bool UAmethystGameInstance::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	// Dedicated server doesn't need to worry about game state
	if (IsRunningDedicatedServer() == true)
		return true;


	UAmethystGameViewportClient * AmethystViewport = Cast<UAmethystGameViewportClient>(GetGameViewportClient());

	if (CurrentState != AmethystGameInstanceState::WelcomeScreen)
		// If at any point we aren't licensed (but we are after welcome screen) bounce them back to the welcome screen
		if (!bIsLicensed && CurrentState != AmethystGameInstanceState::None && !AmethystViewport->IsShowingDialog())
			const FText ReturnReason = NSLOCTEXT("ProfileMessages", "NeedLicense", "The signed in users do not have a license for this game. Please purchase AmethystGame from the Xbox Marketplace or sign in a user with a valid license.");
			const FText OKButton = NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "OKAY", "OK");

			ShowMessageThenGotoState(ReturnReason, OKButton, FText::GetEmpty(), AmethystGameInstanceState::WelcomeScreen);

		// Show controller disconnected dialog if any local players have an invalid controller
		if (AmethystViewport != NULL &&
			for (int i = 0; i < LocalPlayers.Num(); ++i)
				if (LocalPlayers[i] && LocalPlayers[i]->GetControllerId() == -1)
						FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("ProfileMessages", "PlayerReconnectControllerFmt", "Player {0}, please reconnect your controller."), FText::AsNumber(i + 1)),
						NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "PS4_CrossButtonContinue", "Cross Button - Continue"),
						NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "AButtonContinue", "A - Continue"),
						FOnClicked::CreateUObject(this, &UAmethystGameInstance::OnControllerReconnectConfirm),
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool UGameInstance::RemoveLocalPlayer(ULocalPlayer* ExistingPlayer)
	// FIXME: Notify server we want to leave the game if this is an online game
	if (ExistingPlayer->PlayerController != NULL)
		// FIXME: Do this all inside PlayerRemoved?

		// Destroy the player's actors.
		if ( ExistingPlayer->PlayerController->Role == ROLE_Authority )

	// Remove the player from the context list
	const int32 OldIndex = LocalPlayers.Find(ExistingPlayer);

	if (ensure(OldIndex != INDEX_NONE))

		// Notify the viewport so the viewport can do the fixups, resize, etc
		if (GetGameViewportClient() != NULL)
			GetGameViewportClient()->NotifyPlayerRemoved(OldIndex, ExistingPlayer);

	// Disassociate this viewport client from the player.
	// Do this after notifications, as some of them require the ViewportClient.
	ExistingPlayer->ViewportClient = NULL;

	UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Log, TEXT("UGameInstance::RemovePlayer: Removed player %s with ControllerId %i at index %i (%i remaining players)"), *ExistingPlayer->GetName(), ExistingPlayer->GetControllerId(), OldIndex, LocalPlayers.Num());

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int32 UGameInstance::AddLocalPlayer(ULocalPlayer* NewLocalPlayer, int32 ControllerId)
	if (NewLocalPlayer == NULL)
		return INDEX_NONE;

	const int32 InsertIndex = LocalPlayers.Num();

	// Add to list

	// Notify the player he/she was added
	NewLocalPlayer->PlayerAdded(GetGameViewportClient(), ControllerId);

	// Notify the viewport that we added a player (so it can update splitscreen settings, etc)
	if ( GetGameViewportClient() != NULL )
		GetGameViewportClient()->NotifyPlayerAdded(InsertIndex, NewLocalPlayer);

	return InsertIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 4
ULocalPlayer* UGameInstance::CreateLocalPlayer(int32 ControllerId, FString& OutError, bool bSpawnActor)
	checkf(GetEngine()->LocalPlayerClass != NULL);

	ULocalPlayer* NewPlayer = NULL;
	int32 InsertIndex = INDEX_NONE;

	const int32 MaxSplitscreenPlayers = (GetGameViewportClient() != NULL) ? GetGameViewportClient()->MaxSplitscreenPlayers : 1;

	if (FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId( ControllerId ) != NULL)
		OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT("A local player already exists for controller ID %d,"), ControllerId);
	else if (LocalPlayers.Num() < MaxSplitscreenPlayers)
		// If the controller ID is not specified then find the first available
		if (ControllerId < 0)
			for (ControllerId = 0; ControllerId < MaxSplitscreenPlayers; ++ControllerId)
				if (FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId( ControllerId ) == NULL)
			check(ControllerId < MaxSplitscreenPlayers);
		else if (ControllerId >= MaxSplitscreenPlayers)
			UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Warning, TEXT("Controller ID (%d) is unlikely to map to any physical device, so this player will not receive input"), ControllerId);

		NewPlayer = NewObject<ULocalPlayer>(GetEngine(), GetEngine()->LocalPlayerClass);
		InsertIndex = AddLocalPlayer(NewPlayer, ControllerId);
		if (bSpawnActor && InsertIndex != INDEX_NONE && GetWorld() != NULL)
			if (GetWorld()->GetNetMode() != NM_Client)
				// server; spawn a new PlayerController immediately
				if (!NewPlayer->SpawnPlayActor("", OutError, GetWorld()))
					NewPlayer = NULL;
				// client; ask the server to let the new player join
		OutError = FString::Printf(TEXT( "Maximum number of players (%d) already created.  Unable to create more."), MaxSplitscreenPlayers);

	if (OutError != TEXT(""))
		UE_LOG(LogPlayerManagement, Log, TEXT("UPlayer* creation failed with error: %s"), *OutError);

	return NewPlayer;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool UGameInstance::StartPIEGameInstance(ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer, bool bInSimulateInEditor, bool bAnyBlueprintErrors, bool bStartInSpectatorMode)
	UEditorEngine* const EditorEngine = CastChecked<UEditorEngine>(GetEngine());
	ULevelEditorPlaySettings const* PlayInSettings = GetDefault<ULevelEditorPlaySettings>();

	const EPlayNetMode PlayNetMode = [&PlayInSettings]{ EPlayNetMode NetMode(PIE_Standalone); return (PlayInSettings->GetPlayNetMode(NetMode) ? NetMode : PIE_Standalone); }();

