static INT_PTR CALLBACK AuditWindowProc(HWND hDlg, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static HANDLE hThread; static DWORD dwThreadID; DWORD dwExitCode; HWND hEdit; switch (Msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: hAudit = hDlg; //RS 20030613 Set Bkg of RichEdit Ctrl hEdit = GetDlgItem(hAudit, IDC_AUDIT_DETAILS); if (hEdit != NULL) SendMessage( hEdit, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, FALSE, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) ); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_ROMS_PROGRESS, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, GetNumGames())); SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_SAMPLES_PROGRESS, PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, GetNumGames())); bPaused = FALSE; bCancel = FALSE; rom_index = 0; hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, AuditThreadProc, hDlg, 0, &dwThreadID); return 1; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: bPaused = FALSE; if (hThread) { bCancel = TRUE; if (GetExitCodeThread(hThread, &dwExitCode) && dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { PostMessage(hDlg, WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam); return 1; } CloseHandle(hThread); } EndDialog(hDlg,0); break; case IDPAUSE: if (bPaused) { SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDPAUSE, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"Pause"); bPaused = FALSE; } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDPAUSE, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"Continue"); bPaused = TRUE; } break; } return 1; } return 0; }
void CreateOrientationFolders(int parent_index) { int jj; int nGames = GetNumGames(); LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[parent_index]; // create our two subfolders LPTREEFOLDER lpVert, lpHorz; lpVert = NewFolder("Vertical", next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_FOLDER, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpVert); lpHorz = NewFolder("Horizontal", next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_FOLDER, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpHorz); // no games in top level folder SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits,FALSE); for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { if (drivers[jj]->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) { AddGame(lpVert,jj); } else { AddGame(lpHorz,jj); } } }
void CreateSoundFolders(int parent_index) { int i,jj; int nGames = GetNumGames(); int nFolder = numFolders; LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[parent_index]; LPTREEFOLDER map[SOUND_COUNT]; // no games in top level folder SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits,FALSE); for (i=1;i<SOUND_COUNT;i++) { // Defined in sndintrf.c struct snd_interface { unsigned sound_num; /* ID */ const char *name; /* description */ int (*chips_num)(const struct MachineSound *msound); /* returns number of chips if applicable */ int (*chips_clock)(const struct MachineSound *msound); /* returns chips clock if applicable */ int (*start)(const struct MachineSound *msound); /* starts sound emulation */ void (*stop)(void); /* stops sound emulation */ void (*update)(void); /* updates emulation once per frame if necessary */ void (*reset)(void); /* resets sound emulation */ }; extern struct snd_interface sndintf[]; LPTREEFOLDER lpTemp; for (jj = 1; jj < i; jj++) if (!strcmp(soundtype_name(i), soundtype_name(jj))) break; if (i != jj) { map[i] = map[jj]; continue; } lpTemp = NewFolder(sndintf[i].name, next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_CPU, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpTemp); map[i] = treeFolders[nFolder++]; } for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { int n; struct InternalMachineDriver drv; expand_machine_driver(drivers[jj]->drv,&drv); for (n = 0; n < MAX_SOUND; n++) if (drv.sound[n].sound_type != SOUND_DUMMY) { // sound type #'s are one-based AddGame(map[drv.sound[n].sound_type],jj); } } }
