 * Set the ten Windows Error Reporting parameters
 * Parameters 0 through 7 are predefined for Windows
 * Parameters 8 and 9 are user defined
static void SetReportParameters( HREPORT ReportHandle, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionInfo )
	HRESULT Result;
	TCHAR StringBuffer[1024] = { 0 };
	TCHAR ModuleName[1024] = { 0 };

	// Set the parameters for the standard problem signature
	HMODULE ModuleHandle = GetModuleHandle( NULL );

	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "UE4-%s" ), FApp::GetGameName() );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P0, TEXT( "Application Name" ), StringBuffer );

	GetModuleFileName( ModuleHandle, ModuleName, 1024 );
	PathStripPath( ModuleName );
	GetModuleVersion( ModuleName, StringBuffer, 1024 );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P1, TEXT( "Application Version" ), StringBuffer );

	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "%08x" ), GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary( ModuleHandle ) );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P2, TEXT( "Application Timestamp" ), StringBuffer );

	HMODULE FaultModuleHandle = NULL;
	GetModuleHandleEx( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, ( LPCTSTR )ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, &FaultModuleHandle );

	GetModuleFileName( FaultModuleHandle, ModuleName, 1024 );
	PathStripPath( ModuleName );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P3, TEXT( "Fault Module Name" ), ModuleName );

	GetModuleVersion( ModuleName, StringBuffer, 1024 );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P4, TEXT( "Fault Module Version" ), StringBuffer );

	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "%08x" ), GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary( FaultModuleHandle ) );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P5, TEXT( "Fault Module Timestamp" ), StringBuffer );

	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "%08x" ), ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P6, TEXT( "Exception Code" ), StringBuffer );

	INT_PTR ExceptionOffset = ( char* )( ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress ) - ( char* )FaultModuleHandle;
	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "%p" ), ExceptionOffset );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P7, TEXT( "Exception Offset" ), StringBuffer );

	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "!%s!" ), FCommandLine::Get() );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P8, TEXT( "Commandline" ), StringBuffer );

	StringCchPrintf( StringBuffer, 1024, TEXT( "%s!%s!%s!%d" ), TEXT( BRANCH_NAME ), FPlatformProcess::BaseDir(), GetEngineMode(), BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST );
	Result = WerReportSetParameter( ReportHandle, WER_P9, TEXT( "BranchBaseDir" ), StringBuffer );
Ejemplo n.º 2
CHttpDownloadDlg::CHttpDownloadDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
	: CDialog(CHttpDownloadDlg::IDD, pParent)
	m_hInternetSession = NULL;
	m_hHttpConnection = NULL;
	m_hHttpFile = NULL;
	m_bAbort = FALSE;
	m_bSafeToClose = FALSE;
	m_pThread = NULL;
	if (sm_ullWinInetVer == 0)
		sm_ullWinInetVer = GetModuleVersion(GetModuleHandle(_T("wininet")));
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void SetWindowModuleVersion(HWND hWndChild, LPCTSTR szModuleName)
    LARGE_INTEGER Version;
    TCHAR szFormat[255];
    TCHAR szText[255];

    // Is such window really there ?
    if(hWndChild != NULL)
        GetWindowText(hWndChild, szFormat, _maxchars(szFormat));
        GetModuleVersion(szModuleName, &Version);
        StringCchPrintf(szText, _countof(szText), szFormat,
        SetWindowText(hWndChild, szText);
Ejemplo n.º 4
LoadedDeviceAdapter::CheckInterfaceVersion() const
   long moduleInterfaceVersion, deviceInterfaceVersion;
      moduleInterfaceVersion = GetModuleVersion();
      deviceInterfaceVersion = GetDeviceInterfaceVersion();
   catch (const CMMError& e)
      throw CMMError("Cannot verify interface compatibility of device adapter", e);

   if (moduleInterfaceVersion != MODULE_INTERFACE_VERSION)
      throw CMMError("Incompatible module interface version (required = " +
            ToString(MODULE_INTERFACE_VERSION) +
            "; found = " + ToString(moduleInterfaceVersion) + ")");

   if (deviceInterfaceVersion != DEVICE_INTERFACE_VERSION)
      throw CMMError("Incompatible device interface version (required = " +
            ToString(DEVICE_INTERFACE_VERSION) +
            "; found = " + ToString(deviceInterfaceVersion) + ")");
Ejemplo n.º 5
// This method is called when a Throwable exception is caught at the end of a COM method,
// or (with a dummy ThrowableSd) when some other exception is caught. It transforms the info
// in the Throwable into a standard COM error report (creating an IErrorInfo and registering
// it.) It returns the HRESULT that should be returned by the COM method.

