 == NO_UNIT || Units [Base1] -> Type % BADLIFE != unArtefactHouse) Base1 = NO_UNIT; for (i = 0; i < BADLIFE; i++) if (Units [i] != NULL) t++; if (t == 0) return -1; // GoodLife prohral if (Base1 == NO_UNIT || Base1 < BADLIFE) return 1; return 0; // Zatim se jeste hraje }
int AssignResult8 () { int i, t = 0; Docks2 = GetField (D2X, D2Y) -> Unit; if (Docks2 == NO_UNIT || Units [Docks2] -> Type % BADLIFE != unDocks) Docks2 = NO_UNIT; for (i = 0; i < BADLIFE; i++) if (Units [i] != NULL) t++; if (t == 0) return -1; // GoodLife prohral if (Docks2 == NO_UNIT || Docks2 < BADLIFE) return 1; // BadLife prohral return 0; // Zatim se jeste hraje }
static int luacapstone_memoperand_metaIndex(lua_State* l) { sparc_op_mem* memop = *((sparc_op_mem**)lua_touserdata(l, 1)); const char* field = lua_tostring(l, 2); VALIDATE_FIELD(sparc_op_mem, field); const sparc_op_mem_FieldInfo* fi = GetField(sparc_op_mem, field); if(fi->IsIntegral) lua_pushinteger(l, fieldValue<lua_Integer>(memop, fi)); else { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(field); } return 1; }
void RecConditionForm :: SetCombo(short typ) { wComboField *fld = (wComboField *)GetField(E_CONDITION); fld->Clear(); fld->DeleteAll(); if (typ == 0) // error { fld->AddString("03 - Cannot Open..."); fld->AddString("04 - Resource..."); fld->AddString("05 - General Failure..."); } else // warning { fld->AddString("06 - Note that..."); } }
//メイン関数 int main() { char read[100]; int i,j; int line; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); line=GetField(); SetMan(); while(1) { system("cls"); output(); move(); } printf("end"); return 0; }
CString CYazOpacXMLParser::GetValue(CString name) { if (name.IsEmpty() || m_Document == NULL) return CString(""); CString str(_T("")); if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_AUTHOR) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("100")); if (str.IsEmpty()) str = GetField(_T("700")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_TITLE) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("245")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_EDITION) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("250")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_SERIES) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("490")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_PUBLISHER) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("260")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_ADDRESS) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("490")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(STR_YEAR) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("490")); int i = str.GetLength()-1; _TUCHAR c = str.GetAt(i--); while (_istdigit(c) || c == _T('-')) { c = str.GetAt(i--); } str = str.Mid(i); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(_T("ISBN")) == 0) { str = GetField(_T("020")); } else if (name.CompareNoCase(_T("Topic")) == 0) { } else if (name.CompareNoCase(_T("Contents")) == 0) { } else if (name.CompareNoCase(_T("Performer")) == 0) { } return str; }
af::TList Scheme::GetEqvList() { if(Root.IsNull()) { throw NoLabelInicialisationException("Scheme: label do not inicialised."); } bool ok; TList eqv (GetField("EqvList",ok)); if (ok) { EqvList = eqv; return EqvList; } SetEqvList (); return EqvList; }
static int luacapstone_sparc_metaIndex(lua_State* l) { cs_sparc* sparc = (*(cs_sparc**)lua_touserdata(l, 1)); const char* field = lua_tostring(l, 2); VALIDATE_FIELD(cs_sparc, field); const cs_sparc_FieldInfo* fi = GetField(cs_sparc, field); if(fi->IsIntegral || fi->IsEnum) lua_pushinteger(l, fieldValue<lua_Integer>(sparc, fi)); else if(fi->IsStruct) lua_pushcstruct(l, &(sparc->operands), &luacapstone_operandarray_metaIndex, "__sparc_operands"); else { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(field); } return 1; }
