Ejemplo n.º 1
	void MovieGlHap::allocateVisualContext()
		// Load HAP Movie
		if( HapQTQuickTimeMovieHasHapTrackPlayable( getObj()->mMovie ) )
			// QT Visual Context attributes
			OSStatus err = noErr;
			QTVisualContextRef * visualContext = (QTVisualContextRef*)&getObj()->mVisualContext;
			CFDictionaryRef pixelBufferOptions = HapQTCreateCVPixelBufferOptionsDictionary();
			const CFStringRef keys[] = { kQTVisualContextPixelBufferAttributesKey };
			CFDictionaryRef visualContextOptions = ::CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**)&keys, (const void**)&pixelBufferOptions, sizeof(keys)/sizeof(keys[0]), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
			err = QTPixelBufferContextCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, visualContextOptions, visualContext );
			::CFRelease( pixelBufferOptions );
			::CFRelease( visualContextOptions );
			if( err != noErr ) {
				CI_LOG_E( "HAP ERROR :: " << err << " couldnt create visual context." );
			// Set the movie's visual context
			err = SetMovieVisualContext( getObj()->mMovie, *visualContext );
			if( err != noErr ) {
				CI_LOG_E( "HAP ERROR :: " << err << " SetMovieVisualContext." );
		// Get codec name
		for (long i = 1; i <= GetMovieTrackCount(getObj()->mMovie); i++) {
            Track track = GetMovieIndTrack(getObj()->mMovie, i);
            Media media = GetTrackMedia(track);
            OSType mediaType;
            GetMediaHandlerDescription(media, &mediaType, NULL, NULL);
            if (mediaType == VideoMediaType)
                // Get the codec-type of this track
                ImageDescriptionHandle imageDescription = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0); // GetMediaSampleDescription will resize it
                GetMediaSampleDescription(media, 1, (SampleDescriptionHandle)imageDescription);
                OSType codecType = (*imageDescription)->cType;
                switch (codecType) {
                    case 'Hap1': mCodec = Codec::HAP; break;
                    case 'Hap5': mCodec = Codec::HAP_A; break;
                    case 'HapY': mCodec = Codec::HAP_Q; break;
                    default: mCodec = Codec::UNSUPPORTED; break;

		// Set framerate callback
		this->setNewFrameCallback( updateMovieFPS, (void*)this );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: track.c Proyecto: one-k/rmov
  call-seq: media_type() -> media_type_sym
  Returns either :audio or :video depending on the type of track this is.
static VALUE track_media_type(VALUE obj)
  OSType media_type;
  GetMediaHandlerDescription(TRACK_MEDIA(obj), &media_type, 0, 0);
  if (media_type == SoundMediaType) {
    return ID2SYM(rb_intern("audio"));
  } else if (media_type == VideoMediaType) {
    return ID2SYM(rb_intern("video"));
  } else if (media_type == TextMediaType) {
    return ID2SYM(rb_intern("text"));
  } else {
    return Qnil;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: track.c Proyecto: one-k/rmov
/*  helper function, returns media type of the track
static OSType track_get_media_type(VALUE obj)
  OSType media_type;
  GetMediaHandlerDescription(TRACK_MEDIA(obj), &media_type, 0, 0);  
  return media_type;
    QTAudioReader (InputStream* const input_, const int trackNum_)
        : AudioFormatReader (input_, TRANS (quickTimeFormatName)),
          ok (false),
          movie (0),
          trackNum (trackNum_),
          lastSampleRead (0),
          lastThreadId (0),
          extractor (0),
          dataHandle (0)
        bufferList.calloc (256, 1);

       #if JUCE_WINDOWS
        if (InitializeQTML (0) != noErr)

        if (EnterMovies() != noErr)

        bool opened = juce_OpenQuickTimeMovieFromStream (input_, movie, dataHandle);

        if (! opened)

            const int numTracks = GetMovieTrackCount (movie);
            int trackCount = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= numTracks; ++i)
                track = GetMovieIndTrack (movie, i);
                media = GetTrackMedia (track);

                OSType mediaType;
                GetMediaHandlerDescription (media, &mediaType, 0, 0);

                if (mediaType == SoundMediaType
                     && trackCount++ == trackNum_)
                    ok = true;

        if (! ok)

        ok = false;

        lengthInSamples = GetMediaDecodeDuration (media);
        usesFloatingPointData = false;

        samplesPerFrame = (int) (GetMediaDecodeDuration (media) / GetMediaSampleCount (media));

        trackUnitsPerFrame = GetMovieTimeScale (movie) * samplesPerFrame
                                / GetMediaTimeScale (media);

        OSStatus err = MovieAudioExtractionBegin (movie, 0, &extractor);

        unsigned long output_layout_size;
        err = MovieAudioExtractionGetPropertyInfo (extractor,
                                                   0, &output_layout_size, 0);
        if (err != noErr)