// There are several different situations which this method has to handle. The following
// comments describe the situations, and how they are indicated. Each "indication" presumes
// that the previous "indications" failed.
// 1. We called a COM method which supports IErrorInfo and already provides all the information
//		we need to pass to our own caller. This is indicated by a help ID of -1.
// 2. We, or a method we called that doesn't support IErrorInfo, ran out of memory.
//		We need to set up the special error object pre-created for this case. This is
//		indicated by thr.Error() being E_OUTOFMEMORY.
// 3. A programming error has been caught and a stack dump generated, either in our own code
//		or in the code that called us. This is indicated by finding that thr is actually
//		a ThrowableSd. Make an error object, with a description that includes the stack dump.
HRESULT HandleThrowable(Throwable & thr, REFGUID iid, DummyFactory * pfact)
	StrUni stuDesc;
	HRESULT hrErr = thr.Error();

	// If we already have error info, we set it again (very likely got cleared by previous
	// CheckHr), and then just return the HRESULT.
	if (thr.GetErrorInfo())
		::SetErrorInfo(0, thr.GetErrorInfo());
		return hrErr;

	// We need a Unicode version of the ProgId, but we should avoid allocating memory
	// since we don't yet know that we have not run out.
	// Since all our progids are in simple ascii, we can do the simplest possible conversion.
	// Since we hopefully have at least a little stack to work with, use _alloca.
	OLECHAR * pszSrc = (OLECHAR *)_alloca((StrLen(pfact->GetProgId()) + 1) * isizeof(OLECHAR));
	OLECHAR * pchw = pszSrc;
	for (const TCHAR * pch = pfact->GetProgId(); *pch; pch++, pchw++)
		*pchw = *pch;
	*pchw = 0;

	if (hrErr == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
		// Use the pre-created error info object so we don't have to allocate now.
		// It already has a description, help file path, and help context ID.
		// If a further E_OUTOFMEMORY occurs calling SetGUID or SetSource, just ignore it.
		SetErrorInfo(0, s_qerrinfoMem);
		return hrErr;

	// Otherwise we are going to make a new error info object.

	// Get any message supplied by the Throwable.
	StrUni stuUserMsg(thr.Message());
	// See if a stack dump is available.
	ThrowableSd * pthrs = dynamic_cast<ThrowableSd *>(&thr);
	char * pchDump = NULL;
	if (pthrs)
		pchDump = const_cast<char *>(pthrs->GetDump());
	else if (!stuUserMsg.Length())
		// If we don't have any sort of nice message, treat it as an internal error.
		DumpStackHere("HandleThrowable caught an error with no description");
		pchDump = const_cast<char *>(StackDumper::GetDump());
	if (pchDump)
		// We have a stack dump.
		StrUni stuModName = ModuleEntry::GetModulePathName();

		// Do we already have a description? If not make one.
		if (!stuUserMsg.Length())
			// No, use a default one.
			StrUni stuHrMsg = ConvertException((DWORD)hrErr);

			StrUni stuUserMsgFmt;
			// Would it be better to strip off the path?
			stuUserMsg.Format(stuUserMsgFmt, stuHrMsg.Chars(), stuModName.Chars());
		stuDesc.Format(L"%s%s%S\r\n\r\n%s", stuUserMsg.Chars(), ThrowableSd::MoreSep(), pchDump,
		// We've made sure we have a message already; use it.
		stuDesc = stuUserMsg;

	StrUni stuSource(pszSrc);
	hr = StackDumper::RecordError(iid, stuDesc, stuSource, thr.HelpId(),
	if (FAILED(hr))
		if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY)
			Throwable thr2(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
			return HandleThrowable(thr2, iid, pfact);

		// just report the failure to the developer

		// Hard to know what do do here. It should never happen. For paranoia's sake at least
		// return the original problem.
	return hrErr;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Hook()
	extern FARJMP Old_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD;
	extern HMODULE hTermSrv;
	extern HMODULE hSLC;
	extern PLATFORM_DWORD TermSrvBase;
	extern wchar_t LogFile[256];

	AlreadyHooked = true;
	char *Log;

	wchar_t ConfigFile[256] = { 0x00 };
	WriteToLog("Loading configuration...\r\n");