/* Allocate and initialize a NEW TREEFOLDER */ static LPTREEFOLDER NewFolder(const char *lpTitle, UINT nFolderId, int nParent, UINT nIconId, DWORD dwFlags) { LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = (LPTREEFOLDER)malloc(sizeof(TREEFOLDER)); memset(lpFolder, '\0', sizeof (TREEFOLDER)); lpFolder->m_lpTitle = (LPSTR)malloc(strlen(lpTitle) + 1); strcpy((char *)lpFolder->m_lpTitle,lpTitle); lpFolder->m_lpGameBits = NewBits(GetNumGames()); lpFolder->m_nFolderId = nFolderId; lpFolder->m_nParent = nParent; lpFolder->m_nIconId = nIconId; lpFolder->m_dwFlags = dwFlags; return lpFolder; }
void CreateCPUFolders(int parent_index) { int i,jj; int nGames = GetNumGames(); int nFolder = numFolders; LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[parent_index]; LPTREEFOLDER map[CPU_COUNT]; // no games in top level folder SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits,FALSE); for (i=1;i<CPU_COUNT;i++) { LPTREEFOLDER lpTemp; for (jj = 1; jj < i; jj++) if (!strcmp(cputype_name(i), cputype_name(jj))) break; if (i != jj) { map[i] = map[jj]; continue; } lpTemp = NewFolder(cputype_name(i), next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_CPU, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpTemp); map[i] = treeFolders[nFolder++]; } for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { int n; struct InternalMachineDriver drv; expand_machine_driver(drivers[jj]->drv,&drv); for (n = 0; n < MAX_CPU; n++) if (drv.cpu[n].cpu_type != CPU_DUMMY) { // cpu type #'s are one-based AddGame(map[drv.cpu[n].cpu_type],jj); } } }
void CreateManufacturerFolders(int parent_index) { int i,jj; int nGames = GetNumGames(); int start_folder = numFolders; LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[parent_index]; // not sure why this is added separately // should find out at some point. LPTREEFOLDER lpTemp; lpTemp = NewFolder("Romstar", next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_MANUFACTURER, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpTemp); // no games in top level folder SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits,FALSE); for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { const char *s = FixString(drivers[jj]->manufacturer); const char *s2 = LicenseManufacturer(drivers[jj]->manufacturer); if (s == NULL || s[0] == '\0') continue; // look for an extant manufacturer treefolder for this game for (i=numFolders-1;i>=start_folder;i--) { if (strncmp(treeFolders[i]->m_lpTitle,s,20) == 0 || (s2 != NULL && strncmp(treeFolders[i]->m_lpTitle,s2,20) == 0)) { AddGame(treeFolders[i],jj); break; } } if (i == start_folder-1) { // nope, it's a manufacturer we haven't seen before, make it. lpTemp = NewFolder(s, next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_MANUFACTURER, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpTemp); AddGame(lpTemp,jj); } } }
static void ProcessNextSample() { int retval; char buffer[200]; retval = Mame32VerifySampleSet(sample_index); switch (retval) { case CORRECT: if (DriverUsesSamples(sample_index)) { samples_correct++; sprintf(buffer, "%i", samples_correct); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_SAMPLES_CORRECT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%i", samples_correct + samples_incorrect); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_SAMPLES_TOTAL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); break; } case NOTFOUND: break; case INCORRECT: samples_incorrect++; sprintf(buffer, "%i", samples_incorrect); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_SAMPLES_INCORRECT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%i", samples_correct + samples_incorrect); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_SAMPLES_TOTAL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); break; } sample_index++; SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_SAMPLES_PROGRESS, PBM_SETPOS, sample_index, 0); if (sample_index == GetNumGames()) { DetailsPrintf("Audit complete.\n"); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDCANCEL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"Close"); sample_index = -1; } }
