Ejemplo n.º 1
void AICmdFlyAround::Setup(Body *obstructor, double alt, double vel, int targmode, Body *target, Frame *targframe, const vector3d &posoff)
	m_obstructor = obstructor; m_alt = alt; m_vel = vel;
	m_targmode = targmode; m_target = target; m_targframe = targframe; m_posoff = posoff;

	// generate suitable velocity if none provided
	double minacc = (targmode == 3) ? 0 : m_ship->GetAccelMin();
	double mass = obstructor->IsType(Object::TERRAINBODY) ? obstructor->GetMass() : 0;
	if (vel < 1e-30) m_vel = sqrt(m_alt*0.8*minacc + mass*G/m_alt);

	// check if altitude is within obstructor frame
	if (alt > 0.9 * GetNonRotFrame(obstructor)->GetRadius()) {
		m_targmode = 1; m_target = 0;			// force an exit
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Pursue ship, not body
AICmdFlyTo::AICmdFlyTo(Ship *ship, Ship *target, float hungriness) : AICommand (ship, CMD_FLYTO)
	double dist = std::max(VICINITY_MIN, VICINITY_MUL*MaxEffectRad(target, ship));
	m_targframe = GetNonRotFrame(target);
	m_posoff = dist * m_ship->GetPositionRelTo(m_targframe).Normalized();
	m_posoff += target->GetPosition();

	m_endvel = 0; m_tangent = 0;
	m_state = -1; m_frame = 0;

	// check if we're already close enough
	if (dist > m_ship->GetPositionRelTo(target).Length()) m_state = 5;

	m_fuelEconomy = Clamp(hungriness, 0.0f, 1.0f);;
	m_targetShip = target;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Fly to "vicinity" of body
AICmdFlyTo::AICmdFlyTo(Ship *ship, Body *target) : AICommand (ship, CMD_FLYTO)
	double dist = std::max(VICINITY_MIN, VICINITY_MUL*MaxEffectRad(target, ship));
	if (target->IsType(Object::SPACESTATION) && static_cast<SpaceStation *>(target)->IsGroundStation()) {
		matrix4x4d rot; target->GetRotMatrix(rot);
		m_posoff = target->GetPosition() + dist * vector3d(rot[4], rot[5], rot[6]);		// up vector for starport
		m_targframe = target->GetFrame();
	else {
		m_targframe = GetNonRotFrame(target);
		m_posoff = dist * m_ship->GetPositionRelTo(m_targframe).Normalized();
		m_posoff += target->GetPosition();

	m_endvel = 0; m_tangent = 0;
	m_state = -1; m_frame = 0;

	// check if we're already close enough
	if (dist > m_ship->GetPositionRelTo(target).Length()) m_state = 5;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool AICmdFlyAround::TimeStepUpdate()
	if (m_targmode == 1 && !m_target) return true;
	if (!ProcessChild()) return false;

	// Not necessary unless it's a tier 1 AI
	if (m_ship->GetFlightState() == Ship::FLYING) m_ship->SetWheelState(false);
	else { LaunchShip(m_ship); return false; }

	double timestep = Pi::game->GetTimeStep();
	vector3d targpos = Targpos();		// target position in ship's frame
	vector3d obspos = m_obstructor->GetPositionRelTo(m_ship);
	double obsdist = obspos.Length();
	vector3d obsdir = obspos / obsdist;
	vector3d relpos = targpos - m_ship->GetPosition();

	// if too far away, fly to tangent
	if (obsdist > 1.1*m_alt)
		double v;
		Frame *obsframe = GetNonRotFrame(m_obstructor);
		vector3d tangent = GenerateTangent(m_ship, obsframe, targpos, m_alt);
		vector3d tpos_obs = GetPosInFrame(obsframe, m_ship->GetFrame(), targpos);
		if (m_targmode != 1 && m_targmode != 2) v = m_vel;
		else if (relpos.LengthSqr() < obsdist) v = 0.0;
		else v = MaxVel((tpos_obs-tangent).Length(), tpos_obs.Length());
		m_child = new AICmdFlyTo(m_ship, obsframe, tangent, v, true);
		ProcessChild(); return false;

	// limit m_vel by target proximity & distance covered per frame
	double vel = (m_targmode != 1 && m_targmode != 2) ? m_vel
		: MaxVel(relpos.Length(), targpos.Length());

	// all calculations in ship's frame
	vector3d fwddir = (obsdir.Cross(relpos).Cross(obsdir)).Normalized();
	vector3d tanvel = vel * fwddir;

	// frame body suicide check, response
	if (CheckSuicide(m_ship, -obsdir)) {
		m_ship->AIFaceDirection(m_ship->GetPosition());		// face away from planet
		m_ship->AIMatchVel(vector3d(0.0)); return false;

	// max feature avoidance check, response
	if (obsdist < MaxFeatureRad(m_obstructor)) {
		double ang = m_ship->AIFaceDirection(-obsdir);
		m_ship->AIMatchVel(ang < 0.05 ? 1000.0 * -obsdir : 0.0);
		return false;

	// calculate target velocity
	double alt = (tanvel * timestep + obspos).Length();		// unnecessary?
	double ivel = calc_ivel(alt - m_alt, 0.0, m_ship->GetAccelMin());

	vector3d finalvel = tanvel + ivel * obsdir;

//	vector3d newhead = GenerateTangent(m_ship, m_obstructor->GetFrame(), fwddir);
//	newhead = GetPosInFrame(m_ship->GetFrame(), m_obstructor->GetFrame(), newhead);
//	m_ship->AIFaceDirection(newhead-m_ship->GetPosition());

	// termination condition for orbits
	vector3d thrust = m_ship->GetThrusterState();
	if (m_targmode >= 3 && thrust.LengthSqr() < 0.01) m_targmode++;
	if (m_targmode == 5) { m_ship->SetThrusterState(vector3d(0.0)); return true; }
	return false;