Ejemplo n.º 1
void LoginForm::setFrameRegion()
#ifdef WIN32
	wxRect wbr = getWindowsBorderRect();
	wxPoint br = wbr.GetBottomRight();

	br.x += 2;
	br.y += 2;

	wxRegion region = CreateRoundRectRgn(wbr.x, wbr.y, br.x, br.y, 5, 5);

	// Windows takes ownership of the region, so
	// we'll have to make a copy of the region to give to it.
	DWORD noBytes = ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), 0, nullptr);
	RGNDATA *rgnData = (RGNDATA*) new char[noBytes];
	::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), noBytes, rgnData);
	HRGN hrgn = ::ExtCreateRegion(nullptr, noBytes, rgnData);
	delete[] (char*) rgnData;

	// Now call the shape API with the new region.
	::SetWindowRgn((HWND)GetHWND(), hrgn, FALSE);
#endif // LINUX TODO
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool wxNonOwnedWindow::DoSetRegionShape(const wxRegion& region)
    // Windows takes ownership of the region, so
    // we'll have to make a copy of the region to give to it.
    DWORD noBytes = ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), 0, NULL);
    RGNDATA *rgnData = (RGNDATA*) new char[noBytes];
    ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), noBytes, rgnData);
    HRGN hrgn = ::ExtCreateRegion(NULL, noBytes, rgnData);
    delete[] (char*) rgnData;

    // SetWindowRgn expects the region to be in coordinates
    // relative to the window, not the client area.
    const wxPoint clientOrigin = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    ::OffsetRgn(hrgn, -clientOrigin.x, -clientOrigin.y);

    // Now call the shape API with the new region.
    if (::SetWindowRgn(GetHwnd(), hrgn, TRUE) == 0)
        return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool wxSkinWindow::SetShape(const wxRegion& region)
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXWINCE__)
	// The empty region signifies that the shape should be removed from the
    // window.
    if ( region.IsEmpty() )
        if (::SetWindowRgn(GetHwnd(), NULL, TRUE) == 0)
            return false;
        return true;

    DWORD noBytes = ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), 0, NULL);
    RGNDATA *rgnData = (RGNDATA*) new char[noBytes];
    ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), noBytes, rgnData);
    HRGN hrgn = ::ExtCreateRegion(NULL, noBytes, rgnData);
    delete[] (char*) rgnData;
    RECT rect;
    DWORD dwStyle =   ::GetWindowLong(GetHwnd(), GWL_STYLE);
    DWORD dwExStyle = ::GetWindowLong(GetHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
    ::GetClientRect(GetHwnd(), &rect);
    ::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rect, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle);
    ::OffsetRgn(hrgn, -rect.left, -rect.top);

    if (::SetWindowRgn(GetHwnd(), hrgn, TRUE) == 0)
        return false;
    return true;
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
	if ( region.IsEmpty() )
        wxSize sz = GetClientSize();
        wxRegion rgn(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y);
        return SetShape(rgn);

    // Make a copy of the region
    RgnHandle  shapeRegion = NewRgn();
    CopyRgn( (RgnHandle)region.GetWXHRGN(), shapeRegion );

    // Dispose of any shape region we may already have
    RgnHandle oldRgn = (RgnHandle)GetWRefCon( (WindowRef)GetHandle() );
    if ( oldRgn )

    // Save the region so we can use it later
    SetWRefCon((WindowRef)GetHandle(), (SInt32)shapeRegion);

    // Tell the window manager that the window has changed shape
    return true;
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
		if(m_wxwindow && !GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW(m_wxwindow))
		if(m_widget && !GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW(m_widget))
	{	wxBitmap bmp = region.ConvertToBitmap();
		bmp.SetMask(new wxMask(bmp, *wxBLACK));
		GdkBitmap* mask = bmp.GetMask()->GetBitmap();

		if(m_wxwindow && !GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW(m_wxwindow))
		if(m_widget && !GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW(m_widget))
	return true;
	return false;