Ejemplo n.º 1
qreal VSpline::LengthT(qreal t) const
    if (t < 0 || t > 1)
        qDebug()<<"Wrong value t.";
        return 0;
    QLineF seg1_2 ( GetP1 ().toQPointF(), GetP2 () );
    seg1_2.setLength(seg1_2.length () * t);
    QPointF p12 = seg1_2.p2();

    QLineF seg2_3 ( GetP2 (), GetP3 () );
    seg2_3.setLength(seg2_3.length () * t);
    QPointF p23 = seg2_3.p2();

    QLineF seg12_23 ( p12, p23 );
    seg12_23.setLength(seg12_23.length () * t);
    QPointF p123 = seg12_23.p2();

    QLineF seg3_4 ( GetP3 (), GetP4 ().toQPointF() );
    seg3_4.setLength(seg3_4.length () * t);
    QPointF p34 = seg3_4.p2();

    QLineF seg23_34 ( p23, p34 );
    seg23_34.setLength(seg23_34.length () * t);
    QPointF p234 = seg23_34.p2();

    QLineF seg123_234 ( p123, p234 );
    seg123_234.setLength(seg123_234.length () * t);
    QPointF p1234 = seg123_234.p2();

    return LengthBezier ( GetP1().toQPointF(), p12, p123, p1234);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
QLineF::IntersectType VSpline::CrossingSplLine ( const QLineF &line, QPointF *intersectionPoint ) const
    QVector<qreal> px;
    QVector<qreal> py;
    px.append ( GetP1 ().x () );
    py.append ( GetP1 ().y () );
    QVector<qreal>& wpx = px;
    QVector<qreal>& wpy = py;
    PointBezier_r ( GetP1 ().x (), GetP1 ().y (), GetP2 ().x (), GetP2 ().y (),
                    GetP3 ().x (), GetP3 ().y (), GetP4 ().x (), GetP4 ().y (),
                    0, wpx, wpy);
    px.append ( GetP4 ().x () );
    py.append ( GetP4 ().y () );
    qint32 i = 0;
    QPointF crosPoint;
    QLineF::IntersectType type = QLineF::NoIntersection;
    for ( i = 0; i < px.count()-1; ++i )
        type = line.intersect(QLineF ( QPointF ( px.at(i), py.at(i) ),
                                       QPointF ( px.at(i+1), py.at(i+1) )), &crosPoint);
        if ( type == QLineF::BoundedIntersection )
            *intersectionPoint = crosPoint;
            return type;
    throw "Can't found point of intersection spline and line.";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief CutSpline cut spline. GetPointP1() of base spline will return first point for first spline, GetPointP4()
 * of base spline will return forth point of second spline.
 * @param length length first spline
 * @param spl1p2 second point of first spline
 * @param spl1p3 third point of first spline
 * @param spl2p2 second point of second spline
 * @param spl2p3 third point of second spline
 * @return point of cutting. This point is forth point of first spline and first point of second spline.
QPointF VSpline::CutSpline ( qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2, QPointF &spl2p3 ) const
    //Always need return two splines, so we must correct wrong length.
    if (length < GetLength()*0.02)
        length = GetLength()*0.02;
    else if ( length > GetLength()*0.98)
        length = GetLength()*0.98;

    // Very stupid way find correct value of t.
    // Better first compare with t = 0.5. Find length of spline.
    // If length larger, take t = 0.75 and so on.
    // If length less, take t = 0.25 and so on.
    qreal parT = 0;
    qreal step = 0.001;
    while (1)
        parT = parT + step;
        qreal splLength = LengthT(parT);
        if (splLength >= length || parT > 1)

    QLineF seg1_2 ( GetP1 ().toQPointF(), GetP2 () );
    seg1_2.setLength(seg1_2.length () * parT);
    QPointF p12 = seg1_2.p2();

    QLineF seg2_3 ( GetP2 (), GetP3 () );
    seg2_3.setLength(seg2_3.length () * parT);
    QPointF p23 = seg2_3.p2();

    QLineF seg12_23 ( p12, p23 );
    seg12_23.setLength(seg12_23.length () * parT);
    QPointF p123 = seg12_23.p2();

    QLineF seg3_4 ( GetP3 (), GetP4 ().toQPointF() );
    seg3_4.setLength(seg3_4.length () * parT);
    QPointF p34 = seg3_4.p2();

    QLineF seg23_34 ( p23, p34 );
    seg23_34.setLength(seg23_34.length () * parT);
    QPointF p234 = seg23_34.p2();

    QLineF seg123_234 ( p123, p234 );
    seg123_234.setLength(seg123_234.length () * parT);
    QPointF p1234 = seg123_234.p2();

    spl1p2 = p12;
    spl1p3 = p123;
    spl2p2 = p234;
    spl2p3 = p34;
    return p1234;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Vector ChBox::GetPn(int ipoint)
	switch (ipoint)
	case 1: return GetP1();
	case 2: return GetP2();
	case 3: return GetP3();
	case 4: return GetP4();
	case 5: return GetP5();
	case 6: return GetP6();
	case 7: return GetP7();
	case 8: return GetP8();
	default: return GetP1();
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ChBox::CovarianceMatrix(ChMatrix33<>& C) 
	Vector p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8;

	p1 = GetP1();
	p2 = GetP2();
	p3 = GetP3();
	p4 = GetP4();
	p5 = GetP5();
	p6 = GetP6();
	p7 = GetP7();
	p8 = GetP8();