void CreateYearFolders(int parent_index) { int i,jj; int nGames = GetNumGames(); int start_folder = numFolders; LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[parent_index]; // no games in top level folder SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits,FALSE); for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { char s[100]; strcpy(s,drivers[jj]->year); if (s[0] == '\0') continue; if (s[4] == '?') s[4] = '\0'; // look for an extant year treefolder for this game // (likely to be the previous one, so start at the end) for (i=numFolders-1;i>=start_folder;i--) { if (strncmp(treeFolders[i]->m_lpTitle,s,4) == 0) { AddGame(treeFolders[i],jj); break; } } if (i == start_folder-1) { // nope, it's a year we haven't seen before, make it. LPTREEFOLDER lpTemp; lpTemp = NewFolder(s, next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_YEAR, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpTemp); AddGame(lpTemp,jj); } } }
static void ProcessNextRom() { int retval; char buffer[200]; retval = Mame32VerifyRomSet(rom_index); switch (retval) { case BEST_AVAILABLE: /* correct, incorrect or separate count? */ case CORRECT: case MISSING_OPTIONAL: roms_correct++; sprintf(buffer, "%i", roms_correct); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_ROMS_CORRECT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%i", roms_correct + roms_incorrect); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_ROMS_TOTAL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); break; case NOTFOUND: break; case INCORRECT: roms_incorrect++; sprintf(buffer, "%i", roms_incorrect); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_ROMS_INCORRECT, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%i", roms_correct + roms_incorrect); SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_ROMS_TOTAL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buffer); break; } rom_index++; SendDlgItemMessage(hAudit, IDC_ROMS_PROGRESS, PBM_SETPOS, rom_index, 0); if (rom_index == GetNumGames()) { sample_index = 0; rom_index = -1; } }
void CreateSourceFolders(int parent_index) { int i,jj; int nGames = GetNumGames(); int start_folder = numFolders; LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[parent_index]; // no games in top level folder SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits,FALSE); for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { const char *s = GetDriverFilename(jj); if (s == NULL || s[0] == '\0') continue; // look for an extant source treefolder for this game // (likely to be the previous one, so start at the end) for (i=numFolders-1;i>=start_folder;i--) { if (strcmp(treeFolders[i]->m_lpTitle,s) == 0) { AddGame(treeFolders[i],jj); break; } } if (i == start_folder-1) { // nope, it's a source file we haven't seen before, make it. LPTREEFOLDER lpTemp; lpTemp = NewFolder(s, next_folder_id++, parent_index, IDI_SOURCE, GetFolderFlags(numFolders)); AddFolder(lpTemp); AddGame(lpTemp,jj); } } }
// Called to re-associate games with folders void ResetWhichGamesInFolders(void) { UINT i, jj, k; BOOL b; int nGames = GetNumGames(); for (i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) { LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder = treeFolders[i]; // setup the games in our built-in folders for (k = 0; g_lpFolderData[k].m_lpTitle; k++) { if (lpFolder->m_nFolderId == g_lpFolderData[k].m_nFolderId) { if (g_lpFolderData[k].m_pfnQuery || g_lpFolderData[k].m_bExpectedResult) { SetAllBits(lpFolder->m_lpGameBits, FALSE); for (jj = 0; jj < nGames; jj++) { // invoke the query function b = g_lpFolderData[k].m_pfnQuery ? g_lpFolderData[k].m_pfnQuery(jj) : TRUE; // if we expect FALSE, flip the result if (!g_lpFolderData[k].m_bExpectedResult) b = !b; // if we like what we hear, add the game if (b) AddGame(lpFolder, jj); } } break; } } } }
BOOL TrySaveExtraFolder(LPTREEFOLDER lpFolder) { char fname[MAX_PATH]; FILE *fp; BOOL error = FALSE; int i,j; LPTREEFOLDER root_folder = NULL; LPEXFOLDERDATA extra_folder = NULL; for (i=0;i<numExtraFolders;i++) { if (ExtraFolderData[i]->m_nFolderId == lpFolder->m_nFolderId) { root_folder = lpFolder; extra_folder = ExtraFolderData[i]; break; } if (lpFolder->m_nParent >= 0 && ExtraFolderData[i]->m_nFolderId == treeFolders[lpFolder->m_nParent]->m_nFolderId) { root_folder = treeFolders[lpFolder->m_nParent]; extra_folder = ExtraFolderData[i]; break; } } if (extra_folder == NULL || root_folder == NULL) { MessageBox(GetMainWindow(), "Error finding custom file name to