        HeapBlock <AudioChannelLayout> qt_audio_channel_layout;
        qt_audio_channel_layout.calloc (output_layout_size, 1);

        err = MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty (extractor,
                                               output_layout_size, qt_audio_channel_layout, 0);

        qt_audio_channel_layout[0].mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo;

        err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty (extractor,

        err = MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty (extractor,
                                               sizeof (inputStreamDesc),
                                               &inputStreamDesc, 0);
        if (err != noErr)

        inputStreamDesc.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger
                                        | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked
                                        | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian;
        inputStreamDesc.mBitsPerChannel = sizeof (SInt16) * 8;
        inputStreamDesc.mChannelsPerFrame = jmin ((UInt32) 2, inputStreamDesc.mChannelsPerFrame);
        inputStreamDesc.mBytesPerFrame = sizeof (SInt16) * inputStreamDesc.mChannelsPerFrame;
        inputStreamDesc.mBytesPerPacket = inputStreamDesc.mBytesPerFrame;

        err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty (extractor,
                                               sizeof (inputStreamDesc),
        if (err != noErr)

        Boolean allChannelsDiscrete = false;
        err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty (extractor,
                                               sizeof (allChannelsDiscrete),

        if (err != noErr)

        bufferList->mNumberBuffers = 1;
        bufferList->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = inputStreamDesc.mChannelsPerFrame;
        bufferList->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize =  jmax ((UInt32) 4096, (UInt32) (samplesPerFrame * inputStreamDesc.mBytesPerFrame) + 16);

        dataBuffer.malloc (bufferList->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize);
        bufferList->mBuffers[0].mData = dataBuffer;

        sampleRate = inputStreamDesc.mSampleRate;
        bitsPerSample = 16;
        numChannels = inputStreamDesc.mChannelsPerFrame;

        ok = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
OSErr QTDR_CreateReferenceCopy (Movie theSrcMovie, FSSpecPtr theDstMovieFile, FSSpecPtr theDstMediaFile)
	Track			mySrcTrack = NULL;
	Media			mySrcMedia = NULL;
	Movie			myDstMovie = NULL;
	Track			myDstTrack = NULL;
	Media			myDstMedia = NULL;
	Handle			myMediaRef = NULL;			// data reference for the media file
	Fixed			myWidth, myHeight;
	OSType			myType;
	long			myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
	short			myResRefNum = 0;
	short			myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
	OSErr			myErr = paramErr;
	// get the first video track and media in the source movie
	mySrcTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theSrcMovie, 1, VideoMediaType, movieTrackMediaType);
	if (mySrcTrack == NULL)
		goto bail;
	mySrcMedia = GetTrackMedia(mySrcTrack);
	if (mySrcMedia == NULL)
		goto bail;

	// create a file data reference for the new media file
	myMediaRef = QTDR_MakeFileDataRef(theDstMediaFile);
    if (myMediaRef == NULL)
    	goto bail;

	// create a file for the destination movie data
	myErr = FSpCreate(theDstMediaFile, sigMoviePlayer, MovieFileType, 0);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// create a file for the destination movie atom and create an empty movie
	myErr = CreateMovieFile(theDstMovieFile, sigMoviePlayer, smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myDstMovie);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// assign the default progress proc to the destination movie
	SetMovieProgressProc(myDstMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1, 0);

	myErr = AddEmptyTrackToMovie(mySrcTrack, myDstMovie, myMediaRef, rAliasType, &myDstTrack);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myDstMedia = GetTrackMedia(myDstTrack);
	myErr = GetMoviesError();
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// get some information about the source track and media
	GetTrackDimensions(mySrcTrack, &myWidth, &myHeight);
	GetMediaHandlerDescription(mySrcMedia, &myType, 0, 0);

	// create the destination movie track and media
	myDstTrack = NewMovieTrack(myDstMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
	myErr = GetMoviesError();
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myDstMedia = NewTrackMedia(myDstTrack, myType, GetMediaTimeScale(mySrcMedia), myMediaRef, rAliasType);
	myErr = GetMoviesError();
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	CopyTrackSettings(mySrcTrack, myDstTrack);

