Ejemplo n.º 1
void CInstanceChecker::QuitPreviousInstance(int nExitCode)
  //Try to open the previous instances MMF
  HANDLE hPrevInstance = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
	if (hPrevInstance)
		// Open up the MMF
		int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
		CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = static_cast<CWindowInstance*>(MapViewOfFile(hPrevInstance, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize));
		if (pInstanceData != NULL) //Opening the MMF should work
		  // Lock the data prior to reading from it
		  CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);

		  //activate the old window
		  ASSERT(pInstanceData->hMainWnd); //Something gone wrong with the MMF?
		  HWND hWnd = pInstanceData->hMainWnd;

      //Ask it to exit
      HWND hChildWnd = GetLastActivePopup(hWnd);
  	  PostMessage(hChildWnd, WM_QUIT, nExitCode, 0);

    //Close the file handle now that we 
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Returns TRUE if a previous instance of the App is running.
BOOL CInstanceChecker::PreviousInstanceRunning()
  //Try to open the MMF first to see if we are the second instance
  HANDLE hPrevInstance = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
  BOOL bPreviousInstance = (hPrevInstance != NULL);
  if (hPrevInstance)

  return bPreviousInstance;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Activate the Previous Instance of our Application.
HWND CInstanceChecker::ActivatePreviousInstance()
  //Try to open the previous instances MMF
  HANDLE hPrevInstance = ::OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
  if (hPrevInstance)
    // Open up the MMF
    int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
    CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = (CWindowInstance*) ::MapViewOfFile(hPrevInstance, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize);
    if (pInstanceData != NULL) //Opening the MMF should work
      // Lock the data prior to reading from it
      CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);

      //activate the old window
      ASSERT(pInstanceData->hMainWnd); //Something gone wrong with the MMF
      HWND hWindow = pInstanceData->hMainWnd;

      if (hWindow)
        CWnd wndPrev;
        CWnd* pWndChild = wndPrev.GetLastActivePopup();

        // Restore the focus to the previous instance and bring it to the foreground
        if (wndPrev.IsIconic())

        //Detach the CWnd we were using

      //Unmap the MMF we were using

      //Close the file handle now that we 

      //return the Window handle of the previous instance
      return hWindow;

    //Close the file handle now that we 

    //When we have activate the previous instance, we can release the lock

  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
//Activate the Previous Instance of our Application.
HWND CInstanceChecker::ActivatePreviousInstance(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, ULONG_PTR dwCopyDataItemData, DWORD dwTimeout)
  //What will be the return value from this function (assume the worst)
  HWND hWindow = NULL;

  //Try to open the previous instances MMF
  HANDLE hPrevInstance = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, GetMMFFilename());
  if (hPrevInstance)
    //Open up the MMF
    int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
    CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = static_cast<CWindowInstance*>(MapViewOfFile(hPrevInstance, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize));
    if (pInstanceData) //Opening the MMF should work
      //Lock the data prior to reading from it
      CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);

      //activate the old window
      ASSERT(pInstanceData->hMainWnd); //Something gone wrong with the MMF
      hWindow = pInstanceData->hMainWnd;
	  if (::IsWindow(hWindow))
        CWnd wndPrev;
        CWnd* pWndChild = wndPrev.GetLastActivePopup();

        //Restore the focus to the previous instance and bring it to the foreground
        if (wndPrev.IsIconic())

        if (pWndChild)

        if (lpCmdLine)
          //Send the current apps command line to the previous instance using WM_COPYDATA
          COPYDATASTRUCT cds;
          cds.dwData = dwCopyDataItemData;
          DWORD dwCmdLength = static_cast<DWORD>(_tcslen(lpCmdLine) + 1);
          cds.cbData = dwCmdLength * sizeof(TCHAR); 
          TCHAR* pszLocalCmdLine = new TCHAR[dwCmdLength]; //We use a local buffer so that we can specify a constant parameter
                                                           //to this function
        #if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
          _tcscpy_s(pszLocalCmdLine, dwCmdLength, lpCmdLine);
          _tcscpy(pszLocalCmdLine, lpCmdLine);
          cds.lpData = pszLocalCmdLine;
          CWnd* pMainWindow = AfxGetMainWnd();
          HWND hSender = NULL;
          if (pMainWindow)
            hSender = pMainWindow->GetSafeHwnd();

          //Send the message to the previous instance. Use SendMessageTimeout instead of SendMessage to ensure we 
          //do not hang if the previous instance itself is hung
          DWORD_PTR dwResult = 0;
          if (SendMessageTimeout(hWindow, WM_COPYDATA, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hSender), reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cds),
                                 SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, dwTimeout, &dwResult) == 0)
            //Previous instance is not responding to messages
            hWindow = NULL;

          //Tidy up the heap memory we have used
          delete [] pszLocalCmdLine;

        //Detach the CWnd we were using

      //Unmap the MMF we were using

    //Close the file handle now that we 

    //When we have activate the previous instance, we can release the lock

  return hWindow;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//Track the first instance of our App.
//return TRUE on success, else FALSE
BOOL CInstanceChecker::TrackFirstInstanceRunning()
  //If a previous instance is running, just return prematurely
  if (PreviousInstanceRunning())
    return FALSE;

  //If this is the first instance then copy in our info into the shared memory

  //First create the MMF
  int nMMFSize = sizeof(CWindowInstance);
  g_sinstanceData.hInstanceData = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, nMMFSize, GetMMFFilename());
  if (g_sinstanceData.hInstanceData == NULL)
    TRACE(_T("Failed to create the MMF even though this is the first instance, you might want to consider overriding GetMMFFilename()\n"));
    return FALSE;

  //Open the MMF
  CWindowInstance* pInstanceData = static_cast<CWindowInstance*>(MapViewOfFile(g_sinstanceData.hInstanceData, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, nMMFSize));
  ASSERT(pInstanceData != NULL);   //Opening the MMF should work

  //Lock the data prior to updating it
  CSingleLock dataLock(&m_instanceDataMutex, TRUE);
  pInstanceData->hMainWnd = GetWindowToTrack();

  //Since this will be the last function that will be called 
  //when this is the first instance we can release the lock

  return TRUE;