Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL CPropDlg::OnInitDialog() {

	SetWindowText(L"Properties - " + m_titleDesc);

	// Full-row selection is more intuitive
	m_propList.SetExtendedStyle(m_propList.GetExtendedStyle() | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);

	// Set up the name/value colums for the property list.
	m_propList.InsertColumn(0, L"Name", LVCFMT_LEFT, 128);
	m_propList.InsertColumn(1, L"Value", LVCFMT_LEFT, 384);

	CArray<DISPID> aDispIDs;
	CArray<CStringW> asNames, asValues;
	GetObjectProperties(m_object, aDispIDs, asNames, asValues);
	ASSERT(aDispIDs.GetSize() == asNames.GetSize());
	ASSERT(aDispIDs.GetSize() == asValues.GetSize());

	for (int iItemCnt = 0; iItemCnt < aDispIDs.GetSize(); iItemCnt++)
		int listItem = m_propList.InsertItem(0, asNames[iItemCnt]);
		m_propList.SetItemData(listItem, (DWORD_PTR)aDispIDs[iItemCnt]);
		m_propList.SetItemText(listItem, 1, asValues[iItemCnt]);
	if (m_propList.GetItemCount() > 0)
		m_propList.SetItemState(0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED);

	// Set up resizing
	m_resizeHelper.Fix(IDC_PROPLIST, DlgResizeHelper::kLeftRight, DlgResizeHelper::kTopBottom);
	m_resizeHelper.Fix(IDC_PROPERTIES_BUTTON, DlgResizeHelper::kWidthRight, DlgResizeHelper::kHeightTop);
	m_resizeHelper.Fix(IDOK, DlgResizeHelper::kWidthRight, DlgResizeHelper::kHeightTop);


	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Add a new PBTreeNode based upon the supplied DBus object_path
PBTreeNode* PBTreeNode::AddNode(PBTreeNode* parentNode, \
                                const QDBusObjectPath &object_path)
    PBTreeNode* pbtn = NULL;

    // special case for the root node
    if(parentNode->object_path.path().isNull()) {
        // We ARE the parentNode this time
        pbtn = parentNode;
    else {
        pbtn = new PBTreeNode();

    pbtn->object_path = object_path;

    // The introspected string describing this object
    const QString intro_xml = GetIntrospectXml(object_path);

    pbtn->introspection=new QDomDocument(intro_xml);
    pbtn->xmlstring = intro_xml;

    /* We fill in all the children.
     * We do this by creating a new child node for each node in intro_xml,
     * and then introspecting these child nodes until we get nothing more
    QDomDocument doc;
    QDomElement xmlnode=doc.documentElement();
    QDomElement child=xmlnode.firstChildElement();
    while(!child.isNull()) {

        // Is this a node?
        if (child.tagName() == "node") {
            // Yes, so we should introspect that as well
            QString child_path;

            if (object_path.path() == "/") {
                child_path = object_path.path() + child.attribute("name");
            } else {
                child_path = object_path.path() + "/" + child.attribute("name");

            QDBusObjectPath child_object_path(child_path);

            PBTreeNode* node = AddNode(pbtn,child_object_path);
            if (node) {

        // Is this an interface?
        if (child.tagName() == "interface") {
            QString iface_name = child.attribute("name");

            // we dont need properties from freedesktop interfaces
            if (iface_name != ofDIntrospectableName && \
                    iface_name != ofDPropertiesName) {

                QVariantMap properties;

                properties = GetObjectProperties(object_path, iface_name);

                if (!properties.empty()) {
                    PBObjectInterface *iface = \
                            new PBObjectInterface(iface_name,properties);

        child = child.nextSiblingElement();

    return pbtn;