	// copy the entire source track into the destination track; this copies the track's media
	// samples into the destination media file
	myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myDstMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myErr = InsertTrackSegment(mySrcTrack, myDstTrack, 0, GetTrackDuration(mySrcTrack), 0);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	myErr = EndMediaEdits(myDstMedia);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// add the movie atom to the data fork of the movie file
	myErr = AddMovieResource(myDstMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 6
ComponentResult FFAvi_MovieImportDataRef(ff_global_ptr storage, Handle dataRef, OSType dataRefType, Movie theMovie, Track targetTrack,
										 Track *usedTrack, TimeValue atTime, TimeValue *addedDuration, long inFlags, long *outFlags)
	ComponentResult result = noErr;
	ByteIOContext *byteContext;
	AVFormatContext *ic = NULL;
	AVFormatParameters params;
	OSType mediaType;
	Media media;
	int count, hadIndex, j;
	/* make sure that in case of error, the flag movieImportResultComplete is not set */
	*outFlags = 0;
	/* probe the format first */
	UInt8 valid = 0;
	FFAvi_MovieImportValidateDataRef(storage, dataRef, dataRefType, &valid);
	if(valid != 255)
		goto bail;
	/* Prepare the iocontext structure */
	result = url_open_dataref(&byteContext, dataRef, dataRefType, &storage->dataHandler, &storage->dataHandlerSupportsWideOffsets, &storage->dataSize);
	storage->isStreamed = dataRefType == URLDataHandlerSubType;
	require_noerr(result, bail);
	/* Open the Format Context */
	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));
	result = av_open_input_stream(&ic, byteContext, "", storage->format, &params);
	storage->format_context = ic;
	// AVIs without an index currently add a few entries to the index so it can
	// determine codec parameters.  Check for index existence here before it
	// reads any packets.
	hadIndex = 1;
	for (j = 0; j < ic->nb_streams; j++) {
		if (ic->streams[j]->nb_index_entries <= 1)
			hadIndex = 0;
	/* Get the Stream Infos if not already read */
	result = av_find_stream_info(ic);
	// -1 means it couldn't understand at least one stream
	// which might just mean we don't have its video decoder enabled
	if(result < 0 && result != -1)
		goto bail;
	// we couldn't find any streams, bail with an error.
	if(ic->nb_streams == 0) {
		result = -1; //is there a more appropriate error code?
		goto bail;
	//determine a header offset (needed by index-based import).
	result = determine_header_offset(storage);
	if(result < 0)
		goto bail;
	/* Initialize the Movie */
	storage->movie = theMovie;
	if(inFlags & movieImportMustUseTrack) {
		storage->map_count = 1;
		prepare_track(storage, targetTrack, dataRef, dataRefType);
	} else {
		storage->map_count = ic->nb_streams;
		result = prepare_movie(storage, theMovie, dataRef, dataRefType);
		if (result != 0)
			goto bail;
	/* replace the SampleDescription if user called MovieImportSetSampleDescription() */
	if(storage->imgHdl) {
		for(j = 0; j < storage->map_count; j++) {
			NCStream ncstream = storage->stream_map[j];
			GetMediaHandlerDescription(ncstream.media, &mediaType, NULL, NULL);
			if(mediaType == VideoMediaType && ncstream.sampleHdl) {
				ncstream.sampleHdl = (SampleDescriptionHandle)storage->imgHdl;
	if(storage->sndHdl) {
		for(j = 0; j < storage->map_count; j++) {
			NCStream ncstream = storage->stream_map[j];
			GetMediaHandlerDescription(ncstream.media, &mediaType, NULL, NULL);
			if(mediaType == SoundMediaType && ncstream.sampleHdl) {
				ncstream.sampleHdl = (SampleDescriptionHandle)storage->sndHdl;
	count = 0; media = NULL;
	for(j = 0; j < storage->map_count; j++) {
		media = storage->stream_map[j].media;
	if(count > 1)
		*outFlags |= movieImportResultUsedMultipleTracks;
	/* The usedTrack parameter. Count the number of Tracks and set usedTrack if we operated
		* on a single track. Note that this requires the media to be set by track counting above*/
	if(usedTrack && count == 1 && media)
		*usedTrack = GetMediaTrack(media);
	result = noErr;

	*addedDuration = 0;
	//attempt to import using indexes.
	result = import_using_index(storage, &hadIndex, addedDuration);
	require_noerr(result, bail);
	if(hadIndex) {
		//file had an index and was imported; we are done.
		*outFlags |= movieImportResultComplete;
	} else if(inFlags & movieImportWithIdle) {
		if(addedDuration && ic->duration > 0) {
			TimeScale movieTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie);
			*addedDuration = movieTimeScale * ic->duration / AV_TIME_BASE;
			//create a placeholder track so that progress displays correctly.
			create_placeholder_track(storage->movie, &storage->placeholderTrack, *addedDuration, dataRef, dataRefType);
			//give the data handler a hint as to how fast we need the data.
			//suggest a speed that's faster than the bare minimum.
			//if there's an error, the data handler probably doesn't support
			//this, so we can just ignore.
			DataHPlaybackHints(storage->dataHandler, 0, 0, -1, (storage->dataSize * 1.15) / ((double)ic->duration / AV_TIME_BASE));
		//import with idle. Decode a little bit of data now.
		import_with_idle(storage, inFlags, outFlags, 10, 300, true);
	} else {
		//QuickTime didn't request import with idle, so do it all now.
		import_with_idle(storage, inFlags, outFlags, 0, 0, true);			
	LoadExternalSubtitlesFromFileDataRef(dataRef, dataRefType, theMovie);

	if(result == noErr)
		storage->movieLoadState = kMovieLoadStateLoaded;
		storage->movieLoadState = kMovieLoadStateError;
	if (result == -1)
		result = invalidMovie; // a bit better error message
	return result;
} /* FFAvi_MovieImportDataRef */