	C(0,0)= p1.x*p1.x + 
		    p2.x*p2.x + 
			p3.x*p3.x +
			p4.x*p4.x +
			p5.x*p5.x +
			p6.x*p6.x +
			p7.x*p7.x +
	C(1,1)= p1.y*p1.y + 
		    p2.y*p2.y + 
			p3.y*p3.y +
			p4.y*p4.y +
			p5.y*p5.y +
			p6.y*p6.y +
			p7.y*p7.y +
	C(2,2)= p1.z*p1.z + 
		    p2.z*p2.z + 
			p3.z*p3.z +
			p4.z*p4.z +
			p5.z*p5.z +
			p6.z*p6.z +
			p7.z*p7.z +
	C(0,1)= p1.x*p1.y + 
		    p2.x*p2.y + 
			p3.x*p3.y +
			p4.x*p4.y +
			p5.x*p5.y +
			p6.x*p6.y +
			p7.x*p7.y +
	C(0,2)= p1.x*p1.z + 
		    p2.x*p2.z + 
			p3.x*p3.z +
			p4.x*p4.z +
			p5.x*p5.z +
			p6.x*p6.z +
			p7.x*p7.z +
	C(1,2)= p1.y*p1.z + 
		    p2.y*p2.z + 
			p3.y*p3.z +
			p4.y*p4.z +
			p5.y*p5.z +
			p6.y*p6.z +
			p7.y*p7.z +
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ChBox::GetBoundingBox(double& xmin, double& xmax, 
					    double& ymin, double& ymax, 
						double& zmin, double& zmax, 
						ChMatrix33<>* bbRot)
	// TO OPTIMIZE for speed

	Vector p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8;
	xmax = ymax = zmax = -10e20;
	xmin = ymin = zmin = +10e20;

	if (bbRot==NULL)
		p1 = GetP1();
		p2 = GetP2();
		p3 = GetP3();
		p4 = GetP4();
		p5 = GetP5();
		p6 = GetP6();
		p7 = GetP7();
		p8 = GetP8();
		p1 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP1());
		p2 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP2());
		p3 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP3());
		p4 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP4());
		p5 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP5());
		p6 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP6());
		p7 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP7());
		p8 = bbRot->MatrT_x_Vect(GetP8());

	if (p1.x > xmax) xmax = p1.x;
	if (p1.y > ymax) ymax = p1.y;
	if (p1.z > zmax) zmax = p1.z;
	if (p2.x > xmax) xmax = p2.x;
	if (p2.y > ymax) ymax = p2.y;
	if (p2.z > zmax) zmax = p2.z;
	if (p3.x > xmax) xmax = p3.x;
	if (p3.y > ymax) ymax = p3.y;
	if (p3.z > zmax) zmax = p3.z;
	if (p4.x > xmax) xmax = p4.x;
	if (p4.y > ymax) ymax = p4.y;
	if (p4.z > zmax) zmax = p4.z;
    if (p5.x > xmax) xmax = p5.x;
	if (p5.y > ymax) ymax = p5.y;
	if (p5.z > zmax) zmax = p5.z;
	if (p6.x > xmax) xmax = p6.x;
	if (p6.y > ymax) ymax = p6.y;
	if (p6.z > zmax) zmax = p6.z;
	if (p7.x > xmax) xmax = p7.x;
	if (p7.y > ymax) ymax = p7.y;
	if (p7.z > zmax) zmax = p7.z;
	if (p8.x > xmax) xmax = p8.x;
	if (p8.y > ymax) ymax = p8.y;
	if (p8.z > zmax) zmax = p8.z;

	if (p1.x < xmin) xmin = p1.x;
	if (p1.y < ymin) ymin = p1.y;
	if (p1.z < zmin) zmin = p1.z;
	if (p2.x < xmin) xmin = p2.x;
	if (p2.y < ymin) ymin = p2.y;
	if (p2.z < zmin) zmin = p2.z;
	if (p3.x < xmin) xmin = p3.x;
	if (p3.y < ymin) ymin = p3.y;
	if (p3.z < zmin) zmin = p3.z;
	if (p4.x < xmin) xmin = p4.x;
	if (p4.y < ymin) ymin = p4.y;
	if (p4.z < zmin) zmin = p4.z;
    if (p5.x < xmin) xmin = p5.x;
	if (p5.y < ymin) ymin = p5.y;
	if (p5.z < zmin) zmin = p5.z;
	if (p6.x < xmin) xmin = p6.x;
	if (p6.y < ymin) ymin = p6.y;
	if (p6.z < zmin) zmin = p6.z;
	if (p7.x < xmin) xmin = p7.x;
	if (p7.y < ymin) ymin = p7.y;
	if (p7.z < zmin) zmin = p7.z;
	if (p8.x < xmin) xmin = p8.x;
	if (p8.y < ymin) ymin = p8.y;
	if (p8.z < zmin) zmin = p8.z;