double Snow::GetLife()
    double timePassed = GetNetworkTime() - m_timeSync;
    double life = timePassed / 10.0;
    life = min( life, 1.0 );
    return life;
bool SafeArea::Advance()
    // Is the world awake yet ?

    if( !g_app->m_location ) return false;
    if( !g_app->m_location->m_teams ) return false;
    if( g_app->m_location->m_teams[ m_id.GetTeamId() ]->m_teamType == TeamTypeUnused ) return false;

    if( GetNetworkTime() > m_recountTimer )
        int numFound;
        g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->GetFriends( s_neighbours, m_pos.x, m_pos.z, m_size, &numFound, m_id.GetTeamId() );
        m_entitiesCounted = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < numFound; ++i )
            WorldObjectId id = s_neighbours[i];
            Entity *entity = g_app->m_location->GetEntity( id );
            if( entity && 
                entity->m_type == m_entityTypeRequired && 
                !entity->m_dead )

        m_recountTimer = GetNetworkTime() + 2.0;
        if( (m_id.GetTeamId() == 1 && m_entitiesCounted <= m_entitiesRequired) ||
            (m_id.GetTeamId() != 1 && m_entitiesCounted >= m_entitiesRequired) )
            GlobalBuilding *gb = g_app->m_globalWorld->GetBuilding( m_id.GetUniqueId(), g_app->m_locationId );
            if( gb && !gb->m_online )
                gb->m_online = true;


    return false;
:   WorldObject()
    m_positionOffset = syncfrand(10.0);
    m_xaxisRate = syncfrand(2.0);
    m_yaxisRate = syncfrand(2.0);
    m_zaxisRate = syncfrand(2.0);

    m_timeSync = GetNetworkTime();
    m_type = EffectSnow;
bool SoulDestroyer::AdvanceToTargetPosition()
    double amountToTurn = SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD * 2.0;
    Vector3 targetDir = (m_targetPos - m_pos).Normalise();
    if( !m_targetEntity.IsValid() )
        Vector3 right1 = m_front ^ m_up;    
        targetDir.RotateAround( right1 * iv_sin(GetNetworkTime() * 6.0) * 1.5 );

    // Look ahead to see if we're about to hit the ground
    Vector3 forwardPos = m_pos + targetDir * 50.0;
    double landHeight = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.m_heightMap->GetValue(forwardPos.x, forwardPos.z);
    if( forwardPos.y <= landHeight )
        targetDir = g_upVector;

    Vector3 actualDir = m_front * (1.0 - amountToTurn) + targetDir * amountToTurn;
    double speed = m_stats[StatSpeed];
    speed = 130.0;
    Vector3 oldPos = m_pos;
    Vector3 newPos = m_pos + actualDir * speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;
    landHeight = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.m_heightMap->GetValue( newPos.x, newPos.z );
    //newPos.y = max( newPos.y, landHeight );
    Vector3 moved = newPos - oldPos;
    if( moved.Mag() > speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD ) moved.SetLength( speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD );
    newPos = m_pos + moved;

    m_pos = newPos;       
    m_vel = ( m_pos - oldPos ) / SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;
    m_front = actualDir;
    Vector3 right = m_front ^ g_upVector;
    m_up = right ^ m_front;
    return ( m_pos - m_targetPos ).Mag() < 40.0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CFginstDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 	if(101 == nIDEvent){
// 		//Test network
// 		KillTimer(nIDEvent);
// 		CString config_host;
// 		INTERNET_PORT config_port;
// 		CString config_obj;
// 		DWORD service;
// 		if (!AfxParseURL("", service, config_host, config_obj, config_port))
// 			return ;
// 		char* buf;
// 		int bufLen;
// 		DWORD code;
// 		unsigned long fsize = 0;
// 		CString csNewURL = "";
// 		if (!DownloadUrl_wiki(config_host, config_port, config_obj, csNewURL, FileDownloadCookie)) {
// 			FileDownloadCookie = "";
// 			return ;
// 		}
// 		if (!AfxParseURL(csNewURL, service, config_host, config_obj, config_port))
// 			return ;
// 		fsize = 0;
// 		BOOL re = MDownloadUrl(config_host, config_port, config_obj, fsize,  "c:\\", 5);
// 	}

    if(1 == nIDEvent) {
        //Test network
        if(GetNetworkTime()) {
            AfxBeginThread(_DownloadThread, this);
            SetTimer(2, 200, NULL);
        } else {

    if (2 == nIDEvent) {
        long FielLength = DownloadRange.DownloadRangeFileInfo.nFileLength;
        if(FielLength > 0) {
            long FinshedLength = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<MAXBLOCKNUMBER; i++) {
                FinshedLength += DownloadRange.DownloadRangeFileInfo.nFinishedLength[i];