	GetModuleFileName(GetCurrentModule(), ConfigFile, 255);
	for (DWORD i = wcslen(ConfigFile); i > 0; i--)
		if (ConfigFile[i] == '\\')
			memset(&ConfigFile[i + 1], 0x00, ((256 - (i + 1))) * 2);
			memcpy(&ConfigFile[i + 1], L"rdpwrap.ini", strlen("rdpwrap.ini") * 2);

	Log = new char[1024];
	wsprintfA(Log, "Configuration file: %S\r\n", ConfigFile);
	delete[] Log;

	IniFile = new INI_FILE(ConfigFile);
	// TODO: implement this
	if (IniFile == NULL)
		WriteToLog("Error: Failed to load configuration\r\n");


	if(!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection("Main", "LogFile", &LogFileVar)))
		GetModuleFileName(GetCurrentModule(), LogFile, 255);
		for(DWORD i = wcslen(LogFile); i > 0; i--)
			if(LogFile[i] == '\\')
				memset(&LogFile[i+1], 0x00, ((256-(i+1)))*2);
				memcpy(&LogFile[i+1], L"rdpwrap.txt", strlen("rdpwrap.txt")*2);
		// TODO: Change it before add UNICODE in IniFile
		wchar_t wcLogFile[256];
		memset(wcLogFile, 0x00, 256);
		mbstowcs(wcLogFile, LogFileVar.Value, 255);
		wcscpy(LogFile, wcLogFile);

	SIZE_T bw;
	WORD Ver = 0;
	PLATFORM_DWORD TermSrvSize, SignPtr;

	WriteToLog("Initializing RDP Wrapper...\r\n");

	hTermSrv = LoadLibrary(L"termsrv.dll");
	if (hTermSrv == 0)
		WriteToLog("Error: Failed to load Terminal Services library\r\n");
	_ServiceMain = (SERVICEMAIN)GetProcAddress(hTermSrv, "ServiceMain");
	_SvchostPushServiceGlobals = (SVCHOSTPUSHSERVICEGLOBALS)GetProcAddress(hTermSrv, "SvchostPushServiceGlobals");

	Log = new char[4096];
		"Base addr:  0x%p\r\n"
		"SvcMain:    termsrv.dll+0x%p\r\n"
		"SvcGlobals: termsrv.dll+0x%p\r\n",
		(PLATFORM_DWORD)_SvchostPushServiceGlobals - (PLATFORM_DWORD)hTermSrv);
	delete[] Log;

	// check termsrv version
	if (GetModuleVersion(L"termsrv.dll", &FV))
		Ver = (BYTE)FV.wVersion.Minor | ((BYTE)FV.wVersion.Major << 8);
	} else {
		// check NT version
		// Ver = GetVersion(); // deprecated
		// Ver = ((Ver & 0xFF) << 8) | ((Ver & 0xFF00) >> 8);
	if (Ver == 0)
		WriteToLog("Error: Failed to detect Terminal Services version\r\n");

	Log = new char[1024];
	wsprintfA(Log, "Version:    %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", FV.wVersion.Major, FV.wVersion.Minor, FV.Release, FV.Build);
	delete[] Log;

	// temporarily freeze threads
	WriteToLog("Freezing threads...\r\n");

	bool Bool;
	if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection("Main", "SLPolicyHookNT60", &Bool))) Bool = true;

	if ((Ver == 0x0600) && Bool)
		// Windows Vista
		// uses SL Policy API (slc.dll)

		// load slc.dll and hook function
		hSLC = LoadLibrary(L"slc.dll");
		_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD = (SLGETWINDOWSINFORMATIONDWORD)GetProcAddress(hSLC, "SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD");
		if (_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			// rewrite original function to call our function (make hook)

			WriteToLog("Hook SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD\r\n");
			#ifdef _WIN64
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.MovOp = 0x48;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.MovRegArg = 0xB8;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.MovArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.PushRaxOp = 0x50;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.RetOp = 0xC3;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.PushOp = 0x68;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.RetOp = 0xC3;

			ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), _SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, &Old_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, sizeof(FARJMP), &bw);
			WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), _SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, &Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, sizeof(FARJMP), &bw);

	if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection("Main", "SLPolicyHookNT61", &Bool))) Bool = true;

	if ((Ver == 0x0601) && Bool)
		// Windows 7
		// uses SL Policy API (slc.dll)