save", MAME32NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; } /* "folder\title.ini" */ _snprintf( fname, sizeof(fname), "%s\\%s.ini", GetFolderDir(), extra_folder->m_szTitle); fp = fopen(fname, "wt"); if (fp == NULL) error = TRUE; else { TREEFOLDER *folder_data; fprintf(fp,"[FOLDER_SETTINGS]\n"); // negative values for icons means it's custom, so save 'em if (extra_folder->m_nIconId < 0) { fprintf(fp, "RootFolderIcon %s\n", ExtraFolderIcons[(-extra_folder->m_nIconId) - ICON_MAX]); } if (extra_folder->m_nSubIconId < 0) { fprintf(fp,"SubFolderIcon %s\n", ExtraFolderIcons[(-extra_folder->m_nSubIconId) - ICON_MAX]); } /* need to loop over all our TREEFOLDERs--first the root one, then each child. start with the root */ folder_data = root_folder; fprintf(fp,"\n[ROOT_FOLDER]\n"); for (i=0;i<GetNumGames();i++) { int driver_index = GetIndexFromSortedIndex(i); if (TestBit(folder_data->m_lpGameBits,driver_index)) { fprintf(fp,"%s\n",drivers[driver_index]->name); } } /* look through the custom folders for ones with our root as parent */ for (j=0;j<numFolders;j++) { folder_data = treeFolders[j]; if (folder_data->m_nParent >= 0 && treeFolders[folder_data->m_nParent] == root_folder) { fprintf(fp,"\n[%s]\n",folder_data->m_lpTitle); for (i=0;i<GetNumGames();i++) { int driver_index = GetIndexFromSortedIndex(i); if (TestBit(folder_data->m_lpGameBits,driver_index)) { fprintf(fp,"%s\n",drivers[driver_index]->name); } } } } if (fclose(fp) != 0) error = TRUE; } if (error) { char buf[500]; _snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"Error while saving custom file %s",fname); MessageBox(GetMainWindow(), buf, MAME32NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } return !error; }
std::string Lobby::ReportState() { std::string outString; outString += GetNumGames(); outString += GetGameList(); return outString; }
static struct DriversInfo* GetDriversInfo(int driver_index) { if (drivers_info == NULL) { int ndriver; drivers_info = (DriversInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct DriversInfo) * GetNumGames()); for (ndriver = 0; ndriver < GetNumGames(); ndriver++) { const game_driver *gamedrv = drivers[ndriver]; struct DriversInfo *gameinfo = &drivers_info[ndriver]; const rom_entry *region, *rom; machine_config *config; const rom_source *source; int num_speakers; /* Allocate machine config */ config = global_alloc(machine_config(gamedrv->machine_config)); gameinfo->isClone = (GetParentRomSetIndex(gamedrv) != -1); gameinfo->isBroken = ((gamedrv->flags & GAME_NOT_WORKING) != 0); gameinfo->supportsSaveState = ((gamedrv->flags & GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE) != 0); gameinfo->isHarddisk = FALSE; gameinfo->isVertical = (gamedrv->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? TRUE : FALSE; for (source = rom_first_source(gamedrv, config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(gamedrv, config, source)) { for (region = rom_first_region(gamedrv, source); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) { if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) gameinfo->isHarddisk = TRUE; } } gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS = FALSE; if (gamedrv->rom != NULL) { for (rom = gamedrv->rom; !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); rom++) { if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom)) { gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS = TRUE; break; } } } num_speakers = numberOfSpeakers(config); gameinfo->isStereo = (num_speakers > 1); gameinfo->screenCount = numberOfScreens(config); gameinfo->isVector = isDriverVector(config); // ((drv.video_attributes & VIDEO_TYPE_VECTOR) != 0); gameinfo->usesRoms = FALSE; for (source = rom_first_source(gamedrv, config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(gamedrv, config, source)) { for (region = rom_first_region(gamedrv, source); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) { for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { gameinfo->usesRoms = TRUE; break; } } } gameinfo->usesSamples = FALSE; { const device_config_sound_interface *sound; const char * const * samplenames = NULL; for (bool gotone = config->m_devicelist.first(sound); gotone; gotone = sound->next(sound)) { if (sound->devconfig().type() == SOUND_SAMPLES) { const samples_interface *intf = (const samples_interface *)sound->devconfig().static_config(); samplenames = intf->samplenames; if (samplenames != 0 && samplenames[0] != 0) { gameinfo->usesSamples = TRUE; break; } } } } gameinfo->numPlayers = 0; gameinfo->numButtons = 0; memset(gameinfo->usesController, 0, sizeof gameinfo->usesController); gameinfo->parentIndex = -1; if (gameinfo->isClone) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GetNumGames(); i++) { if (GetParentRomSetIndex(gamedrv) == i) { gameinfo->parentIndex = i; break; } } } gameinfo->biosIndex = -1; if (DriverIsBios(ndriver)) gameinfo->biosIndex = ndriver; else if (gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS) { int parentIndex; if (gameinfo->isClone) parentIndex = gameinfo->parentIndex; else parentIndex = ndriver; while (1) { parentIndex = GetGameNameIndex(drivers[parentIndex]->parent); if (parentIndex == -1) { dprintf("bios for %s is not found", drivers[ndriver]->name); break; } if (DriverIsBios(parentIndex)) { gameinfo->biosIndex = parentIndex; break; } } } /* Free the structure */ global_free(config); gameinfo->usesTrackball = FALSE; gameinfo->usesLightGun = FALSE; if (gamedrv->ipt != NULL) { const input_port_config *port; ioport_list portlist; input_port_list_init(portlist, gamedrv->ipt, NULL, 0, FALSE); for (port = portlist.first(); port != NULL; port = port->next()) { const input_field_config *field; for (field = port->fieldlist; field != NULL; field = field->next) { UINT32 type; type = field->type; if (type == IPT_END) break; if (type == IPT_DIAL || type == IPT_PADDLE || type == IPT_TRACKBALL_X || type == IPT_TRACKBALL_Y || type == IPT_AD_STICK_X || type == IPT_AD_STICK_Y) gameinfo->usesTrackball = TRUE; if (type == IPT_LIGHTGUN_X || type == IPT_LIGHTGUN_Y) gameinfo->usesLightGun = TRUE; if (type == IPT_MOUSE_X || type == IPT_MOUSE_Y) gameinfo->usesMouse = TRUE; } } } } UpdateController(); } return &drivers_info[driver_index]; }
static void UpdateController(void) { struct control_cache_t *cache; const input_port_token *last_ipt = NULL; BOOL flags[CONTROLLER_MAX]; int nGames = GetNumGames(); int b = 0; int p = 0; int i; cache = (control_cache_t *)malloc(sizeof (*cache) * nGames); if (cache == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < nGames; i++) { cache[i].ipt = (input_port_token *)drivers[i]->ipt; cache[i].num = i; } qsort(cache, nGames, sizeof (*cache), cmp_ipt); for (i = 0; i < nGames; i++) { struct DriversInfo *gameinfo = &drivers_info[cache[i].num]; if (!cache[i].ipt) continue; if (cache[i].ipt != last_ipt) { const input_port_config *port; ioport_list portlist; int w = CONTROLLER_JOY8WAY; BOOL lr = FALSE; BOOL ud = FALSE; BOOL dual = FALSE; last_ipt = cache[i].ipt; memset(flags, 0, sizeof flags); b = 0; p = 0; input_port_list_init(portlist, last_ipt, NULL, 0, FALSE); for (port = portlist.first(); port != NULL; port = port->next()) { const input_field_config *field; for (field = port->fieldlist; field != NULL; field = field->next) { int n; if (p < field->player + 1) p = field->player + 1; n = field->type - IPT_BUTTON1 + 1; if (n >= 1 && n <= MAX_NORMAL_BUTTONS && n > b) { b = n; continue; } switch (field->type) { case IPT_JOYSTICKRIGHT_LEFT: case IPT_JOYSTICKRIGHT_RIGHT: case IPT_JOYSTICKLEFT_LEFT: case IPT_JOYSTICKLEFT_RIGHT: dual = TRUE; case IPT_JOYSTICK_LEFT: case IPT_JOYSTICK_RIGHT: lr = TRUE; if (field->way == 4) w = CONTROLLER_JOY4WAY; else if (field->way == 16) w = CONTROLLER_JOY16WAY; break; case IPT_JOYSTICKRIGHT_UP: case IPT_JOYSTICKRIGHT_DOWN: case IPT_JOYSTICKLEFT_UP: case IPT_JOYSTICKLEFT_DOWN: dual = TRUE; case IPT_JOYSTICK_UP: case IPT_JOYSTICK_DOWN: ud = TRUE; if (field->way == 4) w = CONTROLLER_JOY4WAY; else if (field->way == 16) w = CONTROLLER_JOY16WAY; break; case IPT_PADDLE: flags[CONTROLLER_PADDLE] = TRUE; break; case IPT_DIAL: flags[CONTROLLER_DIAL] = TRUE; break; case IPT_TRACKBALL_X: case IPT_TRACKBALL_Y: flags[CONTROLLER_TRACKBALL] = TRUE; break; case IPT_AD_STICK_X: case IPT_AD_STICK_Y: flags[CONTROLLER_ADSTICK] = TRUE; break; case IPT_LIGHTGUN_X: case IPT_LIGHTGUN_Y: flags[CONTROLLER_LIGHTGUN] = TRUE; break; case IPT_PEDAL: flags[CONTROLLER_PEDAL] = TRUE; break; } } } //input_port_list_deinit(&portlist); if (lr || ud) { if (lr && !ud) w = CONTROLLER_JOY2WAY; else if (!lr && ud) w = CONTROLLER_VJOY2WAY; if (dual) w += CONTROLLER_DOUBLEJOY2WAY - CONTROLLER_JOY2WAY; flags[w] = TRUE; } } gameinfo->numPlayers = p; gameinfo->numButtons = b; memcpy(gameinfo->usesController, flags, sizeof gameinfo->usesController); } global_free(cache); }