int AssignResult7 () { int i, t = 0; Base6 = GetField (B6X, B6Y) -> Unit; if (Base6 == NO_UNIT || Units [Base6] -> Type % BADLIFE != unBase) Base6 = NO_UNIT; for (i = 0; i < BADLIFE; i++) if (Units [i] != NULL && Units [i] -> Type < unRadar) t++; if (t == 0) return -1; // GoodLife prohral if (Base6 < BADLIFE || Base6 == NO_UNIT) { return 1; } // GoodLife vyhral - obsazena nepratelska zakladna return 0; // Zatim se jeste hraje }
// ==================================================================================================== // Call // ==================================================================================================== void LuaManager::Call(int narg, int nresults) { lua_State* L = State(); // Traceback GetGlobal("debug"); GetField("traceback"); Remove(-2); int errindex = -narg - 2; lua_insert(L, errindex); // Call int status = lua_pcall(L, narg, nresults, errindex); m_bSuccess = (status == 0); if (!m_bSuccess) { throw luabind::error(lua->State()); } }
STDMETHODIMP CRegistrator::GetReceiptNumber(BSTR FirmID, LONG ReceiptType, LONG* ErrorCode, LONG* ReceiptNumber) { *ErrorCode = E_SUCCESS; CRegistratorInfo* regInfo = m_RegistratorList.GetInfo(FirmID); if(regInfo) { BYTE nReceivedMessage[MESSAGE_SIZE]; if(PassCommand(regInfo->hCommPort, (LPBYTE) "A5", (LPBYTE) "6", 1, nReceivedMessage, ErrorCode)) { BYTE lpFieldData[MESSAGE_SIZE]; if (GetField(nReceivedMessage, lpFieldData, 1)) *ReceiptNumber = atoi((CHAR*)lpFieldData); } } else *ErrorCode = E_NOT_FOUND; return S_OK; }
CString CYazOpacXMLParser::GetType() { CString t = GetField(_T("008")); if (t.IsEmpty()) return _T("book"); CString sub = t.Mid(24, 3); if (sub.FindOneOf(_T("agnos")) != -1) return _T("article"); else if (sub.FindOneOf(_T("cdefhry")) != -1) return _T("book"); else if (sub.FindOneOf(_T("ltpuvw")) != -1) return _T("techreport"); else if (sub.FindOneOf(_T("m")) != -1) return _T("phdthesis"); else if (sub.FindOneOf(_T("z")) != -1) return _T("unpublished"); else if (sub.FindOneOf(_T("ijkq")) != -1) return _T("misc"); return _T("book"); }
void SelectDlg::OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent& event) { vtProjection proj; m_pLayer->GetProjection(proj); m_iFauxFields = 0; vtFeatureSet *pSet = m_pLayer->GetFeatureSet(); OGRwkbGeometryType type = pSet->GetGeomType(); if (type == wkbPoint || type == wkbPoint25D) { if (proj.IsGeographic()) { GetField()->Append(_("X (longitude)"), (void *) 900); GetField()->Append(_("Y (latitude)"), (void *) 901); } else { GetField()->Append(_("X (easting)"), (void *) 900); GetField()->Append(_("Y (northing)"), (void *) 901); } m_iFauxFields = 2; } if (type == wkbPoint25D) { GetField()->Append(_("Z (meters)"), (void *) 902); m_iFauxFields = 3; } for (uint i = 0; i < pSet->NumFields(); i++) { Field *field = pSet->GetField(i); wxString str(field->m_name, wxConvUTF8); GetField()->Append(str, (void *) 0); } GetField()->SetSelection(0); FillValuesControl(); m_bSetting = true; wxDialog::OnInitDialog(event); // calls TransferValuesToWindow m_bSetting = false; }