		// load slc.dll and hook function
		hSLC = LoadLibrary(L"slc.dll");
		_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD = (SLGETWINDOWSINFORMATIONDWORD)GetProcAddress(hSLC, "SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD");
		if (_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
			// rewrite original function to call our function (make hook)

			WriteToLog("Hook SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD\r\n");
			#ifdef _WIN64
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.MovOp = 0x48;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.MovRegArg = 0xB8;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.MovArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.PushRaxOp = 0x50;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.RetOp = 0xC3;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.PushOp = 0x68;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD;
			Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.RetOp = 0xC3;

			ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), _SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, &Old_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, sizeof(FARJMP), &bw);
			WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), _SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, &Stub_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD, sizeof(FARJMP), &bw);
	if (Ver == 0x0602)
		// Windows 8
		// uses SL Policy internal unexported function

		// load slc.dll and get function
		// (will be used on intercepting undefined values)
		hSLC = LoadLibrary(L"slc.dll");
		_SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD = (SLGETWINDOWSINFORMATIONDWORD)GetProcAddress(hSLC, "SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD");
	if (Ver == 0x0603)
		// Windows 8.1
		// uses SL Policy internal inline code
	if (Ver == 0x0604)
		// Windows 10
		// uses SL Policy internal inline code

	char *Sect;
	Sect = new char[256];
	memset(Sect, 0x00, 256);
	wsprintfA(Sect, "%d.%d.%d.%d", FV.wVersion.Major, FV.wVersion.Minor, FV.Release, FV.Build);

	if (IniFile->SectionExists(Sect))
		if (GetModuleCodeSectionInfo(hTermSrv, &TermSrvBase, &TermSrvSize))
			#ifdef _WIN64
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "LocalOnlyPatch.x64", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "LocalOnlyPatch.x86", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (Bool)
				WriteToLog("Patch CEnforcementCore::GetInstanceOfTSLicense\r\n");
				Bool = false;
				#ifdef _WIN64
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "LocalOnlyOffset.x64", 0));
				Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "LocalOnlyCode.x64", &PatchName);
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "LocalOnlyOffset.x86", 0));
				Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "LocalOnlyCode.x86", &PatchName);
				if (Bool) Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection("PatchCodes", PatchName.Value, &Patch);
				if (Bool && (SignPtr > TermSrvBase)) WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)SignPtr, Patch.Value, Patch.ArraySize, &bw);
			#ifdef _WIN64
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SingleUserPatch.x64", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SingleUserPatch.x86", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (Bool)
				WriteToLog("Patch CSessionArbitrationHelper::IsSingleSessionPerUserEnabled\r\n");
				Bool = false;
				#ifdef _WIN64
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "SingleUserOffset.x64", 0));
				Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SingleUserCode.x64", &PatchName);
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "SingleUserOffset.x86", 0));
				Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SingleUserCode.x86", &PatchName);
				if (Bool) Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection("PatchCodes", PatchName.Value, &Patch);
				if (Bool && (SignPtr > TermSrvBase)) WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)SignPtr, Patch.Value, Patch.ArraySize, &bw);
			#ifdef _WIN64
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "DefPolicyPatch.x64", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "DefPolicyPatch.x86", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (Bool)
				WriteToLog("Patch CDefPolicy::Query\r\n");
				Bool = false;
				#ifdef _WIN64
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "DefPolicyOffset.x64", 0));
				Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "DefPolicyCode.x64", &PatchName);
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "DefPolicyOffset.x86", 0));
				Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "DefPolicyCode.x86", &PatchName);
				if (Bool) Bool = IniFile->GetVariableInSection("PatchCodes", PatchName.Value, &Patch);
				if (Bool && (SignPtr > TermSrvBase)) WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)SignPtr, Patch.Value, Patch.ArraySize, &bw);
			#ifdef _WIN64
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SLPolicyInternal.x64", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SLPolicyInternal.x86", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (Bool)
				WriteToLog("Hook SLGetWindowsInformationDWORDWrapper\r\n");
				char *FuncName;
				FuncName = new char[1024];
				#ifdef _WIN64
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "SLPolicyOffset.x64", 0));
				Jump.MovOp = 0x48;
				Jump.MovRegArg = 0xB8;
				Jump.MovArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_Win8SL;
				Jump.PushRaxOp = 0x50;
				Jump.RetOp = 0xC3;