            CString str;
            str.Format("%d%%", FinshedLength * 100 / FielLength);
            SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT, str);
            m_Progress.SetPos(FinshedLength * 100 / FielLength);
            if(FinshedLength  == FielLength) {

    if(3 == nIDEvent) { // OK
        CString str;
        str.Format("下载成功,文件位置为: %s。请问立即执行该软件吗?", sFilePath);
        if(MessageBox(str, "提示", MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO) == IDYES) {
            WinExec(sFilePath, SW_SHOW);

    if(4 == nIDEvent) { //FAIL

    if (5 == nIDEvent) {
        long FielLength = DownloadRange.DownloadRangeFileInfo.nFileLength;
        if(FielLength > 0) {
            long FinshedLength = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<MAXBLOCKNUMBER; i++) {
                FinshedLength += DownloadRange.DownloadRangeFileInfo.nFinishedLength[i];

            CString str;
            str.Format("%d%%", FinshedLength * 100 / FielLength);
            SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT, str);
            m_Progress.SetPos(FinshedLength * 100 / FielLength);

    if(9 == nIDEvent) {
        DownloadRange.DownloadRangeFileInfo.nFileLength = 0;
        SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT, "0%");

bool DustBall::Advance()
    double speed = DUSTBALL_SPEED;

    if( s_vortexPos != g_zeroVector )
        /*double speed = DUSTBALL_SPEED / 5.0;
        speed /= (m_pos.y / 1000.0);
        speed = max( speed, 100.0 );
        speed = min( speed, 500.0 );
        Vector3 thisVortexPos = s_vortexPos;
        thisVortexPos.y = m_pos.y;
        Vector3 oldPos = m_pos;
        double amountToTurn = SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD * (1.0 / (m_pos.y / 1000.0));
        Vector3 targetDir = (thisVortexPos - m_pos).Normalise();
        Vector3 actualDir = m_vel.Normalise() * (1.0 - amountToTurn) + targetDir * amountToTurn;

        Vector3 newPos = m_pos + actualDir * speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;

        Vector3 moved = newPos - oldPos;
        if( moved.Mag() > speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD ) moved.SetLength( speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD );
        newPos = m_pos + moved;*/

        Vector3 vortexPos = s_vortexPos;

        double timeIndex = GetNetworkTime() + m_id.GetUniqueId() * 20;
        double radius = (300.0 * (m_pos.y / 1000.0) );

        Vector3 targetPos = vortexPos;
        targetPos.x += iv_cos( timeIndex ) * radius;
        targetPos.z += iv_sin( timeIndex ) * radius;
        targetPos.y = m_pos.y;

        Vector3 oldPos = m_pos;
        Vector3 actualDir = (targetPos - m_pos).Normalise();

        Vector3 newPos = m_pos + (actualDir * speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD);
        Vector3 moved = newPos - oldPos;
        if( moved.Mag() > speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD ) moved.SetLength( speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD );
        m_pos = newPos;       
        m_vel = ( m_pos - oldPos ) / SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;
        Vector3 oldPos = m_pos;
        Vector3 target = m_pos + g_app->m_location->m_windDirection * 2000.0;

        double amountToTurn = SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD * 3.0;
        Vector3 targetDir = (target - m_pos).Normalise();
        Vector3 actualDir = m_vel.Normalise() * (1.0 - amountToTurn) + targetDir * amountToTurn;

        Vector3 newPos = m_pos + actualDir * speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;

        Vector3 moved = newPos - oldPos;
        if( moved.Mag() > speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD ) moved.SetLength( speed * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD );
        newPos = m_pos + moved;

        m_pos = newPos;       
        m_vel = ( m_pos - oldPos ) / SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;

    if( m_pos.x > g_app->m_location->m_landscape.GetWorldSizeX() ||
        m_pos.z > g_app->m_location->m_landscape.GetWorldSizeZ() ||
        m_pos.x < 0.0 ||
        m_pos.z < 0.0 )
        return true;

    return false;
void ANTPlayerController::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)

	AccumulativeDeltaTime += DeltaSeconds;

	// If we're the Client and we haven't updated Ping in a while, try to get a ping update
	const float LocTimeSec = GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds();
	if (((LocTimeSec - LastPingCalcTime) > 0.5f) && (GetNetMode() == NM_Client))
		LastPingCalcTime = LocTimeSec;

	if (PlayerState)
		if (Role == ROLE_Authority && !IsLocalController())
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, DeltaSeconds, FColor::Blue, FString::Printf(TEXT("Server Ping %f - TimeStamp %i"), PlayerState->ExactPing, GetLocalTime()));
		else if (Role < ROLE_Authority)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, DeltaSeconds, FColor::Green, FString::Printf(TEXT("Client Ping %f - TimeStamp %i"), PlayerState->ExactPing, GetNetworkTime()));