	// for clients, just connect to the server
	if (PlayNetMode == PIE_Client)
		FString Error;
		FURL BaseURL = WorldContext->LastURL;
		if (EditorEngine->Browse(*WorldContext, FURL(&BaseURL, TEXT(""), (ETravelType)TRAVEL_Absolute), Error) == EBrowseReturnVal::Pending)
			EditorEngine->TransitionType = TT_WaitingToConnect;
			FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_CouldntLaunchPIEClient", "Couldn't Launch PIE Client: {0}"), FText::FromString(Error)));
			return false;
		// we're going to be playing in the current world, get it ready for play
		UWorld* const PlayWorld = GetWorld();

		// make a URL
		// If the user wants to start in spectator mode, do not use the custom play world for now
		if (EditorEngine->UserEditedPlayWorldURL.Len() > 0 && !bStartInSpectatorMode)
			// If the user edited the play world url. Verify that the map name is the same as the currently loaded map.
			URL = FURL(NULL, *EditorEngine->UserEditedPlayWorldURL, TRAVEL_Absolute);
			if (URL.Map != PIEMapName)
				// Ensure the URL map name is the same as the generated play world map name.
				URL.Map = PIEMapName;
			// The user did not edit the url, just build one from scratch.
			URL = FURL(NULL, *EditorEngine->BuildPlayWorldURL(*PIEMapName, bStartInSpectatorMode), TRAVEL_Absolute);

		// If a start location is specified, spawn a temporary PlayerStartPIE actor at the start location and use it as the portal.
		AActor* PlayerStart = NULL;
		if (EditorEngine->SpawnPlayFromHereStart(PlayWorld, PlayerStart, EditorEngine->PlayWorldLocation, EditorEngine->PlayWorldRotation) == false)
			// failed to create "play from here" playerstart
			FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_FailedCreatePlayFromHerePlayerStart", "Failed to create PlayerStart at desired starting location."));
			return false;

		if (!PlayWorld->SetGameMode(URL))
			// Setting the game mode failed so bail 
			FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_FailedCreateEditorPreviewWorld", "Failed to create editor preview world."));
			return false;
		// Make sure "always loaded" sub-levels are fully loaded

		UNavigationSystem::InitializeForWorld(PlayWorld, LocalPlayers.Num() > 0 ? FNavigationSystem::PIEMode : FNavigationSystem::SimulationMode);


		// @todo, just use WorldContext.GamePlayer[0]?
		if (LocalPlayer)
			FString Error;
			if (!LocalPlayer->SpawnPlayActor(URL.ToString(1), Error, PlayWorld))
				FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_CouldntSpawnPlayer", "Couldn't spawn player: {0}"), FText::FromString(Error)));
				return false;

		UGameViewportClient* const GameViewport = GetGameViewportClient();
		if (GameViewport != NULL && GameViewport->Viewport != NULL)
			// Stream any levels now that need to be loaded before the game starts
		if (PlayNetMode == PIE_ListenServer)
			// start listen server with the built URL


	return true;
void UAmethystGameInstance::HandleControllerPairingChanged(int GameUserIndex, const FUniqueNetId& PreviousUser, const FUniqueNetId& NewUser)
	if (CurrentState == AmethystGameInstanceState::WelcomeScreen)
		// Don't care about pairing changes at welcome screen

	if (IgnorePairingChangeForControllerId != -1 && GameUserIndex == IgnorePairingChangeForControllerId)
		// We were told to ignores
		IgnorePairingChangeForControllerId = -1;	// Reset now so there there is no chance this remains in a bad state

	if (PreviousUser.IsValid() && !NewUser.IsValid())
		// Treat this as a disconnect or signout, which is handled somewhere else

	if (!PreviousUser.IsValid() && NewUser.IsValid())
		// Treat this as a signin
		ULocalPlayer * ControlledLocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId(GameUserIndex);

		if (ControlledLocalPlayer != NULL && !ControlledLocalPlayer->GetCachedUniqueNetId().IsValid())
			// If a player that previously selected "continue without saving" signs into this controller, move them back to welcome screen


	// Find the local player currently being controlled by this controller
	ULocalPlayer * ControlledLocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId(GameUserIndex);

	// See if the newly assigned profile is in our local player list
	ULocalPlayer * NewLocalPlayer = FindLocalPlayerFromUniqueNetId(NewUser);

	// If the local player being controlled is not the target of the pairing change, then give them a chance 
	// to continue controlling the old player with this controller
	if (ControlledLocalPlayer != nullptr && ControlledLocalPlayer != NewLocalPlayer)
		UAmethystGameViewportClient * AmethystViewport = Cast<UAmethystGameViewportClient>(GetGameViewportClient());

		if (AmethystViewport != nullptr)
				NSLOCTEXT("ProfileMessages", "PairingChanged", "Your controller has been paired to another profile, would you like to switch to this new profile now? Selecting YES will sign out of the previous profile."),
				NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "YES", "A - YES"),
				NSLOCTEXT("DialogButtons", "NO", "B - NO"),
				FOnClicked::CreateUObject(this, &UAmethystGameInstance::OnPairingUseNewProfile),
				FOnClicked::CreateUObject(this, &UAmethystGameInstance::OnPairingUsePreviousProfile)