				INIReadString(IniFile, Sect, "SLPolicyFunc.x64", "New_Win8SL", FuncName, 1024);

				if (strcmp(FuncName, "New_Win8SL"))
					Jump.MovArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_Win8SL;
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "SLPolicyOffset.x86", 0));
				Jump.PushOp = 0x68;
				Jump.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_Win8SL;
				Jump.RetOp = 0xC3;

				INIReadString(IniFile, Sect, "SLPolicyFunc.x86", "New_Win8SL", FuncName, 1024);

				if (strcmp(FuncName, "New_Win8SL"))
					Jump.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_Win8SL;
				if (strcmp(FuncName, "New_Win8SL_CP"))
					Jump.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_Win8SL_CP;
				delete[] FuncName;
				if (SignPtr > TermSrvBase) WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)SignPtr, &Jump, sizeof(FARJMP), &bw);
			#ifdef _WIN64
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SLInitHook.x64", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (!(IniFile->GetVariableInSection(Sect, "SLInitHook.x86", &Bool))) Bool = false;
			if (Bool)
				WriteToLog("Hook CSLQuery::Initialize\r\n");
				char *FuncName;
				FuncName = new char[1024];
				#ifdef _WIN64
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "SLInitOffset.x64", 0));
				Jump.MovOp = 0x48;
				Jump.MovRegArg = 0xB8;
				Jump.MovArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_CSLQuery_Initialize;
				Jump.PushRaxOp = 0x50;
				Jump.RetOp = 0xC3;

				INIReadString(IniFile, Sect, "SLInitFunc.x64", "New_CSLQuery_Initialize", FuncName, 1024);

				if (strcmp(FuncName, "New_CSLQuery_Initialize"))
					Jump.MovArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_CSLQuery_Initialize;
				SignPtr = (PLATFORM_DWORD)(TermSrvBase + INIReadDWordHex(IniFile, Sect, "SLInitOffset.x86", 0));
				Jump.PushOp = 0x68;
				Jump.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_CSLQuery_Initialize;
				Jump.RetOp = 0xC3;

				INIReadString(IniFile, Sect, "SLInitFunc.x86", "New_CSLQuery_Initialize", FuncName, 1024);

				if (strcmp(FuncName, "New_CSLQuery_Initialize"))
					Jump.PushArg = (PLATFORM_DWORD)New_CSLQuery_Initialize;
				delete[] FuncName;
				if (SignPtr > TermSrvBase) WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)SignPtr, &Jump, sizeof(FARJMP), &bw);
	delete[] Sect;

	WriteToLog("Resumimg threads...\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 7
int SystemModuleInformation::MODULE_INFO::Insert( CSystemInfoListCtrl& list, BOOL bPid,
	size_t iItem, size_t iItemCount) const
	iItem;	// use var
	iItemCount;	// use var

	CString strPID, strProcesName;
	CString strBase, strLength, strUsage, strFileSize, strVersion, strFilePath;

	// Get size
	INT64 i64FileSize = 0;
	LPCTSTR szFileName = _tcslen(FileFullPath) > 0 ? FileFullPath : FullPath;
	CFile file;
	if ( file.Open( szFileName, CFile::modeRead ) )
		i64FileSize = file.GetLength();

	strBase.Format( _T("0x%08IX"), Handle );
	strLength.Format( _T("%d"), info.SizeOfImage );

	if( me32.GlblcntUsage == 0 )
		strUsage.Format( _T("") );
	else if( me32.GlblcntUsage == 65535 )
		strUsage = LocLoadString(IDS_MODULE_FIXED);
		strUsage.Format( _T("%d"), me32.GlblcntUsage );

	strFileSize.Format( _T("%I64d"), i64FileSize );
	GetModuleVersion( szFileName, strVersion );

	strFilePath = FullPath;
	if( _tcsicmp( FullPath, szFileName ) != 0 )
		strFilePath += _T("    ==>    ");
		strFilePath += FileFullPath;

	int sub = 0;

	int iListItemCount = list.GetItemCount();
	int nPos = list.InsertItem( iListItemCount, _T("") );

	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+0, strBase );
	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+1, strLength );

	if( bPid )
		strPID.Format( _T("%d"), ProcessId );
		list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+2, strPID );

		strProcesName = GetProcessName( ProcessId );
		list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+2, strProcesName );

	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+2, strUsage );
	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+3, Name );
	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+4, strFileSize );
	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+5, strVersion );
	list.SetItemText( nPos, sub+6, strFilePath );

	return nPos;