static struct DriversInfo* GetDriversInfo(int driver_index) { if (drivers_info == NULL) { UINT16 ndriver; drivers_info = (DriversInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct DriversInfo) * GetNumGames()); for (ndriver = 0; ndriver < GetNumGames(); ndriver++) { const game_driver *gamedrv = &driver_list::driver(ndriver); struct DriversInfo *gameinfo = &drivers_info[ndriver]; const rom_entry *region, *rom; machine_config config(*gamedrv, MameUIGlobal()); const rom_source *source; int num_speakers; gameinfo->isClone = (GetParentRomSetIndex(gamedrv) != -1); gameinfo->isBroken = ((gamedrv->flags & GAME_NOT_WORKING) != 0); gameinfo->supportsSaveState = ((gamedrv->flags & GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE) != 0); gameinfo->isHarddisk = FALSE; gameinfo->isVertical = (gamedrv->flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) ? TRUE : FALSE; for (source = rom_first_source(config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(*source)) for (region = rom_first_region(*source); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) gameinfo->isHarddisk = TRUE; gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS = FALSE; if (gamedrv->rom != NULL) for (rom = gamedrv->rom; !ROMENTRY_ISEND(rom); rom++) if (ROMENTRY_ISSYSTEM_BIOS(rom)) { gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS = TRUE; break; } num_speakers = numberOfSpeakers(&config); gameinfo->isStereo = (num_speakers > 1); gameinfo->screenCount = numberOfScreens(&config); gameinfo->isVector = isDriverVector(&config); // ((drv.video_attributes & VIDEO_TYPE_VECTOR) != 0); gameinfo->usesRoms = FALSE; for (source = rom_first_source(config); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(*source)) for (region = rom_first_region(*source); region; region = rom_next_region(region)) for (rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { gameinfo->usesRoms = TRUE; break; } gameinfo->usesSamples = FALSE; samples_device_iterator iter(config.root_device()); if (iter.first() != NULL) gameinfo->usesSamples = TRUE; gameinfo->numPlayers = 0; gameinfo->numButtons = 0; memset(gameinfo->usesController, 0, sizeof gameinfo->usesController); gameinfo->parentIndex = -1; if (gameinfo->isClone) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GetNumGames(); i++) { if (GetParentRomSetIndex(gamedrv) == i) { gameinfo->parentIndex = i; break; } } } gameinfo->biosIndex = -1; if (DriverIsBios(ndriver)) gameinfo->biosIndex = ndriver; else if (gameinfo->hasOptionalBIOS) { int parentIndex; if (gameinfo->isClone) parentIndex = gameinfo->parentIndex; else parentIndex = ndriver; while (1) { parentIndex = GetGameNameIndex(driver_list::driver(parentIndex).parent); if (parentIndex == -1) { dprintf("bios for %s is not found", driver_list::driver(ndriver).name); break; } if (DriverIsBios(parentIndex)) { gameinfo->biosIndex = parentIndex; break; } } } gameinfo->usesTrackball = FALSE; gameinfo->usesLightGun = FALSE; if (gamedrv->ipt != NULL) { input_port_config *port; ioport_list portlist; astring errors; device_iterator iter(config.root_device()); for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device = if (device->input_ports()!=NULL) input_port_list_init(*device, portlist, errors); for (port = portlist.first(); port != NULL; port = port->next()) { const input_field_config *field; for (field = port->first_field(); field != NULL; field = field->next()) { UINT32 type; type = field->type; if (type == IPT_END) break; if (type == IPT_DIAL || type == IPT_PADDLE || type == IPT_TRACKBALL_X || type == IPT_TRACKBALL_Y || type == IPT_AD_STICK_X || type == IPT_AD_STICK_Y) gameinfo->usesTrackball = TRUE; if (type == IPT_LIGHTGUN_X || type == IPT_LIGHTGUN_Y) gameinfo->usesLightGun = TRUE; if (type == IPT_MOUSE_X || type == IPT_MOUSE_Y) gameinfo->usesMouse = TRUE; } } } } UpdateController(); } return &drivers_info[driver_index]; }