bool DatabaseUtils::GetSelectFields(const Fields &fields, const MediaType &mediaType, FieldList &selectFields) { if (mediaType == MediaTypeNone || fields.empty()) return false; Fields sortFields = fields; // add necessary fields to create the label if (mediaType == MediaTypeSong || mediaType == MediaTypeVideo || mediaType == MediaTypeVideoCollection || mediaType == MediaTypeMusicVideo || mediaType == MediaTypeMovie || mediaType == MediaTypeTvShow || mediaType == MediaTypeEpisode) sortFields.insert(FieldTitle); if (mediaType == MediaTypeEpisode) { sortFields.insert(FieldSeason); sortFields.insert(FieldEpisodeNumber); } else if (mediaType == MediaTypeAlbum) sortFields.insert(FieldAlbum); else if (mediaType == MediaTypeSong) sortFields.insert(FieldTrackNumber); else if (mediaType == MediaTypeArtist) sortFields.insert(FieldArtist); selectFields.clear(); for (Fields::const_iterator it = sortFields.begin(); it != sortFields.end(); ++it) { // ignore FieldLabel because it needs special handling (see further up) if (*it == FieldLabel) continue; if (GetField(*it, mediaType, DatabaseQueryPartSelect).empty()) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "DatabaseUtils::GetSortFieldList: unknown field %d", *it); continue; } selectFields.push_back(*it); } return !selectFields.empty(); }
void RepairPost::expand(uint v) { if(v <= max_value) { pos++; //** pos dentro de "info". info[pos] = v+info[pos-1]; //** suma lo anterior (d-gaps) return; } //** else // a non-terminal node uint aux1 = v-max_value-1; //** no es un s�mbolo terminal. ==> assert(BRR->IsBitSet(aux1)); uint aux2=1; //** descomprimir hasta que aux2 ==0; (mientras haya m�s 1's que 0's) uint rank_aux=aux1-BRR->rank(aux1)+1; while(aux2!=0) { if(BRR->IsBitSet(aux1)) aux2++; else { aux2--; expand(GetField(csymb_n, bits_sn, rank_aux)); //symbols_new[rank_aux]); rank_aux++; } aux1++; } }
void emMinesFileModel::CalcExtraData() { int x, y, z, f; FieldCount=SizeX*SizeY*SizeZ; MineCount=0; OpenCount=0; MarkCount=0; GameWon=false; GameLost=false; for (z=0; z<SizeZ; z++) for (y=0; y<SizeY; y++) for (x=0; x<SizeX; x++) { f=GetField(x,y,z); if (f&1) { MineCount++; if (f&2) GameLost=true; } if (f&2) OpenCount++; if (f&4) MarkCount++; } if (!GameLost && OpenCount==FieldCount-MineCount) GameWon=true; ExtraDataValid=true; }
void MimeHeader::SetUnicodeFieldValue(const AnsiString &sFieldName, const String & sFieldValue, const AnsiString & sCharset) { // Retrieve the current charset for this field. MimeField* pfd = GetField(sFieldName); if (sFieldValue.GetLength() == 0) { SetRawFieldValue(sFieldName, "", ""); return; } AnsiString sCharsetToUse = sCharset; // If client hasn't specified character set, assume it's the existing one. if (pfd && pfd->GetCharset() && sCharsetToUse.IsEmpty()) sCharsetToUse = pfd->GetCharset(); // If there's no existing charset, assume it's the same as for the email. if (sCharsetToUse.IsEmpty()) sCharsetToUse = GetCharset(); if (sCharsetToUse.IsEmpty()) sCharsetToUse = "utf-8"; AnsiString sMBText = Charset::ToMultiByte(sFieldValue, sCharsetToUse); // Encode the value FieldCodeBase* pCoder = MimeEnvironment::CreateFieldCoder(sFieldName); pCoder->SetInput(sMBText, sMBText.GetLength(), true); pCoder->SetCharset(sCharsetToUse.c_str()); AnsiString sEncodedValue; pCoder->GetOutput(sEncodedValue); delete pCoder; SetRawFieldValue(sFieldName, sEncodedValue, sCharsetToUse); }
int CanAutofireOn(TUnit *unit) { int i, ca, oldcw; TUnit *u, *su; if (!AF_Reseted) return FALSE; if (!AF_Map[unit->X + MapSizeX * unit->Y]) return FALSE; if (unit->Type % BADLIFE == unSatan) return FALSE; if ((AF_from == GOODLIFE) && (GetField(unit->X, unit->Y)->Visib != 2)) return FALSE; if ((AF_from == BADLIFE) && (GetBadlifeVisib(unit->X, unit->Y) != 2)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < UNITS_TOP; i++) if (AF_Units[i]) AF_Units[i] = (Units[i] != NULL) && (Units[i]->X != -1); for (i = AF_from; i < AF_to; i++) if (AF_Units[i]) { u = (TUnit*)Units[i]; ca = ChooseAttack(u, unit); if (ca != -1) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }